作者 人物列錶
歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu蘇軾 Su Shi秦觀 Qin Guan
王觀 Wang Guan黃庭堅 Huang Tingjian司馬光 Sima Guang
米芾 Mi Fei陳師道 Chen Shidao張耒 Zhang Lei
李廌 Li Zhi唐庚 Tang Geng釋惠洪 Shi Huihong
瀋括 Shen Kuo蘇轍 Su Zhe孔平仲 Kong Pingzhong
趙令畤 Zhao Lingzhi陳襄 Chen Xiang陳祥道 Chen Xiangdao
邵伯溫 Shao Bawen張載 Zhang Zai朱肱 Zhu Gong
劉攽 Liu Ban王直方 Wang Zhifang王得臣 Wang Dechen
吳處厚 Wu Chuhou李上交 Li Shangjiao單鍔 Chan E
李格非 Li Gefei謝良佐 Xie Liangzuo鬍安國 Hu Anguo
曾安止 Ceng Anzhi劉道醇 Liu Daochun釋德洪 Shi Dehong
陸佃 Lu Dian投子義青 Touziyiqing劉恕 Liu Shu
宋子安 Song Zi'an
歐陽修 Ouyang Xiu
作者  北宋(1007年1072年)
姓: 歐陽
字: 永叔
網筆號: 醉翁、六一居士
籍貫: 吉州吉水
今属: 江西

詩歌評論 poetry comment《六一詩話》
散文 prose《醉翁亭記》
散文集 leisurely corpus《歐陽修集》
正史 history books written is biographical style《新唐書》
筆記雜錄 Historical writings《歸田錄》
植物 vegetation《洛陽牡丹記》
詩詞《生查子·元夕 Child health check Lantern Festival》   《采桑子·群芳過後西湖好 Cai sangzi Beautiful and fragrant flowers Later The west lake good》   《訴衷情·眉意 Complain heartfelt emotion Mei Italy》   《阮郎歸 Nguyen Lang return》   《南歌子 Southern Poems》   《長相思·蘋滿溪 Long lovesickness Ping Moon River》   《采桑子·輕舟短棹西湖好 Cai sangzi Barque Short zhao The west lake good》   《采桑子·春深雨過西湖好 Cai sangzi Deep spring Rain, The west lake good》   《采桑子·畫船載酒西湖好 Cai sangzi Hua chuan Wine, The west lake good》   《采桑子·何人解賞西湖好 Cai sangzi Who Solution Tour The west lake good》   更多詩歌...

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北宋文學家、史學家。字永叔,號醉翁、六一居士,吉州吉水(今屬江西)人。天聖進士。官館閣校勘,因直言論事貶知夷陵。慶歷中任諫官,支持范仲淹,要求在政治上有所改良,被誣貶知滁州。官至翰林學士 、樞密副使、參知政事。王安石推行新法時,對青苗法有所批評。謚文忠。主張文章應“明道”、致用,對宋初以來靡麗、險怪的文風表示不滿,並積極培養後進,是北宋古文運動的領袖。蘇洵父子、曾鞏、王安石皆出其門下。散文說理暢達,抒情委婉,為“唐宋八大傢”之一;詩風與其散文近似,語言流暢自然。其詞婉麗,承襲南唐餘風。曾與宋祁合修《新唐書 》,並獨撰《新五代史》。又喜收集金石文字,編為《集古錄》,對宋代金石學頗有影響。有《歐陽文忠集》。


(中國文學史,章培恆 駱玉明,youth掃校)

[Poetry changes with the completion of Ouyang Xiu]
Changes in the North Song Dynasty literature, literature in general in the Song Dynasty in the downturn generated. It side conform
Enhanced era of ideological control of cultural, literary side to find a new foothold and artistic style. Here plays a central
Role is to Ouyang Xiu.
Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) the word Uncle John, Kat water (now part of Jiangxi Province) who came from low-level officials in the family, the father early
Death, childhood was poor. Saint-eight days (1030) Scholars, beginning Shi Luo Yang, and Mei Yao, Yin-soo, who complain connected, provided
Promoting literature changes. Edwin first joined in Beijing, for supporting political reform of Fan claim was demoted, celebrate the calendar year, once again actively
Fan participation chaired by the "New Deal", the New Deal after the failure recovery for a long banished outside. And years for Korea to gradually increase
To the senator Fushi, Shenzhizhengshi such rights to post. Wang later years of the new law opposed, this is probably because Ouyang
Although advocates of political reform amendment, but more robust approach, many flaws that Wang intense political reform. The "public Ouyang Wenzhong
Set. "
Ouyang Song Literature in change in leadership, from various causes. First, a literature
Change as part of ideological and cultural construction of Song Dynasty, both at political reform and interrelated, but also from the
Down, relying on the power of propulsion power. Early in the day between St, Fan Chung-yen on the proposed "at the time of the still, how can independence
Change ", I hope the court," the word encyclical Dun Chen, Xing Retro Road "(" played on Current Affairs ") in which the court also did a few cakes,
Proposed changes in the political sense, style issues, such as Ren-day Saint scholars denounced years have Chao "competition for the spread of culture extravagant exaggeration,"
Requires the scholars, "the first saint of the Road Works out" and instructions from the court file to start "correction in the Articles of harm" ("Mirror continued long
Compilation "Volume 106,108). Leadership changes of this nature, of course, requires a fairly high political status, and Ouyang Xiu have
The basic conditions.
Second, Ouyang Xiu Wen population at the time, has a strong appeal. His political activities were shown
Cell cultivation not only for the attention of the literati have moral respect for moral integrity, and he liked Young people of the United States, and utilize their right to know Imperial Examination
Recommend personnel strength status, when almost all the famous writers have been Xiu help, so he was around
Formed a group of power to more easily expand its influence to implement their ideas. Such as Mei Yao, Su Shunqin two
Fame is not significant, Ouyang Xiu is sovereign with regard to poetry, to enable them with great reputation; Zeng Gong the Poor, wrote in his order preserves Ouyang Xiu
Line, an impressive improvement, and later in the know when he recorded for the Imperial Examination Scholars; on Wang and Ouyang Xiu to push the two
Recommended, and in giving high Zeng Shi said in the commentary; three Soviet Union, Su Xun to an unknown commoner status, by Ouyang Xiu
The recommendations and action at home and preach the name of Su Shi, Su Che is know Ouyang Xiu selection in the forefront when the imperial examination, in particular, by Su Shi
To his hold in esteem. As a feudal scholars and politicians, Ouyang Xiu's vision, virtue, indeed a different one
There is also a direct and very important factors are: Ouyang Xiu, I have very high literary training, in the poem
Songs, essays, writing words have outstanding achievements, and the conditions at the time, he still has a reasonable, full of
Harmonic, inclusive of literary ideas. North Song Liguo, since there were about the Confucian system of personal ethics is strengthened,
Literature to orthodoxy text, Tao Sheng Zhang, Culture and the theory to an unprecedented extent, while it touched on the early Northern Song Dynasty to Xikun as
Representatives of some of literature's ills, but the literary life, but in another direction and creating greater stranglehold. And Europe
Yang repair approach, on the one hand this literary thought are dominant in principle, agreed, admitted the decision on the text
Set effect on the Shi Jie, Yin-soo, who expressed considerable respect for the other hand, opposed the idea too radical. Although he
Through "the text is not difficult and the winner from the Road to", but also to see something successful, ethical people who may not necessarily be able to text, "such as the Tang Dynasty, Liu,
Liu said the cause of free, while Yao, Song does not appear in the article "(" Jane Su Xue order of public Collection "); that the literary grace will still have its
Want, "also learned gentleman, made to contain the text do with ornaments made, the letter made the text matter, is found later to the table" ("generation
Wang senator seeking the first set on the order book "); article (of course, is consistent with the Road) has enduring value," bones of the dead hero
Of loess, rich and enormously more than clouds light. Only articles bad day sing, often towering gas Lingshan Yue "(" sense of two children "). Although
These statements than the song before success has been achieved in terms of literary theory, and there is no development, but at the time of the environment,
It is still important.
In some specific issues, Ouyang Xiu's attitude to be more reasonable. For example, on the Xikun, he has a lot of praise, even
To that praised the 100 million "true generation of writer also" ("turn to the life record"), but criticized his Shi Shi Jie on the extreme attitude of the poet
"Good different in order to get high", the "stunning" and ("and Stone push the first official book"). Another example of the prose, the holders of Ouyang Xiu
On than fair. He said, "the paper said, while floating Coincidentally, its also difficult for the power also" ("and Jingnan music scholar book"),
"Even Lady of the text, sexual immorality on rationale, not a non-" ("Master of Yin Lu Epitaph"), and commended the father and the son of Parallel Su
"Perverting the exhausted, nor the ancients" ("Su's 46"), he considers the shortcomings of parallel prose in the form of strict constraints
Cause reasoning and narrative is not clear, not smooth. Therefore, the literary revolution led by Ouyang Xiu despite opposition Xikun and
Parallel side, but it's the core issue is how to make literature in establishing a sound social order play a more active
Extremely more practical role. In this basic premise, they maintain the existence of literary rights, while preserving the literature
As the value of an art creation.
