中华民国治理西藏 人物列表
十四世达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama
十四世达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama
中华民国治理西藏  (1935年7月~现今)
名: 丹增嘉措
籍贯: 青海省平安县红崖村

  第十四世达赖喇嘛·丹增嘉措,1935年7月出生于青海湟中县祁家川(今青海省平安县红崖村),乳名拉木登珠。1938 年拉木登珠被原西藏地方政府遴选为第十三世达赖喇嘛的唯一转世灵童,后报请国民政府特准免予“金瓶掣签”,在中央政府特派大员吴忠信会同热振呼图克图的主持下,1940年在拉萨举行坐床典礼,继位为第十四世达赖喇嘛,1950年11月17日开始亲政,年仅16岁即成为藏传佛教的领袖之一。
  1951年5月23日,中央人民政府与西藏地方政府《关于和平解放办法的协议》(简称“十七条协议”)在北京签字。10 月24日,达赖喇嘛致电中央人民政府毛泽东主席,公开表示拥护并执行协议。1954年秋,达赖喇嘛作为西藏的人民代表出席在北京召开的第一届全国人民代表大会并当选为人大常委会副委员长。1956年4月22日西藏自治区筹备委员会成立,达赖喇嘛任主任委员。此时的达赖喇嘛得到了中央政府的充分信任和人民的爱戴。但是他却并未珍惜政府给他的荣誉和人民对他的感情。
  事实之二,麻原自称他的教义是在原始佛教及藏传佛教的密教体系上融入了瑜伽系统,可以把从人到佛的时间由二、三千年缩短到十年,而且人们不必苦行,只需皈依三宝、守持四戒、背念佛经、接受非凡指引、进行冥想(观修),就可快乐地获得长寿以至成佛。这种特殊方法唯他独有, “是达赖亲自把他指引入佛教大乘传统”。
  从上述事实中,可以看出达赖喇嘛和麻原之间,短短几年,就牢固建立了宗教上的师徒关系,经济上的互惠互利关系,“事业” 上的协作支持关系。德国《焦点》周刊说“没有达赖喇嘛的支持,麻原根本不可能建立起他的教派帝国。他从一个江湖医生和小小的刑事骗子,在短短的几年内火箭式地上升为日本一个教派领袖也不会如此顺利,这是可以肯定的。”换一种说法,正是达赖喇嘛的鼎力“支持”,使麻原彰晃从一个小小
  西藏的封建农奴制度,到底是什么样子呢?拉萨西北50公里处的堆龙德庆县色新村,民主改革前是十四世达赖喇嘛家的庄园。村里的老人们,至今没有忘记达赖喇嘛家给他们带来的痛苦和不幸。当时庄园里20户差巴(农奴),每天都要派出主要劳力自带工具、口粮到庄园的土地上无偿地服劳役。达赖喇嘛家的溪堆(庄园管事)来本(监工),提着皮鞭、棍棒,监督他们劳动,每天要干十五六个小时,农忙季节达到20个小时左右。农奴们稍稍迟到或者有一点点不满的表示,甚至因病或哺育婴儿,都会立即遭到拳打脚踢,石头棍棒交加,全庄园农奴除一个水磨管理人外,无一幸免。农奴们把达赖家统治的色新庄园比作人间地狱,经常对天发誓“下辈子做牛做马也不沾色新的土地了。”由于缺吃少穿,劳动繁重,鞭打和凌辱简直是家常便饭,农奴们忍无可忍,只有逃跑。 1950年秋天,18个农奴和奴隶集体逃跑了,达赖家通过地方政府进行通缉,逃跑者在雅鲁藏布江边被逮住,庄园管事把他们用牛毛绳捆绑,用皮鞭和棍棒抽打着把他们押回庄园,然后绑在柳树上,每人先打了100棒,又用铁镣铐住双脚,关进私设的牢房,进行鞭打和拷问。当时正是秋收时节,庄园里劳动力不够,还强迫他们带着脚镣去收割青稞……色新村的老人们回忆说,达赖喇嘛家管理色新庄园的10年间,被打伤致残的有11人,重伤致死的5人。这不是神话,也不是故事,这是40年前发生在这块土地上的实实在在的事实,当年逃跑而被抓回的农奴还有好几位活着,他们身上还带着累累的伤疤,他们决不会认为,农奴制度是人道主义的乐园。是民主改革才彻底改变了他们的命运,真正有了人身自由,也才真正的富裕了起来。
  考虑到西藏历史和社会的特殊情况,1951年中央政府和西藏地方政府签定的和平解放西藏十七条协议第十一条规定:“有关西藏的各项改革事宜,中央不加强迫,西藏地方政府应自动进行改革,人民提出改革要求时,得采取与西藏领导人员协商的方法解决之。”1956年4月,西藏自治区筹备委员会成立,鉴于邻近几省藏区进行改革的消息传到到西藏,各地群众纷纷提出改革的请求,十世班禅额尔德尼也表示愿意在他的属区进行试点。当时西藏确有改革试点的打算,中央在充分听取了达赖喇嘛的意见之后,决定改革推迟进行,改革试点也停止,在贵族上层官员没有安置好以前不谈改革。1956年8月 18日,毛泽东主席亲自复信达赖喇嘛,说现在还不是改革的时候。接着周恩来总理三次与达赖喇嘛谈话,转达毛主席的意思,西藏6年内不搞改革,6年以后改不改,还是由达赖喇嘛决定。但是,达赖喇嘛和西藏一些农奴主,还是发动了全面的公开的武装叛乱,因为他们需要的不是推迟改革,而是永远不改,永远在西藏保持不合理、不人道的封建农奴制度。
  国家非常重视西藏的传统文化,组织人力、物力、财力进行抢救、保护和发展,应该说20世纪80年代,开始了西藏传统文化又一个春天。藏语文得到了普遍使用,自治区人民代表大会制定法律,规定会议文件、政府公文、门牌号码,甚至拍发电报,都得使用藏语文。藏文报纸、杂志、藏语广播、电视,大家天天看,天天听。藏文书籍大量出版,超过了历史上任何一个时期,不但出版了大量当代人写的藏文书和藏文教科书,古代的秘本、孤本,经过专家整理,重新得以问世,这在过去时代是不可想象的。藏医藏药声誉一天比一天高,传统藏戏各地都在演,牧区的“果朝”、农区的“果谐”、康区的“锅庄”、 “ 弦子”、前藏和后藏的“堆谐”和“朗玛”等传统舞蹈,无论在节日,还是平时都跳得热闹,西藏已成为歌舞之乡、欢乐之乡。丰富多彩的西藏民歌、民间故事、谚语、说唱,特别是英雄史诗“格萨尔王传”,重新在进行演唱和讲述,并且得到收集、整理、出版和保存。西藏的专业和民间艺术家走遍了世界,唱西藏歌,跳西藏舞,把雪域传统艺术带给世界人民,外国人看了赞不绝口,他们说:“达赖喇嘛不是说西藏文化都消灭了吗? 这话不对吧,毫无疑义在西藏保存了全世界最美好的艺术。”
  那些年,达赖喇嘛在国际上遇到了许多困难。70年代初期,美国尼克松政府调整了全球战略和对华政策。基辛格、尼克松一个接着一个访华,中美关系走向缓和。1972年美国部分停止了对达赖集团的政治、经济、军事援助;1974年,木斯塘四水六岗卫教军又在尼泊尔遭到惨败。达赖喇嘛流亡国外20年,没有任何一个国家承认他的“流亡政府”。在这种处境孤立的情况下,他降低了“西藏独立”的调门,变换分裂祖国的手法,假装要重新考虑自己的立场,请求中央同意他派人到北京汇报情况和进西藏参观访问,中央接受了他的请求,邓小平先生说得很明确:“达赖可以回来,但他要作为中国公民。” “我们的要求就是一个爱国,而且我们提出爱国不分先后。”
  为了尽快改善西藏地区的面貌,中央人民政府决定由北京、上海、天津、江苏等九省市帮助西藏建设43项中小型工程,这些工程都是发展西藏经济、改善藏人生活迫切需要的,例如电站、学校、医院、文化中心、市政设施、宾馆饭店等等。工程1984年全面启动,2万多名内地工程技术人员进藏施工,他们远离家乡,远离亲人,在高寒缺氧的世界屋脊上很努力地干活,有的人为了西藏建设甚至献出了宝贵的生命。1985年8月,大部分工程如期完工,钥匙交到了西藏的使用单位手里,他们还手把手地把工程技术和管理方法传给藏族同行。正是在这几年,拉萨建设迅速发展,古老的城市开始现代化起来了。全城新修柏油马路15条,全长70 公里,拉萨街道变得平坦宽阔了;铺设上下排水管道48公里,服务面积20平方公里,拉萨再也不是下雨满城水满城泥了;新建自来水厂两个,铺设水管70公里,供水面积占城区的60%,拉萨人从此能喝上新鲜清洁的自来水了。从拉萨到西藏各地邮路畅通,电话可以直拨西藏各地、全国各城镇并且可以与全世界180 个国家和地区直接通话。西藏电视台和拉萨电视台,用藏汉两种语言通过多个频道播放,拉萨75%的家庭拥有彩色电视机,收录机的拥有者更加普遍。拉萨有大学两所,中专9所,中学12所,青少年可以自由地进入各类学校学习;还有医院、医疗机构14个,大中型医院7个,藏汉族医生1520名,病床1100张,拉萨人看病难的问题基本解决了。阴冷潮湿的老房子得到改造,人均住房面积9平方米,还在市区和近郊新建了25个小区和新村,人均住房面积22平方米,拉萨人住房难的问题初步解决了。经过十余年的植树造林,城里的林卡,因为建设虽有减少,但是城市周围绿化地大大增加,人均绿化面积达到12平方米,这里的风沙比过去大大减少了。经过这些建设,拉萨确实变了,变美了,变新了,变得舒服了。新建筑,古建筑,互相映衬,让人耳目一新。国内外游客和佛教徒,争相前来参观游览、转经朝拜,拉萨成了一座闻名全球的旅游城。
    此 布
  1987年9月21日,达赖喇嘛在美国国会提出“五点和平计划”。24日,他又在印地安那大学举行记者招待会,公然宣称 “西藏不是中国的一部分,西藏是一个独立国家。”这些消息很快通过各种渠道传到西藏,果然拉萨少数分裂主义分子,便举行了策应和支持达赖“五点和平计划” 的示威游行,这就是80年代末一系列骚乱动荡的开始,此后一两年里,闹事一直没有消停。拉萨骚乱与达赖喇嘛有着不可分割的联系。
  我们还注意到,每次骚乱结束,达赖喇嘛都要鼓励一翻,并且要求分裂主义分子再接再励地干去。1987年10月7日,达赖喇嘛在印度达兰萨拉发表讲演,表示对拉萨骚乱“完全支持”,号召分裂主义分子“不要服从”。1988年3月5日拉萨骚乱过后的第五天,他又在集会上对拉萨骚乱倍加赞扬:“境内藏民斗争旺盛,决心很大,敢于流血牺牲!”他在同一天的书面声明中又说:“西藏境内英雄的同胞们,不畏强暴的中国军队的镇压,进行着勇敢的非暴力的斗争……这也是佛教精神和我们民族精神统一的见证 ”。他呼吁“我们每个人在这一年里竭尽全力地为实现我们正义的事业——一个属于西藏人的西藏而奋斗。”
  当时获得了诺贝尔和平奖的达赖喇嘛,似乎喝了一点青稞酒,有点飘飘然了,看到如此这般的国际形势,很是有点得意忘形。他跑遍了西方和东欧,为苏联解体和东欧巨变叫好,同时发布各种各样的预言,似乎他已不是活佛,而是占卜吉凶、预言祸福的巫师神汉了,他一次又一次发布预测,说什么5年到10年之内,“西藏会独立”,“中共要垮台”。1989年12月,他对法国费加罗报记者兴灾乐祸地说:“马克思主义是在本世纪诞生的,很可能在本世纪结束以前死亡,马克思主义寿命很短,这是多么可悲的结局啊!”1990年6月,他在西班牙骂中国:“中国大陆的竹幕不久将如柏林墙般的消失。” “中国的共产主义制度不久将垮台。”1991年8月他在巴黎预言:“中国政府现在就如快落山的太阳,中共政权末日可数,不出10年,中国必然发生类似苏联的变化。”还说“3年内一定要把西藏搞成独立国家。”“西藏人决不能像现在这样进入21世纪。”1995年他又预言:“中国可能发生分裂,瓦解和全面崩溃。”“中国今年(1995年)和明年要发生巨变”。“1995年和1996年中国将有大变动。”“我个人的观察和占卜也显示出将有一些乐观的发展,而印度占星家也做同样的预言。”
  1994年7月,中共中央、国务院在北京召开了第三次西藏工作座谈会,会上落实了中央和全国各省市自治区援助西藏兴建 62项建设工程,原计划投资23.8亿元,实际投资33.66亿元。经过15年的改革开放,中国的国力逐渐增强,各省市自治区特别是沿海地区经济有了不同程度的发展,大家没有忘记西藏,也没有忘记藏族同胞,都愿意拿出人力、物力和财力,帮助西藏人民发展生产,改善生活。“中央关心西藏,全国支援西藏”,成了中国各民族共同的行动。青海、宁夏、贵州等省、自治区,自己也不富裕,却毫无保留地要给西藏人民做一份贡献。1995年9月,西藏自治区成立30周年的时候,62项工程绝大部分已经完工,开始为西藏人民造福,西藏人又一次感受到祖国的关怀和各民族的友谊和温暖。与此同时,拉萨布达拉宫维修胜利竣工,一江两河的开发进展顺利,十世班禅大师的转世灵童按照历史惯例和宗教仪轨圆满地认定和坐床,西藏全区80%以上的农牧民已经能够吃饱穿暖,正在步入小康。从民主改革到现在,西藏人的平均寿命,已由35岁增加到65岁;西藏人口由105万人增加到232万人;西藏学生从3000人增加到17.5万人。中央和西藏自治区政府制定具体方案,要在本世纪以内消灭贫困,全体西藏人民都能过上富裕文明生活的日子已经为期不远了。
  西藏地方政府和谈代表齐聚北京后,中央人民政府当即指派李维汉为首席代表,张经武、张国华、孙志远为全权代表,于4月 29日与西藏地方政府的全权代表在友好的基础上,开始进行谈判。双方经过多次洽商就有关和平解放西藏的所有问题达成协议。1951年5月23日《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》即《十七条协议》正式签订,这是中国人民的伟大胜利,是帝国主义分裂我国西藏阴谋的彻底失败,是西藏民族历史发展的一个划时代的转折点。
