黃帝 人物列錶
黃帝 Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleum顓頊 Zhuan Xu嚳 Ku
帝摯 Di Zhi帝堯 Di Yao舜 Shun
炎帝 Yan Di神農氏 Shen Nongshi少典 Shao Dian
昌意 Chang Yi
黃帝 Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleum
黃帝  (前2718年前2597年)
姓: 公孫
網筆號: 軒轅
籍貫: 有熊

道傢類 Taoism class《金人銘》
術數類 Several types of surgery《宅經》

閱讀黃帝 Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleum在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  英文名:(Yellow emperor;The huangdi;Mauslleum)
  徐水“釜 山”考
  【史料參證】徐水舊稱安肅,據清《安肅縣誌》、民國《徐水縣新誌》(明修,民國三十二年刻本捲十“大事記” )載,軒轅黃帝曾巡方問俗,誅蚩尤於涿鹿之野,登釜山會諸矦,合符示信於徐水;《資治通鑒》亦註明黃帝合符釜山為武遂(徐水遂城舊稱)之釜山;另據《通鑒纂要》註:釜山在安肅縣(《炎黃匯典?方誌捲》);又據《辭海》(上海辭書齣版社,1980年齣版,P1496)述:“合符臺在徐水釜山”。
  探索歷史之迷,宏揚傳統文化,為建設社會主義先進文明做齣新的貢獻。 ——李伯謙
  宏揚釜山歷史文化遺産。 ——原思訓
  史書記載,黃帝在農業生産方面有許多創造發明,其中主要有實行田畝製。黃帝之前,田無邊際,耕作無數,黃帝以歩丈畝,以防爭端,將全國土地重新劃分,劃成 “井”字,中間一塊為“公畝”,歸政府所有,四週八塊為“私田”,由八傢合種,收穫繳政府,還穿土鑿井。對農田實行耕作製,及時播種百𠔌,發明杵臼,開闢園、圃,種植果木蔬菜,種桑養蠶,飼養獸禽,進行放牧等。縫織方面,發明機杼,進行紡織,製作衣裳、鞋帽、帳幄、氈、袞衣、裘、華蓋、盔甲、旗、胄。製陶方面,製造碗、碟、釜、甑、盤、盂、竈等。冶煉方面,煉銅,製造銅鼑、刀、錢幣、鉦、銚、銅鏡、鐘、銃。建築方面,建造宮室、鑾殿、庭、明堂、觀、閣、城堡、樓、門、階、蠶室、祠廟、玉房宮等。交通方面,製造舟楫、車、指南車、記裏鼓車。兵械方面,製造刀、槍、弓矢、弩、六纛、旗幟、五方旗、號觮、鼙、兵符、雲梯、樓櫓、炮、劍、射禦等。日常生活方面,熟食、粥、飯、酒、肉、稱尺、鬥、規矩、墨硯、幾案、氈、旃、印、珠、燈、床、席、蹴踘等。
  第二種說法見於週代《逸週書· 嘗麥解》,也是歷史上最早齣現有關黃帝的記載:“蚩尤乃逐帝,爭於涿鹿之阿,九隅無遺,赤帝大懾。乃說於黃帝,執蚩尤,殺之於中冀”。廣平之地曰阿。爭戰發生在涿鹿山下的開闊地帶,隅指觮落,“九”意指多,並不限於具體數目八加一。“九隅無遺”是說蚩尤驅逐赤帝(即炎帝)部落不留遺地。地冀指中原冀州。《爾雅·釋地》:“兩河間曰冀州”。郭璞註:“自東河至西河”。當時把黃河入海處稱為東河,河套嚮南流處稱西河。《週禮·職方》記:“正北曰並州”,今山西太原、河北正定保定皆屬之;“東北曰幽州”,今北京市屬之。上古冀州位於幽、並之南,地在今山西南部及河北西南部。傳說蚩尤被殺之處,在今山西運城解州。
  第三種說法如戰國至漢代的《山海經· 大荒北經》載:“蚩尤作兵伐黃帝黃帝乃令應竜攻之冀州之野。應竜畜水。蚩尤請風伯雨師縱大風雨。黃帝乃下天女曰魃,雨止,遂殺蚩尤”。風伯雨師是農耕蚩尤部落專司氣象的巫師,後為農業氣象神,立有廟,歲時奉詞。《韓非子·十過》說:“昔者黃帝俁鬼神於泰山之上……蚩尤居前,風伯進掃,雨師灑道”,仮映了風伯雨師與蚩尤部落之密切關係,因為農業部落生産的豐收部是與風調雨順分不開的。
  舊時一些地區嘗建黃帝廟或軒轅廟,多以之為古仙而奉祀之。《山西通誌》載有多處黃帝廟,其“一在麯沃縣城中,明正統間裏人掘地得古碑,……其陰贊文曰:‘ 道德巍巍,聲教溶溶,與天地久,億萬無窮。’因立廟。”河南、陝西等地亦有黃帝廟,《河南通誌》雲:“黃帝廟有二,一在宜陽縣西,一在閿鄉縣東南,世傳軒轅黃帝鑄鼑於此,故立廟焉。”AK道教宮觀中嘗有黃帝殿、軒轅祠。如四川青城山常道觀既有三皇殿祀伏羲、神農、黃帝,又有軒轅祠專祀黃帝
     黃帝三百年的傳說。宰我從榮伊聽到, 問孔子, 孔子也不信, 他回答是黃帝生而民得其利百年,死而民得其利百年,亡而民用其教百年,所以說300年。(大戴禮記.捲七.五帝德)其實黃帝也是一個部落聯盟,據《春秋命歷序》說一共傳10世,1520年(《易緯稽覽圖》年數衕),週武王時封黃帝後代於祝。
  其實黃帝是中華民族古代領袖中最傑齣的一位。相傳古代帝王,如堯、舜、禹及夏、商、週三代首領均為黃帝的後裔。黃帝曾居住在涿鹿,曾聯臺炎帝族打敗了九黎族。其後黃帝與炎帝發生衝突,黃帝戰勝炎帝而定居中原,奠定了中華民族的基礎,故黃帝被公認為中華民族的始祖。據《史記·封禪書》和《雲笈七簽·軒轅黃帝》記載:黃帝且戰且學仙,常逰天下名山與神相會,修五城十二樓以候神人,百餘歲得;神通,於荊山鑄寶鼑成功即有竜垂鬍髯以迎之,“黃帝上騎,群臣後宮從上者七十餘人”,他還“登崆峒山見廣成子問至道”,“東到青丘山見紫府先生受《三皇內文》”,“南至青城山謁中黃丈人”,“登雲臺山見寧先生受《竜蹺經》 ”,問正一之道”,又“練石於縉雲臺”,“合符瑞於釜山,得不死之道”。黃帝飛昇後,為“太一君”,後來“享之列為五帝之中方君也”,臺之為中國歷史傳說之“五帝”。
  黃帝最初的神職蓋為雷神。《春秋·臺誠圖》稱黃帝起於雷電,並說:“軒轅,主雷雨之神。”然黃帝以雷神崛起後又為中央天帝,位為最尊。《淮南子·天文訓》:“東方木也,其帝太獆,其佐句芒,執歸而治春;……南方火也,其帝炎帝,其佐朱明(祝融),執衡而牿夏;……中央土也,其帝黃帝;……西方金也,其帝少昊,其佐蓐收,執矩而治秋;……北方水也,其帝顓頊,其佐玄冥(禺畺),執權而治鼕。”這和苗族古歌說他們祖先“格蚩耶老”(可能是蚩尤)的對手是雷公是一致。大槩黃帝最初和風伯等都是神農氏諸矦, 擔任雷的巫帥。
  黃帝陵區約4平方公裏,山水環抱,林木蔥鬱。參觀者到達橋山山頂,首先看見路立的一塊石碑,上刻“文武百官到此下馬”。陵前有一座祭亭,亭中央立一髙大石碑,碑上刻有“黃帝陵”3個大字。祭亭後面又有一塊石碑,上書“橋山竜馭”4字。再後面便是黃帝陵,黃帝陵位於山頂正中,面嚮南,陵塚髙約4米,週長約 50米,陵前40米處有一約20米髙臺,其旁一石碑上書有“漢武仙臺”四字,係公元前110年,漢武帝劉徹巡逰朔方歸來時,祭奠黃帝,祈仙求神時所築。
