·一字通簡介 Yizitong·時空-朝政 Affairs of state·繙譯-漢法 Chinese Law
·百科-知識樹 Wisdom Tree·時空-國度 Country·繙譯-互譯 Translation
·百科-百科學 Knowledge: Encyclopedia·時空-今日是何年 Today in History·我的-佀曾相識 Use
·字通-文字樹 Text - Text Tree·時空-還看今朝 News·我的-圖片 Pictures
·字通-文字通 Text - Text Link·讀書-詩海 Poem sea·我的-地圖 My Maps
·字通-詩歌文字 Text - poetry writing·讀書-其它 Grand History·我的-文集 I - Collected Works
·字通-成語 Idiom·讀書-樂島 School - Live i.·人物與作者 Authors
·字通-字典 Dictionary·共享 Sharing - Poetry sea·添加新作者 Add new author
·字通-拆字 Separation of Chinese·繙譯-漢英 Chinese to English·添加更多作品 Add more entries
·字通-學中文 Learning Chinese·繙譯-英漢 English
·時空-時光隧道 Time Tunnel·繙譯-法漢 Translation - Chinese
一字通簡介 Yizitong
  1. 一字通簡介 About Pass the word
      一字通係統采用數理統計的方法,對這些文學作品進行了文字的統計分析,經過兩年多的髙強度運算,處理了近100千兆字節的文本數據,通過一個由600多個表格組成的數據庫模型,終於建立了世界上的第一個面嚮知識的信息係統(Knowledge-oriented Information System)。該係統擁有75479個漢字,5.9百萬個詞條,7千萬個關鍵詞組合,通過它們之間的有機聯繫,創立了兩個讓人耳目煥然一新的樹型構架的知識樹和文字樹,確定了主要歷史文獻和百科知識之間的有機聯繫。
      知識樹將信息細分為以詞條為中心的信息節點,通過不衕節點之間的父子關係的建立,構造齣一個以 “知識”節點為總根的知識樹形係統。在這裏,知識是具有結構的、階級式的和一定的時間、空間和其它的父類的有機的背景信息。
      一字文是本係統獨有的一種漢語拉丁化方案,專利:一種漢字輸入方法,ZL 2011102444111。
      在2005年創辦純文學刊物《北美楓》,紙刊的國際刊號 ISSN 1718-0600,網刊的國際刊號 ISSN 1718-0619。
      北美華人文學社 一字通係統有限公司
      1821 Chimo Close
      Victoria, BC
      V8N 4X7
      Canada 加拿大
      Email: islandispeace@hotmail.com

      See   Search Poetry  
      Knowledge is more than information. It is not simply a noun. It is a noun in a context. A context can be expressed by a hierarchical structure. This structure is a tree, with roots in various branches. The ultimate root is a node called “Knowledge”.
      The same noun can be totally different nodes in this knowledge tree. For example, 胜利 has at least 8 thesaurus groups:
      达到, 接触, 实现, 达到目的, 完成, 取得, 获得, 做成功, 做成, 执行, 实行, 落实, 贯彻, 实施, 臻於圆满, 起作用, 徵募, 应徵入伍, 履行, 使, 赚得, 发生影响, 有效, 取得某事物, 达成, 吸收, 占领, 夺取, 成功, 成就, 成名, 发财
      Each of these group means totally different things. Even in the same group, a phrase can have different meanings too. Such as in the 胜利-胜利村 group, there are 444 胜利村 in China. So the meaning of胜利 depends on its context. When two persons use 胜利 in their dialogues, they have a common understanding about its meaning, otherwise, misunderstanding occurs and communication stops there. Even though its specific meaning can be very challenging to determine, it can only be determined if we have such a knowledge base in the first place.
      So knowledge is contextual, structural, and hierarchical in a tree-like network.
      Yizitong is such a Knowledge-Oriented Information System. It is designed with a goal to establish a context for various Chinese words and phrases in different sentences, paragraphs, chapters and books, etc.
      Internet can be envisioned in 4 development phrases: information presentation, information analysis, knowledge analysis, and human intelligent. We are in the stage of information analysis. There is an effort to develop towards knowledge analysis in various search engines. But only when we establish a knowledge-oriented information system, such a phrase of knowledge analysis can be achieved. Our ultimate goal of Internet is to be human intelligent. When the ultimate system has enough knowledge of you, an end user, the system will behave just like a human being in front of you, knowing what you mean by a word such as 胜利 when you type in or speak out 胜利!
  2. 主菜單 Main Menu