At the same time, they resisted Xiu respect and follow Han Yu, to secluded strange insurance astringent literary culture. Zun Han had
Xiu propositions are, according to its "old record, after the Korean" Korean popular with his school will "Changli set" directly
Off. But I am afraid that focuses on the promotion of "classical" and carry forward the Han Yu's literary ideas, the kind of personality Korean hair gel, Church
The rise of male wantonly eccentric or even dangerous astringent style, not necessarily the favorite for the Xiu; In particular, it and the Song of the cultural atmosphere
And Song Renru elegant personality beam convergence is difficult to pandering. Therefore, they advocate Ouyang Xiu's "classical", need to take a different
Chinese roads. At that time, the so-called "Imperial College body" (State of Studies in the popular style), its representatives and Liu Ji, as far as
That its text to "natural effect of the scholars Xi" ("Meng Xi Bi Tan"). It can not see the face now, according to "mengxi document
On the "fragment cited, the" rolling world, everything is grounded, sage hair "of the sentence. If the scholar Han Yu and around the grotesque
Language compared to how it is not unusual. However, in order to promote a simple Xiu smooth style, Jiayou over two years
Examination when a red pen Liu few articles from start to finish, about wiping down, "sub-list of major defects of the word" and "Where is
Xinwen who abandoned dismiss all "(ibid.). This provoked a mutiny Candidates, cluster Chao Ma, Xiu even stopped in the street
The Ma Tau uproar, and Ouyang Xiu unmoved, and finally to the "field houses of learning, is then changed from" ("History of Song," the transfer).
Of examination and scholars related to one's future, its social impact on the writing style of the natural self-evident.
Xiu-led literature through the efforts of the Group, the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty was finally successful in a literary revolution,
And thus mainly in the poem, the article established the Song Dynasty literature two basic styles. This is of course difficult to summarize,
From the large side, with the text is concerned, is mainly though granular, real integration of doublets can be said that the end of the parallel style and dispersive
The diametrically opposite, simple text to flow as much, move slowly Wanzhuan rhythm, less intense Sparkle Flashing performance (especially non-government
Rule of lyrical prose); to poetry, the emotions were weakened state of mind reflected in a more balanced, with a corresponding
Color and image are more Shudan, but observation and experience of things is more delicate than their predecessors, with a heavy sense of the overall characteristics of
Especially in archaic poetry, prose narrative and reasoning components are often a large proportion.
This is a change for the evaluation of literature is a complex matter. Summary, on one hand the scholars need to see it
The idea advocated by the Group as part of cultural change is top-down political significance of the action, it literary freedom
Development is a binding effect; the other hand, need to see it to effectively resist the more extreme claims of moralists,
In the era of limited conditions, gave birth to some of the new Chinese literature features, enriching the overall appearance of Chinese literature.
Moreover, with the history of literary movement, the writer is not entirely the actual creation of the shadow of their theory was
The shrouded.
Ouyang Xiu's own literary creation, at that time also exemplary. His poems, like "A case of catching locusts Zhu poem"
"Food bad people", "A Yang Zijing two long sentences", are related to specific social issues, scenarios, and this
Expressing their views, or that inner moral self-reproach. The number of his political poetry is not much, which is about because he is a real
International politicians, unlike ordinary scholar eager to express themselves with poetry.
Ouyang Xiu long poem of some archaic, good quiet, good layout narrative, prose tendency to be very serious, such as
"Luoyang Peony" as a "Luoyang Peony", "Wuxue Shi Shi Ping Song," "I rude people stupid but not the world good luck
Beginning of the hard......... "an awkward classics like" ghost car "to" autumn years Jiayou there on the 8th September 20 "at the beginning,
The middle has "not seen his form, but heard the sounds, the first earnest desolately, or high or low......", can not be counted as "poetry"
The. In addition, the "palpable lice new," and that his "Link River boulder," Department of imitation of Han Yu and other articles, this is a trend of the times
To the local. However, he rarely used rare words, insurance strange image.
