吐蕃 人物列錶
聶赤贊普 gNya-khri btsan-po止貢贊普 Gri-gum btsan-po達日寧色 dMus long dkon pa bkra shis
囊日論贊 gnam-ri slon-rtsan鬆贊幹布 Srong-btsan Sgam-po芒鬆芒贊 Mang-srong mang-btsan
共日共贊 Gung-ri gung-btsan杜鬆芒波傑 vDus-srong mang-po-rje赤德祖贊 Mes-ag-tshoms
赤鬆德贊 Khri-srong lDe-btsan木奈贊普 Mu Naizanpu牟如贊普 Mou Ruzanpu
赤德鬆贊 Khri-lde-srong-btsan, Sad-na-legs赤祖德贊 Khri-gtsug-lde-btsan, Ral-pa-can朗達瑪 Gldarma
俄鬆 vod-srung乞離鬍 yum-brtan
鬆贊幹布 Srong-btsan Sgam-po
吐蕃  (604年650年)

  鬆贊幹布(威利:Srong-btsan Sgam-po;藏語拼音:Songzain Gambo;THDL:Songtsen Gampo;又稱 khri-srong btsan, 605 ? 617? - 650),在《新唐書》等漢文史籍中名為棄宗弄贊、器宗弄贊、棄蘇農贊等。按照藏族的傳統每他是吐蕃王朝第33任贊普,實際上是吐蕃王朝立國之君。
  贊是吐蕃王朝第31代贊普。(贊普:吐蕃時期百姓對君長的稱呼,藏語意為雄健的男子。據《新唐書· 吐蕃傳》載:“其俗謂強雄曰贊,丈夫曰普,故號君長曰贊普。”)鬆贊幹布是後人為他加上的尊號。(鬆贊幹布:唐代漢文史籍作棄宗弄贊、器宗弄贊、器宋弄贊、棄蘇農贊等(還有弗夜氏、不弗弄贊的稱呼),均為譯音,藏文稱贊普墀鬆贊、鬆德贊。贊普,意為王;墀,意為“輿”“王位”;鬆贊是名字,幹布則是尊號,其意為“深沉莫測”。)當他3歲的時候,其父率兵滅掉了蘇毗部落,統一了西藏高原,由一個山南地方的小邦首領一躍成為吐蕃各部的君主。在這樣的一個家庭裏,朗日鬆贊對獨生子的培養和教育極為關懷,使鬆贊幹布從小受到了良好的家庭教育和嚴格的訓練,逐漸成為精通騎射、角力、擊劍、而武藝出衆,又愛好民歌、善於吟詩的文武全纔的王子。
  文成公主知書識禮,博學多才,篤信佛教,她作為漢藏民族團结友好的先驅,將中原文化傳播入藏,對於增進漢藏民族的親密團结,促進中原和吐蕃地區經濟文化的交流和發展,在歷史上産生了巨大而深遠的影響。據西藏民歌流傳,文成公主進藏時,曾帶去𠔌物 3800類,牲畜5500種,工匠5500人。儘管這些數字無疑有誇大、言過之詞,但是存在着不可否認的基本事實:隨着文成公主的入藏,內地牛原地區諸如農具製造、紡織、繅絲、建築、造紙、釀酒、製陶、碾磨、冶金等生産技術和歷算、醫藥等科學知識,皆陸續傳到了吐蕃。使當地人民的衣、食、住等方面發生了變化。如吐蕃人原來“以氈帳而居”,穿氈裘衣,此後不少人“釋氈裘,襲紈綺,漸慕華風”了。“自從貴主和親後,一半鬍風似漢傢”,唐代詩人陳陶的這幾句詩,正是對蕃唐和親後,公主入藏對吐蕃社會文化、經濟發展的作用的贊頌和真實寫照。同樣,吐蕃派遣青年到唐朝讀書,吐蕃婦女流行的椎髻、赭面,以及吐蕃社會傳統的馬球遊藝等,也傳到了中原地區,為藏漢民族間的文化交流,增添了更加豐富多彩的內容。
  吐蕃從第17世贊普起,設立了大相,作為贊普的輔臣。鬆贊幹布起,將中央高級官吏分為兩類:第一類為大相,稱為大論;又設副相1人,稱為小論;另設兵馬都元帥正副各1人,執掌兵權。第二類為宰相僚屬,其中有內大相1人,掌管國內事務,整事大相1 人,管司法訴訟;另有外交、財政等官。“諸官之中,大相最尊”“事無大小,必出於宰相,便宜從事”,而居萬人之上,一人之下。鬆贊幹布能知人善任,協助他管理行政事務的最著名的四賢臣有吞彌·桑布紮、祿東贊(即噶爾·東贊)、支·賽當汝恭頓和娘·赤桑揚頓,他們為吐蕃王朝建政初期立下了功勳。
