代国 List of Authors
Ta BamaoTa BadaiTa BaguanTa Balou
Ta BayueTa BatuiyinTa BaliTa Baqi
Ta BasiTa BajiTa BagaiTa Bakuai
Ta BalinTa BajiefenTa BaliweiTa Baxilu
Ta BachaoTa BafuTa BaluguanTa Bayilu
Ta BapugenBei WeiaidiTa BayulvTa Bahenu
Ta BagenaTa BayihuaiTa BashenyijianTa Bashamohan
Ta Bayisi
Ta Bayulv
代国  (?316 AD321 AD)
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 平文皇帝
Temple Name: 太祖
Reign316 AD321 AD

  Tuoba Yu Law (? -321 Years), China Eastern 16 States Period XianBei cable head chief, on behalf of the king, reigned 316 to 321, Northern and Southern Dynasties Northern Wei emperor is one of the ancestors. His father was Tuoba Front, Tuoba nebula Huai, Tuoba What are all the sub-wing bullock.
  321 years so the cable head wife of head of Tuoba Yituo subject's (the common root of the mother), the depression and people join themselves to the strength of law, rather fear, fear for their son, negative, depressive law was killed, while the Fu Li Wei's son Tuoba He Rutan throne. The chiefs claim the head of those who died in the coup have many dozens of people.
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(316 AD321 AD)
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