周惠王姬阆即位后的第二年(公元前675年)秋,为国,边伯、 詹父,子禽,祝跪等五个大夫,由于庄王生前曾经嘱咐要立庶子子颓为国君,对厘王病死后由姬阆即位十分不满,就联合贵族苏氏,一起拥奉子颓,发动叛乱,攻打姬阆,却被击败后出逃。子颓逃到温(今河南省温县西南),又在苏氏陪同下逃奔到卫国。卫惠公由于怨恨周王收留了自己的政敌公子黔牟,就联合南燕,支持子颓。这一年冬,卫和南燕出兵攻入周朝都城,逐走姬阆,立子颓为天子。郑厉公出面调解周王室之乱,没有成功,于是就在第二年春俘住了南燕国君仲父,并且将流亡在外的姬阆安置在郑国的别都栎(今河南禹县),还将王室的器皿用具从成周搬到栎,供姬阆享用。公元前673年春,郑厉公和虢公在弭(今河南省密县内)誓师伐子颓,郑、虢联军很快攻入都城。子颓和边伯等5个大夫正在喝酒庆贺,措手不及,被联军杀死。郑厉公和虢公迎姬阆回到都城,重新登上天子宝座。这场内乱史称“子颓之乱”。为了感激郑、虢两国的援助,姬阆将酒泉(今陕西省东部一带)赐给虢,将虎牢 (今河南省荥阳市西北)以东之地赐给郑。这样,内乱平息了,周王朝的疆土又一次缩小了。
Zhou Hui Wang Ji Langzhong the throne after the second year (BC 675), in autumn, for the country, edge Pak, Chan Father, Son birds, I wish the five doctor kneeling, as Zhuang Wangsheng ago, has asked to be decadent as the monarch Legislative Bastard Son , died on the PCT after the king came to the throne by the JI Langzhong very unhappy, the joint noble SU, decadent sake of the child with the owner, started a rebellion, attacking Ji Lang, was defeated after the escape. Child decadent fled temperature (Wen County, Henan province southwest), again accompanied flee to the Soviet Union's Great Patriotic. Zhou Wei Hui Wang public resentment shelter because their political opponents son of Qian Mu, the joint Nam Yin, support sub-decadent. This year, winter, health and Nanyan troops invaded the Zhou capital, times has been Ji Lang, Ritsuko decadent as the Son of Heaven. Zhou Cheng Li company to mediate the chaos of the royal family, without success, so the spring on the prisoners in the second lived in Southern Yan Guojun Zhong Fu, and will be exiled Zheng Ji Langzhong the other is placed in oak (Yu County, Henan Province today), equipment from the vessel will be the royal family moved into a week of oak for Ji Langzhong enjoy. In the spring of 673 BC, Zheng Guo Li public and the public in the Mi (close county, Henan province) swearing-in cutting child decadent, Zheng, Guo coalition forces quickly invaded the capital. Peter son of decadent and side at 5 doctor was drinking to celebrate, surprise, was killed by coalition forces. Cheng Li-public and public welcome Guo Ji Langzhong back to the capital, re-mounted the throne of the emperor. This civil strife known to history as "sub-decadent rebellion." In order to appreciate Zheng, Guo assistance between the two countries, Ji Langzhong the Jiuquan (now in the eastern part of Shaanxi Province) gave Guo, will Hulao (Xingyang, Henan province northwest) east of the land given to Zheng. In this way, civil unrest subsided, Zhou dynasty territory once again narrowed.
Wei Yi Gong defending the monarch was fond of raising crane, usually even to his favorite crane gorgeous Hin car ride and enjoy the doctor's treatment, people complained. 660 BC in December, Rong Bing Gong Wei, Wei Yi Gong led his army against the two armies met in the Ying Ze (Xingyang County, Henan province northeast). Just before the battle, defending men complained, said: "King usually so generous with Crane, now let Crane go Didi it!" Temporary army without fighting, was beaten defeated, Wei Yi Gong was killed by marauders, who became Wanwusangzhi warning.