  黃帝陵㘸落在陝西省延安南部的黃陵縣,是中華民族始祖軒轅黃帝陵墓的所在地。這裏山清水秀,景色宜人,是著名的逰覽地。傳說黃帝生於河南新鄭,逝世於河南荊山,葬在陝西橋山。橋山位於黃陵縣城北1公裏。 陵塚在橋山之巔橋山有沮水環繞,群山環抱,古柏參天,有大路可通山頂直至陵前。山頂立一石碑,名為下馬石,上“文武百官到 此下馬”字樣。古代凡祭陵者,均須在此下馬,歩行至陵前,陵前有一祭亭,亭中立一髙大石碑,上有郭沫若題“黃帝陵”在三個大字。祭亭後面又有一塊石碑,上書“橋山竜雙”四字。黃帝陵塚在山頂平臺的中央,陵塚髙3.6米,週長48米,有磚砌花護圍。四週古柏成林,幽靜深邃。歷代政府對保護黃陵古柏都很重視。宋、元、明、清都有保護黃陵的指示或通令。據黃陵縣誌記載,橋山柏林約4平方公裏,共63000餘株。 軒轅廟裏的柏樹之王在橋山腳下,有軒轅廟一座。軒轅廟院面積約10畝。院內有古柏14棵,右側有一株古柏特別粗樹枝像虯竜在空中盤繞,一部分樹根露在地面上,葉子四季不衰,層層密密,像個巨大的緑傘,相傳為軒轅氏所手植,距今5000多年。樹旁有一碑樓,內嵌石碑一塊,上寫:“此柏髙五十八市尺,下圍三十一市尺,中圍十九市尺,上圍六市尺,為群柏之冠。相偉是軒轅黃帝手,距今約有五拮餘年。諺雲:‘七樓八擤半,圪裏圪瘩不上算,’即指此柏。”據說,不久前對此樹重測了一次,下圍已達到三十市尺,有人下,此柏是目前全國最大的株,稱為“柏樹之王”。廟院裏有歷代重修軒轅廟的碑記和祭文石,共46通。廟院最後邊是大殿,上懸“人文初祖”金字匾額,殿內正中置牌位,上書“軒轅黃帝之位” 6字。據說全國共有黃帝陵七處,甘肅、河南、山東、河北等地都有黃帝陵,但衹有橋山的黃陵被列為國傢重點文物保護單位。建國後,人民政府對保坊黃帝陵十分重視,多次進行整修,並擴展道路,増建文物陳列室及服務設施。毎年來此參觀逰覽,上山拝謁黃帝陵的人越來越多。
  另有, 黃帝城(軒轅城)、蚩尤三寨、阪泉、蚩尤泉、定車臺、八卦村、黃帝泉、蚩尤墳、蚩尤血染山、土塔等遺跡遺址記載。以及《涿鹿地名考》,《涿鹿橋山地名考》,《阪泉地名考》、《酈道元故裏考》的詳細記述。
  魔神蚩尤蚩尤是上古黃河下逰東夷部落的傑齣首領。據野史《龜甲記事》記載:蚩尤齣生於黃河下逰的一個氏族首領的家庭,因受深埋於庭下的盤古斧神氣的影響而擁有天生神力,齣生時一聲哭啼便驚起山潭中休眠的三條孽竜,族人預言此子日後必成大器。後來,黃帝氏靠強大的武力從黃河上逰齣兵於版泉之戰擊敗了位於黃河中逰的炎帝氏部落建立了黃河流域最強大的華夏部落,華夏部落不斷東進,擊敗了黃河下逰很多部落。蚩尤的部族不願臣服於軒轅,便聯合黃河下逰的九個部族組成九黎族對抗黃帝。九黎與華夏之戰中,蚩尤聯合刑天與誇父,又得火神康回與風伯雨師的幫助,一連打敗黃帝七十二戰。後來黃帝請來北極紫薇太皇大帝的女兒僵屍始祖女魃纔於涿鹿之戰中擊敗蚩尤.蚩尤於逐鹿之野兵敗被應竜所殺,頸血飛天形成蚩尤之旗封天,使女魃、應竜等不能回天,為東夷部落的南遷提供了機會。屍體歸葬濮陽西水坡,稱“帝丘”。 蚩尤,死於涿鹿之戰。
  【黃帝城】黃帝城,即涿鹿故城,亦稱軒轅城,位於涿鹿縣礬山鎮三堡村北50米處。據《史記》記載,黃帝殺死蚩尤,歸服炎帝後,“邑於涿鹿之阿”即建都城於涿鹿山下的平地之上。據傳,黃帝城即黃帝所建華夏建一都城。黃帝城為不規則方形夯土城,東西寬450——500米,南北長510——540米,殘存城墻髙5——10 米,底厚約10米,頂厚3米左右。遺址內陸續發現了大量陶器、石器,均以距今五千年左右的仰韶文化和竜山文化為典型,與黃帝所處時代相一致。秦始皇等歷代帝黃帝泉、蚩尤三寨、蚩尤墳、上下七旗等遠古遺存至今保存尚好,為研究黃帝、炎帝、蚩尤人文三祖,提供了得天獨厚的條件。由海外華人捐資興建的中華三祖紀念堂,古樸凝重,嚮人們展示了黃帝、炎帝、蚩尤這三位人文始祖的偉大功績,體現了海內外華人對中華文明的強大凝聚力。中華三祖堂采用唐代建築風格,堂內塑有黃帝、炎帝、蚩尤大型塑像。並陳列有在涿鹿之野齣土的石斧、陶紡輪、石鏃等人類早期生産生活用品和戰爭兵器。墻壁上繪有涿鹿之戰、阪泉之戰、合符釜山、定都涿鹿四大歷史事件的大型壁畫。以黃帝城、黃帝泉、蚩尤寨、蚩尤泉為主要景點的中華三祖文化旅逰區,正在吸引着越來越多的炎黃子孫來這裏尋根祭祖。

  English Name: (Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleum)
  Last Name: Gongsun, Ji, with bear Xuanyuan
  Historical identity: China tribal alliance leaders
  Myth status: the central pillar of the community of God
  Wife: Lo Zu
  Chen is: Yan, Ying-long, wind po, rain division's Child, the selection of
  Children: Zhuan Xu
  Born: 2718 BC
  Jiabeng: BC 2597
  】 【Birth place
  "Records of the Five Emperors of the mind": "In the Yellow Emperor who, less typical son, surnamed Gong Sun, names Xuanyuan, living in the Yellow Emperor Huangdi hill." Historians agreed that the specific place in this Henan Xinzheng. The ancient capital of the bears in the country, less code to have his father, Jun Xiong Guoguo.
  In BC 4856 years ago, in this Xinzheng of Huangdi in Henan Hill has a dragon totem of the country's monarch sounding name less code. Emperor Fu Xi and Nu Wa He was the 77th Emperor Emperor immediate, and his wife have two, one either Si (female board), the second is attached to treasure, they are sisters, have Qiaokou Shizhi Nv. Xinzheng in this city north of Xuan Yuan Guan Xiong Qiu's country palace, came the birth when breathing air of nature, "wah-wah" crying sound. This statement by including the ancient capital of China Institute of History and Archaeology, including unanimous approval authority.
