黄帝 人物列表
黄帝 Yellow emperor; The huangdi; Mauslleum颛顼 Zhuan Xu喾 Ku
帝挚 Di Zhi帝尧 Di Yao舜 Shun
炎帝 Yan Di神农氏 Shen Nongshi少典 Shao Dian
昌意 Chang Yi
昌意 Chang Yi


  Twenty-five sons of the Yellow Emperor, which was Lei Zu Suosheng two sons, the eldest son of the mysterious clamor, the second son of Chang-yi. It contains twenty-nine years the Yellow Emperor, Lei ancestors in the Flow, (Ya yingjing) yi students. Huang Di yi, 70 years so if water down living in Sichuan. Yi, then married the daughter of Chang-servant wife Shushan, gave birth to a son Zhuan Xu. Yi, then moved to the North Central Plains, Jianchang Italian city (today Music Northwest), Zhuan Xu after tribal leaders, health Gun, Gun health Yu.
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