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马可·奥勒留 Marcus Aurelius涅尔瓦 Marcus Cocceius Nerva图拉真 Trajan, Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus
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涅尔瓦 Marcus Cocceius Nerva
安敦尼王朝  (35年11月8日98年1月27日)

  玛尔库斯·寇克乌斯·涅尔瓦(Marcus Cocceius Nerva,35年11月8日-98年1月27日,又译内尔瓦、教会文献汉译尼法王)。他是古罗马帝国五贤帝时代的第一位君主(在位期96年-98年),也是最后一位在意大利半岛出生的罗马皇帝。
  涅尔瓦年事已高,担心无法羁縻近卫军嚣张的气焰。97年10月27日,在一次敬神的祭典结束后,涅尔瓦在朱庇特神庙前的广场向众人宣布,他将上日耳曼军团长官、在军中具有相当声望的图拉真收为养子,并授予图拉真护民官特权、罗马全军指挥权(Proconsulare Maius)。此外,他还提名图拉真与自己为98年执政官的候选人。这些举动已在法理上明白表示,涅尔瓦与图拉真为帝国的共同治理者。

  96 years on Sept. 18, the emperor Domitian was assassinated in the palace; That night, the Roman Senate immediately crowned emperor Nerva, 61. Since Domitian reign of terror on the elder nobles lend, so Nerva after taking office, he announced to impose Domitian "memory erase" measures - destruction of all on the record and erase a successful track Domitian stone , architecture, literature. In view of Domitian, the fashion informer times, Nerva to wide and mainly does not accept the evidence of informers, the release of suspects in the past accused of rebellion and put their property also.
  98 years on January 27, Nerva died, Trajan smooth succession. Nerva before his death in order to adopt the imperial heir who has the reputation of the system for future generations to follow several emperors. This also allows Empire to maintain stable central government for nearly a century.
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