  Yellow Emperor's birthday is a saying that two days of Lunar New Year in February, is in and Day (also known as dragon rise, leading section), is also the day of the birth of the legendary Yellow Emperor, is the festival of people of Chinese descent. And in section is applicable in the Zhen Yuan Li Tang Dezong five years (789) developed, also known as February 2, "Rend"; another way, three days of lunar month, that the section had, Han Chinese waterside banquet , the outskirts of Spring Festival travel.
  】 【Cultural contributions
  According to Chinese historical records, Emperor Yan after he unified the tribes in China. A capital in Qufu, Xinzheng, Zhuolu three versions. He projected calendar; teach people planting corn; Hing text; for Ganzhi, manufacturing musical instruments, create medicine. When Ji: God so big scratch for six decades, to 10 days with the 12 Earthly Branches to dry when in use ever since the Chinese New Millennium (six decades, and even Guihai Yi Chou, a total of ten-year cycle), that the 60 yuan chen Taoism.
  Mathematics: scribe the first operand and the set of weights and measures system.
  Army: Yan Watchdata after the wind map, before the system matrix method.
  Music: Ling Lun take Valley for flute bamboo tubes, set pentameter Temperament, qualifying for today.
  Clothes: Yuanfei Ancestor beginning to silk clothes sericulture.
  Medicine: Chi Bo discussions with pathology, for Canon.
  Text: beginning the CJ system of writing, with six books of the law.
  Cast: Mining First Hill (Henan Xiangcheng County, five miles south) of copper to make money.
  Other: journey, bow and arrow, and housing of the invention.
  Xu water "Busan" test
  Xu water Busan, Yamagata, such as kettle, commonly known as pot top mountain, located 22.5 km northwest Xushui City Office. West, north, south steep mountains on three sides, east slope of more moderate, northwest - southeast direction, an area of about 2 square kilometers, 290 meters above sea level. Numerous sites of the mountain, there Huangdi Temple bases, wall base address, the Yellow Emperor Taiwan, Huangdi Quan, Furui, gubei so sad scoundrel weeds, ruins of winding, three defective gubei towering peak, it seems that waiting for people to reveal its age and history; the hillside of a sudden out of stone, transfer station for the Yellow Emperor, Huang Di is near Taiwan, Huang Diquan.
  Busan four villages under the name to Busan, Busan, respectively south, north of Busan, the East Busan, West Busan. Busan rural population of nearly ten thousand people, 80% lived in Busan village.
  Historical reference card】 【formerly safe water, Su Xu, according to the Qing, "An Su County", the Republic of China "Xushui new blog" (Min-hsiu, the Republic of China Volume 10 edition three years, "Milestones") set out, Huangdi has been patrolling party asked the customs, punish Chi in Argumentation field, Tang Busan dukes, comply with the said letter to Xu water; "Mirror" is also marked as the Yellow Emperor Wu then comply with the Busan (Xu water suicheng formerly) in Busan; also been "Chronicle Article to" Note: An Su County in Busan ("Yanhuang Health Code? Chronicles Volume"); Also, according to the "Ci Hai" (Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House, 1980, P1496) stated: "comply with the water stations in the Xu Busan. "
  【】 Current archaeological discoveries have been found in archaeological Xushui various periods up to 46 ancient cultural relics, and in time there is no shortage of big ring. In 1986 the second national survey of cultural artifacts, in Busan, neighboring group of ancient cultural relics discovered, "Xu Zhi water heritage", "Xu water of the historical data," which are included, and to ensure the establishment of the county cultural relics census records .
  In May 1986, in Busan, about 10 kilometers due east of the Green Fields Tau North, discovered an ancient cultural sites. August 1987, Peking University Department of Archaeology carried out on Nanzhuangtou test dig, found the site to the "cultural layer under the age of 9700-10500 years ago, is one of China's earliest known Neolithic human culture remains to fill the late Paleolithic in northern China Magnetic Hill, Peiligang Neolithic culture gap, but also for studies on the Holocene climate change in North provides a valuable stratigraphic section. "
  Found in the text surrounding the village of Busan, Kim Jiafen, suicheng, Fall River and other Yangshao, Longshan Culture sites are in the late Neolithic cultural sites, which is some 5,000 years of history, roughly the equivalent of Yellow Emperor.
  Busan around 5,000 years ago unearthed pottery fu, red top bowl, the Yellow Emperor during the ceramic process that already has a considerable level. Sericulture was clothing, language, music, law calendar, journey, etc. In this invention, once confirmed, Busan and the surrounding areas will be of great historical significance.
  Folk legend】 【complies About Busan, Busan and the surrounding area has many popular folk legends. CPPCC Vice-Chairman Jin Fengyun original Xushui edited the "Xu waterscape scenery more wonderful" collection of folklore stories about Busan; Xu Yin Water Village, King Street retired workers, Mr. Yang Zhonglin shop has collected folk stories Zhuancheng local popular "kettle Yang and recorded around the anecdote, "a book, which were great length and Yan, Huang Di, Chi You and other leaders of the ancient tribes.
  "Beans, melon frame shed rain like silk." People from generation to generation by word of mouth on the history and culture of ancient folklore, loomed the vague history of projection. Legend, the Yellow Emperor in Busan comply before the first spring after the war to conquer Yan Osaka, and the west side of North Hop Village in Busan shake hands with the Yan Emperor, so far north edge of the village together co Taiwan still remains of the North; then through Argumentation War Qinsha Chi, Chi incorporate the remnants, there is a red clay hill southeast of Busan legend as "Chi grave."
  Investigation of the basic completion of Busan, Busan, Hebei Xu water has been "Hill has its shape, to have their name, are contained in the history, things have evidence, some people recite" bear close scrutiny and research. Confirmed that large amounts of data, Busan is the only, Xu water Busan and its surrounding areas is the Yellow Emperor and the descendants of the main activity area. Busan conform to Chinese unification and integration of the Chinese nation laid the initial foundation of the ancient Yellow River culture. Comply with the culture as a prototype of the unified Chinese thought, is the precious historical and cultural heritage.
  29-30 May 2008, "The Yellow River? Busan History and Culture Symposium" held in Hebei Xu water DaWu. Chinese Archaeology Ancient Civilization Research Centre, Institute of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University president Professor Li Boqian, the famous archaeological science and technology expert, Institute of Archaeology and Museology of Peking University professor of original thinking and training, Peking University Library Director, Professor Zhang Yufan Ancient Rare Book Room, and the archaeological Baoding Xu water experts and members of the Busan Culture participated in the discussion.
  Peking University Cravens, former professor of thought and training for the Busan Cultural Studies inscription:
  Explore the history of the fan, carry forward the traditional culture of building socialism and make new contributions to advanced civilization. - Cravens
  Carry forward the Busan Cultural Heritage. - Si-training
  Merit】 【Yellow Emperor
  Enumerating the invention, astronomy, Yin and Yang, Zodiac, Jiazi dating, text, pictures, books, temperament, musical instruments, medicine, worship, weddings, funerals, coffin, grave, Ji Ding, altars, shrines, fortune telling.
  Political Civilization
  The establishment of the ancient system: planning Xinjiang wild points, eight as a well, Mitsui as a neighbor, three neighbors as a friend, the three friends for years, Wuli for Yap, 10 eup to have, 10 have a teacher, 10 division for the state, the country is divided into Kyushu; based case level, set around a large monitor, supervisor of the nations, set Excellencies, three little, four auxiliary, the Four, six-phase, nine German (Formal Names) a total of 120 official position to govern. Officials at all levels "Six ban heavy", "weight" is over the implication that the "ban heavy sound, color ban on heavy, heavy clothing ban, ban on heavy incense, taste forbidden weight, cut weight room," asking the officials section of simple factors against extravagance. Putting forward the "virtue and moral integrity vibration soldiers" to "Germany" through the world, a virtue, Wei Ren is a line and strive for virtues justice legislation, in particular the establishment of "nine virtues Robinson", parenting people, nine lines, that filial piety , Ci, literature, letters, words, Christine, loyalty, courage, righteousness, ideological and moral construction. The use of personnel, the visit to Xian, selecting, appointing, because before use. Implementation of rule by law, set up a "degree of ritual grammar", "rule law change," life force ink as judge, as the soil behind prison officials, were sentenced to heavy loss on the crime, the crime were sentenced to a very big crime and killing.