  軍事制度方面:鬆贊幹布洞悉貴族、領主及部落酋長擁兵自重是導致分裂、有礙統一的病根,也是父親朗日鬆贊統而復裂的血的教訓。於是他按照唐朝府兵制度,並結合了吐蕃地區的特點,建立了一套嚴密的軍事制度。據藏文史籍《五部遺教》、《賢者喜宴》等記載,鬆贊幹布將吐蕃分為千個“茹”(藏語“部”的意思,它是吐蕃的大軍事區和行政區),即“衛茹”(即中茹)轄以邏些為中心的雅魯藏布江北之地;“約茹” (左茹)轄以雅礱河𠔌為中心的江南之地;“葉茹”(右茹)轄雅魯藏布江上遊南北之地;“藏茹”(後茹)轄雅魯藏布江中遊南北之地。每茹又分上下兩個分茹,共8個分茹,其中除“衛茹”衹設7個千戶府和1個下千戶府外,其餘3個茹各設8個千戶府和1個下千戶府,合計共有31個千戶府和4個下千戶府。每個分茹設大將1人,副將1人,判官1人統管。每個千戶府有兵約1萬人上下,由百戶長、千戶長、萬戶長統帥。這些官員既是軍隊的統帥,又是地方行政的最高長官,同時也是大小領主。故千戶府可謂軍政合一的組織。各分茹的馬匹和旗幟以不同的顔色相區別,目的是一目瞭然該支茹的武裝,以便調遣。另外,茹的編製設有元帥和副元帥,但不常置,徵伐時由吐蕃王朝臨時委派,位與王朝宰相平列,直接聽命於贊普。改編後的千茹兵力總計402400人,這與《新唐書·吐蕃傳》中吐蕃“勝兵數十萬”的記載相吻合。
  吐蕃人原來信奉苯教,以占卜休咎、祈福禳災、治病送死、“役使鬼神”等為其主要活動。傳說吐蕃先王以苯教治國,直到7世紀時,苯教首領在贊普朝廷中還保持着較高的地位,如大小盟會時告神的巫者即是。鬆贊幹布時先後迎娶尺尊、文成二公主為妃,泥婆羅是著名的佛教國傢,唐朝的佛教也極興盛,兩位公主都信仰佛教,她們先後帶來了佛像、佛經、法物等到吐蕃。據載,吞彌·桑布紮回國時也帶來了幾部佛教經典,以後譯成藏文,自此佛教開始傳入了吐蕃。在公主們的影響下,鬆贊幹布也接受了佛教。尺尊公主、文成公主分別在吐蕃建立了大昭、小昭二寺,鬆贊幹布則建立了 12座佛教寺廟。不過當時吐蕃人絶大部分是信奉苯教的,即所謂“好咒誓、諂鬼神”,還沒有多少人出傢當和尚。直到赤德祖贊贊普時代(704~755年),佛教纔逐漸在吐蕃境內傳播開來。
  鬆贊幹布對周邊各國,采取了睦鄰友好的政策。他在位期間,把堅持發展與唐的親密關係,作為締造強大繁榮昌盛的吐蕃王朝的基本國策,使吐蕃和唐朝的關係極為和睦,雙方之間互敬互助,加強了彼此的友好情誼。儘管後來雙方的統治者屢次失和,但兩族的傳統友誼卻一直繼續下來,雙邊使節往來與年俱增,絡繹不絶,並在往返的信件中經常提到相互“雖雲兩國,實若一傢”“舅甥修其舊好,同為一傢。”據粗略統計,自貞觀八年(634年)至會昌六年 (846年)的212年內,雙方遣使來往達到200餘次之多,平均近1年就有1次。為了便利交通,吐蕃境內進一步完善了驛站制度,“百裏一驛”,驛有“量頓官”,對唐使“接待殷勤,供應豐厚。”
  永徽元年(650 年),鬆贊幹布在34歲的盛年時去世於邏些。高宗十分傷感,派將軍鮮於匡濟前往吊祭。鬆贊幹布的一生,穩定內部,鞏固王權,結束長期分散的局面,統一吐蕃王朝,建立了強盛的奴隸政權;推行睦鄰友好政策,積極與唐皇室聯姻,推進藏漢之間親密關係的發展,為藏族社會的進步和藏民族的發展壯大,為中華民族的統一和祖國內地與吐蕃的政治、經濟、文化的交流,做出了巨大的寶貴的貢獻。
  藏族吐蕃王國的創建者。窮哇達則(今西藏山南地區瓊結)人。據敦煌所出藏文寫捲吐蕃大事係年,鬆贊幹布卒於649年(漢籍作唐高宗永徽元年,650),在贊普位20餘年。629年,鬆贊幹布繼位為贊普 ,遷都邏些(今西藏拉薩),削平內亂,降服蘇毗、羊同等部,統一青藏高原,在大臣祿東贊協助下正式建立奴隸主統治的吐蕃王國。他發展農牧業生産,推廣灌溉 ,命人製定文字 ,頒行治理吐蕃之“ 大法令”,以處理贊普王室與世傢貴族、諸小邦及社會各階層的關係,創設行政制度和軍事制度,設置官職品階,頒布律令,統一度量衡和課稅制度,從中原及泥婆羅(今尼泊爾)、天竺等地引進文化、技術,使吐蕃社會有了迅速發展。他先娶泥婆羅王女尺尊公主 。641年 ,鬆贊幹布至柏海(今青海紮陵湖鄂陵湖)迎娶唐宗室女文成公主,結成和親關係。唐封他為駙馬都尉、西海郡王。鬆贊幹布又遣貴族子弟至長安入國學,學習詩書,請中原文士掌管其表疏。後又請蠶種及造酒、碾磑、紙墨工匠,促進了漢藏文化的交流。
  鬆贊幹布是西藏歷史上最重要、最廣為人知的藏王。他在西藏高原實現了統一,正式建立吐蕃王朝。鬆贊幹布為鞏固統一,曾采取了一係列有效措施:遷都拉薩並建造布達拉宮;把西藏劃為六大行政區域;推廣佛教;創製文字;與唐王朝和尼泊爾聯姻,迎娶文成公主和尺尊公主,並建成大昭寺、小昭寺;統一席量衡制度;鼓勵衆民開墾荒地;保護水利資源;開山修路以促進貿易,等等。這些對發展吐蕃的經濟、文化、佛教、醫藥等起了很大的促進作用。藏族歷來十分敬重鬆贊幹布,他不僅被視為觀音的化身,而且是有口皆碑的三大法王之一,另兩位法王是赤鬆德贊和赤祖德贊 .

