南越國 人物列錶
趙佗 Zhao Tuo趙眜 Zhao Mo趙嬰齊 Zhao Yingji
趙興 Zhao Xing趙建德 Zhao Jiande
趙佗 Zhao Tuo
南越國  (?前203年前137年)
網筆號: 武王
籍貫: 恆山郡真定縣

  不久,任囂病亡,趙佗嚮南嶺各關口的軍隊傳達了據險防守的指令,防止中原的起義軍隊進犯,並藉機殺了秦朝安置在南海郡的官吏們,換上自己的親信。秦朝滅亡後,前203年,趙佗起兵兼併桂林郡和象郡,在嶺南地區建立南越國,自稱“南越武王”。 南越國的疆土,北至南嶺(今廣東北部、廣西北部和江西南部一帶),西至夜郎(今廣西,雲南的大部),南至海(今越南的中部和北部),東至閩越(今福建南部)。都城在番禺,今廣州市。
   * 河北省石傢莊市:石傢莊市下轄的正定縣是趙佗的出生地,秦朝時名為恆山郡真定縣。石傢莊市新華區下轄的趙陵鋪鎮有西漢漢文帝為安撫趙佗而修的趙佗先人墓,現還存有墳塚,該鎮也因此而得名。
   * 廣東省竜川縣:秦朝時為南海郡竜川縣,趙佗平定嶺南後做了6年竜川縣令,原縣治所在地為紀念趙佗而命名為佗城鎮。
   * 廣東省廣州市:秦朝時為南海郡番禺縣,是南海郡郡治所在地,趙佗做了4年南海郡郡尉。秦滅亡之後,趙佗又以番禺為都城,創立了南越國。番禺也是他的墓葬所在地。

  Zhao Tuo (? - 137 BC), Qin Zhaoheng Hill County real Dingxian (Zhengding County, Hebei Province, China today) people, famous Qin Dynasty general, founder of the South Vietnamese state. Zhao Tuo is the king of Yue State in the first generation and the emperor, 203 BC to 137 BC in office, known as "King Wu of South Vietnam" or "South Vietnamese emperor."
  Zhao Tuo any magistrate in Longchuan when digging wells, well known as the king of Yue
  Qin Shi Huang's death, Emperor Qin to the throne because of his tyranny provoked 209 years before Chen Sheng Wu Guang Uprising, followed by Liu Bang and Xiang Yu's "competition between Chu and Han", the Central Plains into a chaotic state. 208 BC, the South China Sea lieutenant of any clamor ill, he died before the magistrate of Zhao Tuo Ren Longchuan when summoned, he explained to rely on the South China Sea Hills in the county sea, there are risks to the favorable terrain, according to the establishment of national, to the uprising against the military's violation of the Central Plains; and immediately promulgated the instrument of appointment to the Southern Yue, Zhao Tuo took the South China Sea to lieutenant positions.
  After years of conquests, Liu Bang established the Western Han Dynasty, and put down the rest of the Central Plains, including military forces, including Xiang Yu. At a time when the Central Plains, has Bingluan years, people suffering fatigue life, so Liu Bang decided not to use military means to destroy the country against South Vietnam. 196 BC, Han emperor Liu Bang Lu Jia ambassador to South Vietnam to send doctors to persuade Zhao Tuo Gui Han. Persuasion in the Lu Jia, Zhao Tuo accepted the Han emperor gave the South Vietnamese king seal, and submit to the Han Dynasty, Han Dynasty to the South Vietnamese state to become a vassal state. Since then, the South Vietnamese States and Han exchange of envoys to each other through city, Liu success through peaceful means, making Zhao Tuo allegiance, did not become hostile forces in the south of the Han Dynasty.
  Empress Lu Hou then consider Long sending generals to attack Zhao Tuo Zhou stove, but not suited to the South Vietnamese soldiers in the Central Plains along the hot and humid climate, have become ill, even Nanling have not crossed. A year later, Empress died, the Han army to stop the attack.
  179 BC, after the death of Empress Lu, Han Wen Heng ascended the throne, he sent for rehabilitation of Zhao Tuo ancestor's grave, the grave keeper, who set the time and sacrifice every year, and Zhao Tuo cousins to reward the office and property. Then in the prime minister of Han Wen Chan's recommendation, appointed ambassador to South Vietnam many times during the Han emperor of Falluja to the doctor too, so that it again ambassador to South Vietnam to persuade Zhao Tuo Gui Han.
  Historical influence
  Zhao Tuo old haunt
  * Guangzhou: South China Sea during the Qin Dynasty Fan Yuxian County, the seat of the South China Sea county Gunji, Zhao Tuo made a 4-year county lieutenant of the South China Sea. After the demise of the Qin, Zhao Tuo Youyi Panyu for the capital, the creation of the South Vietnamese state. Panyu is also the location of his burial.
南越國趙佗 Zhao Tuo
後一君主 >>: 文王 趙眜

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