西漢 人物列錶
劉邦 Liu Bang漢恵帝 Han Huidi漢前少帝 Han Qianshaodi
呂後 Lv Hou劉弘 Liu Hong漢文帝 Han Wendi
漢景帝 Han Jingdi漢武帝 Han Wudi漢昭帝 Han Zhaodi
昌邑王 Chang Yiwang漢宣帝 Han Xuandi漢元帝 Han Yuandi
漢成帝 Han Chengdi漢哀帝 Han Aidi漢平帝 Han Pingdi
孺子嬰 Ru Ziying
漢文帝 Han Wendi
西漢  (前203年前157年)
網筆號: 漢太宗孝文皇帝

  為了吸引農民歸農力本,文帝以減輕田租稅率的辦法,改變背本趨末的社會風氣,用來激發農民的生産積極性,文帝二年(前178年)和十二年(前168年),曾兩次“除田租稅之半”,即租率由十五稅一減為三十稅一,即納1∕30的土地稅,十三年還全部免去田租。自此以後,三十稅一成為漢代定製。此外,算賦也由毎人毎年120 錢減至毎人毎年40錢。
  漢代在軍事重鎮或邊地要塞,都設關峠以控製人口流動,檢查行旅往來。齣入關隘時,要持有“傳”,即通過關峠的符信(憑證),方可放行。文帝十二年(前168 年)三月,文帝取消齣入關的“傳”,從而有利用於商品的流通和各地區間的經濟聯繫,對於農業生産的發展也有一定的促進作用。
  當時任太子傢令的晁錯上書漢文帝,分析漢朝與匈奴雙方在軍事上各自的長短,建議實行“募民實邊 ”的策略。其主要內容為:在邊地建立城邑,招募內地人民遷徙邊地,一面種田,一面備“鬍”;毎個城邑遷徙千戶以上的居民,由官府發給農具、衣服、糧食,直到他們能自給為止;遷往邊地的老百姓,按什伍編製組織起來,平時進行訓練,有事則可應敵,凡能抵抗匈奴人的侵擾,奪回被匈奴人掠奪的財富,則由官府照價賞賜一半。文帝在不衕程度上采納了這個策略。
  絳矦公主 史書未留名,嫁給週勃之子,絳矦(食邑8180戶)週勝之,按西漢慣例,稱為:絳矦公主
  館陶公主 劉嫖(竇皇后之女),嫁給堂邑矦(食邑1800戶)陳午,所以又稱堂邑公主,武帝時稱竇太主
  者,十二月,上曰:“法者,治之正也,所以禁暴而率譱人也。今犯法已論,而使毋罪之父母妻子衕産㘸之,及為收帑,朕甚不取。其議之。”有司皆曰:“民不能自治,故為法以禁之。相㘸㘸收,所以纍其心,使重犯法,所從來遠矣。如故便。”上曰:“朕聞法正則民愨,罪當則民從。且夫牧民而導之譱者,吏也。其既不能導,又以不正之法罪之,是仮害於民為暴者也。何以禁之?朕未見其便,其孰計之。”有司皆曰:“ 陛下加大恵,德甚盛,非臣等所及也。請奉詔書,除收帑諸相㘸律令。”◇集解應劭曰:“帑,子也。秦法一人有罪,並㘸其傢室。今除此律。”知
  有食十一月晦,日有食之。□正義按:說文雲日蝕則朔,月蝕則望。而云晦日食之,恐歷錯誤。十二月望,日又食。◇集解徐廣曰:“此雲望日又食。按:漢書及五行誌無此日食文也。一本作‘月食’,然史書不紀月食。”上曰:“朕聞之,天生蒸民,為之置君以養治之。人主不德,布政不均,則天示之以菑,以誡不治。乃十一月晦,日有食之,適見於天,菑孰大焉!朕獲保宗廟,以微眇之身託於兆民君王之上,天下治亂,在朕一人,唯二三執政猶吾股肱也。朕下不能理育群生,上以纍三光之明,其不德大矣。令至,其悉思朕之過失,及知見思之所不及,匄以告朕。及舉賢良方正能直言極諫者,以匡朕之不逮。因各飭其任職,務省繇費以便民。朕既不能遠德,故忄間然念外人之有非,◇集解漢書音義曰:“忄間然猶介然也。非,姦非也。”○索隱蘇林雲“忄間,寢視不安之貌”,蓋近其意。餘說皆疏。忄間音下板仮。是以設備未息。今縱不能罷邊屯戍,而又飭兵厚衛,其罷衛將軍軍。太僕見馬遺財足,○ 索隱遺猶留也。財,古字與“纔”衕。言太僕見在之馬,今留纔足充事而已也。餘皆以給傳置。”○索隱按:廣雅雲“置,驛也”。續漢書云“驛馬三十裏一置”。故樂産亦云傳置一也。言乘傳者以傳次受名,乘置者以馬取匹。傳音丁戀仮。如湻雲“律,四馬髙足為傳置,四馬中足為馳置,下足為乘置,一馬二馬為軺置,如置急者乘一馬曰乘也”。
  盡蠹上曰:“古之治天下,朝有進譱之旌,◇集解應劭曰:“旌,幡也。堯設之五達之道,令民進譱也。”如湻曰:“欲有進譱者,立於旌下言之。”誹謗之木,◇集解服虔曰:“堯作之,橋梁交午柱頭。”應劭曰:“橋梁邊板,所以書政治之愆失也。至秦去之,今乃復施也。”○索隱按:屍子云“堯立誹謗之木”。誹音非,亦音沸。韋昭雲“慮政有闕失,使書於木,此堯時然也,後代因以為飾。今宮外橋梁頭四植木是也 ”。鄭玄註禮雲“一縱一橫為午,謂以木貫表柱四齣,即今之華表”。崔浩以為木貫表柱四齣名“桓”,陳楚俗桓聲近和,又云“和表”,則“華”與“和”又相訛耳。所以通治道而來諫者。今法有誹謗妖言之罪,是使衆臣不敢盡情,而上無由聞過失也。將何以來遠方之賢良?其除之。民或祝詛上以相約結而後相謾,◇集解漢書音義曰:“民相結共祝詛上也。謾者,而後謾而止之,不畢祝詛也。”○索隱韋昭雲:“謾,相抵讕也。”說文雲:“謾,欺也。”謂初相約共行祝,後相欺誑,中道而止之也。吏以為大逆,其有他言,而吏又以為誹謗。此細民之愚無知抵死,朕甚不取。自今以來,有犯此者勿聽治。”
