姓: | 石 | ||||||||||||
名: | 虎 | ||||||||||||
字: | 季竜 | ||||||||||||
網筆號: | 武皇帝 | ||||||||||||
廟號: | 太祖 | ||||||||||||
籍貫: | 上黨武鄉縣 | ||||||||||||
陵墓: | 顯原陵 | ||||||||||||
從三國曹魏開始,吏部選官皆以九品官人法為基礎。石虎對之沿用不改,並進一步加強。在他看來,“魏始建九品之製,三年一清定之,雖未盡弘美,亦縉紳之清律,人倫之明鏡。”為此,即位之初,他就下令吏部以九品官人法選拔官吏,然後由中書省、門下省宣佈名單,被宣佈者方可任用為官。詔令同時規定“銓衡不奉行者,御史彈坐以聞。”懲罰那些貪贓枉法、徇私舞弊的選官之官,保證九品官人法的嚴格執行。他罷免了舞弊枉法的吏部郎中魏奐為庶人,任用親信做吏部郎中以整頓吏治。針對當時豪強逞勢、賄賂公行的狀況,石虎選殿中御史李矩為御史中丞,整頓豪強百官,對皇親國戚的違法行為,石虎亦予以懲治。燕公石斌整日沉溺在狂飲田獵中,對邊疆防衛置之不理,石虎得如此事大怒,杖打石斌,並派主書禮儀監管之。石斌不滿禮儀的監管,殺死禮儀,石虎即派尚書張離追拿石斌,鞭笞300下,免官歸第,同時誅殺石斌親信十多人。義陽公石鑒鎮守關中,加重賦稅和勞役,關中百姓怨聲載道。石虎聞知後,將石鑒調回京城,另調石苞鎮守長安,以安關中民心。經過整頓,吏治有所好轉,貪官污吏橫行霸道的局面有所改變,連石虎自己也有感觸,“ 朕聞良臣如猛獸,高步通衢而豺狼避路,信矣哉。”
石虎生性殘忍,發傢前,不僅用殘酷的手段先後殺死兩位妻子,即使在軍隊中如果遇到與他一樣強健的戰士,他會以打獵戲鬥為由,藉機將對手殺死,以解心頭之快;戰鬥中,對俘獲的俘虜,不分好壞,不分男女一律坑殺,很少有俘虜生還。稱帝後,本性不改,窮奢極欲,勞民傷財,大肆營建宮殿,百姓的勞役負擔超過任何一代。石虎將都城遷到鄴後,又特地派人到洛陽將九竜、翁仲、銅駝、飛廉轉運到鄴裝點宮殿。在鄴城,石虎又修建臺觀40多所,又營建長安、洛陽的宮殿,兩地服役的人有40多萬。為徵討前燕,石虎令司、冀、青、徐、幽、並、雍兼已免除徭役之傢五丁取三、四丁取二;為了徵討戰爭,石虎又命黃河以南四州之內的人民準備南下進攻的裝備,要求並、朔、秦、雍準備嚮西攻討的物質。各州為石虎徵戰造兵器的就有 50萬人,近100萬人口脫離農業在外為石虎服勞役、軍役,剩下衹有3/10的人口在從事農桑生産。徵發來的百姓,動輒遭到殺生之禍。據載,在徵調做船夫的17萬人中,就有1/3遭殺害。石虎還有意“苦役晉人(漢人)”,擴大鬍漢民族矛盾:“時沙門吳進言於季竜曰:‘鬍運將衰,晉當復興,宜苦役晉人以厭其氣。’季竜於是使尚書張群發近郡男女十六萬,車十萬乘,運土築華林苑及長墻於鄴北,廣長數十裏...........暴風大雨,死者數萬人。”這種刻意擴大民族矛盾的做法,進一步埋下了日後民族大屠殺的禍根。
勞動者在死亡綫上掙紮,統治者卻是荒淫無度。石虎曾在襄國造太武殿。殿基高2丈8尺,東西75 步,南北65步,全殿飾以漆瓦、金鐺、銀楹、金柱、珠簾、玉壁,極盡華麗之能是。為打獵需要,石虎派司虞中朗將賈霸車工匠四千人,在東平的罔山造獵車千乘。這種獵車轅長三丈,高1丈8尺,置高1丈7尺;同時造格獸車40乘,車上又加建二層樓。獵場南起滎陽、東到陽都,派有御史管理,不允許百姓打獵場內的禽獸,如有違者,罪至大辟。御史又仗勢欺人,擅弄威權。民間有美女、好的牛馬,如果求之不得,就誣諂其犯獵獸罪而遭大辟,百姓死者無數。石虎還濫增女官二十四等,東宮設官十二等,公侯諸國70有餘,設女官九等。民間20歲以下,13歲以上的三萬多女子被徵,分為三等之弟配給官吏。郡縣官吏又仗禦旨,在人之妻九千餘人,致使一些不甘受欺的婦女不得不自殺亡身。統治者窮奢極欲,百姓聊天生路,石趙國階級矛盾空前激化。
他采取了一些措施鞏固政權,如糧食儲備政策、九品選官製,對吏治的整頓等一係列措施又緩和了矛盾,使其能在北方戰亂的局面下維持住一段時期的統治, 但其奴役漢人,激發了民族矛盾,並慘無人道地虐殺漢人.