Are extremely archaic prose long, with its novel appearance played a role in breaking the poetry conventional system, but
From the art, the poetry does not find much interest. However, some of Ouyang Xiu short of nearly body-oriented for, often
Qian Jin lyrics paint a portrait of natural language, but Sato is small, meaning pulse is entirely satisfactory, there is a cordial and smooth style. Such as the famous
"Reply to YUAN":
Spring doubt not End of the World, in February no mountain flowers. Xue pressure even worse orange sticks, cold shock Shoot For budding mine. Evening News Return Goose
Health homesickness, disease into the New Year to things Chinese. Luoyang, once the flowers under the passengers, although the wild night not to be rude Fang.
The first two are very proud of Ouyang Xiu. According to "A Textual QUJING" cited "Western Qing Poetry," he had said:
"Without the following sentence, the sentence is not much better on the Department, and Reading, will feel the spirit of Dayton." Successors that it was "get up super wonderful."
A result a result of these two, tone, coherence; order on the first of "suspected" lead, the leads for the "suspect" explanation, it was
There were twists and turns and not flat; In addition, it Apartments by relegation in his mouth when the poet expectations and disappointment. Therefore, although
Is like a spoken sentence, in fact, was very particular about. The relationship between the poem is also a joint a joint immediately, meaning pulse subtle cotton
Fine. Chinese Metrical Multi-flown alongside the image of the interface between intermittent or jump, Ouyang Xiu is trying to 8 constitute a flow of poetry
Consistent rhythm, this is undoubtedly a new path after the Tang Dynasty. Another example is "Do not Chu":
Black spent concentrated light Ming Liu, Zhuojiu sent me flowers before the trip. Day and as usual I have drunk, Mo taught from chord to sound.
Leads from the front view of events, characters, and then leads to feelings of the characters is also consistent flow of strokes. Chinese writing
Poems of the "long way off the date to do mountain, packed wire tube for King and Sorrow" (Zhang Wei, "free move to Heyuan Lu"), "status is the pool
Tong wind and rain at night, away from the unbearable sound of every chord "(Wu Yuanheng" West Pavilion paid personal leave Pei title "), are based on landscape as background,
The emotional climax of care to the wording of comparing the two, we can see deep meaning Song Wan, the characteristics of fine thread.
Ouyang Xiu Prose Poems more significant than the achievements. Wu was full of people, "Ou line like," said he, "Synthesis of Genres,
Changes in opening or closing, because the lifetime of Italy, the very workers ", that his prose some of the key features, namely, first, the text
Body diversity, there are various types of argumentative, narrative and lyrical prose; second, adopting both "classical" and Parallel long, root
It requires casting tailoring content and form a new prose style; third, varied, opening and closing freely, Grand Momentum flow, rich
In the internal sense of rhythm and rhythm.
Ouyang Xiu political commentary of the article such as "cliques of", "Biography of the actors in the history of the Five Dynasties" is the traditional "classical" in the name
Articles on the structure and literary grace are seemingly simple, but not literary works, so no more of. Best reflect the text of his
Technical skill and artistic achievement, is notes and lyrical prose. Article in this category, he does not hold, particularly the narrow "ancient
Man, "the concept of context in the note clock granular structure, syntactic features of the same time, learn from prose in temperament, of the Collected
Area's strengths, and attention to the text in the article tempo changes and mood changes in the coordination, sometimes stretch, sometimes convergence was
Yu Xu is a kind of flow, lyrical and musical style are a strong feature. For example, "Fung Lok Ting Ji", "day with Jin state
Tong Ji "," Long River Kong footpath table "are all true. The most famous "Zui Weng Ting Ji" from the "ring Chu are mountains," glance
Will begin to gradually lead the reader's attention southwest of Peaks, pushed nearly to the Langyashan, into the mountains Xiquan side, with winding paths,
Then looked up and saw the introduction of spring on the kiosk, and from those whom for Pavilion, named for whom the set Q, introduced the hero - No. "drunk
Weng, "the prefect, and" ulterior motives, between care landscape, Mountains and Rivers, purest heart of the wine Apartments
Also "in discussions with emotion, taking advantage of the orientation of the King 4:00 Mountains, income transfer to write" tippler "the feast, and drunkenness, banquets, scattered
Scene, "tippler" different state of mind with people, and finally pointing to prefect the "Luling Ouyang Xiu," the author. Full text
Both hover and tortuous, but also endless, no one escape. Each and every single meaningful sentence is complete enough to use interjection "also" Results
Beam, there were twenty-one, constitutes a chanting tone; again Parallel syntax on dual matched by changes in the use of the time when the bulk
Spouse, when sentences missing words homogeneous, so that both clear sense of rhythm, it flows gently, on a light heart
Loneliness, feelings of regret feeling the rhythm of this chant to get good performance. The traditional use of the parallel style of writing lyrical little,
Although still common in Ouyang Xiu pen prose for the orderly, keeping the external form of parallel prose prosody speech focused mining and visit the clear light
Features, but more granular doping syntax, and note the coherence of Grand Momentum flow. Such as "Fu Ming cicada", "Poem of Autumn Sound" are
So. After one of the first section as follows:
Ouyang Zi Fang night reading, I have heard that sound come from the Southwest who erect and listening, they said: different zai! Early pattering to Hsiao Sa, suddenly
Pentium and Bang Pai, night terrors, such as waves, wind and rain suddenly to. The touch on the matter also, Cong Cong clatter, Gold and Iron are Ming; Again go to the enemy
Soldiers, title gold Rush, do not hear orders, he heard a sound of troops of the line. To that boy: "What would have been this? Out as the Ru!" Child
Confucius said: "Xingyue bringing a, Ming-he in the day, four no sound, sound in the trees."
