美國前殖民時代 Pre-Columbian period   美國殖民地時代 Colonial period of the United States   美國立國 Formation of the United States of America   美國嚮西擴展 Westward expansion   美國內戰時期 Civil War era   美國重建和工業化 Reconstruction and the rise of industrialization   一戰中崛起 Progressivism, imperialism, and World War I   美國經濟大蕭條 Post-World War I and the Great Depression   二戰中的美國 United States in World War II   冷戰開始 The Cold War begins   冷戰中的美國 The Counterculture Revolution and Cold War Détent   冷戰結束 The end of the Cold War   現代美國 Modern American   北美自由貿易協議 North American Free Trade Agreement   

哈利·S·杜魯門哈利·S·杜魯門 Harry S. Truman1945年1953年9年
德懷特·大衛·艾森豪威爾德懷特·大衛·艾森豪威爾 Dwight David Eisenhower1953年1961年9年
約翰·F·肯尼迪肯尼迪 John Fitzgerald Kennedy1961年1963年3年


  Following World War II, the United States emerged as one of the two dominant superpowers. The U.S. Senate, on December 4, 1945, approved U.S. participation in the United Nations (UN), which marked a turn away from the traditional isolationism of the U.S. and toward more international involvement. The post-war era in the United States was defined internationally by the beginning of the Cold War, in which the United States and the Soviet Union attempted to expand their influence at the expense of the other, checked by each side's massive nuclear arsenal and the doctrine of mutual assured destruction. The result was a series of conflicts during this period including the Korean War and the tense nuclear showdown of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Within the United States, the Cold War prompted concerns about Communist influence, and also resulted in government efforts to focus mathematics and science toward efforts such as the space race.
  In the decades after World War II, the United States became a global influence in economic, political, military, cultural, and technological affairs. Beginning in the 1950s, middle-class culture had a growing obsession with consumer goods.
  John F. Kennedy was elected President in 1960. Known for his charisma, he is so far the only Roman Catholic to be President. The Kennedys brought a new life and vigor to the atmosphere of the White House. During his time in office, the Cold War reached its height with the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. He was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald.

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