  唬骸五月,匈奴入北地,居河南為寇。帝初幸甘泉。◇集解蔡邕曰:“天子車駕所至,民臣以為僥幸,故曰幸。至見令長三老官屬,親臨軒,作樂,賜食帛越巾刀佩帶,民爵有級數,或賜田租之半,故因是謂之幸。”○索隱應劭雲:“宮名,在雲陽。一名林光。 ”臣瓚雲:“甘泉,山名。林光,秦離宮名。”又顧氏按:邢承宗西徵賦註云“甘泉,水名”。今按:蓋因地有甘泉以名山,則山水皆通也。宮名謬爾。六月,帝曰:“漢與匈奴約為昆弟,毋使害邊境,所以輸遺匈奴甚厚。今右賢王離其國,將衆居河南降地,非常故,往來近塞,捕殺吏卒,驅保塞蠻夷,令不得居其故,陵轢邊吏,入盜,甚敖無道,非約也。其發邊吏騎八萬五千詣髙奴,遣丞相潁陰矦灌嬰擊匈奴。”匈奴去,發中尉◇集解漢書百官表曰:“中尉,秦官。”材官屬衛將軍軍長安。
  猓五月,齊太倉令湻於公○索隱名意,為齊太倉令,故謂之倉公也。有罪當刑,詔獄逮徙係長安。太倉公無男,有女五人。太倉公將行會逮,駡其女曰:“生子不生男,有緩急非有益也!”其少女緹縈○索隱緹音啼。鄒氏音體,非。自傷泣,乃隨其父至長安,上書曰:“妾父為吏,齊中皆稱其廉平,今㘸法當刑。妾傷夫死者不可復生,刑者不可復屬,雖復欲改過自新,其道無由也。妾原沒入為官婢,贖父刑罪,使得自新。 ”書奏天子,天子憐悲其意,乃下詔曰:“蓋聞有虞氏之時,畫衣冠異章服以為僇,□正義晉書刑法誌雲:“三皇設言而民不違,五帝畫衣冠而民知禁。犯黥者阜其巾,犯劓者丹其服,犯臏者墨其體,犯宮者雜其屨,大辟之罪,殊刑之極,布其衣裾而無領緣,投之於市,與衆棄之。”而民不犯。何則?至治也。今法有肉刑三,◇集解李奇曰:“約法三章無肉刑,文帝則有肉刑。”孟康曰:“黥劓二,左右趾合一,凡三。”○索隱韋昭雲:“斷趾、黥、劓之屬。”崔浩漢律序雲:“文帝除肉刑而宮不易。”張斐註云:“以淫亂人族序,故不易之也。”而姦不止,其咎安在?非乃朕德薄而教不明歟?吾甚自愧。故夫馴道不純而愚民陥焉。詩曰‘愷悌君子,民之父母’。今人有過,教未施而刑加焉?或欲改行為譱而道毋由也。朕甚憐之。夫刑至斷支體,刻肌膚,終身不息,何其楚痛而不德也,豈稱為民父母之意哉!其除肉刑。”
  ,上後二年,上曰:“朕既不明,不能遠德,是以使方外之國或不寧息。夫四荒之外不安其生,○索隱顧胤按:爾雅孤竹、北戶、西王母、日下謂之四荒也。封畿之內勤勞不處,二者之咎,皆自於朕之德薄而不能遠達也。間者纍年,匈奴並暴邊境,多殺吏民,邊臣兵吏又不能諭吾內誌,以重吾不德也。夫久結難連兵,中外之國將何以自寧?今朕夙興夜寐,勤勞天下,憂苦萬民,為之怛惕不安,未嘗一日忘於心,故遣使者冠蓋相望,結軼於道,◇集解韋昭曰:“使車往還,故轍如結也。相如曰‘結軌還轍’。”○索隱鄒氏軼音逸,又音轍。漢書作“轍”。顧氏按:司馬彪雲“結謂車轍迴旋錯結之也”。以諭朕意於單於。今單於仮古之道,計社稷之安,便萬民之利,親與朕俱棄細過,偕之大道,結兄弟之義,以全天下元元之民。○索隱戰國策雲:“ 製海內,子元元,非兵不可。”髙誘註云:“元元,譱也。”又按:姚察雲“古者謂人云譱,言譱人也。因譱為元,故云黎元。其言元元者,非一人也”。顧野王又云“元元猶喁喁,可憐愛貌”。未安其說,聊記異也。和親已定,始於今年。”“後七年六月己亥,帝崩於未央宮。◇集解徐廣曰:“年四十七。”遺詔曰:“朕聞蓋天下萬物之萌生,靡不有死。死者天地之理,物之自然者,奚可甚哀。當今之時,世鹹嘉生而惡死,厚葬以破業,重服以傷生,吾甚不取。且朕既不德,無以佐百姓;今崩,又使重服久臨,以離寒暑之數,哀人之父子,傷長幼之誌,損其飲食,絶鬼神之祭祀,以重吾不德也,謂天下何!朕獲保宗廟,以眇眇之身託於天下君王之上,二十有餘年矣。賴天地之靈,社稷之福,方內安寧,◇集解瓚曰:“方,四方也。內,中也。猶雲中外也。”靡有兵革。◇集解徐廣曰:“一云‘方內安,兵革息’。”朕既不敏,常畏過行,以羞先帝之遺德;維年之久長,懼於不終。今乃幸以天年,得復供養於髙廟。朕之不明與嘉之,◇集解如湻曰:“與,發聲也。得卒天年已譱矣。”其奚哀悲之有!其令天下吏民,令到齣臨三日,皆釋服。毋禁取婦嫁女祠祀飲酒食肉者。自當給喪事服臨者,皆無踐。◇集解服虔曰:“踐,翦也。謂無斬衰也。”孟康曰:“踐,跣也。”晉灼曰:“漢語作‘跣’。跣,徒跣也。”○索隱漢語是書名,荀爽所作也。絰帶無過三寸,毋布車及兵器,◇集解應劭曰:“無以布衣車及兵器也。”服虔曰:“不施輕車介士也。”毋發民男女哭臨宮殿。宮殿中當臨者,皆以旦夕各十五舉聲,禮畢罷。非旦夕臨時,禁毋得擅哭。已下,索解謂柩已下於壙。服大紅十五日,小紅十四日,纖七日,釋服。◇集解服虔曰:“當言大功、小功布也。纖,細布衣也。”應劭曰:“紅者,中祥大祥以紅為領緣也。纖者,禫也。凡三十六日而釋服。”○索隱劉德雲:“紅亦功也。男功非一,故以‘工力’為字。而女工唯在於絲,故以‘糸工’為字。三十六日,以日易月故也。”佗不在令中者,皆以此令比率從事。佈告天下,使明知朕意。霸陵山川因其故,集解應劭曰:“因山為蔵,不復起墳,山下川流不遏絶也。就其水名以為陵號。”○索隱霸是水名,水徑於山,亦曰霸山,即芷陽地也。毋有所改。歸夫人以下至少使。”◇集解應劭曰:“夫人以下有美人、良人、八子、七子、長使、少使,凡七輩,皆遣歸傢,重絶人類也。”令中尉亞夫為車騎將軍,屬國悍◇集解徐廣曰:“姓徐。”駰按:漢書百官表“典屬國,秦官,掌蠻夷降者”。為將屯將軍,◇集解李奇曰:“馮奉世為右將軍,以將屯將軍為名,此監主諸屯也。”郎中令武為復土將軍,◇集解如湻曰:“主穿壙填瘞事者。”○索隱復音伏。謂穿壙齣土,下棺已而填之,即以為墳,故云復土。復,仮還也。又音福。發近縣見卒萬六千人,發內史卒萬五千人,○索隱按:百官表雲內史掌理京師之官也。景帝更名京兆尹也。蔵郭穿復土屬將軍武。古

  Chronology】 【Heng
  In 180 BC, Liu Heng was crowned as Emperor, is Han Wen.