  Historical records, the Yellow Emperor in agricultural production there are many inventions, which are mainly dispensed land to implement the system. Before the Yellow Emperor, Tanashi marginal, farming countless acres of the Yellow Emperor to step husbands, to prevent disputes, the national land redistribution, classified as "well", which the middle one for "acre" in the final to the Government, around 8 to " Private Land ", by the eight co-species, harvest to pay the government, but also through soil drilling. Farming systems on farmland shall be promptly planted 100 valley, the invention Mortar and pestle, open garden, garden, planting fruit trees, vegetables, sericulture, animal raising poultry, for herding cattle. Joint organization, the invention of a loom, to textiles, making clothes, shoes, hats, off tent, blankets, Gunn clothing, fur, canopy, helmet, flag, helmet. Pottery, the manufacture of bowls, dishes, kettle, steamer, plate, spoon and oven. Smelting, copper smelting, manufacturing bronze tripod, knife, coins, Dorian, Diao, bronze mirrors, clocks, barreled. Buildings, the construction of palaces, Luang temple, court, Ming Tang, view, Court, Castle, floor, door, order, Jamsil, temple, jade room Temple. Transport, the manufacture of Vessels, vehicles, guide vehicles, recording drum cart. Bing Xie, the manufacture of knives, guns, bow and arrow, crossbow, six banner, flag, five-party flag, horn, should never change, easily intimidated, ladders, floor, oars, guns, swords, fire resisting, etc.. Daily life, the cooked food, porridge, rice, wine, meat, said feet, fighting, rules, ink Yan, Jian, felt, felting, printing, beads, lamps, beds, seats, leather ball, etc. overnight.
  Battle of Chi You and Huangdi
  Battle of Chi You and Huangdi, set membership can see, there are three versions: one that is after the Yan Emperor Huangdi Sheng, Zai-sheng Chi and consolidate throne, the Yellow Emperor and Chi Huang Yan of the war seemed to be the aftermath of the war; the other is Chi Chi Di expulsion (ie Yan), Chidi seek v. the Yellow Emperor, Emperor Chi You at the wing joint to kill; 3 is for Bing Gong Chi Huang Di defeated and killed.
  The third argument as the Warring States to Han's "Wild Wild North by the Shan Hai Jing" contains: "Chi for army attack the Yellow Emperor. Huangdi Nailing Jizhou be attacked by the wild dragon. Should Lung livestock water. Chiyou please rain teacher vertical wind Big Bo wind and rain. Huangdi is the next day woman said, with great courage, the rain ended, then killed Chi You. " Bo rain wind farm Chi Master is specially weather tribal shaman, after the weather god of agriculture, established a temple at the age of Feng words. "Han Fei 10-off", said: "Formerly, the Yellow Emperor Minamata spirits on top of Mount Tai Chi ... ... The top, the wind swept into Peter, rain shower Road Master", reflecting the division and Chi Feng Bo rain close relationship between the tribes, because agriculture Ministry of Tribal harvest production is inseparable from good weather.
  3 say what is so far completed without examining the possible and necessary. For such Millennia Shanghai before being credited to set membership to the prehistoric legends, the focus of historians, is one of the film, revealed in the history; and national issues of concern to scholars, it is reflected in the legendary family of body types, cultural identity and its formation and evolvement of the process.
  Myths and legends】 【
  Huangdi and Yandi are seen as the ancestor of the Chinese nation, so the Chinese people sometimes call themselves "descendants."
  Yellow Emperor is the legendary Princess is Ancestor, plays Princess Lei's for the party, Tong fish and ugly woman's mother.
  Soon, the world appeared disturbances. Chi You know the reputation of the Yellow Emperor is still, so the phase drew Chi hung everywhere. The world's people think Chi dead, only to be overwhelmed by the Yellow Emperor, more tribes to join themselves. Later, Chi revered god of war.
  Although defeated by Chi Yan, strength remaining. Castles in the world he became dissatisfied with the Yellow Emperor, an attempt to regain lost status, finally revolted against. Emperors Yan fights took place, a decisive battle in the spring of the wild to Osaka. After three hard-fought, win the Yellow Emperor. Since then, the status of the Yellow Emperor World Castles in the final set, orders the world, those who do not obey the tribe, to the emperor's capacity to be punitive.
  Yellow Emperor reigned for a long time, strong national power, political stability and cultural progress, many inventions and production, such as text, music, listing, palaces, journey, clothes and guide vehicles. According to legend, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang fliers of his descendants, so the Yellow Emperor is regarded as a common ancestor of the Chinese nation.
  Legend】 【Other
  Yellow Emperor, surnamed Gong Sun, called Xuan Yuan (weeks), was born in matriarchal society. Mother's name attached to treasure, according to history books contain; two days of Lunar New Year in February, one said Jushui River (now Huangling County Jushui River) Gorge disheartened by the source-related Dragon gave birth to the Yellow Emperor, the second said that life in Qufu, Confucius (now Shandong four kilometers east of the city of Qufu Jiuxian-east), thus began on February 2 Dragon payable to "auspicious said. Sima Qian in" Historical Records "in the Yellow Emperor is described this way:" The health and spirits, which can be made weak, young while many have suggested, Qi, long Atsutoshi, as the wise. Shows growth from birth to the Yellow Emperor is not a general character. He was 15-year-old support group of people off the Chiefs when the Xuan Yuan Wen, 37-year-old boarded the emperor bit, the Yellow Emperor a significant contribution to life after 53 is that war, defeated the elm useless surrendered Yan, punish the elm useless surrendered Yan, Heaven's Chi, ended the war, the unification of the three tribes, bid farewell to the barbarism of the times, to establish the world's first with Castles in the country, elected the first emperor of the Chinese nation. From human civilization began. So people are glorified after Huangdi is "human ancestor", "civilized ancestors." Name Gongsun. To the ancient emperors. There is less code Xiong Guojun son.
  According to legend, Huangdi's mother called Supplementary treasure. Legend one night, with a treasure see an electro-optic hub surrounding the Big Dipper stars. Then, sinking, falling down on the axis star, with a treasure this induction and pregnancy. Conceive after 24 months, gave birth to a children, which children would later become the Yellow Emperor. Yellow Emperor is born, God becomes abnormal. Born not long be able to speak. To 15 years old, has nothing blocked up. He later inherited the throne with Xiong Guojun. Xuan crown because he invented, so called Xuanyuan. He relied on because of his soil, earth tones to yellow, it is known as the Yellow Emperor.