  1954年达赖喇嘛来北京出席第一届全国人民代表大会第一次会议后,从北京返回西藏时,伪“人民会议”的代表人物到康定、雅安迎接,并上书达赖喇嘛,要求恢复伪“人民会议”的名义,撤销对两司曹的处分。这种反对协议的行径,却受到西藏少数上 层反动分子的袒护和包庇。
  1956年4月,西藏自治区筹备委员会成立,这是西藏实行民族区域自治的重大步骤,也是《十七条协议》中的基本原则之一。就在筹委会成立前后,伪“人民会议”分子又恢复活动,到处上书请愿,反对自治区筹委会,反对民主 改革。这种反动活动,又一次得到西藏少数上层反动分子的纵容和支持。
  直到50年代末,达赖集团阻挠、破坏《十七条协议》的活动始终没有停止过。他们先后在昌都、丁青、那曲、山南等地策动武装叛乱,进行武装窜扰,甚至公开在山南地区成立叛乱武装“卫教军”,建立叛乱“根据地”,并破坏国防公路运输线,包围、进攻自治区筹备委员会在各地的办公机关。到1959年3月10日,达赖集团终于撕毁《十七条协议》,在拉萨悍然发动全面武装叛乱,走上背叛祖国的道路。1959年3月17日夜晚,达赖集团武装叛乱失败,秘密地仓皇离开拉萨出逃。4月18日达赖喇嘛越境抵达印度提斯普尔,踏上异国国土,就由印度外交官散发了用英文书写的《达赖喇嘛声明》,诡称:“宗主权是汉人强加在西藏人身上的”。此时惊魂未定的达赖喇嘛就迫不及待地抛出书面声明,而声明的语言同帝国主义者分裂中国西藏惯用的腔调相似,从此达赖喇嘛开始了在异国国土上分裂祖国的活动。6月20日,达赖喇嘛在穆索里第一次公开露面举行记者招待会,宣称:“要恢复1950年中国入侵以前西藏特有的自由和独立地位”。1991年3 月,达赖喇嘛访问英国时向报界宣称:西藏“是当今世界上被占领的一个最大的国家”。达赖喇嘛就是这样从叛逃之日起,不顾西藏自古以来就是中国不可分割的一部分,700多年来,历代中央政府一直对西藏行使着有效主权管辖的历史,公开鼓吹“西藏是独立国家。”
  ,规定达赖喇嘛为“政府首脑”。之后,于1963年正式颁布“西藏国宪法”,1991年修改后公布为“流亡藏人宪法”,规定:“达赖任国家首脑”,“达赖喇嘛可以直接通过下属官员发布命令”,可“指令大臣”、“颁授勋章和爵位”,噶厦会议是在达赖喇嘛领导下负责政府事务的,首席噶伦和诸噶伦、“人民会议” 会长、副会长、大法官就职前均要向达赖喇嘛“宣誓”,君臣会议由达赖喇嘛主持”、“达赖喇嘛可以更换包括首席噶伦在内的全体噶伦”等等。达赖在其“流亡政府”内,设立安全、外交(后改为国际关系暨宣传)等部门。在10多个国家设立达赖喇嘛办事处或联络处,编辑、出版和发行大量宣扬“西藏独立”的刊物和书籍。在国外藏胞青年人中成立“西藏青年大会”、“西藏妇女协会”等激进组织,组建“西藏大会党”、收取藏人“独立捐”等等。所有这些就明白向世人宣告,达赖喇嘛及其“流亡政府”是一个旨在分裂祖国,妄图实现“西藏独立”的政治集团,达赖是这个分裂主义政治集团的总代表、总头子。故而,人们称之为“达赖集团”。
  达赖集团为了达到分裂祖国,妄图实现“西藏独立”的政治目的,在国外反华势力的支持和援助下,重新组建两支叛乱武装。 1960年9月在尼泊尔北部的木斯塘地区重新组建了“四水六岗卫教军”(藏语称“曲细岗珠”),“四水”指金沙江、澜沧江、怒江、雅砻江;“六岗”指擦瓦岗、芒康岗、麻则岗、木雅绕岗、色莫岗、泽贡岗,主要代表四川藏区。1962年组建了以藏人为主的“印藏特种边境部队”。“四水六岗卫教军”不仅在我国边境进行军事袭扰活动,危及我国边防和边民的生产与生活的安宁,而且骚扰尼泊尔居民百姓,强占草场、土地、勒索财物,无恶不作,成为尼泊尔政府心腹之患。这支反动武装,首任总指挥恩珠仓·公布扎西在其回忆录《四水六岗》中写道:“组织了一系列向中国哨所的进攻”、“有时,一、二百人的西藏游击队的活动深入中国占领区达一百英里。”达赖喇嘛撰文对公布扎西大肆赞扬。“四水六岗卫教军”不断骚扰中尼两国边境地区,1974年尼泊尔政府出动部队最终解除其武装。在尼泊尔残存了14年之久的这支叛乱武装最终被彻底歼灭。达赖集团还不断派人到美国中央情报局学习“游击战术”,接受“特殊训练”,培养数以百计的特工人员。1961年,美国派两架飞机给木斯塘的四水六岗卫教军空运了能装备475人的枪械药品食物,还有10200卢比现金。同时空投了在海尔营地受训的38 名叛乱分子中的26人。1965年至1966年,美国中央情报局在尼泊尔修建了专用飞机场,派出一架运输机和两架直升机专门给这支叛乱武装空投武器装备、粮食和被服等物资。凡此种种完全暴露了达赖集团在政治上、组织上和武装力量上分裂祖国的真实面目。
  这个“七条建议”与“五点计划”相比,调子有所变化,但其实质依然是分裂中国,提出“中国政府负责西藏的外交事务”, “中国可以有权在西藏保持以防御为目的、有限量的“军事设施”。其实质显然否定中国政府对西藏拥有的神圣主权,并且企图把中央和西藏地方的隶属关系,变成类似西方的宗主国与附庸国、保护国与被保护国的关系,从而改变西藏的法律地位。达赖把这个“七条建议”称之为“新建议”,其实这个提法,并非什么新东西,而是英、俄帝国主义国家在本世纪初妄图把西藏分裂出中国,而炮制的关于“中国在西藏只有宗主权而不是拥有主权”的说法在新的历史条件下的翻版。
  二、达赖喇嘛说:“汉人移民,藏族在西藏成为少数”。“汉人向西藏移民750万人,使藏族成了少数民族”。达赖集团的 “西藏青年代表大会”编造的数据更加耸人听闻,他们说汉人向西藏已移民7000万,还计划移进12亿汉人,同化藏族。简直是弥天大谎。根据1990年人口普查的统计,在西藏的汉族人仅有81217人,尚不足全区总人口的4%。西藏和其他省的10个藏族自治州、两个藏族自治县的总人口,加在一起也只有近 600万人,其中藏族459万,仍然占大多数。
  结 束 语
  江泽民主席在1996年7月13日和14日分别接受德国电视二台和《法兰克福汇报》的记者采访时,回答西藏问题时说: “只要达赖喇嘛承认西藏是中国不可分割的一部分,彻底放弃‘西藏独立’的主张,停止分裂祖国的活动,我们就欢迎他,回归祖国,为国家的统一和民族的团结富裕做些有益的事情。”

  On the soul boy of the search, there is an information had this to say: look for soul boy, was in accordance with three kinds of instructions: First, the Thirteenth Dalai Lama passed away when facing east, suggesting the reincarnation Orient. Second, lowering the reincarnation of God directed the Northeast where the Han Chinese. Third, thermal vibration Sea View is a farm located in the road will be done and the front of a giant willow, collateral white horse, a woman holds children stand under a tree. Thermal Vibration (then Prince Regent) is seen in the sea scene, drawn in detail to find painter.
  This is the fifth Dalai Lama. V 达赖罗桑嘉 wrong, was born in 1617 (the Ming Dynasty). Period identified in his collection of religious leaders and the Dalai Lama a political leader's power.
  From this point onwards, Tibetan Buddhism's most famous a few pieces of sects: Flower Education, White Sect, the Yellow Sect sprang up. And the history of Tibet occupies an important position. Such as white education, but also the eleventh century (about Ancestor's) from the local people in Tibet Luozha Maba create. He had traveled to India, law and return to own a Tibetan religion, were Kagyupa (commonly known as the White Sect). This school is a Tantric, specializing in spit fire sword swallowing, physical soaring. Is said to complete their "Taketoshi fire", it can withstand hunger and cold. Flooding death, the fire also burned alive. Can in the air, such as ground cover (a bit like Lingboweibu, huh, huh). There are three branches of white education in the local ownership of the masses, and a regime and armed forces.
  Here can tell a story, four-Dalai Lama goes wrong after the death of Dan Jia, according to the Yellow Sect of the rules, must find a reincarnation. However, Khan was zangba sick body, suspected to be the Dalai Lama on the curse. He explicitly the world, then the world does not allow the Dalai Lama. Fourth Panchen idea was cured of the disease zangba Khan. Life-saving grace is difficult to return ah, and a curse, said the Dalai Lama has offered no evidence. Zangba Khan considered for a long time, decided to found himself a new level, the so agree with the Panchen Lama's repeated plea to allow to find the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama.
  From this point onwards, His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Tibet and Zao. But does not personally deal with political affairs, the Dalai Lama set up under the first Palestinian one, the Prime Minister political affairs. The people of Tibet, said the first Palestinian general as "king of the underworld."
  In late November 1956, the Dalai Lama was invited to India to participate in the annual Buddhist Buddha Nirvana  2500 Act will, later stranded in India in recent months, separatist forces are under siege. As a result, he began to consciously or unconsciously manipulated by the separatists.