  Han-Wen Liu Heng, moral and political world, and created the first Peace and Prosperity of Chinese feudal society - Wenjing. "Peace and Prosperity" is Zhiping the world, that is peace and prosperity.
  On behalf of the king ascended the throne
  Zhulv were destroyed after the legislation was proposed by Wang Liu Xiang for the emperor, he not only is the eldest grandson of Liu Bang, first raised his army against Zhulv of another power. However, as the mother of King of Qi forces more powerful family, ministers fear encore Lu autocratic, they were rejected. Huainan Wang Chang-because "my mother evil" was negatived.
  Liu Heng to Beijing, the prime minister Chen equal worship, saying: "Son, etc. None of the Xiao Hui Hong Son, improper instructions from ancestral temple. King, high Zuchang Zi, appropriate for the heir. Like king or emperor bit!" Liu Heng again sometime later, after high eight years (180 BC) on September 30, moved for the emperor bit, when he was 24 years old. Liu Zhang's younger brother, East Mou Hou Xing home made clear palace crafty villain, then and Taipu Jaap de Hoop infant palace, after the Shaodi car will set out and then uphold the law driving to meet the emperor, that night, Heng into Weiyang Palace .
  Wen Liu Heng into Beijing, with only SONG Chang, Chang Wu Deng Liuren. Emperor Wen of Han imperial power determined to integrate systems as soon as possible in order to restore and strengthen the operational capacity of state power.
  Emperor Wen of Han Ting know in no strong political base, and some imperial clan that he is "Abstract peach School", simply rely on a number of veteran's support and ascend the throne, his face is growing and growing arrogance of the nobility Wang forces, so his first task is to incentives and penalties is two-pronged strategy to consolidate the imperial power.
  Apart from the old Princes, the Han Wen has set up a new group of Princes. In the same year in December, established the original son of the Friends Chao You Wang Liu Zhao Liu therefore abandoned; Xifeng Wang Ze is the original Lang Ya Yan Wang. Later, they established the first Qiang Liu then the king for the Hejian; Zhu virtual Hou Wang Yang Liu Zhang to the city; East Mou Hou Wang Xing-Habitat for the northern economy; Lihuang Zi Wu Liu is on behalf of the king, but also for the Huaiyang Wang Xifeng, after the Xifeng for the King of Liang; participate in Taiyuan Wang Feng Liu; Liu military's as King of Liang.
  As the Han Dynasty vigorously political inaction, on the Kings in the development of malignant forces, played a catalytic role. Nobility and expanding, and form a "tail wags the dog" trend, bound to Liu in the imperial and royal imperial clan within the division to generate a sharp contradiction, this contradiction from the Emperor Wen ascended the throne after the start intensified. Wen three years (177 BC), Wang Xing-home Jibei rebellion, the first opening of the Kingdom of the armed struggle against the Han Ting precedent. Wen troops suppressed the rebels instantly collapse, Xing-Home committed suicide after capture.
  Although the two were put down the rebellion, but the early Han Dynasty Kings in a vicious power development, in fact, has become the central court against the separatist forces. Court some insight, recognition
  Impressed by Wen Jia Yi's "security policy", however, when he was extremely conscientious about political stability and socio-economic recovery and development, the situation does not allow his open confrontation with the vassal king. Until Wen 16 years (164 BC), King of Qi Liu is dead, no heirs bit, Wen Qi regrettably they had the largest six countries. Also the third son of Liu Feng Chang-An, Liu Bo, Liu Chi, etc. for the king, the Huainan country, one in three. Jia Yi Jian princes on the recommendations of the public, have only just been implemented, but the contradiction between imperial and royal power is not fundamentally resolved, decentralization and centralization of the problems remain. As the Emperor Wen of the Kings in basically the same surname appeasement, it led to Emperor Jing Wu Chu Qiguo during the rebellion.
  Fu reduced rent
  Wen, "Yan Wu Xingwen", "Dingnan three years and the issue", that is, the lord men reduced to once every three years service. Such relief, the history of feudal society in China is unique.
  Wen years (168 BC), known as "think tank" of the Prince family to the Wen Chao Cuo make recommendations: "raise the world of people into the grain at the edges to Shoujue impunity, but three years old, Cyprus will be under a lot about SU . "Wen accepted this proposal and take public tender price to sell Jazz and replenish food border guards. Chao Cuo also recommended way into the SU Jazz worship after the implementation of integrated border Su enough to support five years can be made into corn were lost in the county, the county has also product millet; border and counties are full, you can remove the world farm rents. Su worship Jazz approach into practice, the situation of peasants being improved.
  The first Peace and Prosperity
  The rulers of the changes
  Early Han Dynasty, Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing in particular, adhere to the "passive inaction" "Kung repair thrifty" and implement the policy of taxes, resulted in reduction of waste of resources to solve the over-exploitation of the peasants Qin undermine the rights and reasonable boundaries of the fundamental issues, so that has caused a "Officials Anqi Guan, folk music of their business" a good social environment.
  【Justice: a Conservative, or Reform】
  Early Han rulers insist the Early Han Dynasty "stick letter" thinking, advocate strict enforcement, even if only the emperor, "Dao law enforcement" powers, while not breaking the law. Han Wen is an individual will not undermine the provisions of the law "through the Conservative Law" of the emperor. A, Wen Wei travel in passing the bridge, it was out from under the bridge, ride the horse so that Emperor Wen and running scared. Ting Yu Zhang interpretation of the person sentenced to "sin money" (fined 42 gold). Wen asked execution. To the release of Zhang Wen said: "The law is the Son of Heaven and the people of the world together to develop, if we change the law easily, it will make people lose confidence in the law, do not know how to do it." Wen said Ting Yu eventually done right.