  After the completion of the unity of Tibet, the regime began work Songtsan, establish a complete, in order to ZAP as the center, a highly centralized political and military institutions. The same time, legislation, taxation, appointment of ministers wise to take many measures to encourage people to learn and apply advanced production technology, the development of agricultural production, so that Tibet's economy and people's lives quickly render ZTE trend.
  Tang Zhen Guan 20 years (649), was Gaozong Songtsan labeled Fuma Du Wei, the West Sea Dukes, and later into the labeled Cong Wang. And Juan, as in the stone, out in the Taizong Zhaoling. Yonghui first year (650), Songtsan died. Tang Sending Envoys express their condolences.
  Zambia is the Tubo Dynasty 31 on behalf of the ZAP. (ZAP: the Tibetan people, the monarch addressed a long, vigorous man in Tibetan means. According to "New Book of Tang Tubo" set: "the vulgar praise, saying that the strong male, the husband said, S & P, so Chun Cheung said, No. Tsenpo. ") Songtsan is added after the man he's appellation. (Songtsan: Tang Dynasty Chinese historical case for abandoning get praise, praise get device number, device get praise song, praise and other farmers abandoned the Soviet Union (also Eph Night's, do not get praise Front called), are transliterated, Tibetan Chi Chung Chan praised the general, Songde praise. Tsenpo, which means the king; chee, meaning "public opinion" "the throne"; loose praise is the name, dry cloth is the appellation, meaning "deep and hard." ) when he was 3 years old when his father shuaibing exterminate Soviet border tribes, the unification of the Tibetan plateau, Shannan place by a head of the small states became Turbans monarchy. In such a family, Long Day song praise on the only son of great concern for the training and education to be a good Songtsan childhood family education and rigorous training, become proficient in riding and shooting, wrestling, fencing and martial arts outstanding also love folk songs, poetry and the Wenwuquancai good prince.
