法蘭西第三共和國 人物列錶
路易·阿道夫·梯也爾 Louis Adolphe Thiers帕特裏斯·麥剋馬洪 Patrice MacMahon
儒勒·格雷維 Francois Paul Jules Grévy瑪利·弗朗索瓦·薩迪·峠諾 Marie François Sadi Carnot
讓·峠西米爾-佩裏埃 Jean Paul Pierre Casimir-Périer菲利·福爾 Francois Félix Faure
埃米勒·弗朗索瓦·盧貝 Émile François Loubet剋萊芒·阿爾芒·法利埃 Clement Armand Fallières
雷濛·普恩加萊 Raymond Poincaré保羅·德沙內爾 Paul Deschanel
亞歷山大·米勒蘭 Alexandre Millerand加斯東·杜梅格 Gaston Doumergue
保羅·杜美 Paul Doumer阿爾貝·勒布倫 Albert Lebrun
加斯東·杜梅格 Gaston Doumergue
法蘭西第三共和國  (1863年八月11日1937年六月18日)

  皮埃爾-保羅-亨利-加斯東·杜梅格(Pierre-Paul-Henri-Gaston Doumergue) (1863年8月11日生於Aigues-Vives-1937年6月18日去世於Aigues-Vives) 法蘭西第三共和國第十二任總統。先在印度支那和北非任文官,1893年以激進社會黨人身分當選衆議員。

  Pierre-Paul-Henri-Gaston Doumergue (Aigues-Vives, Gard, 1 August 1863 – 18 June 1937 in Aigues-Vives) was a French politician of the Third Republic.
  Doumergue came from a Protestant family. Beginning as a Radical, he turned more towards the political right in his old age. He served as Prime Minister from 9 December 1913 to 2 June 1914. He held the portfolio for the colonies through the ministries of Viviani and Briand until the Ribot ministry of March, 1917, when he was sent to Russia to persuade the Kerensky government not to make a separate peace with Germany and Austria. He was elected the twelfth President of France on 13 June 1924, the only Protestant to hold that office. He served until 13 June 1931, and again was Prime Minister in a conservative national unity government, following the riots of 6 February 1934. This government lasted from 6 February to 8 November 1934.
  He was widely regarded as one of the most popular French Presidents, particularly after highly controversial Alexandre Millerand, who was his predecessor. Doumergue was single when elected, and became the first President of France to marry in office.
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