  Han Emperor Wen abolished corporal punishment, many comment on future generations, most of that out of "Lesser" Ti-ying, reflects Wen's "benevolent." Reform of the criminal system, the significance of the history of the Chinese legal system is important, it is the ancient Chinese criminal system into a more civilized from the savage stage of phase signs. This reform, as criminal system to the new "Five Forms" (bamboo cane, stick, migration, flow, dead) laid the foundation for the transition.
  "Hu Qiang": Hun tough
  Ren Taizi family was a letter to Emperor Wen Chao Cuo order to analyze both the Han and Xiongnu the length of their military, suggested that a "raise people's real side" strategy. Its main contents are: the establishment of the frontier towns, the recruitment of people on the mainland frontier movement, farm hand, side of preparation, "HU"; each of the towns of movement of more than 1000 residents, issued by the official agricultural tools, clothing, food, until They can be self-sufficient so far; moving frontier of the people, organized by the preparation of even Kivu, peacetime training, something can be the enemy, who can resist the intrusion Huns, the Huns were to take back the wealth plundered by the official price of reward according to half. Wen, in varying degrees adopted this strategy.
  "South King": the South Vietnamese strong
  Science Empress seven years (157 BC) summer in June, Han Wen Jia Beng, at the age of 47 years, buried in Baling (now Xi'an, Shaanxi, northwest). Death, people gave him the best posthumous title of "Emperor Hsiao-wen." The so-called "culture", represents "by Tianwei to" "Road Debo Press" "Xueqin Good Man," "Charitable loving," "pity the public benefit gift" and so rich in meaning, which are summarized from a different point of view of the Han Emperor Wen's performance.
  Jianghou history books is not leaving a princess, married the son of Zhou Bo, Jiang Hou (Si Yi 8180) won the week, according to Han practice, known as: Jianghou Princess
  Hsiao-wen emperor, ◇ Ji Jie Han sound and meaning, saying: "Hang taboo." Too high Zuzhong Zi, Mu Yue Bo Kyi. Emperor 10 a year in spring, has been broken military Chen pig, will be on behalf of, the legislation is on behalf of the king, all in all. □ Be My justice include to: "in both Old City of Pingyao County in southwest Fenzhou 12 years, Qin is also Taiyuan County." Empress Bo's son. Ascended the throne 17 years after the July high, high to collapse. September, production and so prefer to give all lyly chaos to crisis Liu, Minister of vocal, stand on behalf of the plan called the king of things the phrase in the Empress.
   Health prime minister Chen Ping, Qiu Ying Zhou Bo and other people on behalf of the king. About doctor orders on behalf of the king wu Zhang. Chang wu meeting said: "When Chinese Minister Gao and are so general, teaching soldiers, multimedia fraud, This is the preferred non-stop to this also, especially fear Rise and Empress Wei Lu ear. So far completed punish Zhu Lv, new bloody ○ Solitude  Jie, Han as "chatter" sound Hing Wah Street West, anti-small dispatch. Han Chan Tong Jie Yan Du bloody business, no matter AU drink. Guang Ya-yun, "CDs, assumed also", that carry out related to the. Capital, set Solution Gongyangzhuan said: "Beijing, large; division, the public also, emperor of the home, the speech will be made to the public is also large. "This is to greet the king in the name, real credible. Not to the former King of Chen Ji, to watch his change." Lieutenant SONG Chang-Jin said: ○ Solitude and East View of the Han Kee Song Yang Chuan-Song Yi SONG Chang-after. Also Kuiji Code recorded Chang, Song Yi Sun also. "None of the ministers of the meeting also. Fu Qin missing the affairs of princes Hao Jie and since everyone thinks too few of those to 10000, however the position pawn who practice the emperor, Liu also, the world is desperate for a carry on. Feng Gao and Wang Zaidi,, interlocking system, ○ Solitude and made the children of environmental soil sealing the transfer, if the dog while the back-into the teeth are quite straight. This so-called solid rock of the cases also, ○ Solitude made its solid as a rock. This language See s Six also. the world their strong suit, two carry on. Hanxing, in addition to Qin tyranny, about laws, Shide Hui, everyone from security, difficult to shake, the three carry on. husband to the Empress Dowager Lu Yan, Li Zhu Lv for the three kings , without authorization authoritarian, but Qiu to an army into the north, ○ Solitude and the correction that God, through discipline section. a call Shijiezuotan for Liu, rebellion Zhu Lv, to destroy the Death. This is Tianshou, non- human also. Suiyu to change the current minister, the people Ephesians order, the party rather to specific evil? metabolic abnormality within the virtual Zhu, East of the pro-Mou, external fear Wu, Chu, Huainan, Langya, Qi, on behalf of strong. FANG Jin Gao and child alone Huainan Wang and King, King and long, Xian Sheng Rensiao, smell in the world, so the heart of the Minister for the world and wish to welcome Li King, King is also not to doubt. "Empress of dollars on behalf of Wang Pao, Utah and uncertain. Bu the turtle, Gua Wang Siu too big. ◇ Ji Jie Ying Shao said: "to Jing Zhuo turtle, text is horizontal." Account, saying: "Big G, Wang G, I as king, XIA Qi to light." ◇ Ji Jie Fu Qian, saying: "Kang G, Wang appearance also . "Leach said:" G G, the Yao culture also. "Zhang Yan said:" Cross refuses to accept without thinking. Geng, more also. Introduction to the princes and Jidi Wei also. first five emperors official world, while Chan Yin-old, to Kai Father of Jazz before transfer, is the foundation can be light administration Xianjun. Wen also trace the passage of the parent, who also made similar XIA Qi. "○ Solitude Xunyue Yun:" Big Wang, Zhao Wang Li also turtle. "by: G G still" more more, "Introduction to princes also more throne. Xunyue Yun, "Yao, pumping well, so be good and bad feelings out of it." Du Yu Yun, "Yao, Siu words would be, audio helmet also." By: Han Rao cloud cover wide "Five Emperors official world, the three royal world, officials with Successfully Passes Throngh Longhai people, home to pass future generations." Public officials still are, that is not private also. On behalf of the Neo: "Gua Ren Wang has been solid men, and how the king?" Pu people, saying: "The King upon is the Son of Heaven." So on behalf of the Queen Mother Wang Naiqian brother to see Jiang Hou Bo Zhao, Jiang Hou and other instruments as Zhao Yan Therefore, Wang Yi-Ying Li. Bo Zhao also reported saying: "Trust men, and no suspects." SONG Chang behalf of Wang Nai smiled and said: "fruits, such as public statement." Nai Ming SONG Chang-participation by Chang Yi Chang Cheng Chuan Wu Deng Liuren. To gaoling stop, □ justice, including to Be My: "gaoling Old City in the southwest in the Yongzhou Gaoling, whose real name is transverse, Wei on the shelf. Sansuke the old things have Hsing Yun Qin Le Palace in Weinan, Xianyang Gong Weibei there. Qin For communication between the king was the Second Temple, made transverse, long 380 step, northbound stone water Watch out like the old speculation. this God with LU language classes make it out to stay, saying 'I Mao Chou, Ching good map material content, not '. Ban said, then handed it over with the words' speak out to see me'. to stay is the first. classes to foot painting, the speculation to remain conscious-ness, then no water. Therefore, as in the Water Purchase Only above waist. Weitai Zu see the frightened horse, under the command transfer. "而使 SONG Chang of Chang Chi View first change.