  Then they proceed through a little Songtsan East, will be located on the southeast and northwest Sichuan Qinghai party item (the ancient Qiang 1), and in this Gansu and Qinghai Tuyuhun (ancient Xianbeis 1) conquest, to the self-governing. At this point, "East and cool, loose, Mao, Wei and other states phase, south Brahmin (India), where thousand years" of slavery as a great power stands firmly in the Tibetan Plateau.
  Put down civil strife, conquered Zhu Qiang, after the reunification of the Tubo Kingdom. Political vision rich praise on the fabric side of the pine actively sending envoys to go to neighboring countries mud woman (now Nepal), please engage with Tibet through mutual trade, selling arts and crafts crystal and employ craftsmen and artistes to teach architecture, painting, sculpture art , and married the king mandarin duck mud Borneo lose respect for cutting-foot Mount daughter Princess; on the one hand contact with the Tang dynasty. The conclusion of the development of the Tibetan and Han nationality and close friendship. At that time, the Central Plains of the Tang Dynasty in Chinese history, outstanding statesman and military strategist landlords under the rule of Li Shimin, summed up the historical experience and lessons learned, implemented a series of policies conducive to the national economy and promote the socio-economic, cultural, highly developed , national prosperity, sound Weiyuan vibration, a "Golden Years" of Golden Age. Tang Songtsan profound admiration for the sentiment, Zhen Guan eight years (634 years), he sent envoys to go to Chang and Tang recruited through say hello. The first pass on the Tibetan Emperor Taizong also attached great importance to, immediately sent letters to the envoys Wundt held to pay tribute requital ya. Songtsan "See de-ya, big Yue. Tuyuhun are heard and suddenly the house is still Princess, Naiqian to ya for Korea along with Germany, many turn to Campbell, Feng Biao marry him." However, when Emperor Taizong did not agree, please Songtsan several sent to the Tang Dynasty, marriage is also unable to do so, they decided to marry by force, in the Golden Years of twelve (638) Fan Tang for the first time the war broke out. But after all the war can not solve the problem. Zhenguan 14 years (640 years), Songtsan also sent a large gift with Gar East Zambia equipment - five gold and precious curios in the two hundreds, to once again to the Tang Chang'an Please marriage. The following year, Taizong allowed to Royalty of Princess Wen Cheng Hsu married female Songtsan. Opened a Tibetan and Han peoples a new chapter of friendship.
  Princess Wen Cheng logic after thousands of miles to reach some, the Tibetan people ecstatic, wearing festive costumes, dancing and singing, warmly welcome the symbol of Tibetan ethnic deep, intimate feelings of praise grinding (queen). In order to Princess Wen Cheng of life as comfortable as in Chang-an, enjoyable, and help us forget this historical event, Songtsan some logic in the capital, according to the architectural style and the style of the Tang Dynasty, in the Mabu Day Hill (now the cloth Dara Hill) Princess Wen Cheng for the construction of the city and palace.
  Princess Wen Cheng and propriety-minded, learned, devout Buddhist, she was a pioneer of Tibetan unity and friendly, the Central Plains culture spread into Tibet in enhancing Sino-Tibetan ethnic groups together in unity to promote the central plains and the Tibetan regional economic and cultural exchanges and development of in history had a significant and far-reaching impact. According to folk songs popular in Tibet, Tibet Princess Wen Cheng when the class of 3800 had brought grain, livestock 5500 kinds, artisans 5,500. While these figures undoubtedly exaggerated, made over the words, but there is no denying the basic facts: With Princess Wen Cheng of Tibet, mainland areas such as the former cattle farm tools manufacturing, textile, silk reeling, construction, paper, wine, ceramics, milling, and metallurgical production technology and calendar, medicine, scientific knowledge, are gradually spread to Tibet. The local people, clothing, food, shelter and so on have changed. Such as the Tibetan people that the "door of felt off," wear clothes felt Qiu, since many people "felt release Qiu, Chi Wan in the passage, the wind gradually Muhua" the. "Since the owners of your relatives, like half of a Han Feng," Chen Tao of the Tang Dynasty poet, several lines express precisely the pro-Fan Tang and after the princess to Tibet on the Tibetan social, cultural, economic development, the role of praise and true portrayal. Similarly, the Tibetan school to send young people to the Tang Dynasty, Tibetan women in popular Chuiji, reddish brown surface, and the traditional Tibetan society polo recreation, have also spread to the Central Plains, the cultural exchanges between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples, adding a more colorful content.
