波旁王朝复辟 人物列表
路易十八 Louis XVIII, the Desired路易十八 Louis XVIII, the Desired查理十世 Charles X
路易十九 Louis XIX
路易十九 Louis XIX
波旁王朝复辟  (1775年8月6日1844年6月3日)

  路易十九(Louis Antoine d'Artois 1775年8月6日-1844年6月3日),法国王族,阿图瓦公爵查理·菲利普(查理十世)之子,路易十五之曾孙,路易十六与路易十八之侄。
  查理十世即位后推行一系列反民主的政策,如清洗军中曾为拿破仑效力的军人,恢复土地贵族的权力。这使他十分不得人心。在加上他对天主教的强烈热情和贵族政治的恶劣,引起人民的强烈敌意。1830年法国发生七月革命,7月31日,议法议会选举路易的远房堂兄奥尔良公爵路易·菲利浦为王国摄政,两天后查理十世退位,他被迫在向他的儿子路易的让位书上签字,流亡英国。而皇太子路易也在一份放弃王位的协议书上签字。这两个签字纯属形式,目的是为路易·菲利浦续位合法化,但这两个签字大概相隔了20分钟,所以在这20分钟里路易成为了法理上的法国国王,按法国君主排行,为路易十九世(Louis XIX)。有趣的是路易在签字的时候曾哀求革命者:“Laissez-moi régner seulement une heure.”(至少也让我统治一个小时吧)。结果回答是:“Vous? Sûrement pas !”(您?肯定不可能!)。

  Charles X's reign, the implementation of a series of anti-democratic policies, such as the cleaning effectiveness of the military servicemen who have Napoleon to restore the power of landed aristocracy. This made him very unpopular. In addition his strong enthusiasm and the Catholic aristocracy of poor people caused by the strong hostility. 1830 July Revolution in France, July 31, the proposed method parliamentary elections distant cousin of Louis Duke of Orleans, Louis Philippe was Wangguo She governance, two days after the abdication of Charles X, he was forced to his son Louis the yield book signing, the United Kingdom in exile. The Crown Prince Louis is also a signed agreement to give up the throne. These two forms of signature is purely aimed at the legalization of Louis Philippe continued bit, but probably the two signed a 20-minute interval, so the 20 minutes Louis became the de jure King of France, according to the French monarchy Ranking for Louis XIX (Louis XIX). Interestingly, when Louis had begged in the signature revolutionary: "Laissez-moi régner seulement une heure." (At least an hour, I rule it). The results answer is: "Vous? Sûrement pas!" (You? Certainly not!).
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