代国 List of Authors
Ta BamaoTa BadaiTa BaguanTa Balou
Ta BayueTa BatuiyinTa BaliTa Baqi
Ta BasiTa BajiTa BagaiTa Bakuai
Ta BalinTa BajiefenTa BaliweiTa Baxilu
Ta BachaoTa BafuTa BaluguanTa Bayilu
Ta BapugenBei WeiaidiTa BayulvTa Bahenu
Ta BagenaTa BayihuaiTa BashenyijianTa Bashamohan
Ta Bayisi
Bei Weiaidi
代国  (?~316 AD)
Last Name: 拓跋
Web/Pen/Nick Name: 哀皇帝
Reign316 AD

  Wei Ai (316 -316), the name Tuoba, its name is unknown, the Chinese Western Jin Dynasty cable head end of head Tuoba Xianbei common root son, 316 years after the death of common roots, Ai was born, and was the mother of common root However, Fu Li's inheritance claim on behalf of the King the head and the head position, but died shortly later the same year.
<< Previous King: 文平皇帝 拓跋普根代国Bei Weiaidi
(?~316 AD)
Next King >>: 太祖 平文皇帝 拓跋郁律

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