  Book a large number of facts show the Dalai Lama walked the streets, but also exposed him to harm the country in recent years, chaos education, harm the people's act.
  1. To support the Japanese Aum Shinrikyo
  The answer can only seek the facts:
  Fact 3, May 1989, the Dalai Lama issued a certificate and letters of recommendation Asahara, Asahara said a "very capable religious teacher" Aum is the "dissemination of Mahayana Buddhism," "promote the public good good "Tokyo petition the authorities to" allow the Aum sect should be exempt from taxation. " So that Asahara rapidly accumulated large amounts of funds, engaged in gas development and production.
  The liar, by the "religious teacher" poisoning of funds accumulated to become the head of terrorist groups.
  These provisions for the Dalai Lama is such a big Buddha should be better than anyone else. So, why did he accept the Asahara conversion in the strict inspection when it? In passing secret law without strict decisions? Why we seek to grant such a person as "Buddhist teachers," the title and issue to ensure the book? Asahara in his new book "Supreme Guide" This represents the mystery: the Dalai Lama, "commissioned" Asahara, "the reform of Buddhism in Japan."
  2. Using Dafa may engage in "Tibet independence" in political activities
  Since 1980, the Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, the faithful frequently held to the inside and outside the Kalachakra initiation Dafa Association; particularly the 1996 level by as much as 4 times a year!
  Tibetan Buddhists believe in God Custodian Dan decin repair. According to Tibetan historical records, Tsongkhapa, founder of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism, the world preaching the old age living master, an eight disciples together with Chief Master Sera Monastery in Lhasa, the living quarters "song when" preaching to discuss matters. Master raised, for the Gelug Sect Lotus is not for regular mass, a more dignified to be the guardian angel. Cotton How Zaba stood Gyaltsen said: "If respecting the mapping, I would like to undertake this responsibility and punish the person against my school."
  XIV Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso is also dedicated to decin repair the original Dan. But 70 years and suddenly enemies, ordered a ban on worship, and thus with the tension by the teacher; for those who rarely listen to, then had to let the matter rest. In 1994, the Dalai Lama revisit the subject, with a large increase in various forms crusade, said the protective deities, "the fundamental cause of Tibet negative, on the Dalai Lama, the adverse physical and life", but somehow fasten to protect the law of God " pro-Chinese "to the charges. March 1996, the Dalai Lama further two preaching conference, openly attended mass injunction to require temples, Buddha and the monks and lay people have to make choices, otherwise will be treated as "a betrayal of the common cause of Tibet" and " hope that the Dalai Lama Budehaosi, "and even threatened to leave the name of those who do not obey, he would personally condemn door; and yelled at, or else give up the belief in protecting the Law of God to immediately withdraw by the market. Then exile organizations and institutions have lower resolutions and statements issued, the use of modern media create public opinion; also sent thugs, broke into the Buddhist temple camp, residential buildings, smashing statues of protective deities, beating believers, to impose. Those who still fail to comply, monks and nuns out of the temple, officials dismissed from service for students to stop subsidies, the people and clear the community.
  Many outside the temple, and Tibetan Living Buddha, but a strong response because of the direct victims, many people will hide the transfer of the Custodian of statues, passive resistance; many people refused to give up the faith of guarantee signed; many people use modern media to expose , controlled demolition; also sent a letter to United Nations agencies or country of residence led to appeal to stop the Dalai Lama's religious persecution and human rights abuses; It was also the residence of the Courts to require accountability and compensation according to law; more series of association, collective protest demonstrations.
  4. Violation of the Panchen Lama reincarnation of religious rituals and historical conventions
  Dalai Lama's title in the "Western Paradise Great Benevolent Self-Buddha," "King Kong holding," "Dalai Lama", "Lama" is really the other Living Buddhas are used, and the Han and minority nationalities in China, this phenomenon is not uncommon ; but the words and the full title are two different things, the word anyone can use, not a fixed property; and complete title is a fixed attribute, not indiscriminately use.
  Second, the two Dalai Lama's status is different. The third Dalai Lama was only Drepung and Sera twelfth thirteenth any France and Taiwan either France and Taiwan, the Fifth Dalai Lama was the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism as well as the leader.
  The Dalai Lama, who said, "accept the Institution and is not subject to foreign invasion at that time."
  Dalai Lama, who said, "Only in the reincarnation significant differences only when the use of lot-drawing."