Made the invisible Shusei portrayal. He posed three syntactic parallelism of the dual rhythm of short, written Shusei
With earth-shaking feeling, and therefore, paint a portrait of the end of a few more and more bleak look calm, did not Shusei follow. Two
Against the background of the synthesis of the overall conception, the highlight of the fall of heart failure on climate Sa sensitive and sad.
If one side from the defect for this type of work "to do" all traces of heavier paper. Like "Zui Weng Ting Ji" 21
Were "also" use of the word, the number one feel unnatural; "Shusei Fu" question and answer above this section, but also some
Artificial sense. Also, a very fine Italian cotton pulse, which is in fact accepted wisdom emotional control, performance was flat in a measured
State, the activation of its emotional power of the reader accordingly weak.
By Ouyang Yu Yan was elected on the road of career or get the text name of a group of writers, also active in the literary world,
In addition to Wang and Su Shi will be dedicated later, with others mentioned here: Su Xun (1009-1066),
Word Ming Yun, Meishan (modern Sichuan) who, Su Shi, Su Che father, known as the "old Soviet Union." Specializes in the history of theory, political commentary,
Writing style slightly strategists gas, sophisticated and simple writing style, the "Jiayou set", "six of" Famous for. Su Zhe
(1039-1112), son of the word. His article and his brother Su, compared "the Zaizhan Zhiwen Qi, Yu Wen, but stable
Ear "(" Luancheng last words "). There is" Luancheng Collection "," Huangzhou Yoshiya Ting Ji "for Famous. Zeng Gong (1019 -
1083), son of solid character, Nanchuan (now part of Jiangxi Province) who are "Yuanfeng draft class." His more orthodox thinking, the article to
Political-based, style-soon is heavy, literature is very weak color. But the later emphasis on the ethical values of the people the article on his special
Hold in esteem.
[Song medium term]
Xiu have word set "Modern Style Yue Ouyang Wenzhong public." In this area, his sense of innovation than the short poem was
More. His understanding of the word, in general, or as entertainment, recreation, and the so-called "Old One turn of speech, writing a new sound
The tune, dares Chen thin Kabuki, chat Zuo Huan Qing "(" Cai Sangzi Lake read language "), did not show it as an important person
To experience the regular literary form, so the theme of love between men and women still on chant, and describe the feeling for the landscape leisure tim more style
Tang also largely inherited the tradition since the bright and soften. This aspect makes his word is no significant breakthrough in this area,
On the other hand also makes his words have more liberties, and even close to "perfect marriage" in the description, and his poetry of the Ya-positive
Projects seem very different. From here we see the other side of Ouyang Xiu inner life.
Ouyang Xiu's words and also the basic characteristics of the creative person pronouns are similar but slightly different. His love words, there
Part of the dialogue is written in lively, more to preserve the characteristics of civil Vulgar, the expression of the feelings of a lot more
More forthright bold. Such as "Southern Poems":
Feng bun with gold clay, Dragon Yu Zhang comb. Came under the window laughing catching, love Road "Eyebrows Painted in Fashion." Nongbiweiren
Long, Miao Hua try hand early. Trivial harm the embroidery skill, smile asked: "Double mandarin word Zensheng book?"
