Emperor List of Authors
Deng XiaopingJoseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott TrudeauJoseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau
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Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.Paul Edgar Philippe MartinBoris Yeltsin
Chen ShuibianHua GuofengNicolas Sarkozy
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Jiang ZeminMa YingjiuHu Jintao
Elizabeth IIJames Earl Carter, JrGeorge Herbert Walker Bush
William Jefferson ClintonGeorge Herbert Walker BushGeorge Walker Bush
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Vladimir PutinXi JinpingEmmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
Justin Pierre James TrudeauAngela MerkelJoe Biden
Deng Xiaoping
Emperor  (August 22, 1904 ADFebruary 19, 1997 AD)
Township: 四川广安
Reign1981 AD1990 AD

  1927 spring return, was sent to Xian Feng National Army forces engaged in political work. First Co broke, renamed Deng Xiaoping, August 7 emergency meeting of the CPC Central Committee in Wuhan to participate. With the end of the central authority to Shanghai. 1928 ~ 1929, he became Secretary-General of the CPC Central Committee. The summer of 1929, as representatives to the central leadership of the uprising in Guangxi, alias of Deng Bin, with Zhang Yunyi equal to 12 months and the following year in February, has launched the Baise Uprising Uprising and the Dragon, creating the Red Army Seventh Army, Eighth Army and the left river , Youjiang revolutionary base areas, he was appointed seven Army, Red Army political commissar and eight front committee secretary. The summer of 1931, to the central base area in Jiangxi, has served as secretary of the CPC Ruijin County, Central County Huichang secretary of Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department. As the support of Mao Zedong's correct line, then the party was the "Left" leaders dismissed. Later, Ren Hongjun General Political Department, General Political Department official newspaper "Red Star" newspaper editor. In October 1934 with the Central Red Army, at the end of any of the CPC Central Committee Secretary-General. January 1935 to participate in an enlarged meeting of the CPC Central Committee Political Bureau (the Zunyi Conference), the meeting represented by Mao Zedong established the new central leadership. The Red Army, he served as Minister of the Political Department of Publicity, Special Branch Deputy Director and Director.
  Anti-Japanese War
  July 1952 transferred to the central work of the Central People's Government Administration Council (1954 to the State Council), Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Director of Finance and Economic Committee, and later serve as the Government Administration Council and Minister of Finance, Director of the Office of traffic. Any of the CPC Central Committee in 1954, the Secretary-General, Organization Department, Vice-Premier and Defense Committee Deputy Chairman. Against Gao Gang, Rao Shushi conspiracy to split the party, to usurp the supreme power of the party and the state a major struggle, make an important contribution. April 1955 Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC was co-opted member of the Central Political Bureau. September 1956 at the Eighth CPC National Congress, the report of amend the party constitution. One in the eighth plenary session, elected the Politburo Standing Committee, Central Committee General Secretary, and became the Communist Party of China Mao Zedong at the core of the first generation of collective leadership of the important members. Standing Committee of CPC Central Military Commission in 1959. General secretary in office 10 years, to assist the Central Chairman, Vice-President of the daily work of central government, for the establishment and development of the socialist system for exploring the road of building socialism in China's national conditions, carried out fruitful work. 1956 to 1963, many went to Moscow to negotiate with the Soviet leader, firmly maintain the principle of independence of the Chinese Communist Party's position.
  Reform Era
  Held in December 1978 Third Plenum of the Eleventh CPC, reform and opening up of China's focus on a new period of socialist modernization. He at this meeting on the history of the Chinese Communist Party policy changes played a decisive role. Prepare for the plenary meeting of the central work, he published "seek truth from facts and Looking Forward" speech. After the plenum, formed the core of his second generation of the Chinese Communist Party leadership. In June 1981, held the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC, he oversaw the drafting by the "number on the history of the party since the founding of the resolution," which was negated by the "Cultural Revolution", to maintain the historical status of Mao Zedong, Scientific evaluation of Mao Zedong Thought. At this meeting, he was elected Chairman of the CPC Central Military Commission. September 1982 Twelfth National Congress of CPC, made his opening statement: "the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete practice of China, go its own way, building socialism with Chinese characteristics." In A second plenary session of the Politburo Standing Committee was elected. In the first plenary session of the Central Advisory Committee was elected as Director. In the June 1983 meeting of the Sixth NPC was elected Chairman of the PRC Central Military Commission.
  Sessions of the Chinese Communists, who seek truth from facts, the creation and development of building Socialism with Chinese characteristics. The theory of scientific socialism expounded the essence, the first time in answer to this economic and cultural backwardness of China on how to build a socialist country, how to consolidate and develop socialist series of basic questions. He believes that China's primary stage of socialism, all from this reality to formulate plans. According to his thinking, the CPC has developed 13 major party in the primary stage of socialism for economic construction, four cardinal principles, the basic line of reform and opening up. He pointed out that the fundamental task of socialism is to develop productive forces. Party to wholeheartedly engage in modernization. Modernization, the key is to modern science and technology. Science and technology are primary productive forces. Education is one of the most fundamental cause. He designed 80 years from the 20th century to the middle of the next century the basic three-step strategic goal of modernization. And made, and everything is conducive to the development of the productive forces of socialist society, whether it helps enhance the overall strength of socialist countries, it will help improve people's living standard as the standard, and constantly open up new prospects. He vigorously supported and promoted rural reform, pushing forward a comprehensive reform of the city center, pointed out that "reform is the second revolution." He can also practice on the socialist market economy discourse, the Chinese Communist Party determined to establish a socialist market economy, the goal of reform has laid a theoretical foundation. He advocated setting up special economic zones, open 14 coastal cities, Shanghai Pudong New Area development and opening up, promote China's overall opening pattern. He actively promote political restructuring, emphasizing the development of socialist democracy, improve socialist legal system, the construction of material civilization, spiritual civilization construction of high priority. He advocated the contingent of cadres more revolutionary, younger, better educated and more professional, advocate the abolition of life tenure in leading posts. He believes that the contemporary world peace and development are two major issues, the military and national defense guidelines to implement strategic changes, the move to the armed forces into a powerful modern and regularized revolutionary army.
  November 1989 at the Fifth Plenary Session of the CPC-third, he quit his last job as Chairman of the Central Military Commission. In the core of his second generation of central collective leadership with Jiang Zemin at the core to the third generation of central collective leadership with a smooth transition, maintaining the party and the process of national stability, he played a key role. After retiring, he remained concerned about the cause of the party and the country. South China in 1992, visited Wuchang, Shenzhen, Zhuhai and Shanghai, delivered an important speech, summed up the basic experience of reform and opening up, from theory to answer a number of important issues. To the conversation and the CPC 14 much sign that China's reform and opening up and modernization drive has entered a new stage. Held in 1997, the Fifteenth National Congress of the CPC, the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics summarized as Deng Xiaoping Theory, that this theory is Marxism of contemporary China, the development of Marxism in China, a new stage, and in the Party Constitution explicitly stated, the Chinese Communist Party takes Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as its guide to action. February 19, 1997 death of Deng Xiaoping in Beijing. Major works income "Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping" (3 volumes).
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(1981 AD1990 AD)
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