石虎將邯鄲(一說臨漳以南)以南中原地區,數萬平方公裏土地劃為其狩獵圍場,創全人類有史以來的吉尼斯世界記錄。規定漢人不得嚮野獸投一塊石子者,否則即是“犯獸”,將處以死罪,被殺或被野獸吃掉的人不計其數,漢人的地位竟連野獸都不如。住在“富麗堂皇”宮殿裏的石虎,竟笑曰:“我傢父子如是,自非天崩地陷,當復何愁?。。。 當時“北地滄涼,衣冠南遷,鬍狄遍地,漢傢子弟幾欲被數屠殆盡。”
Humiliation of the face of Shi Hu, Shi Le relatives lying down, in conjunction soldiers against. Shile wife and children first, Liu Pengcheng Wang Shi Hu Shi Kan plot except to avoid falling into the post-Zhao Shi Hu hands, resulting in "self-harm support tiger" tragedy. Shi Le was great for the old and more is dismissed in Beijing, the capital was again the old Shi Hu is difficult to tightly control the uprising in the state, ready to bring the royal family left Beijing to Yanzhou (Shandong Yuncheng) as the base to Lin Qiu, Wang Shi Fu Shi Le son Nanyang restored to the chief and queen mother Chao announced today, calling for joint dispatched troops around the Mushou attack from outside Beijing, crusade Shi Hu. However, for various reasons, the final plan not yet finished, Liu, Shi Kan killed. Guarding and guarding Luoyang Shi Chang Shi Lang students heard the news that Union soldiers up crusade, Fishing Cat, was also defeated by Shi Hu. Jin Xian Kang Dynasty (335 years), the resistance in children after exterminate Shi Le, Shi Hu self is king, says large Zhao, reign Jianwu, the state capital from Xiang (Hebei Xingtai Southwest) moved to Ye (Hebei Linzhang Southwest). In the same year, Shi Hu will Daya and brother, all killed by her mother, Shi Le relative forces wiped out. Xian Kang three years (337 years), Shi Hu Zhao renamed as King, Yonghe five years (349 years) was renamed Zhao emperor, replacing Zhao Shi Le.
Wei started from the three countries, the Ministry of Personnel election Guanjie to the Naming method basis. Shi Hu on the adopted without change, and further strengthened. In his view, "Wei was founded Nine of the system, a clear set of three, did not meet Hiromi also Gentrification of the Qing Code, human relations and the Mirror." To this end, ascended the throne at the beginning, he ordered the Ministry of Personnel officials to Nine Act selection of officials, then by the Central Secretariat, Ha Province, announced the list of persons be appointed to be declared official. Dahir also provides that "the Civil value for those who do not practice, censors sit to hear bombs." Punish those corrupt, and fraudulent practices of the official election officials to ensure strict implementation of the Naming method. He dismissed corrupt pervert the law to the Board of Civil doctor Wei Huan for the common people, the Board of Civil cronyism to do to rectify the official doctor. At that time the situation for the despotic succeed, bribery row position, Shi Hu house election moment of imperial censor Shizhong Cheng Li, rectifying despotic Baiguan, violations of the imperial family, Shi Hu also punished. Yangong Shi Bin, indulged in binge drinking, hunting day, the defense ignored the border, Shi Hu things get so furious, rod Shi Bin, and send the main control of etiquette books. Shi Bin dissatisfied with the regulatory protocol, ritual killing, Shi Hu Ji Pai Shang Shi Bin Zhang to take away from the chase, 300 lashes, the free officers go first, while Heaven's Shi Bin trusted more than 10 people. Guan Yi Yang hectoliter Kam-guard, the increasing taxes and labor, Guanzhong people complaining. Shi Hu heard about, will be transferred back to Beijing Shi Kam, another tune stone shell guard Chang'an to safety off the people. After consolidation, improved administration of local officials, corrupt officials and ride roughshod change the situation, even the stone tiger themselves with feelings, "I heard Yoshiomi like wild beasts, and wolves thoroughfare of high-step way and carry on zai letter."