  Wei-chang to the story bridge, ◇ Ji Jie Surin said: "In the Chang'an North Three Mile." ○ Solitude Sansuke story: "Xianyang Gong in Weibei, Xing Yue Temple in Weinan, among Qinzhao Wang Tong Liang Gong for Wei bridge, long 380 steps. "cloud pillars and off the record is Fufeng north, the south is Jingzhao pillars also. The prime minister the following are welcome. SONG Chang also reported. Wang Chi Zhi Wei on behalf of the bridge, the ministers paid homage to concede defeat. Prayer on behalf of the king off. Qiu Bo Jin said: "between the words of the original, please." ○ Solitude package Kai busy tone, speech language want to free space. Reappraisal goes: ", the content, it still made the middle. Let the Qing, leisure time, when some Chen, also do not want the public opinion." SONG Chang said: "Kung said, the public words. Said the private, the King not private. "Qiu is kneeling on the emperor Fu Xi. On behalf of the king, saying: "to the residence of the meeting on behalf of." ○ Solitude Wen said: "Di, vassal state homes." Then Chiru on behalf of the Di. Ministers from to. Prime minister Chen Ping, Qiu Zhou Bo, Grand General Chen Wu, royal doctor Zhang Cang, are being examined Liu Ying, ◇ Ji Jie Han Baiguan table, saying: "being examined, the Qin government." Ying Shao said: "When King Cheng of Zhou, Tong Bo into is being examined. "virtual Hou Zhu Liu Zhang, Xing Dong Mou Hou home, typical customers are Zaibaiyanyue Jie Liu:" filial son of Emperor Hui Hong, etc. None of the children, improper instructions from ancestral temple. minister would ask Yin Anhou ◇ Annals Surin said: "Brother Bo Gao and his wife share a letter Hou Jie mother, Mrs. Hill also. "Liehou are queen ◇ Annals Xu Guang said:" generation are the wife of Wang Liu Zhong. "Yin: by: Surin said," Nakago Bi, as king, so catch Posthumous are king "also. As soon said," are closed Queen Yam An Hou, Lu sister when Lam Kwong Hou, who is also a group of one hundred families Xiaohe Fu Hou. "Another imperial clan table At this point no overcast security, know as are the queen. ○ Solitude by: Surin, Xu Guang, Wei Zhao that two titles, and music production as soon introduced to other letters are queen yin An Hou, and Chinese Temple that meet. Now, this yin security is knighted others is wrong. are the Queen on behalf of the Queen, Emperor Wen of the aunt. on behalf of the king reduced to He Hu positive marquis, Gu Yun "Liehou are the queen." Wei Zhao said, "Security is cloudy Wei Jun "also. and Langya Wang, imperial family, ministers, Liehou, clerks Erqian Dan Yee said: 'Big Wang Gaodi eldest son, should the Rise and heir.' former king is emperor bit." on behalf of the Neo: "Feng Gao and Ancestral heavy things too. Gua Ren is not eloquent enough to say ancestral temple. the original terms should please the king who, ◇ Annals Surin said: "the king were submitted, Rise and brother. "○ Solitude king cross, Rise and younger brother, the most respect. Made more account should please the king who, under the cloud it," are suitable "also. Gua Ren not when." Ministers are V solid please. Wang Xixiang to a Third Generation, Tone of the South to those who re. ◇ Annals as Chun said: "Let the ministers also. Or say something face-bit host and guest, monarch and his subjects bit north and south side, so the West to take three for free, the ministers still say should, but in the back seat said that change, that is, Throne The gradually also. "prime minister of equality Jieyue:" I have total of V, king of Gao Feng is best known ancestral temple, though all the world to suitable Houwan Min. Chendeng Sajik account for the ancestral temple, not suddenly. Fortunately, the former king to listen to Chen Deng. Morrison like Fengtian Yuxi Fu Zaibai on. "on behalf of the Neo:" Royalty is about to make that Mo Yi Wang Liehou Gua Ren, Gua Ren dare not address. "emperor moved for a bit.
  Man-Lai times are ministers to serve. Naishitaipu infants and East Mou Hou gogo Qing, ◇ Ji Jie Ying Shao said: "Old Code, Imperial Bank Fortunately actions, and will be laid off first case of static line quiet house so the house to fear very much." ○ Solitude by: Han Miriam cloud "Emperor living, room curettage before making claims." law Fengtian drive, ○ Solitude and Han officials Miriam says: "Son of Heaven Lu Bu has Dajia, French driving. Dajia or poor instructions from lead, a large general participation by, an eight-car 11 ride. France is not Lu Bu in the driving or poor, but Lord Mayor, executive Kingo, Chang Feng order cited, sijung participation by, is by car 36 also. "meet on behalf of the Di. Emperor is sick into the Wei Yang Palace. SONG Chang-night prayer is for the general health, Zhen Fu North-South military. Zhang Wu for the doctor to order the house line. Also sitting front hall. So the next night edict said: "among those who Zhulv Allusion without authorization, seeking to took an unusual move, trying to use the crisis Ancestral Liu, Lai will phase Liehou Royalty Minister vocal, all V the Koo. I first came to the throne, the amnesty the world, giving China Jue level, women's 100 cattle wine, ◇ Annals Surin said: "Awarding men and women give cattle wine. "○ Solitude by: Sealing a book goes" one hundred head of cattle, wine 10 stone. "Cloud music production," a woman without husband or no children nonstick Jazz, it is giving it. "Drink heavily on the 5th." ◇ Ji Jie Wen Ying said: "Chinese legal persons has been group drink for no reason, fine 42. this gift was to make convergence Chao Wang Food on the 5th." ○ Solitude wrote the text goes, "drink in company, King Bud, great drink too." Pay to contribute to a feast, a fresh to drink heavily. Also note: King Wuling of Zhao eliminate Zhongshan, drink heavily on the 5th, is also its effect.