  Dalai Lama in exile organizations, the article said: "The history of the eighth Dalai Lama had recognized the seventh Panchen Lama recognized the Sixth Panchen precedent Eighth Dalai Lama. Similarly, the 14th Dalai Lama finds the first Panchen reincarnation is to follow this tradition, and not undermine the history and religious rituals, nor is it illegal. "
  Second, the Living Buddha reincarnation of religious rituals and historical conventions, along with the historical development of continuous improvement, and from "within the Imperial recovery possession statute 29" finally determined. Want to use the earlier, not real historical data, to deny the formation of the system was the practice, come out of the great master of logic and to obtain the hand of the Dalai Lama Geshe degree, only a surprise!
  The Dalai Lama claimed that he had search and found the reincarnation of the Panchen right. Is it?
  From the religious point of view. Panchen and Dalai Lama are the two major Tibetan Buddhist Lama, the Gelug Sect monasteries universal worship of the "partner 3" while only without the Dalai Lama. And according to the embodiment of the reincarnation of Tibetan Buddhism say, is immeasurable Guangfo incarnation of the Panchen Lama, the Dalai Lama is the incarnation of Guanyin Bodhisattva. See also slightly higher than the Dalai Lama religion, does not exist above the Panchen Lama on Dalai Lama, Panchen problems can be identified.
  Added reincarnated body; formed the Buddhist Association of China Zhao Puchu and Vice President, Honorary President of the Buddhist Association Tibet Branch Pagbalha Geleg Namgyai as general counsel, a well-known around the living Buddha of Tibetan Buddhism, monks formed group of advisers, according to religious rituals, such as the law such as the instrument to carry out prayers, toward Lake viewing, secret search to verify the selection of a series of subtle work hard, made great achievements, has entered a decisive stage of reincarnation.
  In late January 1995, look for group meetings, the selection of key children, Chadrel despite opposition from the majority, of children forced into the focus of this list.
  Why does the Dalai Lama against the lot-drawing?
  Central Government for the protection of religious people and religious sentiments of broad masses of believers and legitimate rights and interests of religious rituals, determined by lot-drawing approach to spiritual childhood body, completely embodies the popular wishes of the.
  Tibet Autonomous Region People's Congress and Political Consultative Conference and the Buddhist Association Tibet Branch of the resolutions and declarations were adopted and resolutely oppose the Dalai Lama's illegal, condemned the Dalai Lama's use of religion to split the unity of the motherland and undermining national unity, harm people's interests, in violation of national laws, contempt Tibetan Buddhist community rights and dignity, trampled monks and nuns and the religious feelings of religious believers. The Dalai Lama to take responsibility for his actions, determined to struggle with the separatist group in the end.
  In the grand enthronement ceremony, Li Tieying read out the enthronement of the approval the State Council agreed, on behalf of the State Council, awarded to the 11th Panchen Lama gold and gold printed copies, showing the Temple bar President Jiang Zemin inscribed the "protect the country and ride out the" gold plaque manuscript. National Buddhist monk monks, the monastery presented on behalf of the new Panchen Lama I, Manza, bowed to the ground, expressed the sincere wish of conversion and profound admiration. Representatives of the masses lined, dedication Feng Sheng Heli, to accept Morocco to bless them. Reflects the deep faith of millions of believers and unparalleled support.
  Exile, the Fourteenth Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso. Likes to present himself as the savior of the Tibetan people look to their own doing, as "for the Tibetan people," and even said: "As long as the Dalai Lama living in this world, I will for the possession of the interests of the utmost! "Is that true? Tibetan proverb:" I said blister actually do is gold. "The point is that: no matter how useless mouth speaks, will have to see how the action . I would like to give something over 30 years in Tibet, the Dalai Lama in the end let the world see what it has done for the Tibetan people? He did, in the end beneficial or harmful to the people of Tibet?
  Dalai Lama openly engage in rebellion and split the most central point is that he wants to remain forever in the feudal serf system in Tibet. The instigation of the Western imperialism of course there are closely related.
  Dalai Lama in old Tibet under the rule, had no human rights in the world where most, but, to the 20th century, 80's, the chief representative of the feudal serf system has overnight become the so-called "human rights defenders", in The emotion on many occasions attacked the Chinese government violated human rights, or complaints of human rights in contemporary Tibet, how to not speak. Now there are some things in the world more strange, strange that we are all difficult to understand, the Dalai Lama on behalf of the Tibetan feudal serf system, had a very very cruel barbaric, has long been cast aside by the history of mankind, the Dalai Lama in recent years have experiences, he always felt he was living Buddha, said to myself no matter what, the West will believe anything. So whim, to say the feudal serf system flower, said to the world's most beautiful system of the most humane, as west in Paradise. March 10, 1983, he actually say this in Dharamsala, India: "In the past, we in Buddhist Tibet, the shining snow, people live and work." "Our system is different from other serf serf system, which is Because Tibet is sparsely populated, Buddhism is the benefit of all beings, warned people to love each other. So although our society is practiced serfdom, but it is a Buddhist-based, and the benefit of others, noble heart of the serf system . "
  Tibetan feudal serf system, in the end is like? 50 kilometers northwest of Lhasa Doilungdeqen County color Village, is the Fourteenth Dalai Lama before the democratic reform of the manor house. Village elders, home to the Dalai Lama has not forgotten their suffering and misfortune. Difference was the farm 20 bar (serfs), the main labor every day to send own tools, food rations to the manor of land without compensation to labor service. Dalai Lama's home in River reactor (manor steward) to the (supervision), carrying whips, sticks, supervise their work, six hours a day to dry 15, the busy season to 20 hours or so. Serfs were a little late or a little bit unhappy that even the sick or feeding babies will immediately kicked, stone sticks Cross, all but one water mill manager Zhuang Yuannong slaves, the spared. Serfs to the Dalai Lama ruled the color of new manor house than to hell, often on the day vowed to "my next life Chores do not stain the new land." As the lack and want, and labor heavy, whipping and abuse is simply routine, the serfs were unbearable and only escape. The fall of 1950, 18 collective escaped serfs and slaves, home through the local government wanted the Dalai Lama, to escape being caught in the Brahmaputra side, estate steward them with ox hair rope tied, beaten with whips and sticks with their charge Back to the manor, and then tied to a willow, on each first hit of the 100 sticks, they live in the feet with iron chains, locked kangaroo cell, were beaten and tortured. It was harvest season, the farm labor force is not enough, with leg irons and forced them to harvest barley ... ... color village of old people recalled that the Dalai Lama a new manor house color management 10 years, was wounded or disabled, 11 people, injured 5 people died. This is not a myth nor a story, it is 40 years ago in the land of the real facts, then fled the serfs there were recaptured several live them also with numerous scars that they Never think that serfdom humanitarian paradise. Is the only democratic reform completely changed their destiny, really have personal freedom, but also really rich up.
  Under the feudal serf system in Tibet, all the wealth, power, serf owners owned, while the masses of serfs and slaves, destitute, nothing, not even the minimum power is not a man. They generations for the nobility, monasteries, endless Ural official paid servants, assume responsibility for the rare heavy human labor, but rarely live human misery. They do not have any personal freedom at all, lord can arbitrarily insult, harassment, sale, donation, whipped or even killed serfs and slaves. They are naked, starving, over 90% of people are illiterate. Untreated illness, smallpox, plague, cholera and other epidemics claimed thousands of lives, child mortality rates higher than 60% of the people's average life expectancy is only 35 years old. This system is so unfair, unreasonable, inhumane, where people of conscience are all seen and heard that after the great shock and indignation. It and the dark Middle Ages in Europe, and Russia is worse than serfdom, where serfdom was abolished hundreds of years earlier, it became the eyes of future generations synonymous with barbarism and backwardness.
  In light of Tibetan history and the special circumstances of the community, in 1951 the central government and local government of Tibet's peaceful liberation of Tibet signed the agreement Article 17 provides that: "matters relating to various reforms in Tibet, did not force the central authorities, local government of Tibet should be carry out reforms when the people demand reform, may take the leading personnel of Tibet settled by way of consultation. "in April 1956, the Tibet Autonomous Region established the Preparatory Committee, in view of the provinces neighboring Tibet to spread the message of reform to Tibet, parts of people have pointed out the request, the amount of the tenth Panchen Lama also said he is willing to pilot areas. Tibet was indeed the intention of the pilot reform, central government listen to the Dalai Lama's opinion, the decision to postpone the reform carried out the pilot reform stopped, the nobility did not properly placed before the top officials talk about reform. August 18th, 1956, Chairman Mao Zedong response is the Dalai Lama, said now is not reform. Premier Zhou Enlai then talk with the Dalai Lama three times, to convey the meaning of Chairman Mao, Tibet, six years not to engage in reform, 6 years after the change or not change, or the decision by the Dalai Lama. However, some of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan serf owners, or to launch a comprehensive open armed rebellion, because they need not delay the reform, but never changed, always keeping in Tibet unreasonable, inhuman feudal serf system.
  Dalai clique launched an armed rebellion, openly tore up the peaceful liberation of Tibet 17 agreement, once the opposition has repeatedly postponed because of the Dalai Lama's democratic reforms, of course, carried out together in all parts of Tibet. Generations when the cattle and horses of the serfs, emancipation, masters, masters of the state, the masters of society, have become their own masters. To the end of 1960, 870,000 people in Tibet have basically completed the democratic reform of agricultural area, 200,000 farmers received their land ownership certificate. After democratic reform, the abolition of serfdom to the serf owners of personal attachment relationship, the establishment of individual ownership of the peasants, serfs and slaves divided got land, livestock and other means of production, slaves their home, dreaming of the land for generations, into a living reality. When the glow of the fire burning when the loan-shark debt; when the serf assigned to land, housing and livestock; as they received land certificates, people dancing and singing around the campfire, drinking binge, some people holding land certificates tears long stream, some people in the new sub-rolling land, some people hold animals kiss, then it is the most grand plateau nation's most impressive festivals.