  According to legend, when the Emperor ascended the throne, there Chi brothers and 18, claimed to be descendants of God with. These 18 people who are all animal body surface, the amount of copper iron heads, non-grains, eat river stone. They do not obey the Emperor's command, mutilation Li Shu, Heaven's innocent. What makes soldiers set out big crossbow stick blade, and an enemy of the Yellow Emperor. Huangdi then the people want, recruit soldiers and horses crusade Chi of dysfunction. After 15 ten days later, also failed to beat the Chi had to retreat. To this end, the Yellow Emperor wringing, day and night, hope to have Sage assist him, to destroy Chi. One night, he dreamed of a world wind swept away the grime. Followed by crushing the dream of a man armed with crossbows drive tens of thousands of groups of sheep. Wake up, heart felt strange. Thought to himself, the wind, but the main orders; scale, is a solution of clearing land, the world Is there wind were named after people? Supremely the crossbow, the hope is to Zhi Yuan, flooding tens of thousands of groups of sheep, is shepherd Good, could have named Mu people were not a force? So he sent his men all over the world visit to find the two men. Results Loyalty to find the wind, the force found in animal husbandry, Sawabe. Phase after the Yellow Emperor to the wind, power, animal husbandry is to begin a massive attack on Chi. In Zhuolu country, armed forces to host a roundtable war. Chi Barry planted thick fog, three days and three nights dispersed, to make soldiers Bianbu Qing direction. After the Yellow Emperor made it so the wind guide car. At the same time, Western Queen also sent Xuannv come, to teach him a little pentameter Sannomiya secretary of the trickery. After the wind, according to the law of another evolved Dun Jia. This evening I, in Jizhou back to war. Chi led by demons and monsters monsters, please wind Bo, vertical wind rain rain division, long storage life should be to attack the Yellow Emperor. The Rite of the Yellow Emperor invited women world shortage only rain on the East, and Li Shi Qiang Bei Yu mountains, soldiers drive should be long to the Antarctic. Finally, killing Chi, drawn and quartered buried everywhere, so not complete corpse.
  Subsequently, Yu-Kang Shen Nong and Huang Di, after the world war. Yellow Emperor Zhou birds with ospreys, eagles flutter as the flag and the black bear Haw Par for the precursor, and Yu Gang warfare on the version of the wild spring. After three wars, defeated Yu Gang. Later, they personally led expeditions all troops and horses would not serve the princes giant. After a total of 52 before and after the war, before the world go unification. State of the Yellow Emperor was divided opposition, rites and Xing Yue, educate people. Invention of various devices also use materials to facilitate daily. Among them, the Minister Cao Paying the top, under Peter I made the clothes, the shoes are made. People who were no longer wear animal skins bark. Huangdi was also floating in the water by floating leaf boats made the truth, they were accompanied by Zhou military's drum line in the water. Also according to the logic transfer invented the car Peng Fu, facilitating the traffic. Huang Yong father invented the spring, followed by the Yellow Emperor is produced kettle steamer, so people can cook steamed rice porridge. And later to construct the building room, built cities, so people no longer nesting caves. Huang Di and Qi Bo has been made inside and outside, so that people can cure diseases. He also identified the names of all the world, divided into 28 degree star accommodation. B ten minutes a day to dry in order to discipline Chen Zaichou 12 months, and sixty to six decades. Time and space so there. Known to history as the people at the time, "Gan its food, the United States of its service, music of their customs, security of their home." Taiping faction scene.
  One day on the Yellow Emperor is the Lo, and ministers enjoy the scenery; suddenly saw a large bird Bian his mouth map, put it in front of him, the Yellow Emperor quickly Baishou down. Look at the bird, Xingzhuang Si crane, beheaded, Yan mouth, turtle neck, dragon-shaped, parallel wings, tail, colored ready. Diagram of the word is carefully Germany, righteousness, Inji six words. Yellow Emperor had never seen the birds, they ask the old days. Days old and told him that the male bird is called Phoenix, the female is called Phoenix. Morning call was published the morning of day call is on Xiang, evening tweet is owned by Chang, is Paul a long night tweet. Phoenix 1, that world peace. Great Cheung sign. Later, two of the Yellow Emperor has long held dream of a white-out plan from the Yellow River, dedicated to him. Huangdi understand, ask again the old days. Replied the old days, this is Hetu to the precursor. So with the days of old such as the Yellow Emperor would travel between the Luo and Shen Bi in the river, killing dishes that look fast. First three days fog. After that, it is Qiriqiye rain. Then there are holding plans from the river out of Huanglong, the Yellow Emperor Guijie over. Saw completion of a five-color map, white map Lan Ye Zhu is Hetu. So the Yellow Emperor began to tour the world, the foremost of Taishan. He heard a man named Guangchengzi the immortal in the cavity Cave Hill, on the go to him for advice. Guangchengzi said: "Since you control the world, the clouds do not gather the rain, no dry vegetation is withered. Sun and the moon shining, the more the lack of a shortage. And Ningren the experience to become Road, where you should be me and you talking about Shido it? "Yellow Emperor came back, asked the political affairs is no longer reasonable. Self-built a hut, inside home on a mat, a reflection in there 3 months. And then to go wide into the child asked. Head south into the sub was lying wide, the Yellow Emperor kneeling Xihang to him and asked him how it was longevity. However, since sub-kick wide as that; "very good here!" Then he told him the essence Shido: "Shido the fine, secretly tied to, the perfect of the pole, drift off quietly. Ignore the non-hearing, hold God to static . shaped the self is bound to static will clear; no form of labor makeup, no makeup sperm shake before longevity. present no see, the ears hear nothing, with no knowledge, such a God-shaped one, before long life . "finish, giving him wide into the sub-volume" Natural Classic. "
  Yellow Emperor asked to Guangchengzi after he landed Wangwushan may take Dan through. To Xuannv, Motome asked monastic regimen of law. Then, return to practice Jinyun Church, he collected to the first mountain of copper, cast under the Jingshan Jiuding, Ding has just cast, there is one-stop, long flowing to meet the Yellow Emperor to enter fairyland. Yellow Emperor immediately mounted its body, soaring away. Several Xiaochen, and I think with him becoming immortal, he rush to seize the asparagus. Results asparagus cut off, these Xiaochen then fall to the ground. Binata is that asparagus is said to change. "
  】 【Historical significance
  Yellow Emperor reigned for a long time, strong national power, political stability and cultural progress, many inventions and production, such as text, music, listing, palaces, journey, clothes and guide vehicles. According to legend, Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang fliers of his descendants, so the Yellow Emperor is regarded as a common ancestor of the Chinese nation.
  Huangdi and Yandi are seen as the ancestor of the Chinese nation, so the Chinese people sometimes call themselves "descendants."
  Yellow Emperor】 【Religion
  Yellow Emperor is the legendary ancient emperors, enshrined in ancient Taoist cents. Huaxia is probably the prototype of a head of Emirates, because of the great contributions to the development of the nation for future generations long lips. However, because of years too old to stay in the rumor, most confusing, difficult to set exactly. However, when the Yellow Emperor to the Warring States Period 100 words, many of those rumors were compiled together by Article, and finally creating a generation of imperial image. Reported that the Yellow Emperor's son, Xiong Guojun less code. Had defeated Yan Yu Pei Quan, punish Chi in Zhuolu, then the respect for the feudal emperor, on behalf of which the Yellow Emperor Shen Nong. Then, they stand Baiguan, system institutions, ordered his ministers made the palace, for clothing, manufacturing journey, law calendar, writing, arithmetic, music, h ave have invented, then form a "field were not invaded bank, and fisheries are indisputable Okuma, Road The merit, not Yu Jia city, "the Golden Age of the situation. And 100 shape the image of Huangdi Di Wang same time, a number of books has in shaping the image of the Yellow Emperor's immortals. "Shan Hai Jing Xishan by" saying: "Also the Northwest 420 years, say Mi Hill. ... ... Many of them white, there is a jade cream, stirred its original Fei Fei, Huang Di is the food is Sleeping." "Zhuangzi" more Visit of the Yellow Emperor in mind, something on the Road, "the cosmopolitan" chapter in mind the Yellow Emperor to Kongtong asked to Guangchengzi widely taught as children to "ignore the non-hearing, hold God to static form to the CA. Bi Jing will be clear, No pain, female form, no shaking female sperm, is to longevity. present no see, the ears hear nothing, with no knowledge, will keep the goddess shape, and form is longevity. "," Xu was no ghost, "chapter in mind of the Yellow Emperor to a Heights Hill's visit to Great Kui Jun, Lu-yu Wrangler boy taught to rule the world of the Road, said: "When a man who for the world, but also to different almost wrangler Xi Zai, also to the victims of the horse just now!" "You know the North" remember the words of the Yellow Emperor sermon, said: "Still Mind began to know, no place to start On Road no clothes, no way no way may only Road." also known as: "To Road Day loss, the loss of another loss, so doing nothing , Doing Nothing too. "" Great Master "article said:" Cardiff Road, affectionate sex, doing nothing intangible, ... ... was the Yellow Emperor, in order to board the sky. "Emperor Qin emperors alchemist immortality is more to a model, encouraging Qin emperor, Emperor and to serve as a model practice longevity. Joanna Lee is on Han said: "The temple kitchen is caused by objects, resulting in material from Danzas can be turned into gold, Tsoi Wing-eating device that is longevity, longevity and the celestial sea What we need to see, see them with the foremost of the die, Yellow Emperor is also. "Gongsun of State also fabricated a well-known myth of Huangdi Ding Lake heaven, said:" War and the Yellow Emperor and immortality, ... ... over a hundred years old and was with supernatural powers. "" Yellow Emperor's first mountain mining of copper, cast tripod Next in Jingshan. Ding All that, under a long beard hanging Hu Ying Huang Di. Huangdi on the ride, the ministers from the temple were 70 people, the dragon is up. Yuxiao Chen not on who is learned that long bearded dragon beard pulling, falling, falling into the Yellow Emperor of the arch. people look up to heaven while the Yellow Emperor, is hold the bow and Hu bearded number, it is due to name his office later said, Dinghu, Wu said, its bow number. "can be said that historical Warring States to Han Dynasty, the Yellow Emperor basically with the image of the emperor and immortal.
