代國 人物列錶
拓跋毛 Ta Bamao拓跋貸 Ta Badai拓跋觀 Ta Baguan
拓跋樓 Ta Balou拓跋越 Ta Bayue拓跋推寅 Ta Batuiyin
拓跋利 Ta Bali拓跋俟 Ta Baqi拓跋肆 Ta Basi
拓跋機 Ta Baji拓跋蓋 Ta Bagai拓跋儈 Ta Bakuai
拓跋鄰 Ta Balin拓跋詰汾 Ta Bajiefen拓跋力微 Ta Baliwei
拓跋悉鹿 Ta Baxilu拓跋綽 Ta Bachao拓跋弗 Ta Bafu
拓跋祿官 Ta Baluguan拓跋猗盧 Ta Bayilu拓跋普根 Ta Bapugen
北魏哀帝 Bei Weiaidi拓跋鬱律 Ta Bayulv拓跋賀傉 Ta Bahenu
拓跋紇那 Ta Bagena拓跋翳槐 Ta Bayihuai拓跋什翼犍 Ta Bashenyijian
拓跋沙漠汗 Ta Bashamohan拓跋猗㐌 Ta Bayisi
北魏哀帝 Bei Weiaidi
代國  (?~316年)
姓: 拓跋
網筆號: 哀皇帝


  Wei Ai (316 -316), the name Tuoba, its name is unknown, the Chinese Western Jin Dynasty cable head end of head Tuoba Xianbei common root son, 316 years after the death of common roots, Ai was born, and was the mother of common root However, Fu Li's inheritance claim on behalf of the King the head and the head position, but died shortly later the same year.
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