君主 人物列錶
加斯東·杜梅格 Gaston Doumergue羅伯特·萊爾德·博登爵士 Sir Robert Laird Borden
曹錕 Cao Kun李可夫 Ryikov,Leksei Ivanovich
徐世昌 Xu Shichang高凌霨 Gao Lingwei
威廉二世 Wilhelm II林森 Lin Sen
亞歷山大·米勒蘭 Alexandre Millerand汪精衛 Wang Jingwei
富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福 Franklin Delano Roosevelt富蘭剋林·德拉諾·羅斯福 Franklin Delano Roosevelt
希特勒 Adolf Hitler理查德·貝德福德·貝內特 Richard Bedford Bennett
顔惠慶 Yan Huiqing阿爾貝·勒布倫 Albert Lebrun
萊昂·布魯姆 Léon Blum威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King
威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King威廉·萊昂·麥肯齊·金 William Lyon Mackenzie King
菲利普·貝當 Henri Philippe Pétain喬治六世 King George VI
斯大林 Joseph Stalin阿瑟·米恩 Arthur Meighen
阿瑟·米恩 Arthur Meighen威廉·皮剋 Wilhelm Pieck
勒內·科蒂 René Coty約翰·菲茨傑拉德·肯尼迪 John Fitzgerald Kennedy
赫伯特·剋拉剋·鬍佛 Herbert Clark Hoover樊尚·奧裏奧爾 Jules-Vincent Auriol
宣統 Xuan Tong宣統 Xuan Tong
康拉德·阿登納 Konrad Adenauer李宗仁 Li Zongren
德懷特·大衛·艾森豪威爾 Dwight David Eisenhower夏爾·戴高樂 Charles de Gaulle
夏爾·戴高樂 Charles de Gaulle夏爾·戴高樂 Charles de Gaulle
赫魯曉夫 Nikita Khrushchev愛德華八世 Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick Davi
哈利·S·杜魯門 Harry S. Truman萊斯特·皮爾遜 Lester Bowles Pearson
林登·貝恩斯·約翰遜 Lyndon Baines Johnson路易·斯蒂芬·聖洛朗 Louis Stephen St. Laurent
瓦爾特·烏布利希 Walter Ulbricht喬治·讓·蓬皮杜 Georges Pompidou
蔣介石 Chiang Kai-shek蔣介石 Chiang Kai-shek
毛澤東 Mao Zedong費歷剋斯·古安 Félix Gouin
路德維希·艾哈德 Ludwig Wilhelm Erhard約翰·路德維希·格拉夫·什未林·馮·科洛希剋 Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
約翰·喬治·迪芬貝剋 John George Diefenbaker勃列日涅夫
喬治·皮杜爾 Georges Bidault安德羅波夫 Andropov
約翰·內皮爾·特納 John Napier Turner顧維鈞 Gu Weijun
契爾年科莫洛托夫 Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov
加斯東·杜梅格 Gaston Doumergue
君主  (1863年八月11日1937年六月18日)

  皮埃爾-保羅-亨利-加斯東·杜梅格(Pierre-Paul-Henri-Gaston Doumergue) (1863年8月11日生於Aigues-Vives-1937年6月18日去世於Aigues-Vives) 法蘭西第三共和國第十二任總統。先在印度支那和北非任文官,1893年以激進社會黨人身分當選衆議員。

  Pierre-Paul-Henri-Gaston Doumergue (Aigues-Vives, Gard, 1 August 1863 – 18 June 1937 in Aigues-Vives) was a French politician of the Third Republic.
  Doumergue came from a Protestant family. Beginning as a Radical, he turned more towards the political right in his old age. He served as Prime Minister from 9 December 1913 to 2 June 1914. He held the portfolio for the colonies through the ministries of Viviani and Briand until the Ribot ministry of March, 1917, when he was sent to Russia to persuade the Kerensky government not to make a separate peace with Germany and Austria. He was elected the twelfth President of France on 13 June 1924, the only Protestant to hold that office. He served until 13 June 1931, and again was Prime Minister in a conservative national unity government, following the riots of 6 February 1934. This government lasted from 6 February to 8 November 1934.
  He was widely regarded as one of the most popular French Presidents, particularly after highly controversial Alexandre Millerand, who was his predecessor. Doumergue was single when elected, and became the first President of France to marry in office.
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