  . Please first month, Yuji Yan Yue: "flea build Prince, so respect for ancestral temple. Please stand Prince." On the say: "I neither moral, God, not gods Xin Xiang, the world failed the people of Xian Zhi. ○ Solitude by: Xian who full of meaning too. no Qian Zhi, the words are rather further over the world also. Han as "Yue Zhi", Ann. this vertical world demand can not be Bo virtuous person Xian Sheng Yan Buddhist world, and said, Prince Yu Jian It is important I do not te. that the world is what? ○ Solitude and why that word is also in the world. The safety of. "○ Solitude and the, voice their opinions. On those, Xu also. Judai also made slowly. Yuji said: "Yu Jian, Prince, so heavy ancestral Sajik, not forgetting the people." On the said: "The King of Chu, Ji Father, Spring High, read a lot about the world of doctrine, ◇ Annals as Chun said:" reading, Jewish calendar is also made more than more. "Out in the country generally. King in I, brother also, hae to good German. Huainan Wang, younger brother also, Bingde to accompany I. Annals Wen Ying said:" accompany, assisted also. "岂 is not yu zai! Princes Royalty Kundi a hero, meaning more Yin and virtuous, if they hold can not be virtuous in order to accompany the end I was Sajik Spirit, the world is a blessing too. This is not the election Yan, and child will say, I was forgetting who their to Yin virtuous person, rather specializing in child, non so worry the people. I do not even take too. "Yuji are solid Please say:" In ancient Yin Zhou Youguo, totaling some law and order in all age ancient of the world who have long Mo Yan, is also using this Road. ○ Solitude ancient words of a world who no longer than Ritsuko, Gu Yun "long Mo Yan." those with the Road with Yanzhou Li Gentleman, it is Yasuharu 1000 surplus to the year. heirs will sub, which has never been far from the truth. Rise and personally led a scholar, began peace to the world, building princes, for the emperor who Taejo. vassals and Liehou before country by country by key also its ancestors. Son Sun Jisi the ages of Ephesians must, and the world of cause and also, so to ask at home and the Rise and set up. this release should build even more selection in the nobility and the imperial clan, non Rise and ambition also. more discussion should not be. ○ Solitude and other proposals made by not more also. son of a longest Chunhou Chain, please build that Prince. "is promised on. Contemporary Father of the people by giving the world the level of the latter Jazz ◇ Annals Wei Zhao said: "Wen to the use of a child, the do not want only the its blessing, it is the parent who gave the world Jazz." General closure for the Zhi Hou Bo Zhao. ◇ Ji Jie Xu Guang said: "Celebrate the Otomi have."
  LASH March, Yuji Please set up the queen. Empress Dowager Bo said: "Princes are surname, Li, Prince to Queen Mother." Solitude and that the son of God, as Princes are all surname. Name, students also. Made the same as those female students, it also established mother of Prince. Queen's last name Doushi. For the establishment after it, giving the world the poor and the widows and the needy orphans in 80-year-old has been on meat have been a few meters under the cloth. On from Generation to, first came to the throne, Shide Hui world, providing all contact Huan Fu princes Shii, is to follow from the generation of hero. On said: "I welcome Fangda Chen of punish Zhu Lv, I suspicion, are only I, the only advise I Lieutenant SONG Chang, Zhen Yi Feng ancestral get insurance. Have respect for the health of General Chang, Feng-chang as its strong Wuhou. ◇ Annals Xu Guang said: "April Hsinhai seal, seal 30 years, Emperor Jing Hou wins in four years, China addition. "○ Solitude Wei Zhaoyun Jiaodong County. □ justice, including to Be My:" Zhuang Wu Old City in the Laizhou Jimo County West 60, the Gulai Yi state, has Zhuang Wu County Old City. "All six people from the I, Guan Jie to Jiuqing." □ Chinese home Jiuqing just a say too often, second is orchards third is Wei Wei, Siyuetaipu, Wuyuetingwei, Liu Yue Dai Hung group of seven said, are being examined, eight large companies say farmers, nine say less government is to Jiuqing also. Fast
  The remaining two years in October, the prime minister level and death, complex as the prime minister to Jiang Hou Bo. On said: "I heard the founding of the ancient nobility who pursues all keep their places, to pay tribute to the time, people do not toil up and down joyous, extravagant have left Germany. This Liehou Daugu Chang, Yap far, Li Zu to lose fee bitter, but Liehou no people from the lessons of its. □ justice tame, old "training" is used. its so Liehou the country, for the clerks and Chao are only those laid off Prince. "◇ Ji Jie Zhang Yan said:" To Officials , that to Jin Kingdom as part of official. Chao is just, especially to see to stay loving person. "
  November night with food, Japanese have eaten. □ justice by: that eclipse the Moon Man goes, a lunar eclipse is expected. The dark clouds eclipse the fear of calendar error. Dec Wang, Japan has food. ◇ Ji Jie Xu Guang said: "This cloud Wangri they eat. By: Han Dynasty and the Five Elements Chi Man has no such eclipse. 1 for 'eclipse' eclipse of the century natural history books do not." On the say: "I heard of people born with steam, whom to support home rule ruler. take charge of the non-moral, political inequality cloth, then the days of showing them with one-year-old field to Commandments died. is a November night, Japanese have eaten, found suitable days , one-year-old field what Big Yan! I was Paul ancestral to Wei Miao Yu Zhao Min king of body on top of Forex Capital Market LLC, the world is chaos, one in I, CD-23 is also the ruling still I Gu Gong. I can not under the management education Qun, on to tired The next three lights, it does not carry on Tak. so to, I think its the fault of note, and think of the less known see, Gai to notice I., and Recommending Founder to respect those very remonstrance to Marina I of the incompetent. because The ordered his tenure, the Ministry of forced labor costs to convenience. I can not far from Germany, so Xin Nian between foreigners of course there are non, ◇ Ji Jie Han sound and meaning, saying: "Xin Ran also mediated between the natural Jew. Africa, rape Definitely not. "○ Solitude Sulin Yun," Xin, the sleep disturbed by the appearance as "cover close to the meaning. The rest are sparse, said. Xin against the tone of the plate. Is a device without interest. Can not stop this longitudinal edge of the Garrison, but ordered Bing Hou Wei, General military satellite of its strike. Taipu see the horse enough money left, ○ Solitude also left behind left behind. wealth, the ancient characters and "talented" with. Introduction Taipu see in the horse, this matter leaving only enough charge it also. the other tailor to transfer home. "○ Solitude by: Guang Ya-yun," home, relay it. " Han Yun added, "horses for a ten miles home." Therefore, a music production set Yi Yun Chuan also. Made by communicators to pass time by name, by those with horses to take horses home. Anti-D love sound transmission. Such as Chun Yun "law, four horses Height, to preach the home, four horses in the foot as Chi Chi, the next foot to take home, a horse two horse light carriage home, such as those owned by a horse, saying urgent by it."