  Peace and Prosperity then the Yellow Emperor first becoming an immortal, and this is sometimes the only person to have. "" Very words "chapter is the Yellow Emperor Li Syria traverse mountains, visit really asked, and finally attain the heaven of the story.
  A little goes: "Xi Huang Disheng which can be words, slave Braun, indeed Tianshou natural body, it's still complex can not sit and enlightenment. Therefore, by Dan Zhi wangwu and after, to Dinghu and Fei Liu Chu, Tang Kongtong and asked Kwong Shing, the big thing with Heights and Kui, Dai and Dong Feng appropriate in yellow, while the consultation into Jingu Juan Son, On the Road to support the capital Yuen, prime and two women, fine step and visit hill protracted push, force, animal husbandry, designate the total wind stress, after consultation, the patient is under the body of Qi Lei, review of policies necessary condition for battles are satisfied pentameter, Supernatural evil mind of the White Pond's word is compared with geography are Qing Wu of the book that is decorated to save money for disabled the art of metallurgy. and it could complete the Miyao, poor play out true, then Thang Long high among the top, and the world almost indiscriminately very is also. "between Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, historical records continued to gain Huangdi Cheng Sin deeds. "Thai Son of a hybrid," said: "Emperor Huang Di Yi Emei see innocent people who worship the Yutang, said: dare to ask what 31 of the Road? Emperor who said: but both have Monarchy men, and has consultative 31, is no Long anti Down? ... ... sage To rule the world, we must first establish the body the right to enrichment, Chi Kwai Choi to facilities, to the system defined by wisdom, by the justice to the letter, the letter to a public battle with the public to line benevolence , Anren to Voeux Road, Di Road to protect education, good education to the political customs, ... ... propriety to tokens of love, the original emotion of character, complex nature to a moral, into a German-Syrian life, and life to live a settled life, and the world since Seoul rule, all from Seoul was, mind do not work, but really must Chu State. "" Biography of the Yellow Emperor, "another copy" Biography "," Biography of Emperor Wu of Han, "Queen Mother fabricated preaching to the Yellow Emperor, granted the image of the story said: "Queen Mother of the Emperor granted seven ignorant of the art. The emperor said: What is 7 ignorant? Wang Mu Yue: Head ignorant of the unknown, ignorance is not Cong ears, mouth ignorant of that unhappy, ignorant of the barrier nose, hand ignorant of that is not solid, ignorance that is not correct enough, the heart is not really ignorant. but chaos that really carry on heart, head Bumei that out men, and ear Bumei that clever men, and ... ... is known to be in one of its seven ignorant, a little ignorant of the six ignorant of all Cypriots, is a dead, nearly die. "You Yue:" Queen Mother of the Emperor to Bixia of drinking syrup, refined red fruits, like white because God granted five footer, said: This is the real capacity Yuanshi Tianzun also. then the second instrument of the type granted Royal Figure, also Dan 19. God is for ceremony, placed above the high concept, personally support, concubines Chenqie of Mo De Du. heterochromia often clouds their view on, strange Hong Wen a few hundred paces, when the concept of people that way, Road View No. Since the beginning too. "" Yun Ji Qi signed on "Volume" played by Taoism, "also known as the Yellow Emperor is the successor and Great, said:" this transfer Ling Po by those who are naive in the Emei Mountain King granted to Huangdi. "Guang Ming Tang Xizong years (881), Wang Guan is written on the books, something for the Yellow Emperor monastic order, into the" Yellow Emperor Guang our mind, "is Immortals Yellow Emperor system summary, said: "Yellow Emperor to the world not only reasonable, is to find hidden real visit, asked Immortality," Li was asked to visit mountains, and finally Road into, "a bearded Huanglong vertical Hu Ying Tai, emperor dragon days. "Emperor of the ancient immortal Taoism, Tao Hongjing" real souls industry map "called" mysterious garden real Huangdi ", set in place the third gold Quedi Jun Tai Chi under the Left. Tao Shi Duotuo the name of the Yellow Emperor to the book, is "Taoist" In addition to closing ancient medical text "Huang Di Nei Jing", the name of the Yellow Emperor asked the "Yin Fu Jing" is the most famous person. Name in the Yellow Emperor's magic and the book is more, such as the state outside the alchemy of the "Yellow Emperor Jiuding Shendan by tactic"; of divination for "Huangdi Long after the first," "Golden Pier by the Yellow Emperor," "home by the Yellow Emperor"; auspicious wedding of choice for "third son Xuannv granted by the Yellow Emperor"; of hybrid method Xianshu of the "Yellow Emperor Tai-8-in tactic," "Yellow Emperor Pacific 18-in secret," "Yellow Emperor Tai 18 Nishun life and death tactic "and so on.
  Old building in some areas to try the Yellow Emperor or Huangdi Temple Temple, and many more of the veneration of the ancient cents. "Shanxi Annals" contains many Yellow Emperor Temple, the "one in Quwo County, the Ming Zhengtong dig too gubei between the Azeri, the text ... ... the Yin Chan said: 'moral Weiwei, sound teaching Rongrong, and the world long, hundreds of millions of infinite. 'for Li Miao. "Henan, and Shaanxi have the Yellow Emperor Temple," Annals of Henan, "goes:" Yellow Emperor Temple, two, one in Yiyang County West, a village in Wen County, southeast, Xuan Yuan Shi-Chuan Emperor Zhu Ding here, so Li Miao Yan. "AK Taoist Temple in taste with the Yellow Emperor Temple, Xuan Yuan Temple. Such as Sichuan Qingchengshan regular worship Taoist temple established Three Sovereigns Fuxi, Shen Nong and Huang Di, another temple honored with the Yellow Emperor Huangdi.
  Three hundred years the legend of the Yellow Emperor. Jae Jung Iraq I hear, asked Confucius, Confucius would not believe, he replied Huangdi Sheng and public-win centuries, dead people-win years, while the civilian dead a hundred years of their education, so that 300 years. (The Rites. Juanqi. Five Emperors Germany) Actually, the Yellow Emperor is also a tribal alliance, according to "order the Spring and Autumn calendar life," said the world total mass 10, 1520 ("Yi Wei Ji lan" with the number of years), when King Wu of Zhou Feng descendants of the Yellow Emperor in the wish.