Dan Husheng of cruel fortune before, have not only the means to kill with a brutal two wives, even in the armed forces as if they are strong fighters with him, he will struggle to play hunting grounds, opponents seized the opportunity to kill, to relieve my mind fast; battle, the capture of prisoners, regardless of good or bad, irrespective of gender Kengsha, few prisoners survived. After the emperor, nature had not changed, and extravagant, costly, big build palaces, the people's hard labor burden than any generation. Shi Hu Ye will be moved to the capital after he specially sent to Luoyang to Kowloon, Weng Zhong, copper camel, transfer to the Ye Fei Lian decorated palace. In Ye City, Shi Hu has built more than 40 units concept, but also construction of Chang'an and Luoyang palace, the two people who serve more than 40 million. To campaign against Former Yan, Shi Hu made the Secretary, Hebei, Qinghai, Xu, quiet, and, Yong and has moved away from a lord to take home five small three or four D-Two; to campaign against the war, Shi Hu has ordered the Yellow River south of the four states people within the equipment ready to attack the south, the request and, moon, Qin, Yong ready to attack the west to discuss the matter. State campaign-made weapons to Shi Hu, 50 million people, nearly 100 million people out of agriculture out to Shi Hu labor, the military service, leaving only 3 / 10 of the population engaged in agricultural production Sang. Sign sent by the people, and always has been the scourge of killing. It is contained in the requisition of 17 million people do boatman, there is 1 / 3 were killed. Shi Hu is also interested in "hard labor Jin (Han)", expand the Hu and Han ethnic: "the progress made during the quarter Salmonella Wu Long said: 'Hu Yun will decline, Jin when the revival of hard labor Jin Yi to dislike their gas.' Season Long Shang Chang mass was so close to the county 160 000 men and women, cars 100 000 by, earth wall construction and long Waring Court in Ye North, Canton dozens of years ........... a long rain storm, the number of dead million people. "This deliberate expansion of ethnic conflicts, and further laid the seeds of future ethnic massacres.
Workers in the dying ruler is licentious excessive. Shi Hu has made the country too Xiang Wu Hall. Temple base 8 feet high two husbands, what 75-step, 65 steps north and south, the whole house decorated with painted tiles, gold pan, silver-ying, Jin Zhu, bead curtain, jade walls, ornate his best it can be. Needed for the hunting, Yu Shi Hu passed hand to Abdul-Jabbar in Long car craftsman 4000 people indiscriminately in East Hill made flat hunting vehicle Qian Cheng. This hunting thill thirty feet long, 8 feet high a husband, a husband set 7 feet high; while animal cells made by car 40, the construction of the car second floor. Hunting grounds south from Xing Yang, both east to the sun, sent a censor management, does not allow people to hunt inside the animal, such as violation of persons, provision of crime Tai. Censor it bullying, authoritarian get good at. The public has the beauty, good critter, if desired to falsely flatter on its committed the crime Erzao Osake and hunting animals, countless people dead. Shi Hu is also abused by female officers 24 and so on, set the Orient House and other official 12, princes more than 70 Asian countries, located nine other female officials. Folk 20 years of age, 13 years of age or more than 30,000 women were levied, divided into three classes the younger brother of rationing officials. County officials they battle Yu Zhi, the man's wife nine thousand people, so that some women had committed suicide unwilling to be wronged dead body. Rulers extravagant, people chat way out, an unprecedented intensification of class contradictions Zhao Shi.
First, Shi Hu Shi Xuandi sent Prince Edward Stone Shi Tao Xuan and in turn reviewed the Book of Zou Shi, a matter of life and death decision trial and the matter of appointment and removal of officials without Qizou. Stuart Shen Zhong remonstrate, Fishing Cat, that the appointment and removal of officials to decide the penalty is the country's major policy decisions should not be commissioned, although the national Crown Prince, should not interfere in politics, but the two political decentralization, disaster will come from. He used the stone distant matter of remonstrance, Fishing Cat, pet of any person without Road, will harm the country harm people. On this, Shi Hu disregarded, still using stone declared, as the government turns stone Tao. Stone announced that he is from Prince Edward, Joseph and has been unwilling to rock the same position, combined with self Tuyen Quang Tao stone house, large scale, only the beam length on the nine-husband, rock summoned after indignant that this is by building stone Tao Palace pressure him the Prince, then is killed by craftsmen, truncated girder. Liang Shi Tao, in turn, after extended to 10 husbands, Stone announced that, angry exception, he Shi Tao to reward the country Yap Shi Tao sent to kill and kill Shi Hu Shi machine to seize power. Results conspiracy brought to light, Shi Hu Shi Xuan wife killed the children of 29 300 men, Huanzhe 50 were all tying a mutilated, Orient House guards Exile with okrug. These people row to Yong City (Shaanxi Fengxiang South), the high-power beam calf mobilize Governor uprising, Qin Yong settlement between the city garrison were all destroyed, the rebellion straight Chang, staff increased to 100 000. Shi Hu Li farmers anxious to send the military repression, but with the defeat, had to only use Yao Yi Zhong and Qiang Fu Hung Department of clan only suppressed the uprising.