  Political system: the long-standing remnants of the clan system, traditional practices and the boundaries between tribal and other factors, though, said the Tubo Kingdom unified, but not actually to establish a strong centralized government decrees and royal uniform, which is extremely unfavorable to the Tibetan form of government social development. Meanwhile, in view of his father before killing and separatist rebels is great lord because there is no effective control of local nobles, then Songtsan Bureaucracy in accordance with the Tang Dynasty, from central to local build a strict rule of institutions, further strengthen and focus the power of the king.
  As a strict hierarchy and the difference between the high and low rank, Songtsan also follow Tang Zhaodian chapter provides a rank taste system at all levels of officials immediately issued a chapter made of different material decoration (also known as the "Message Body"), where divided into six other: the first and so is the whistle (Jade), second is gold, silver plated Third and fourth is silver, five bronze as its cooked, such as iron end. Armband radius of three-inch nail in the coarse cloth, hangs in the arm prior to the other are equal. Dynasty also established incentive promotion system, where the officials who receive a meritorious award to upgrade, negligence, the offender will be punished, or dismissed or sentence range.
  Military systems: insight Songtsan nobility, lords and tribal chiefs soldier dead weight is divisive, hinder the root cause of reunification, but also praised his father Song Long Day's blood system split the lessons undone. So he followed the Tang Fu Bing system, and combines the characteristics of the Tibetan region, the establishment of a strict military regime. According to Tibetan historical records, "five teachings", "Sage The Wedding Banquet" and other records, divided into 1000 Songtsan the Tibetan "Ru" (Tibetan, "Department" means, it is a big military area and the Tibetan Administrative Region ), that is, "Wei Ru" (that is, Ru) jurisdiction to patrol the center of the Brahmaputra some land north; "about Ru" (left Ru) jurisdiction to Yarlung River Valley as the center of the southern land; "Ye Ru" (right Ru) jurisdiction over the Brahmaputra River to the North and South; "possession of Ru" (after RU) jurisdiction over the land of the Brahmaputra River north and south. Each was divided into upper and lower sub-Ru Ru, a total of eight points Ru, among "Wei Ru" They only 7 1000 under the 1000 Government and Fu Wai 1, 3 RU each for the remaining 8 1000 House and a government under the 1000, 1000 combined total of 31 government and four under the 1000 House. General design of each sub-Ru 1, 1 lieutenant, judge a person unified management. Each 1000 government has about 1 million soldiers up and down, from 100 long, 1 000 long, 10000 long command. These officials is the military commander, is the highest Executive, local administration, but also the size of lords. Therefore, 1000 can be described as between the military and government organizations. Sub-Ru horses and flags in different colors to distinguish the purpose of a glance of the armed branch Ru for assignment. In addition, the establishment and Ru Marshal and Deputy Marshal, but seldom home, conquest when the temporary appointment by the Tubo Dynasty, dynasty prime minister position and tied for direct orders from ZAP. Ru troops after the 1000 adaptation of a total of 402,400 people, which is "New Tang Tubo" in Tibet, "hundreds of thousands of soldiers win," the records match.