  Maintain the feudal serfdom in Tibet is a good system, good or democratic reform? Is to allow people to horses when cattle good, or masters of the good? This is a very simple question. Abolish the system of exploitation of people, who have no land in the land, no house of people had a house, cattle and sheep who do not have cattle and sheep, the Tibetan people for generations this is the long-awaited good thing. Has been advertised "for the happiness of the Tibetan struggle," the Dalai Lama is really concerned about people suffering, their compassion, to benefit the Tibetan people for such a good thing, should give its support. However, his attitude is not the case. He did not like the democratic reforms in Tibet, very unhappy people emancipation, he said the Tibetan people in foreign countries every day, dividing the land subdivision extremely bad, bad. Also secretly send people to sneak into Tibet and parts of sabotage, distributing leaflets, putting up posters, spreading rumors and undermining democratic reforms. He was beaten to pieces of the four rivers and six ranges army health education, re-organized, please help the CIA train, transport stages to Mustang in Nepal region, back out from here channeling, looting people's cattle and sheep, which makes several counties in west Tibet, very peaceful, and Nepal border trade is also affected. Nepal's king was very angry, sent troops to crush, there is no way the military health education, some surrendered, and some have been eliminated.
  2. Who really cares about people's lives?
  In the central leaders of the direct care and guidance, the Tibetan people, religious and cultural policy, implemented in no uncertain terms; farmers and herdsmen in a very short period of time to reduce the burden of the rural pastoral areas quickly emerged a new atmosphere of people happy . The situation in Tibet is very heartening, both urban and rural, pastoral, or frontier, people feel happy and full of lively, exciting things happen every day, all over Tibet's future is full of beautiful dream. Tibet's upper class in politics again, and give full play to their active role in miscarriages of justice caused by the Cultural Revolution, was rehabilitated, they regained the respect of society. From 1980 to 1988, 9 years, there have been more than 1,700 national and religious upper class elected to the national and the Tibetan People's Congresses and CPPCC members, and some positions in state organs at various levels, a group of people with expertise was hired to schools, hospitals, press, publishing, archaeological, social sciences and arts and culture sector, in education, health care, editing, research work, among them many people have become professors, researchers, editors, and some countries and also autonomous regions and granted the title of a special contribution to the experts.
  Generations of the Tibetan Buddhist belief in the people, and now once again enjoying the freedom of religious belief. Countries to allocate hundreds of millions of huge sum of money, the maintenance of Buddhist temples and religious sites, Bajiaojie turning the endless stream of people from morning till night, the strong religious temple incense. Monks and nuns practice by amending the law, worship Buddha, various Buddhist activities to restore, open to the general religious people. Tibet now a total of temples, shrines, Retreat House 1787, an average of one in almost every village; to 46,000 monks and nuns who, according to Tibet's current population of 2 million calculations, almost one in every 40 individuals who monk. In all walks of life are the development of modern society, the proportion of Tibetan monks and nuns is very high indeed, both monks and nuns in monasteries, or are fully able to meet the needs of broad masses of believers. Buddhist Association at all levels to re-work, religious elites are properly arranged, a representative of the religious festivals around the gradual recovery, such as Summons Ceremony in Lhasa's Jokhang Temple, Shigatse Simo Green Wave Festival, Jiang Zi Dama Festival, Ganden Monastery Buddha Exhibition Festival Sour Milk Drinking Festival Drepung, Sera of King Kong peg section, Reting Monastery, Samye Monastery, the monastery, Sakya Monastery, temple of God and satin dance festival, being resumed. Post Transformation Tisi Year of the Horse, Year of the Ram turn Namtso Lake, Monkey switch to German Baoshan, grand grand and warm. Lhasa and Shigatse and other re-established a printing house, private printing is very common, a hanging holiday religious people, sooner or later, Sang simmer, turning around the shrine, pilgrims into the temple, monks chanting auspicious time please, someone dies, the mourning 77 49 days, the Tibetans have become an integral part of daily religious life.
  Country attaches great importance to the traditional Tibetan culture, organizational manpower, material and financial resources to rescue, protection and development, it should be said 80 years of the 20th century, and began another spring of traditional Tibetan culture. Tibetan language has been widely used, autonomous regions and the people's congress to make laws, the provisions of papers, government documents, house number, and even sent telegrams, had to use the Tibetan language. Tibetan newspapers, magazines, Tibetan radio and television, we handle every day, every day to listen. A large number of Tibetan books published, more than any time in history, not only published a lot of possession, written by contemporary instruments and Tibetan books, the ancient secret of this, only existing copies, after finishing experts, to come out again, this time is unimaginable in the past of. Tibetan medicine and pharmacology reputation up every day, everywhere, the traditional Tibetan opera performances, pastoral "fruit toward" agricultural area "fruit harmony", Kang District, "Guo Zhuang", "Ny", Maekura and post-possession of the "heap Harmony "and" Langma "and other traditional dance at festivals, or usually have danced lively, Tibet has become a dance town, happy town. Colorful Tibetan folk songs, folk stories, proverbs, rap, particularly the heroic epic "King Gesar", re-doing concerts and talk about, and get the collection, collation, publication and preservation. Tibet's professional and folk artists traveled around the world, singing Tibetan songs, dance dance in Tibet, the snow-covered traditional art to the world people, foreigners looked full of praise, saying: "The Dalai Lama does not mean that eradication of Tibetan culture are it?'re wrong it, no doubt saved the world in Tibet, the best art. "
  From the late 70s, the motherland and the people will pay attention again turned to the Tibetan people in exile, for them, let bygones be bygones, patriotic or late, policy of free movement, they are welcome to return home, visiting friends and relatives or to visit. For their relatives at home, one by one investigation, the implementation of policy, the economy firmly on the Compensation and restitution, to take care of daily life difficult. The good news spread to India, Nepal, Tibetan settlements spread to Europe, living overseas Tibetans are very happy! 20 years of their lives in an exotic foreign land, dreaming all want to go back to see home and see family, and now this dream has become reality. Tibetans at home and abroad to find each other, mutual contacts and mutual visits to the moment, boom, on the Nepal border friendship bridge, departure and return of Tibetans to their questions, the situation is very moving. Tibet, Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and Yunnan provinces, autonomous regions and counties under the jurisdiction of Tibet, has set up reception centers for overseas Tibetans, Tibetans all those who returned to the warm reception, to ensure freedom of movement. Accommodation in terms of traffic with ease. According to incomplete statistics, since 1979, returned to visit relatives and friends in Tibet and other Tibetan areas of the Tibetans more than 20,000 people, the Tibetans have settled many as 2,000 people.
  From 1979 to 1980, the Dalai Lama has sent five groups of people to visit Tibet, no matter where they are to the local government and the people regarded them as their own people, and the warm and thoughtful reception. Please visit them around, not only so that they favored, but also so that they look bad, what to see anything. But these people are not so good, ill intent, good and do not come, they did a lot of shady dealings. They are not "visit" but to "gather information"; not come to see folks, but to stir up ethnic strife and divide the Sino-Tibetan relations, incitement to religious fanaticism. During the last few, led by example, by Zhandong Dan's second tour, under the door of the vehicle will be delivered to the Jokhang Temple demagogic speech, but also in Ganden organizing illegal meetings, and urged "Kham, Amdo, Maekura , after the Tibetans unite for common cause ";" Tibet independence can not just talk about it to remember in the heart ", to incite the masses engaged in Tibetan separatist meeting, 1:00 spin Lhasa panic, pandemonium. On what they do, very angry cadres and the masses of Lhasa, the regional government last straw, announced them as "persona non grata", ordering them to leave before Lhasa. Central Committee adopted the views of local people throughout the Tibetan areas, decided to temporarily suspend the Dalai Lama sent back to "visit." School tour to see the Dalai Lama to die, also proposed to return to visit relatives abroad, Living Buddha, visit the original temple and the monks. A Living Buddha to come back, with by teachers, housekeepers, Qin Juan, and a large group of attendants, their origin or the original temple, living anywhere from several months to more than a year. Sent by the Dalai Lama and some, with a special mission, a detailed investigation of local conditions, while saying through preaching, ordained monks, found the reincarnation of Living Buddhas, the people affected side. The Dalai Lama said: "found a Buddha can grasp a temple; grasp a temple, can control a place." They just do.
  In this period, the Dalai Lama is also playing a lot of both sides, a face behind a set of, say today, tomorrow so that, as a Buddhist, is very wrong, because in the Buddhist precepts, the there is no lying, no gossip in the ring made. He says: "As long as home happy, who is the king are the same, I do not have opinions." "If the Tibetan people's happiness, I will give up the idea of Tibetan independence." Side said: "We Tibetans question, is not living temporary improvement and can be transferred by the bowed on the line? It is absolutely impossible! "" No matter how hard and soft attitude of the Han, Tibetan people have always been united as one, fight for their national rights, this is an amazing thing. "( March 10, 1989 speech at the meeting in Dharamsala). One hand, he said: "If Beijing invited me to visit parts of Lhasa and Tibet, I will be happy to accept; if I have seen and heard in China, the Tibetan people under the rule of a happy life, I will give up the cause of Tibetan independence." (May 1978 on "spectator" reporter's conversation) "If we can solve the problem, I'm going to China; consultations with China, and perhaps make the trip next year." (September 20, 1980 conversation with Japanese reporters). However, almost at the same time, the people near him candidly revealed the fundamental purpose of the Dalai Lama back to Tibet: "Tibet, the Dalai Lama's visit is a turning point in history the people, is a political earthquake in Tibet. As the Roman Pope's two visits to their native country of Poland, a great boost to millions of Catholics in Poland and the world, like Tibet, the Dalai Lama to visit Tibet to revive the morale of the people, arouse their enthusiasm and political passion, and set off Buddhism. "" Some people say we should continue to wait until a change occurs. miracle could happen, but we have to wait until when? "This is the voice of the Dalai Lama heart.