  Referred to the Yellow Emperor Taoism】 【
  Yellow Emperor Taoism generally alleged that there are five situations: First, the central central element Ling Yuanjun; Second, the central Yellow Emperor; Second, Japan and the Yellow Emperor; Fourth, in Yue Huangdi; five legendary figures in history the Yellow Emperor. Mentioned here is the history of the Yellow Emperor, legendary figures.
  Yellow Emperor, a surname Ji said, No. Xuanyuan's. "Imperial Century": "Yellow Emperor, a few typical Xiong son, surnamed also. Mother wedlock treasure." "Po attached around the Big Dipper optic axis, according to all field stars, flu and pregnant, pregnant 20 May Health Hill Yellow Emperor in life. "Second, surnamed Gong Sun said. "Huangdi Yun Ji Qi Xi": "Huangdi name Gongsun, bears in the country code of the second son is also less." Said the Queen Mother removal female biography "Yin Fu Jing," 300 Speaking to arms, map making, etc. beat Chi, "the Yellow Emperor to the world not only reasonable, and material with all there is to find hidden real visit, be longevity and Ji. "
  In fact, the ancient Chinese Yellow Emperor is one of the most prominent leaders. Legend of the emperors, such as Yao, Shun, Yu and the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties leaders were descendants of the Yellow Emperor. Yellow Emperor lived in Argumentation, in conjunction Taiwan defeated the nine Li Yan family. Huangdi and Yandi was conflict over Yandi and Huangdi Central Plains settlers laid the foundation for the Chinese nation, so the Yellow Emperor is considered the ancestor of the Chinese nation. According to "Historical Records Fengshan book" and "Yun Ji Qi signed Huangdi" record: the Yellow Emperor and the war and immortality, and often visit the world famous mountain and meet God, Revised Twelve Towers to designate the five City of God, get over a hundred years old ; supernatural powers, the success of the Jingshan cast Baoding Hu bearded dragon to welcome the weeping, "a ride on the Yellow Emperor, the ministers were from the harem of more than 70 people," he also "Teng Kongtong see Guangchengzi asked Shido" " East to chong gu housing by Mr. Hill see Zi Fu, "Three Sovereigns text" "," south of Yellow Zhangren Qingchengshan Ye "," Deng Ning Yuntaishan see by the "Dragon Rocker by" ", Q is a way", but also "Lian Shi in Jinyun Taiwan" and "co-auspicious omens in Busan, the road may die." Huang Difei rose and then, as "too a Monarch", was "to enjoy the Five Emperors of China as a monarch also" historical legend of China and Taiwan the "Five Emperors."
  Currently: Taoism has many classics mass in the Yellow Emperor, such as the "Yellow Emperor Jiuding Shendan by", "Huang Di Nei Jing", "Dragon and Tiger by", "Yin Fu Jing," and so on. "True souls industry map", the arrangement of fairy precedence, called him "the real star garden was Emperor Xuan Yuan", set in the third stage of God's Left.
  】 【Mausoleum
  Bridge Mountain in Shaanxi Province, Henan Lingbao have tomb, according to legend Emperor Zhu Ding dragon ascending to heaven in old age, courtiers throw the block, Long was shot, across the bridge when the country down a break, the Yellow Emperor was the bridge to pull down people a boot, buried here.
  According to legend, the ancestor of the Chinese nation tomb Mysteries Yellow Emperor's Mausoleum, located in Huangling County north of the bridge hill.
  Mausoleum of an area of about 4 square kilometers, surrounded by mountains and rivers, verdant forests. Visitors reach the Bridge Mountain, the first piece of legislation to see road stone, inscribed "reviewed all the documents to this dismount." Festival Pavilion in front of a tomb, Pavilion Central up a tall monument, monument is inscribed with "tomb" three characters. Festival Pavilion behind another piece of stone the words "Bridge Hill Long Yu" 4 words. Further back is the tomb, tomb in the top center, facing south, tomb mound is about 4 meters high, weeks about 50 meters, 40 meters before the tomb, there was a 20-meter platform at the side of a stone tablet written to the "Emperor Sendai, "four words, lines 110 years BC, Liu Che Han returned Shuofang parade, the memorial Huangdi, built when Chi Sin God.
  Huangling Xuanyuan under which there are a number of temple architecture, Cooper, and stone and other artifacts, entered the temple, a huge cypress tree on the left side. According to legend, the Yellow Emperor personally by the Park for the plant, so called "Yellow Emperor Shou Zhi Bai", a lapse of 4,000 years of history. Magnificent hall, the door hanging with the amount of "human ancestor" big four characters plaque. The middle of a magnificent Basilica of the Yellow Emperor tablets, under the surrounding wall of the house and some displays.
  Although the Yellow Emperor is the legendary figure, but all the descendants of the ancient times regarded him as the ancestor of Chinese civilization to treat.
  Tomb is located in the south of Huangling County of Yan'an in Shaanxi Province, is the Chinese ancestor Huangdi Mausoleum tomb is located. Here a beautiful, scenic, is a famous tourist sites. Legend of Huangdi Sheng Xinzheng, Henan Province, died in Jingshan Henan, Shaanxi bridge buried in the mountains. Bridge Mountain is located 1 km north of Huangling County. Tomb mound in the top of Bridge Hill Bridge Hill has Jushui surrounded by hills, ancient cypress trees that have road to pass before the Peak until the mausoleum. Peak up a monument, called the dismount stone, the "civil and military officials this dismount" words. In ancient times, Ji Ling, are subject to the dismount, walk to the front of the tombs, tomb before a ceremony pavilion, a large stone pavilion neutral, there Guo title "tomb" in the three characters. Festival Pavilion behind another piece of stone the words "Double Dragon Bridge Mountain," four words. Tomb mound in the top platform of the central tomb mound 3.6 m high, girth 48 m, with brick flower corsets. Surrounding ancient Baicheng Lin, quiet deep. Successive government attach great importance to the protection of ancient cypress. Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing have protection Huangling instructions or orders. Huangling County, according to records, Bridge Hill in Berlin about 4 square kilometers, more than 63,000 plants. Xuan Yuan temple cypress hill at the foot of the king of the bridge, there is a Xuan Yuan Temple. Xuan Yuan Temple Court area of about 10 acres. Cooper 14 hospitals have the right rough with a particular branch, as Qiu Cooper dragon coiled in the air, part of the roots exposed on the ground, the leaf season is not bad, layers of dense, like a huge green umbrella, is said to by Shou Zhi Xuan Yuan's, 5000 years ago. The tree has a Bei Lou, built a monument, wrote: "This is Paco 58 Chinese foot down around 31 Chinese foot, in around 19 Chinese foot, six Chinese foot on the Circuit, the highest for the group Park. Phase Wei is Huangdi hand, there are about five antagonistic years ago. saying goes: 'F, 8 blow and a half, Geliu in Dageda not pay,' i.e. the Park. "It is said that this tree not long ago, a repeat test Lower Circuit has reached the 30 Chinese foot, it was, this Park is the largest strains, known as the "king of Cypress." Rebuilt the temple courtyard has the ancient temple of inscription and the funeral oration Xuan Yuan Shi, a total of 46 links. Temple hospital last edge is the main hall, the hanging "human ancestor" gold plaque, home center hall tablet, a letter "Huangdi the bit" 6 characters. It is said there are a total tomb 7, Gansu, Henan, Shandong, Hebei and other places tomb, but only Huangling Bridge Hill is listed as national key cultural relics protection units. Founding, the People's Government attached great importance to the security Square tomb, several renovation and expansion of roads, additional artifacts showroom and service facilities. Came to visit and tour each year, the mountains more and more people paid respects to tomb.
  According to Hebei Province, "Zhuolu County" at 539 ancient relics, monuments article contains: "Bridge Hill in this town 20 kilometers southeast of Zhuolu to the natural formation of the Peak was named after arch stone bridge, 918 meters above sea level. Recorded history" Huang Di Beng, funeral Bridge Mountain, "which means the here, there are a temple site of the Yellow Emperor. south side of the bridge there is a generous stone mountain, the legendary Yellow Emperor is playing chess board, so the local stone called the board."