  The Ru Marshal, Deputy Marshal, and control the military power of the 10 000 long, long 1000 general, Songtsan stipulate that these officials must be appointed by the Government of the Kingdom, the implementation of incentive based on its merits and demerits. All the soldiers will all be registered to keep a record, the government control, not change the extension; Tubo Kingdom to mobilize all forces to be issued under the Golden Arrow to ZAP as proof. When the military campaign to send troops, but also on the supervisory army alternates Marshal, 10000 Long, 1000 long monitored. In addition, and from Songtsan l 1000 each for the imperial guards deployed Ru, dental guards Tsenpo account. Zhezhi imperial guards himself from the ZAP control, adequate to deal with local military forces. These strict military regime to ensure that he will be able to effectively command and control the military. Songtsan also established the border areas and systems, each one must personally shuaibing Inspected. Strong military to consolidate the unity and stability of Tibet, also raised the growing economic and cultural prosperity. Economic system: Tibet's economy is the main livestock. In order to facilitate the production, economic prosperity, from the Tang Dynasty Surroundings Songtsan be inspired by his combination of local social practice, the implementation of the Land System of a rather special. According to Freeman in the important role of the Tibetan society, he ordered the first part of the king's fields and state property (such as cattle) points to the poor of the freedmen, "to open up wasteland, division of fertile pastures," according to local conditions to develop agriculture and animal husbandry industry, and developed a "green book", the registration of civilians account and cultivated area, with a fixed land tax. The implementation of this system, so that the conflict between the aristocracy temporarily eased, arousing the enthusiasm of civilian production, is conducive to social and economic development. Land allocation method had also implemented in the slave in the household farming Wang Tian number of slave labor can be allocated a land, also established a dedicated civil registry, and provides for the use of the land and assume the lease gives labor . After years of respite and social stability, Tibet's economy grew. Of animal husbandry, raising of livestock to yaks, horses, sheep, mainly, but also mixed with pigs, dogs and other animals. Spring, summer, nomadic, autumn and winter pastures are fixed. Cattle and Sheep "Fan interest, on paths which are full," Tubo Dynasty imposed "tax bracket" from the side also reflects the extent of livestock development; agriculture, now has a higher production levels, training and the introduction of a new varieties of crops with barley, wheat, buckwheat, bean-based. In farming technology, generally, "two cow Taikang" type plow, farm connected to the people of "high water for the pool, lowland irrigation in the river ... ... open Crossroad" and "wide open dispensed land, building irrigation works, canals Review. "These are considerably higher than previously progressed; commerce, handicrafts have been developed, quenching and tempering techniques to master, raising the level of metallurgical industry, for the arms situation, across battlefields of a mighty force to provide sufficient armor Daojian and so on. Tibetan caravan trail, trod the Central Asia countries, creating a plateau on the unprecedented miracle.
  Culture: Songtsan achievements in this respect, the most lauded is to create text, to send children to study Tibetan Buddhism in Chang'an and other items of worship. In the past, Tibet is not text, "The Official ... ... knot rope around wooden teeth." According to Tibetan foreign relations, production development and management of court politics of the urgent need for the 7th century, Songtsan sent to swallow MI Sam BHO TA 16 children of the nobility led to Tianzhu (India) and other places to study, studied Sanskrit and Western States the text, after repeated comparison, take strokes simple and clear, easy to write different form, created the 30 letters of the Tibetan phonetic ( are consonant), then used consonant or consonant overlap add some symbols constitute complex consonants. Also has designed four vowel symbols, plus up and down in the letters used to spell the Tibetan language. Tibetan created, the Songtsan not only personally, their focus on learning for 4 years, and he called on ministers to learn Tibetan language, special provisions for young children of the nobility to learn, but also give good academic awards. He also ordered to swallow MI Sam BHO TA wrote "not 30 Chung grammar" to verse verses explain the major grammar rules, including eight kinds of "grid" and the use of the virtual characters, as learning the Tibetan language textbooks (although some people Thu MI Sam BHO TA said one of the dissenting Tibetan created, or is the collective work of many unsung heroes of the results, but is in fact created Tibetan Tubo Tsenpo any Songtsan to complete, and this point has been is generally acknowledged). As a result, Tibet's culture rapid development and wide dissemination.
  Tibetan Bon Religion was originally believed to divination Xiujiu, pray limitless disaster medical treatment die, "servitude spirits" and its main activities. Tibetan kings to Bon country legend, until the 7th century, the Bon leader in Tsenpo court also maintained a higher status, such as the size of the League when the witch who told God that is. When the foot has to marry Songtsan respect, the Second Princess Wen Cheng Wei Fei, mud Borneo is famous for a Buddhist nation, a very prosperous Tang Dynasty, Buddhism, the two princesses are Buddhist, they have brought the Buddha, Buddhist, possessions until Tibet. It contained, when swallowed MI Sam BHO TA has also brought back several Buddhist scriptures, later translated into Tibetan Buddhism since the beginning introduced to Tibet. Under the influence of the princesses, Songtsan have accepted Buddhism. Foot respecting Princess, Princess Wen Cheng in Tibet were built large Zhao, UNIT Second Temple was built 12 Songtsan Buddhist temple. But then the vast majority of people believe in Tibetan Bon religion, that the so-called "good curse swear, cajole spirits," yet how many people leave home to become a monk. Chan Tsenpo times until the red tride (~ 755 704), Buddhism gradually spread inside the Tibet.