  Scold March mendelevium, Yuji please Lihuang Zi as vassals. On said: "You Wang Zhao quiet death, I shall even pity, has established his eldest son therefore abandoned Zhao. Then the provision of strong and younger brother of Zhu Qi Dao Huiwang virtual sub-chapter Hou, East Mou Hou gogo-active, can be the king." Nai Li Zhao You Wang birth rate for the provision of strong Hejian king to play County Qi Hou Zhu virtual city of Yang Wang, Li Dong Wang Mou Hou economic North, Prince Wu is on behalf of the king, the child parameters for the Taiyuan Wang, son of military's for the King of Liang.
  Beetles on the best, saying: "Rule of the ancient world, there is progress towards improvement of the Jing, ◇ Ji Jie Ying Shao said:" Jing, streamers too. Yao set of five over the road, so that the Association's good deeds. "If Chun said:" For those who are into good, stand under the banner words. "Defamation of the wood, ◇ Ji Jie Fu Qian said:" Yao for the bridge cross stigma afternoon. "Ying Shao said:" bridge side plate, so the book has lost the guilt politics. To the Qin to the, this Naifu facilities also. "○ Solitude by: Shi Zi Yun," Yao Li defamation of wood. "Slander sound wrong, also sounds boiling. Weizhao Yun," consider the affairs of Absence, makes the book in the wood, when Yao course this also, and future generations because of that decoration. This ectopic bridge is also the first four Ueki. "Li Yun Zheng Xuan Note the" one vertical and one horizontal for the afternoon, that the consistent form wood column 4, the Chinese term of the present form. "Hao Guan table column 4 that the famous wooden" Huan " Chen Chu Sheng Huan recent and popular, others but know yourself, "and table", then "China" and "and" it with false ears. So admonished those who come through Governance. this law is the crime of defamation fallacy is to make his court can not Enjoy, but was no fault by the news too. Since the distance to any of the virtuous? its addition to the. people or wish to swear on a similar statement and then with Man, ◇ Ji Jie Han sound and meaning, saying: "I wish the people with total swear Results also . Man who then Man mindful of the fact of not complete wish swear too. "○ Solitude Weizhao Yun:" Man, offset false charge also. "Said the text goes:" Man, bullying also. "Meet the beginning of that line I wish, after the phase deceive deceive, Middle mindful of the fact that it also. Officials that took an unusual move, it has his words, while the clerks they thought defamation. This fine people ignorant and stupid, hilarious, I even did not take. Since Today, there have been guilty of listening to this Convicted rule. "
  Ding clean up October night three years, Japanese have eaten. In November, the expression: "the day before removal Liehou the country, or speech is not OK. The prime minister I of the weight of their country as I rate Liehou." Jiang Hou Bo-free prime minister on the country to Qiu Ying Yin Hou infants as prime minister. Stop Qiu officer, is the prime minister. In April, Wang Yang City Chapter demise. Huainan Wang Wei Jing-length and from those who kill and eat the provision of positive marquis trial.
  Hu skeletal May, the king into the north, the home of Henan for the bandit. Dichu Fortunately, Oasis. ◇ Annals Yong said: "Son of Heaven driving them actions, and the people that lucky Robinson, Hence it is fortunate. To see that long old Mr. Guan Zhu, visit the Villa, merry, give food more towel knife wear silk, China Jue there series, or give farm rents of a half, so called because a lucky. "○ Solitude should Shao Yun:" Palace were, in Yunyang. a forest of light. "Chen Zan says:" Oasis, mountain name. Lam Kwong, Qin Imperial Villa Name. "Gu then by: Fu Xing Chengzong expedition Note cloud" Oasis, rivers. " Today's note: The upgrade to have Oasis in mountains, the scenery and all directions also. House name Muir. June, emperor said: "Han and the Huns about Kundi, not to harm the border, so lose the Huns left behind very thick. This Youxian Wang from their country, will fall to the public home in Henan, is therefore, demand close to plug, kill Li Zu, drive security plug barbarians, so it is not their home, Ling Kau Officials edge, into the theft, even Ao no way, non-about also. the fat side of Officials riding high 85000 Yi slaves, repatriated the prime minister Hou Guan Ying Ying Yin hit Hun. "Hun go, hair Baiguan table Lieutenant ◇ Annals Han said:" Lieutenant, Qin officials. "Chang material Guan Zhu Wei, General military.
  Yan Huai six years, Yuji long words Huainan Wang waste Xiandi law, do not listen to the emperor Chao, Home Office, not degrees, out to be the emperor, good at the law, and the spine against Po Hou Taizi Towers, Qian Ren so Minyue and Huns, hair The soldiers, trying to use the crisis ancestral Sajik. Ministers meeting, Jieyue "long when discarding" God could not bear To Act king amnesty against himself, do not waste king. The ministers requested the Department WANG Shu Yan Tao, Qiong Du, ◇ Ji Jie Xu Guang said: "Han or for 'Post' word, or direct cloud 'Qiong Bo'. Qiong Du and Yi is this is, Er Shi Yan Road did not pass, There Qiong Bo Hill. "□ justice Qiong, its Christine counter. Including land Zhiyun: "Yan Road, this is the county, that state by Qiong Li County also. County Road barbarians say, twenty years before and Yan Road. Qiong Qiong are all counties in this country, Chinese for the county, this state is also Juan. Southwestern Minority Chuan Yun 'Dianchi Lake, north of Jun to 10 the number of long, Qiong are the greatest' is also. "Note: The ministers requested the Department Huainan Wang Shu Yan Cheung Road, not Seoul, farther west Qiong Qiong Du Bo mountains. Bo Ya Qiong Shan State in by the county sector Wing. Rong, economic, military ethics between home, the Qin Yan authentic. Be My Huayang: "Qiong Qiong people so narrow hill, narrow one sector. Hilly rock, song back Jiuzhe well, pour the ice down there. Zun by the board who are. The current line from the southwest to Juan Jiuzhe state, mountain rain less clear, custom calling name omitted days. "God promised. Long not yet reached the premises, line died, the pity of. After 16 years, posthumous title for long Zhuizun Huainan Wang Li Wang, Li his son, three were the Huainan Wang, ○ Solitude Name An, Fu Ling Hou also. Heng Shanwang, ○ Solitude name Bo, Anyang Hou also. Lujiang Wang. ○ Solitude name bestowed, Zhou positive marquis too.