To a lively young woman Jiaohan intoxicated and for the love of the joy he described vivid and frank. Another example is "drunk Peng
Lai, "write girls first tryst with the lover, the girl tie down to write," leaving it shy, low voice trembled and asked people to know it? "Under
After the tie down to write a date, "even if asked, the whole thing has become, the chaotic Yunhuan, was your mother guess. Let me go home, you are now off-uh.
More tan lines, and some sewing, blame not receive LA, but to be more Lanna, court fetch water, the weight to be one. "Expression of love girls
Love has mixed feelings of shyness are also eager, very boldly written, the language style of more recent popular than the previous one.
Again, Ouyang Xiu in his official career in the ride, and he often put the resulting feelings of personal life experience to write the word in
This was the subject of fewer words were written, the kind of narrow for a breakthrough in the atmosphere. Such as "Lin Jiangxian" in "now
Thin Huan old End of the World, Crossroads decade, air negative Qujiang Flower "," Saint worry "in the" World Road storm insurance, in ten years, another minute later, "
, Have expressed their mutual strife, hardship felt by the bureaucracy, and "Cai Sangzi" 10 and "Prelude to Water
And Suzi U.S. Canglang Pavilion ", etc., but also expressed weariness of such official career and leisure Yat life not mine. In this
These words, the comparison shows a strong and optimistic Ouyang Xiu's personality, unlike most writers frustrated with the depressed and injured when the total
God's mood as "white Prime Minister had, Mok, then decline, still struggle with respect before the laughter" ("Cai Sangzi"), "will have to booze
Enemy youth, MO shame on the new flower hair "(" Yu Louchun "), have looked very mine up. In addition, he's" Waves "
("Five Ridges Harvest is disabled"), inter-Fei Ji Yong-Tian Yang Yuhuan send lychee for the story, showing the extravagant debauchery lead to national decline
Dead serious topic.
Of course, Ouyang Xiu's most modern word for word the same person is still the main trend line, that is elegant and refined with
Language, consistent flow structure, subtle style, descriptions of men and women love the delicate psychological. Such as "Butterfly in Love":
How many garden Shenshen Shen, willow smoke stack, curtains without multiplicity. Yu Le Yu Ye Department carved saddle, story not see chapter Terrace Road. Rain
Wang lunacy March evening, up to the door the evening, no dollars left in spring to live. Tearful eyes asked the flower does not say, Luanhong to fly swing.
Shen Yuan, Liu smoke, another important purpose in closing a curtain with a lonely young woman, while her husband was also her high-rise crane their necks
Difficult places to find hope and romantic Aventure; under the tie down and opened to the late spring rain in the evening set off the emotion of Spring and pregnant,
Also implied that the unfortunate young woman was a better fate for Love devastation, but the end of two written Luanhong fly, not only Love in itself is tempting
The scenery, but also can not grasp their own destiny, some weak symbol. In this way layers of rendering, step by step implied, is
Profound demonstration of the heroine's inner pain. Another example is "Tasha Hang":
Mei Museum designate residues, small bridges and willow, grass uptrend levy a spot warm roll. Infinite sadness gradually becoming far, far-ranging continuously as spring water. Cun Cun
Rou Chang, Ying Ying powder tears, Mo-storey lean bar near threatened. Ping Wu Spring Hill to make is that, even in Spring Hill pedestrians outside.
The first to write a couple parting thoughts between each other. On one side tie down from travelers to write his side of the water with Grief,
The more far longer, rain, endless; under the human side of tie down to write from the Inner, the buildings at her body, the heart has gone with the travelers, look into the distance in the spring
Mountain looms for travelers across the Spring Mountains are not visible but is vague. The complete structural integrity and fine, beautiful and moving images, especially
Results of their upper and lower tie down the sentence, are all normal scenes, common language, describing distant moods and lyrical very strong.
Said front part and Ouyang Xiu of the word for a vulgar style, in his classic style, belong to the whole word,
Some simple and often lively, humorous and lively statement, such as "Butterfly in Love" at the end: "Memories were before the spring, there are individuals who
Were spent in a Long Time oriole, Japan Acacia oblique startled dream. "It shows in his language as a hobby.
Also may be mentioned are: Ouyang Xiu's word was used in the general scholar more than melody, the existing 241
There are 68 kinds of words for most of them have the Song Dynasty, it is because he understands music, music system Ci
Familiar, and also the courage to renovate. Moreover, he also wrote some of the longer term slow, although in small quantities, is also a
New attempt.
(History of Chinese Literature, Pei Luo Yu, youth sweep school)

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