  There are leaders such as abandoned agricultural Tsan Su (that Songtsan - On the note) of the deep, under the Secretary of State such as the East praise (that Gar) is wise, as the leader who for good, as the minister who bring benefit to the land power and prestige, well-governed, outside the salt Fan service, internal affairs remained so until, Qian Shou Lai Man, to paying a sub, there is expropriating, the Home Office to benefit the Spring and Autumn and orderly, wish paid, handed the prisoners, is punish recalcitrant, Ling offenders suppression, good men Akira, wise praise, chivalrous grace, official competent, honest people, Pu Jie Tetra. No former Tibetan text, life began to develop at this time Songtsan; a legal official uniform, do the right size, grade points level, reward loyalty and punish disobedience.
  Founder of the Tibetan Tubo Kingdom. Wow poor up to the (now Tibet Shannan Qonggyai) people. According to Tibetan Manuscripts from Dunhuang Tibetan affairs department, the Songtsen Gampo died in 649 years (the first year of the Han nationality for Gaozong Yonghui, 650), the ZAP-bit 20 years. 629 years for the Tsenpo Songtsan succession, moved the capital to some logic (now Lhasa, Tibet), to level civil strife, surrendered Su border, sheep the same department, unified the Tibetan Plateau, the assistance of the minister Gar master the formal establishment of the rule of Tubo Kingdom. He developed agriculture and animal husbandry production, promotion of irrigation, ordered to develop writing, enactment of the governance of Tibetan "big law" to deal with ZAP royal and aristocratic family, various small states and the relationship between all levels of society, the creation of the administrative system and military system , set the official product order, promulgated decrees, uniform weights and measures and tax system, from the Central Plains and mud Borneo (now Nepal), Tianzhu, introducing culture, technology, so that with the rapid development of Tibetan society. He first married the king female foot mud respect Borneo Princess. 641, Songtsan to Central Park (now Qinghai Zhaling Eling) married Princess Wen Cheng of Tang imperial clan women, formed and pro-relationship. Du Wei Tang him the Fuma, the West Sea Dukes. Chang Songtsan Youqian children of the nobility into the Chinese culture to learn poetry and literature, please scribe in charge of the Central Plains sparse table. Then please silkworm and wine making, grinding mill, paper and ink artisans, promoting Tibetan cultural exchange.
  He is said to Princess Wen Cheng is not future generations.
  "Step Revealed map" is the artist Yan Liben of the works of the Tang Dynasty, the content reflects the Tubo (Tibet) Songtsan Gambo married Princess Wen Cheng Wang possession of things. It is the Tibetan ethnic fraternal friendship of historical testimony. 640 AD, the Tang Zhenguan 14 years, the Tubo king sent a large phase (equivalent to prime minister) Gar Qiu Qin to Tang, the second arrived in Changan. As the Tang Empire was peace and prosperity, nations friendly to each other, so much as five brothers at the head of the National Tang Qiu Qin, Taizong was very difficult. Finally, think of a way to fair competition: Please take the examination of five ambassadors, who won the test, took home the head of Princess Marry. At that time out of five problems, Tibetan envoys Gar battle through ranks, leading the way, the final victory. Taizong was very happy thought: The angel of Songtsan this witty, smart, not to mention his Songtsan. So, decided to marry Princess Wen Cheng to the Tibetan King Songtsan. Married Princess Wen Cheng after the news reached Tibet, Tibetan people are prepared in many parts of horses, yaks, food and water, determine a grand welcome; Songtsan personally led a welcoming party to greet the Qinghai Lhasa straight start. Songtsan and said: "Today I will marry on the State Grand Princess, is honored. I want to build a city for the princess, as a memorial for future generations and the country should always be pro and Datang." He followed Tang Dynasty architectural style castle was built in Lhasa and the palace, which is now the Jokhang Temple.
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