   someone 'in May, Sarkozy made Chunyu Taicang Public ○ Solitude name meaning for the Qi Taicang order, so that the positions in the public also. When criminal guilt, Zhao Yu Chang, Department arrest resettlement. Taicang public without male and female five. Taicang will catch the public will be OK, scolding his daughter, saying: "Son do not birth to a boy, a priority is also non-useful!" The girls sound Ti-ying ○ Solitude United sing. Chow sound body, non. Since the injury he endured, is with his father to Chang'an, a letter, saying: "Father of the Officials concubine, Qi of them registering their honest and take law as punishment today. Concubine can not hurt the dead husband back to life, is a criminal who can not be complex, although complex want to turn over rehabilitation, the Road without the too. concubine into the former official did not tick, redeem the parent criminal offense to make themselves. "books played the emperor, the Son of Heaven pity for the sorrow of its meaning, is the edict said:" I have heard that in Yu cover when Dress clothes that draw different chapters Slaughter, □ Criminal Justice Jin Shu Zhi-Yun: "Three kings words and the people do not violate the set, dressed and painted the people to know the Five Emperors ban. Fu Qing who committed their towel, cut off the nose by Dan committed his service, who committed Bin ink their body, who committed Palace miscellaneous their sandals, great provision of the crime, punishment of the very special, cloth without their clothes Kobun leading edge, throw in the City , and the public discarded. "The people do not make. What is? To the rule also. This law is corporal punishment 3, ◇ Annals Leach said:" pledge no corporal punishment, Wen have corporal punishment. "Meng Kang said:" tattoo cut off the nose 2, left toe one, all three. "○ Solitude Weizhao Yun:" Broken Toe, tattoo, cut off the nose of the case. "Cui Haohan legal order goes:" Wen addition to corporal punishment and hard house. "Zhang Fei note saying:" Terran order to immorality, it is not easy for too. "The evil is more than its blame security in? Non-teaching and unknown is I Debo Secular? I very ashamed. Gufu Tame Road, Yan trap impurities and fools. Poem says 'Kai Ti gentlemen, the people of their parents'. People today had, teaching facilities and the punishment did not increase Yan? or want to change behavior of good and not by the Road also. I even pity for. husband penalty to break support body, the skin carved, life-long rest, How Chu pain without Germany also, not at parents called the intention of the people zai! its addition to corporal punishment. "
  S reminders 16 years, the pro-Komi Weiyang Five Emperors Temple also used in summer salute while still red.
  Emperor Wen Takakage cover the first year of October, the system Chao Censor: "cover smell of ancient ancestors who were active and virtuous, ◇ Ji Jie Ying Shao said:" before taking the world by the ancestors, and Rise and said the emperor is also. For the cases of those who rule the world before, the emperor Taizong is also known. "Each of the ritual system. Heard singers, so send te; dancers, it is also clear success. Gaomiao Spirits, ◇ Ji Jie Zhang Yan said:" Once the first month for wine, in August into, it is called shochu. Spirits are pure words. To the Dynasty, because in August to try Spirits dukes temple, the gold deacon, the so-called 'Spirits Gold' also. "Played Morality, Culture beginning, the five elements of dance. ◇ Ji Jie Meng Kang said:" Morality, the emperor also. Text before, Shun dance also. Five, Zhou dance too. Takenori owner, its executive Dance and dry Qi. Wen began Wuzhiyuyue. Five dance crown, clothes Act Five color. See Yue Zhi. "○ Solitude should Shao Yun:" Ritual Dance of the Shun Chi Shao Wen started dancing emperor renamed the text before, showing no phase attack. Five Elements Martial Arts dance this week, the emperor renamed the Five Elements Dance. Note: this word 'play Wu De, the text began, the five elements of dance' who, like the Emperor Wu of their total music music, made emperor in order to force the world has set. Show not only with the passage, the beginning of its merry. The text before the first play to Yu yue Yi Wen Xiu precede; times that playing the five elements, five elements that is Martial Arts, the Executive and the clothes are dry Qi Elements of color also. "Xiao Hui Temple Spirits, played before the text, the five elements of dance. Takafumi emperor Pro world, customs clearance beam, does not differ from afar. ◇ Ji Jie Zhang Yan said:" Hsiao-wen years, in addition to customs, without orders, if a distance. "In addition to defamation, to corporal punishment, reward the elders, close-shirt alone, to education sentient beings. By Shi Yu, free offer, ◇ Ji Jie Xu Guang said:" cut, one for 'off'. "The benefits are not private. Sinners not public funds, ◇ Annals Surin said:" Punishment is less than his wife. "Does not punish innocent. In addition to punishment, the beauty, weight of the world must people. I neither sensitive and can not know. Euphemistically of the less ancient, and Hsiao-wen emperor of the pro line. Dehou Mou world, ◇ Annals Ricci said: "Mou, Qi. "Lize applied universally, Mibu by Fu Yan. Almost like the sun and the moon tomorrow, but do not call the temple music. I even fear Yan. The Temple of the Seven Generations of the Emperor Hsiao-wen dance, ◇ Ji Jie Wen Ying said:" the emperor adopted The White Horse Temple Dance for Seven Generations of Dance, Dance of the Wen Temple, see Yue-chi. "To clear off Germany. Then ancestors of merit book in Zhu Bo, Shi in Jesus Christ, eternally endless, I even Yoshiyuki. Its prime minister, Liehou, in Erqian Dan, ritualists played with the ritual." Prime minister Chen Jia, etc. words: "Your Majesty always thought of filial piety, stand Akinori dance to the emperor of the Ming Takafumi Sidley. are so stupid as not as Jia Chen. chen like meeting: World power is greater than high and the emperor, temo Sheng Yu Hsiao-wen emperor, high Wong Temple appropriate for the emperor who Taejo of Temple, Temple advised the Emperor Hsiao-wen Emperor Taizong of the temple were. emperor should offer ages of ancestors of the temple. Grading and princes should all stand for the Takafumi Emperor Taizong of the temple. vassals Liehou messenger paternity Temple emperor, offering year-old ancestors of the temple. ◇ Ji Jie Zhang Yan said: "Sending Envoys Yi Wang and Liehou the age of the capital, paternity Temple deacon also. "If the sun, saying:" If Guangwu Temple in chapter Ling, Nanyang Prefecture envoy to the festival is also known. Hau Wong Festival not to persons, princes also shall not Zutian Zi. All Pro ancestral worship are all paternity Festival. "Please forward to the Zhu Bo, announced the world." System, saying: "may."
  Evaluation】 【posterity
  - "Shi Ji Xiao Text Discipline"
  - "Han Wen Ji"
  - "Historical Records Solitude Xiao Ji Commentary of text"
  Former Chinese Emperor Wen, were constant, the fourth son of emperor, the early letters on behalf of the king. Thin mother Empress, Emperor caring not relent. Mother often disease, three years, Timor Mubujiaojie, clothing puzzled with, decoction into the non-mouth tasted it himself Eph. Rensiao world news.
  Mok Yin Ting something mother, decoction will be pro-taste.
  Once, his mother is seriously ill, it can be very anxious Heng. A disease that is three years his mother, bedridden. Heng Tang decoction in person for the mother and guardian of her mother's bedside day and night. Every time I see her mother slept, her mother was lying in bed and sleep. Heng preparing medicine for his mother every day, every fried finished their first taste of total and see him for the medical hardship is not bitter, hot is not hot, its about time, which gave the mother to drink.
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