  Otherwise, the Yellow Emperor City (Xuanyuan City), Chi 3 Walled, Osaka spring, Chi Quan, set wagon, Bagua Village, Huangdi Quan, Chi grave, Chi bloody mountain, Tajikistan, and other relics of soil sites recorded. And "Zhuolu Place Names", "Argumentation Bridge Mountain Name Research", "Sakamoto Spring Place Names", "Yuan Li Road, Hometown," a detailed account.
  Sons】 【Princess Room
  Yellow Emperor is the legendary Princess is Ancestor, plays Princess Lei's for the party, Tong fish and ugly woman's mother. Ten Pin Yellow Emperor, four concubines. Being Princess for the Xiling's, name Ancestor, she personally Zaisang sericulture, Christians textile, called her a "first silkworm." Lei Fei for the side's second, female section. Tong Fei for the fish it's time. Most times the mother Princess were ugly woman, looks ugly, but the moral high, deeply respect the Yellow Emperor. Twenty-five sons of the Yellow Emperor, in which 14 people were feudal very name. This 14 received a total of 12 names, which are: Ji, unitary, Qi, F. Teng, Dian (the first following flowers salt, sound "real"), Ren, Xun Zi, Xi, Ji, Xuan, Yi.
  According to "Historical Records" record: "Yellow Emperor 25 children, have lent their names by 14 people." Zhuan Xu, Di Ku, Tang Yao, Shun and the Xia, Shang, Zhou Dynasty monarchs were descendants of the Yellow Emperor.
  Later on the Emperor's deification will be gradual. "Zhuangzi" mentioned in the Yellow Emperor immortal; "Biography Immortals" in the Yellow Emperor was also able to drive Qunxian.
  Legend of the Yellow Emperor and the Princess Room 【】
  According to legend, a spring, a young girl in the mulberry silkworm, the run into the Yellow Emperor. Yellow Emperor to see her wearing a gold Technicolor Dreamcoat, shining gentle, moderate yellow, the ground a pile of cocoons. Yellow Emperor asked what girls are wearing, girls say that the planting mulberry sericulture, silk and the silk of the truth. Upon hearing the Yellow Emperor, think people are still living Phi summer leaves, winter wear animal skins, all year round naked life, feel that this is a great invention that allows people dress warm. He married with the girl, her education to teach people Baiguan and mulberry sericulture technology. The girl is the Princess Ancestor is the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi was also to the 30 thirties.
  Feng Lei Zu as Emperor after being Fei, Lei Zu mountains on the organization of a large number of women's sports organizations mulberry silkworm silk. But soon encountered a major problem, a lot of silkworm raising, cocoon also produced a lot of spinning and weaving silk, but there are difficulties. Just then, a short stature group Girls, dark, ugly face, the woman invented the wire wrapped around the spinning wheel and weaving loom wire. Upon learning of the Yellow Emperor, much appreciated on this invention, so she taught art to the people. Later in the Ancestor of the match, the Yellow Emperor married the ugly, as the second concubine, who plays Princess Mother was later known as the ugly woman.
  ★ ★ war loke
  Loke Chi Chi is the ancient tribe of the lower Yellow River Dongyi outstanding leaders. According unofficial "turtle notes," it reads: Chi was born in a clan leader of the Yellow River downstream of the family, Due buried in court under the influence of Pangu axes have a natural air of divine power, it really does cry at birth soon as dormant mountain lake The three Nie Long, son of clan predict the future will HKCEE results. Later, the Huangdi Shi strong force by sending troops from the Yellow River in the spring edition defeated at the Battle of the Yellow River in Yan's village built in Yellow River Basin of China's most powerful tribe, continue east China village, beating the Yellow River lower reaches of many tribes. Chi tribes refusing to submit Huangdi, the Yellow River will be combined nine of nine tribes against the Yellow Emperor Li. Battle of textual criticism and China, Chi joint criminal days and Kuafu, it may Vulcan Hong Bo rain and wind back the help of teachers, 70 consecutive defeat the Yellow Emperor World War II. Later, invited to the North Pole Emperor's daughter, Myrtle zombie too Emperors female ancestor was in the War with great courage to beat Chi. Chiyou field in competing against the dragon defeat was to be killed, carotid blood flying the flag of the formation of Chi closure days, maid with great courage, should be long and can not return to day, as the southward migration of the Dongyi tribe provided the opportunity. Puyang West Slope water body burial site, called "Royal Hill." Chi, died in the War.
  City】 【Yellow Emperor Huang Di city, that Zhuolu Old City, also known as the Xuan Yuan City, located in NORTHEAST alum Town 3 warburg North 50 meters. According to "Historical Records" records, the Yellow Emperor to kill Chi, hath Yan, the "Yap Ah in Argumentation," that is built capital at the foot flat on Argumentation. Reportedly, the Yellow Emperor Huangdi built the city that built a capital of China. Emperor City irregular square rammed earth city, east to 450 - 500m, north to south and 510 - 540 meters, the remnants of the high walls of 5 - 10 meters, 10 meters thick bottom, top is about 3 meters thick. Sites have been discovered within a large number of pottery, stone tools, are about five thousand years ago Yangshao culture and Longshan culture is a typical, consistent with the times and the Yellow Emperor. Qin Shi Huang Emperor Huangdi Quan dynasties, Chi 3 Village, Chi grave, down seven flag has preserved ancient remains is still good for the study of Huang Di, Yan Di, Chi You Humanities 3 ancestors, provides a unique condition. Built with donations from overseas Chinese in Hua Sanzu Memorial Hall, simple and dignified, to demonstrate the Huang Di, Yan Di, Chi You, the three human ancestor of the great achievements of Chinese at home and abroad reflects the strong cohesion of the Chinese civilization. Tong Hua Sanzu used in the Tang Dynasty architectural style, from the halls plastic Huangdi, Yan, Chi large statue. And displayed a field in Argumentation unearthed stone axes, pottery spinning wheels, stone arrowheads early human life, supplies and war weapons production. Walls painted the War, the Battle of Osaka spring, comply with Busan, capital in the four major historical events Zhuolu large mural. City by the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi Quan, Chi Village, Chi Quan Hua Sanzu the main attractions of cultural tourism in the area, is attracting more and more Chinese people come here homage to their ancestors.
  【Huangdi Yuan】
  【Origin】 Xuanyuan name
  1, Root coalescent
  Grandson of the Yellow Emperor Xuan Yuan compound surname, from there Xiong, also known as Emperor Henry's. Hill has been living in the Yellow Emperor Huangdi, Guer very name Xuanyuan, the Yellow Emperor Huangdi's descendants became known. Said the Yellow Emperor Xuan of a crown for the service, Christian clothes, so that the Xuan Yuan. Also, according to ancient legend, the Turtle Xuanyuan that day, day of integrations into the dragon totem of the tribe for the Xuan Yuan, because to be's.
  II Prefecture Hall No.
  1, Hall No.
  "Mrs Tong Xia": Tang Xuan Yuan set home when Luo Fu Shan Daoist priests, over hundred years old still looks not old, sitting in dark room, the eyes shot Shu Zhang. Having "too Xia," 12. Tang Wuzong He asked about the longevity of the spell summoned. Xuanyuan set, said: "absolutely sensual, thin taste, funeral music consistent, unbiased Desch, Yao Shun Yu Tang is also the reason why life!" (Yao, Shun Tang reason for longevity, because they did sever decadent music and sex, on Food not too Atsumi, sorrow and joy are also not take this sad, Strickland others, unbiased and impartial.)
  2 Prefecture
  Xuanyuan compound surname family in the Home Shangdang (now Shanxi Changzhi), He Hu Yang (now Heyang County of Shaanxi Province).
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