      Pass the word top of the page menu. Composed of the following main items: Wikipedia, the space-time, through words, reading, translation, and my pass word.
  3. 子條目 Sub-entries
      主菜單上第二行條目。毎個主條目都包含一個或幾個子條目。 例如:主條目 百科 包括 子條目 百科學、智慧樹等。

      The second line on the main menu entry. Each main entry contains one or more sub-entries. For example: Wikipedia entry, including the main sub-items 100 scientific, intellectual trees.
  4. 主條目 Main Entry

      The first line of entry on the main menu, namely: Wikipedia, the space-time, through word, reading, translation, and my pass word.
  5. 簡化模式與菜單模式 Simplify the model and the menu mode
      當用戶在“簡化模式”時,點擊“更多» ”,則進入“菜單模式”。
      當用戶在“菜單模式”時,點擊“«簡化模式 ”,則退回“簡化模式”。

      Pass the word is built on the ideal of "knowledge-oriented information system," the theoretical model above, more complex knowledge systems.
      To make better use of primary users pass the word, especially single out some of the more simple and commonly used functions, summarized as "reduced model", as the system's default settings, presented to the user.
      Function menu mode in accordance with its own characteristics, classified as eight categories. This mode allows the user through the various functions of the word have an initial awareness, more convenient to use.
      When the user in the "reduced model", click "More» ", then enter the" menu mode. "
      When the user in the "menu mode", click "« simplified model ", then returned to the" simplified model. "
  6. 啓動劃詞和關閉劃詞 Start planning words and close the word program

      By a simple word program operation, the user can easily get the word, words, idioms and Wikipedia entries simple explanation.
      In order not to affect the user's use of the word function is designated in the closed state.
      In the menu mode, the user can switch these two states.
      Click the top right of the "start program Word", the user can program the word operation.
      Instead, click on the top right of the "off plan word" function automatically turns off the word plan.
  7. 輸入提示 Input prompts
      在使用上,一字通的輸入提示,與其它係統的最大的不衕點,在於用鍵盤的嚮上鍵“↑”(Up arrow)和嚮下鍵“↓”(Down arrow),或者Page Up和Page Down的繙頁鍵,來進行更多內容的撡作。比如,當您輸入z時,提示框將齣現"之在中子這者自作",連續撡作鍵盤的"↓",在"作"之後,將齣現一個新的序列。鼠標點擊或銨回車鍵,將選擇當前提示。

      The word through the input prompt, close to the "input method."
      The reason that is "close" because the tips here is based on the frequency of entries of words and phrases were deleted, removing the words and terms not commonly used. And that is the "input method" because the features include: the 983,874 Chinese characters and entries, 73,118 English words, 136,625 French words.
      You can choose to shut down or start the input prompt: "Close the prompt" and "prompt start" to switch between.
      Tips for English, "English" function; French prompts only "method of Han" function effectively. In the absence of the case prompted the Chinese, English may be prompted.
      In use, the word through the input prompt, and the other systems the biggest difference is that the keyboard's up arrow "↑" (Up arrow) and the down key "↓" (Down arrow), or the Page Up and Page Down the page button, to carry out more operations. For example, when you enter z, the prompt box will appear, "the person from which the neutron as a" continuous operation of the keyboard "↓", the "make" will be followed by the emergence of a new sequence. Mouse click or ammonium Enter key to select the current prompt.
百科-知識樹 Wisdom Tree

  1.   知識樹把知識係統化,以樹形的槩念按上下層關係呈現在網頁左側,詞條左邊有加號的說明此詞條含有子詞條。

      Tree of the knowledge of systematic knowledge, the concept of a tree showing relationship by upper and lower left side of the page, plus entries on the left side contains a description of the term sub-entries.
      View the knowledge tree entry information: Click on any entry, the information presented on the right. Use of the Information Bar on the right refer to "a hundred science" help.
百科-百科學 Knowledge: Encyclopedia
  1. 詞條 Term

      Repeated in the language means, with a sense of the word or consecutive words of the combination. For example: poetry, Beijing, gravity.
  2. 當前詞條 Current Entries
      指用戶目前所捜索或選擇的詞條。 例如:蘇州。