  3. Dalai Lama, Tibet's prosperity and stability so unhappy
  In order to quickly improve the look of Tibet, the Central People's Government decided to Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu and other nine provinces and municipalities to help Tibet build 43 small and medium sized projects, these projects are economic development in Tibet, Tibetans living urgent need to improve, for example, power stations, schools, hospitals, cultural centers, municipal facilities, hotels and restaurants and so on. Project 1984, fully operational, more than 20,000 engineering and technical personnel in the Mainland Construction in Tibet, they are away from home, away from their loved ones, cold and hypoxia in the roof of the world is hard work, and some people even gave to Tibet their lives. August 1985, most of the projects are on schedule, keys handed over the use of units of the hands of Tibet, they have the hand to pass engineering and management Tibetan counterparts. It is in the past few years, construction of the rapid development of Lhasa, the ancient city began to modernize up. City of newly built asphalt road 15, length 70 km, becomes flat wide streets of Lhasa; laying down 48 km sewer service area of 20 square kilometers, the city is Lhasa rain water the city is no longer the mud; New Water Works 2, the laying of 70 km water pipes, water supply, urban areas accounted for 60% of Lhasa were able to drink from a fresh clean tap water. Over postal routes from Lhasa to Tibet's smooth direct-dial telephone parts of Tibet, and cities and towns across the country with 180 countries and territories around the world direct calls. Tibet Television Station and Lhasa Television, use both languages through multiple channels, Lhasa, 75% of households have color television sets, tape recorders of the owner are more common. Lhasa University 2, 9 secondary, 12 secondary schools, young people free access to all kinds of school; also hospitals, 14 medical institutions, large and medium hospitals 7, 1520 Tibetan Han doctors, hospital beds 1100 , the difficult problem see a doctor in Lhasa were basically solved. Cold, damp old house transformation, the per capita housing area of nine square meters, is also new urban and suburban communities and the Village of 25, the per capita housing area of 22 square meters, the difficult problem of housing in Lhasa were initially resolved. After more than ten years of afforestation, the city's garden, because although the reduction of construction, but the Greenbelt around the city greatly increased its per capita green area of 12 square meters, where sand than in the past been greatly reduced. Through these projects, Lhasa has indeed changed, changed the United States, become the new, and get comfortable. New construction, old buildings, each against the background, refreshing. Domestic and foreign tourists and Buddhists are eager to come to visit the tour, turning worship, Lhasa has become a world famous tourist city.
  April 27, 1984, the Tibet Autonomous Region government posted notice, introduction of nine to relax agricultural policy, to reduce the burden of farmers and herdsmen, and promote economic development in rural and pastoral areas of measures, every, every, all for the sake of the Tibetan people , good thing to help the Tibetan people to get rich. I have taken the trouble, the text copied Abstract as follows:
  First, extend the exemption from agricultural tax policy in 1990.
  4, no unit, no individual shall apportion to the masses and the extraction of any property.
  6, county, and district-run primary and secondary schools, all of the implementation of boarding, including food, clothing, wrap, spending by the state requirements.
  9, welcomed the other provincial, municipal and district individual workers, collective and state enterprises to set up shop in Tibet, plant, participate in exchange goods, organizing fairs, engaged in processing, transport, construction and service activities, to provide them with convenience to protect their legitimate interests.
  April 27, 1984
  The central government for the Tibetan people very thoughtful, very comprehensive, very detailed, well its blessing the people of Tibet, the rural pastoral farming everywhere off heat, hot money, build a house heat. Tibetan people can get on the last few cars or tractors, is now buying a car, buy a tractor became popular, the whole of Tibet's agricultural and pastoral people and the public ownership of cars, tractors up to more than 10,000 vehicles, the figure is very alarming. In short, the central thought of many ways of enriching the people, so that the poor face reduced year by year in Tibet, wealthy families, Wealthy Villages around, year after year to increase rural prosperity. For example, the western suburbs of Lhasa, East Ga Township, is the author frequently in Tibet 23 years to go, can be said that most farmers are familiar with, when I feel the village has become very soon the East Ga rich very rapidly . I did a survey township 330, 1751 people, 2434 acres of arable land, grain output reached 160 kilograms a year or so, the average output per mu 680 kg, 1233 kg of grain per capita and per capita income of 1,280 yuan. The township has a car, tractor 41, an average of eight people; has 231 color TV sets, two people together 3. Now more food, more money, too lofty a vision. Over the past fear of starvation, the total deposit up to food, and now sell food reproduction, to send their children to school. Phuntsok Tsering Le sheep farmer, through farming, vegetables, open shops, do Hadad plant made money, most of the revenue is used to send their children to school, he had four children, three to college. In any case, urban rural and pastoral areas of Tibet indeed changed, changed for the better, become rich, become beautiful. People eat well, dress well, live in the house too comfortable. People feel happy, religious freedom, to the temple pilgrims, please lama chanting practice to do activities at home, no one said half-word "no", they live free, happy spirit, and an attached one festival, from theater to garden, from cities to rural and pastoral areas, the Tibetans can be heard everywhere, optimistic, cheerful song, all of which, all who travel and tourism in Tibet, there is no non-recognition. If you really love the Dalai Lama of Tibet, love the Tibetan people, should be smiling, blessing for blessing. I regret that as far as we know, his attitude is not the case, even on the contrary, the construction of more development in Tibet, he more angry; Tibetans living more improvement, he more headaches. Because more and more development of Tibetan society, and people more and more stable, and he increasingly difficult to turn Tibet into chaos, so he will again be held Kalachakra Dharma, a second reception Tibetans inside out, again and again with Western media, speech, made up the history of Tibet, distorting the reality of Tibet, attacking the central government's policies in Tibet and encourage Tibetan discontent, short for the riots in Lhasa that emerged after a lot of public opinion to do a lot of preparation.
  March 10, 1983, he made a speech in Dharamsala: "In the three decades later, did develop into ethnic conflicts, now both in prison inmates, students or schools, or cadres, were is natural to distinguish between the Chinese and Tibetan, there gap between developed into a national struggle. "in December 1985, he was held in India Duoji Dan" Kalachakra Dharma will be "preaching during the special to go inside to find listen to the work done by the Tibetans; in May 1986, he published in Tibetan in Europe long speech, he said: "For decades, our home was an unprecedented disaster, even though hundreds of thousands, including myself, Tibetans forced to leave their homes, displaced, suffered unbearable pain. But, first of all Tibetans inside to tolerate in the twenty years of suffering, the Tibetan people of our generation is the most unfortunate. "He further encouraged that: "Tibetans inside is very tenacious, very brave, in deep suffering and Han Chinese at gunpoint, can be very tough to live down the great." he said in other occasions, more straightforward: "We engage in the independence of Tibet, Tibetans not to rely on outside, but also depends on the territory of the Tibetans! "" to internal and external integration of all the Tibetans to launch up to overthrow the Chinese Communist rule. "If the speech is an order to Lhasa riots, fear is not unfounded of it!
  September 21, 1987, the Dalai Lama in the United States Congress, "five-point peace plan." 24, at Indiana University, he held a press conference, openly declared that "Tibet is not part of China, Tibet is an independent state." The news soon spread to Tibet through various channels, and sure enough a small number of separatists in Lhasa will coordinate and support the Dalai Lama held a "five-point peace plan" demonstrations, which is a series of riots in the late 80's turbulent start, after a year or two, the trouble has not been corpuscles. Lhasa riot inextricably linked with the Dalai Lama.
  Lhasa is Tibet's political, economic and cultural center and a world-renowned religious shrine, the Dalai clique to confuse it as a breakthrough in Tibet, that also confused chaos in Lhasa Tibet, Tibet's independence day on not far off . It is for this motive, they create a number of riots in Lhasa, the most serious 3 times. Disturbances are much the same way each time, first name of several monks and nuns mountain lion flag around Bajiaojie shouting "Tibet independence" slogans, attract people to the onlookers, and then rioted, the impact of government agencies, beat policemen. Smashed cars, looting property, burning shops and public buildings. October 1, 1987, rioters burned cars 7, besieged the police station a day; in March 1988, the impact of Buddhist Association to call the office, autonomous regions and leading cadres attacked and killed Tibetan armed police squad, armed police and other staff members and wounding 399 , ransacked the way of restaurants and shops in Beijing and forced Tibetan Buddhism's most sacred religious law would be impossible Summons Ceremony in Lhasa. March 1989, riots escalate again, two days dead 10 people, injured more than 100 people, more than 900 public and private shops were looted and smashed; impact of the 24 government agencies, businesses and schools, smashed and size of more than 20 vehicles smashed cars, causing direct economic losses more than 1000 million. In order to maintain social stability in Lhasa, to protect the safety of the people, so that assets from the losses, the State Council had to declare martial law in Lhasa.
  4. The departure from the motherland and the Tibetan people farther and farther down the road
  Was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize winner the Dalai Lama, it seems drank barley wine, a little flattered, and that such and such in the international situation, it is a bit carried away. He traveled to the Western and Eastern Europe, changes to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe applauded, while publishing a variety of predictions, it seems that he is not Buddha, but the good and bad fortune, bad fortune shaman predicted Han God, and he predicted again and again released , say 5 to 10 years, "Tibet will be independent," "Communist China to collapse." December 1989, he was France's Le Figaro Xingzailehuo said: "Marxism is born in this century is likely to die before the end of this century, Marxist life is very short, this is how sad Ending ah! "in June 1990, he was scolded in Spain China:" China's bamboo curtain as soon as the disappearance of the Berlin Wall. "" China's communist system would soon collapse. "in August 1991 in Paris, he predicted : "The Chinese government is now as fast setting sun, the communist regime could end the number of less than 10 years, China will inevitably similar changes in the Soviet Union." he said "three years must bring Tibet into an independent state." "Tibetan must not as they are now into the 21st century. "In 1995, he predicted:" China may split and disintegrate and collapse. "" China this year (1995) and the changes to take place next year. " "In 1995 and 1996 China will have big changes." "My personal observation and divination also shows there will be some positive developments, but also do the same Indian astrologers predict."
  The Dalai Lama miscalculated the situation in the world and China that the Chinese government soon collapsed and can not deal with them, and he felt sleep wake up "Tibet independence" Apple will be nice to fall into their own arms. So his tone has changed, said: "To re-adjust the relationship with Beijing", "five-point peace plan and the recovery of five new proposals," "do not deal with the Chinese government," "Tibet from China will be announced, completely independent . " However, the prediction is, after all predictions, the reality is still reality. Socialist country, not because of the collapse of the Dalai Lama's curse; socialist Tibet, the Dalai Lama not because of re-incantation to restore serfdom. Snow was still on top of the sky so blue, the clouds still or so white farmers still farm their own land also, shepherds still also own pasture grazing. China resisted political pressure from the West and economic sanctions, even more powerful, more prosperous and more prosperous. The national social stability, national unity, stability, harmony and economic development, people live and work, increasing overall national strength, those who do everything possible to block the sanctions, the Western countries to isolate China, but also had to dialogue with China to improve relations with China, and China business. Dalai Lama's "prophecy" has become empty talk, his so-called "new hope" has become "a new disappointment." The Dalai Lama is losing some face, as he put before the world air gun, make a fool of. Moved by their own brew, have to swallow their secret quiet. After a while awkward, his tone has changed a little, July 23, 1992, his proposal "without preconditions and negotiate in China." Visit to Australia in 1996 when he declared: "I am not calling for Tibetan independence, but autonomy." But it was when he uttered those words, have not slackened in attacking China after another in Tibet. Was called a "peace march to Tibet", planning the so-called on the "referendum on the issue of Tibet's status"; he goes against the historical and religious rituals, the reincarnation of the Panchen illegal identified. In short, his departure from the motherland and the people of Tibet on the road going farther and farther.
  July 1994, the CPC Central Committee, State Council held its third meeting in Beijing Forum on Work in Tibet, at the implementation of the central and assistance to various provinces to build 62 construction projects in Tibet, the original plans to invest 2.38 billion yuan, the actual investment 3.366 billion yuan . After 15 years of reform and opening up, China's power gradually increased, provinces and autonomous regions, especially coastal areas have different levels of economic development, we have not forgotten Tibet, Tibetan people have not forgotten are willing to come up with the human, material and financial resources to help Tibetan people to develop production, improve their lives. "Central concern for Tibet, the country's support of Tibet", has become common action of all ethnic groups in China. Qinghai, Ningxia, Guizhou and other provinces, autonomous regions, or he is not rich, but to do without reservation to give a contribution to the Tibetan people. September 1995, when the 30th anniversary of the Tibet Autonomous Region, most of the 62 projects have been completed, begin to benefit the Tibetan people, the Tibetans once again feel the Motherland and the nation's friendship and warmth. At the same time, repair the Potala Palace in Lhasa victory completed the development of three rivers smoothly, the tenth Panchen Lama reincarnation according to historical practices and religious rituals successfully identified and enthroned in Tibet for more than 80% of the region farmers and herdsmen have been able to feed and clothe, are relatively well off. From democratic reforms to the present, the average life expectancy of Tibetans has grown from 35 to 65 years; Tibetan population from 105 million to 232 million; Tibetan students, from 3000 to 17.5 million. Central and regional government to develop specific programs to eradicate poverty within this century, all the people of Tibet are able to live rich and civilized life is not far off days.
  Is the profit pool, or a curse Tibet
  The early 50's, Regent Sapporo step down the Fourteenth Dalai Lama reign. February 1951, the Dalai Lama appointed Ngapoi Ngawang Jigme as chief, Thubten out the door, rather Teng Sang represented by Toinzhub Qamdo directly to Beijing. Also, from East Asia sent Kemai Soinam Wangdui, soil, represented by Dan Daindar India to Beijing. To each representative of the Dalai Lama issued a certificate stamped with the seal, the five representatives from the Central People's Government hand in dealing with the negotiations.
  November 1956, the Dalai Lama was invited to India to participate in anniversary of Buddha Nirvana 2500. Are invited to the central clear instructions from the Dalai Lama to decide. The Dalai Lama arrived in India, it was the reactionary forces and Tibetan separatists inside and outside the siege, to lure the Dalai Lama to stay in India, the so-called "Tibet independence", the Dalai Lama and the accompanying part of the principal officials to change. In response, the PLA Tibet made the necessary preparedness, and with the Tibetan local government leaders and all walks of life join the political struggle against reactionaries. At the same time, the CPC Central Committee, to make major policy decisions Chairman Mao Zedong, a clear declaration of the second Five-Year Plan period, ie 6 years without democratic reform of Tibet, is the third Five-Year Plan period of reform, we must then look conditions to be determined, so that the Tibetan local government and elites have a full account of the time to give us the Tibetan upper class in the political, social and gradually make arrangements to facilitate the peace when the conditions are ripe, and steadily to achieve reform. Premier Zhou Enlai during his visit to India, accompanied by officials of the Dalai Lama Ji Qi Chuan Da critical decision the central authorities, and the sincere attitude to them respectively patient and meticulous work. For some of them want to stay blocking the Dalai Lama, in India engaged in "independent" of the idea, Premier Zhou Enlai solemnly pointed out: the Dalai Lama to stay in India, but moved to India, not Tibet. And that the Dalai Lama to stay in India, the idea is to harm the Dalai Lama, Tibet is also the harm, if the Dalai Lama left Tibet and thus the work will not stop ... ... but the door was open, when the Dalai Lama back to Tibet, When are welcome. This makes the Dalai Lama's position changed, and on April 1, 1957 return to Lhasa.
  Until the late 50's, the Dalai clique to obstruct, undermine the "Seventeen-Article Agreement" campaign has never stopped. They worked in Qamdo, Dengqen, Nagqu, Shannan instigated armed rebellion, armed harassed, and even open armed rebellion in Shannan Prefecture set up "health education army", the establishment of the rebel "base" and undermine the national defense highway transportation lines, surrounded by Preparatory Committee offensive autonomous institutions around the office. To March 10, 1959, the Dalai clique has finally scrapped the "17 agreement" flagrantly in Lhasa staged an armed rebellion, took to the road of betraying the motherland. March 17, 1959 night, failed armed rebellion, the Dalai clique, secretly fled from Lhasa to flee. April 18th Dalai Lama arrived in India, Tezpur border, set foot on foreign land, they were distributed by the Indian diplomat, writing in English, "the Dalai Lama Statement", ostensibly: "Sovereignty is the Han Chinese were forced upon the Tibetans body . " At this point the rumble of the Dalai Lama could not wait to throw a written statement, the statement of the language commonly used with the imperialists to split Tibet's tone is similar to start from the Dalai Lama in a foreign territory to split the motherland. June 20, the Dalai Lama in Mussoorie first public appearance at a press conference, declared: "To restore Tibet before the Chinese invasion in 1950, the unique freedom and independence." March 1991, the Dalai Lama visit to Britain, told the press that: Tibet "is the world's biggest occupied country." The Dalai Lama is such date from the defection, despite Tibet an inalienable part of China since ancient times, more than 700 years, successive governments have exercised effective sovereign jurisdiction over the history of openly advocating "Tibet is an independent state."
  3. Set up illegal "government in exile"
  To provide for the Dalai Lama as a "head of government." Later, in 1963 and formally promulgated the "Tibet of the Constitution," published in 1991, revised to "exile Tibetan constitution" provides that: "The Dalai Lama head of state", "the Dalai Lama directly, through its official release order" can be "the Minister instruction," "honors, and honors", Kashag meeting was led by the Dalai Lama is responsible for government affairs, the Chief Kalon and various Kalon, "People's Assembly," President, Vice President, before taking office were to judge to the Dalai Lama "oath", King-Ministers meeting chaired by the Dalai Lama "," the Dalai Lama can be replaced, including the Chief Kalon Kalon, including all "and so on. Dalai Lama in his" government in exile ", the establishment of security, foreign ( later renamed the International Relations and Publicity) and other departments. Dalai Lama in more than 10 countries have set up offices or liaison offices, editing, publishing and distribution of a large number of advocating "Tibet independence" of publications and books. in the establishment of young people overseas Tibetans "Tibetan Youth Congress", "Tibetan Women's Association" and other radical organizations, organized the "Tibet Congress," charged the Tibetan "independence tax" and so on. All of these will understand clearly demonstrated that the Dalai Lama and his "government in exile" is one aimed at splitting the motherland and attempt to achieve "Tibet independence" of the political group, the Dalai Lama is a separatist political group that the chief representative of the total head. Guer, known as the "Dalai clique."
  In order to achieve the Dalai clique to split the motherland and attempt to achieve "Tibet independence" political purposes, the foreign anti-China forces in the support and assistance, the re-formation of two rebel forces. September 1960 in Nepal's Mustang district north of the reorganization of the "four rivers and six ranges army health education" (Tibetan "the song fine Kong Pearl"), "Four Rivers" refers to the Jinsha River, Lancang River, Nu River, Yarlung Jiang; "six gang" means wiping W Kong, Markam Kong, Ma is Kong, elegant wood around the post, color Mok Kong, Zegong Kong, the main representative in the Tibetan Areas. Established in 1962 mainly by Tibetans as the "Indian Tibetan special border troops." "Four Rivers and Six Ranges Health Education army" not only in our border military harassment activities endangering China's border and frontier residents of production and life, peace, and harassment of residents of the people of Nepal, occupying grassland, land, extort money, unscrupulous, a scourge to the Government of Nepal . Zhezhi reactionary armed, the first commander en pearl position Tashi in his memoirs published "Four Rivers and Six Ranges", wrote: "organized a series of posts to the Chinese offensive," "Sometimes, one or two hundred people in Tibet guerrillas went up to 100 miles of Chinese occupation. "Dalai Lama wrote articles praising Goinbo Zhaxi. "Four Rivers and Six Ranges Health Education army" continued harassment in the Nepalese border, Nepal's government sent troops in 1974, eventually disarm. Remaining in Nepal 14 years old Zhezhi rebels were eventually wiped out completely. The Dalai clique has also been sent to the United States Central Intelligence Agency study "guerrilla tactics" to receive "special training", training hundreds of agents. In 1961, the United States sent two aircraft to the Mustang's four rivers and six ranges of health education to equip the military air arms of 475 drugs of food, there are 10,200 rupees in cash. Haier camps also dropped in 38 trained in the 26 rebels. From 1965 to 1966, the CIA built a private airport in Nepal, sent a transport plane and two helicopters dropped specifically given this rebel weapons and equipment, food and clothing and other materials. All completely exposed the Dalai clique in politics, organization, and armed forces to split the motherland, it really is.
  Kang will include the eastern provinces (Changdu) and Amdo province, into a Aximusa (peace) zone.
  4, restore and protect the natural environment in Tibet and China to abandon the production of nuclear weapons in Tibet and dumping nuclear waste program.
  Dalai Lama's so-called "seven-point proposal" means:
  Third, the Tibetan government to join the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;
  6, Tibet prohibition of nuclear weapons or other weapons, manufacturing, testing, storage and use of nuclear energy;
  Dalai Lama's this "plan" and "recommended" step by step all around the "Tibet independence" around in circles, the Chinese government to spread rumors and slander, and to distort history and current situation in Tibet, where to be analyzed and refuted.
  1, the Dalai Lama put forward: "the whole of Tibet, including the eastern province of Kang (Changdu) and Amdo province, into a Axisamu (Peace Region)." And that "Tibet should be a disposal by its own democratic political entity, with the People's Republic of keeping (alliances) of the relationship. "and other political ideas. This is a very ridiculous lie. First of all, through the so-called demilitarization and neutrality of Tibet into a peace zone and a buffer state between the major powers of the argument is deliberately confusing the issue in Sino-Indian relations, in relation to the Chinese sovereign jurisdiction over Tibet and the territorial integrity . If the Chinese out of Tibet and India to establish peace zone or neutral zone, the result can only undermine China's territorial integrity. Secondly, Tibet should be a democratic political entity, to maintain the alliance relationship with the Chinese idea of the Dalai Lama is clear ulterior motive but ignorance of this proposition is actually a plot to dismember, to split a long history of the formation of multi-ethnic unity of China, Tibet in disguise independence from China. China, Dalai Lama, however, that no sovereignty over Tibet, in effect engaging in Tibet independence has not changed a bit. July 1993, the Dalai Lama's personal representative to the central letter presented to the views put forward to solve the Tibetan problem, still attempting to establish a "enlarged Tibet autonomous region" or "high degree of autonomy of the large Tibetan Administrative Region." These claims, in essence it was his "five-point plan" first. The Dalai Lama said: "The whole of Tibet, known as Tibetan 3 (Wei Tibetan, Kham, Amdo) should become a law, ... ... with links to the Democratic People's Republic or autonomous entities." In the "Dalai autobiography" in a so-called "big Tibetan area" map, not only encompasses today's Tibet Autonomous Region and Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and Yunnan provinces in 10 autonomous prefectures and two Tibetan autonomous Tibetan, and even the Qinghai province, Xining, Dongxiang Autonomous County in Gansu Province and the Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture in Yunnan Province and many other areas to include a total area of about one quarter of Chinese territory. Why the Dalai clique and its supporters do not think, ① the beginning of this century, the Northern government does not agree to give up, "McMahon Line" south of 90 thousand square kilometers of Chinese territory, and now a strong socialist China, how can 120 million square kilometers of the Tibet Autonomous Region and other Tibetan areas in the province of more than 100 million square kilometers of territory split? ② There are now 4.59 million Tibetan population, spread over 54% live in Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu and Yunnan Province, as the result of a long historical evolution, they are in these areas with the Han, Qiang, Hui, Manchu, Mongolian, security, Yugur , Naxi, Yi, Pumi and other nationalities live together, of all nationalities live together in harmony to form interlocking parts of different ethnic, economic, political, and cultural aspects are interdependent and inseparable. Dalai Lama attempted to because of geographical constraints, the formation of mountains Okawa barrier such vast areas of the three, several times more than 20 ethnic Tibetan population include in their imaginary "enlarged Tibet autonomous region" within, is absolutely not possible. ③ Since the element has a 700-year history, these regions are the property of the central imperial dynasties, under the unified leadership of the various government where the administrative jurisdiction of the administrative system and Tibet is no relationship. ④ After the founding of the PRC, the national system of regional national autonomy. According to the specific situation of Tibet were established autonomous regions, autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties. Not only ensures the equal rights of the Tibetan people around, but also conducive to the administration of the Tibetan autonomous areas and the economic and cultural development, by the Tibetan autonomous areas the people's support. Dalai Lama wants to independence in disguise is not allowed, is not feasible.
  This fall is reminiscent of one thing. April 1990, at the European Parliament meeting, Mr. Member of the Dalai Lama a few questions, one of which is: "Can the Dalai Lama specifically to Tibet before and after 1949 the political, economic, cultural, and other aspects of social life to compare, because it was understood that before 1949, Tibet is still backward compared with the feudal system similar to the system of slavery. "However, the Dalai Lama on this issue is avoided aside, the site has caused dissatisfaction.
  After the democratic reform in Tibet, abolished the feudal serf system, millions of serfs flipped the first time, democracy, freedom. This is fully in line with the United Nations, "Slavery Convention", and completely abolished the barbaric cruelty of torture and inhuman treatment, the majority of the Tibetan people truly have human rights. Today, the Chinese Communist Party in Tibet and the Central People's Government, under the direct leadership of the implementation of reform and opening up, the aggressive pursuit of economic development, social advancement, steady economic development. Basically solved the food and clothing, and now some places are rich from subsistence-based economy to develop. Tibetan people have been the Chinese Constitution and the law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy and other rights protection, really enjoy the democratic freedoms and human rights, have the right to subsistence and development, with personal freedom and political rights (including the right to vote and stand for election etc.), with the economic, social, cultural, education, judicial, religious liberty, reproductive rights, women, disabled, minors, protection of the right. With the economic development and accelerate reform and opening up, expanding and deepening people's rights will be developed and perfected. Those in the old Tibet can not be compared. Ironically, the Dalai Lama, the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism as one of the great Living Buddha, the Dalai Lama chanting in 1959 years ago-even employing the skull, the human leg bones device cruel practice of feudal serf owners, three large general representative of the serf-owners, but also talk about democracy, freedom and human rights, is chilling.
  4, the Dalai Lama said that Tibet's environment from contamination. This is a deliberately alarmist fabricated lies, specifically that for the West to hear. We know that the Tibetan Plateau is the world's third pole. Tibet Plateau is the Earth a distinctive region, is the world's highest plateau, imposing, with complex and fragile ecological environment will be difficult to restore once damaged. In speeding up economic development, to maintain a good environment, as all the efforts of the Tibet Autonomous Region goal of the whole society. In 1990, the Tibet Autonomous Region Environmental Protection Commission was set up, strengthen environmental protection of the Government of the unified leadership of the Tibet Autonomous Region. In the same year, the state invested 3.9 million yuan to build a regional environmental monitoring stations. Monitoring stations in Lhasa and Lhasa River in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the establishment of three atmospheric samples, three water monitoring points and 27 traffic noise monitoring points. The results indicated: Lhasa over the harmful atmospheric concentrations of sulfur dioxide per cubic meter of less than 0  1 mg, below the national standard, there is no harmful gases in the atmosphere of nitrogen oxides. The total amount of atmospheric dust in every cubic meter 0  4 mg or below. Dazi Lhasa River upstream through Lhasa and Lhasa River and the confluence of three points Brahmaputra monitoring, water pH, hardness and chemical oxygen demand in the three points did not change. The river does not exist in aluminum, zinc, copper and other heavy metal trace elements pollution. Soil and water without any man-made radioactive contamination, but there is no nuclear contamination.
  November 10, 1995, Comrade Li "Panchen reincarnated in the leading group on the third meeting of the speech" pointed out: "The Dalai Lama, the Central has been Xiaoyidayi, give way, everything possible was done by. Central Committee has repeatedly reiterated that as long as he recognizes Tibet is an inalienable part of China, completely give up 'Tibet independence' of ideas, and stop engaging in separatist activities, we can negotiate with him and welcome him back to the motherland in his lifetime to do something beneficial to the Tibetan people thing. "Today, we still adhere to this policy.
中华民国治理西藏十四世达赖喇嘛 Dalai Lama

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