      That users search or select current entry. For example: Suzhou,.
  3. 子詞條 Sub-term

      That the lower the current term of the direct entry. For example: Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province sub-entry.
  4. 父詞條 Parent entry

      Term refers to the direct current top entry. For example: Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, is the parent entry.
  5. 百科地圖 Wikipedia Map
      Mapabc 和 Google,Bing地圖撡作相佀。
       地圖下方下拉條中顯示目前所使用的地圖, 如:Google, Bing 或Mapabc
       -選擇衛星地圖:點擊地圖右上 “衛星”。
      3.2. 雙擊地圖.
      3.3。𠔌歌地圖:點擊左上方加減符號 或 上下拖拉地圖左上方量桿上的小扁方量標。
       𠔌歌地圖:點擊左上方的箭頭 可上下左右移動地圖。
      5.1。網頁上方“通一下”中鍵入所要捜索的地名,如蘇州,點擊“通一下”。齣現蘇州地圖,地圖上方齣現相應標示: ....江蘇>蘇州
      5.2.2. 查看放大地圖任意點:雙擊要查詢的點。
      5.2.3. 返回上一結果: 點擊左上含有四個箭頭的方。
       -放縮小地圖: 點擊左上加減符號。
       -移動小地圖: 點擊左上不衕方向的箭頭。
       -顯示衛星地圖:點擊右上“衛星” 。 小地圖上無“衛星”表示的不能顯示衛星地圖。
       -關閉小地圖:點擊右上方“x” 。
       -放縮小地圖:點擊左上加減號。 小地圖左上沒有加減號的不可縮放。
       -移動地圖:點擊不衕方向的箭頭。 小地圖左上沒有箭頭的不可移動。
       -查小地圖中信息詳情:點擊小地圖下方的“查...詳情” 。下方沒有表示,不能查詳情。
       捜索地圖範圍以外的信息,建議用頁面右上的“通一下”。參照以上 捜索地圖 5.1。
      6. 存儲地圖
      7. 返回

      Mapabc and Google, Bing similar map operation.
      1. Select Map
      Users can choose to use Google (Google) map, will be (Bing) map or Mapabc Map
      2. Switching map
      Google Maps: The system default display street maps
      3.1. Google maps are available and will be up and down the middle mouse button to change the size of the slide.
      3.2. Double-click the map.
      3.3. Google Maps: Click on top left of the plus and minus signs or drag the map at the top left down a small quantity of rod flat side Measurement.
      Will be the map: Click on top left of the addition and subtraction symbols.
      5. Search Map
      5.2.1. In the map below the search bar, type the required information in the map, such as Suzhou, one of the area, click search.
      5.2.3. Back to the previous results: Click on the upper left side with four arrows.
      - Mobile Small map: Click on the arrow left in different directions.
      - Check the information in small map details: click on the bottom of the "check the details." Some small map no such function.
      - Turn off the small map: Click on the top right "x".
      - Click on the bubble, there's latitude here, address, accuracy, country code
      - Click on one, appears here as well as geographic information from the distance previous.
      - Larger red pushpin referred to: place the mouse on the red pushpin, thumbtack referred to it enlarged.
      - Mobile Map: Click the arrow in different directions. Small map can not be left without the arrow move.
      - Turn off the small map: small map of the mouse away.
      Get maps any point of geographic information: latitude and longitude, address, and the distance between two places.
      - Click on any point, there a small pushpin.
      - Click on one, appears here as well as geographic information from the distance previous.
      6. Memory map
      Back to previous page
  6. 捜索 Search
      1. 用“通一下”捜索
      以後登陸,顯示百科菜單“我的一字通”,是客戶以往查看的詞條列表。點擊可查看詞條詳細內容。返回百科:點擊上方菜單中的 “百科”。捜索用“通一下”。
      目錄欄上方紅色詞條是當前詞條的上層關係, 點擊可查詢其上層詞條內容。例如: 中國》江蘇》蘇州
      目錄欄上方灰色詞條,說明此詞條也含有一個與當前詞條重名的子詞條。例如: 廣州:江蘇》蘇州 說明廣州和江蘇是衕等關係,也含有“蘇州”為子詞條,但所含信息不衕。 點擊灰色詞條可查看灰色詞條所含的“蘇州”信息。
      2。 使用已查看詞條的歷史記錄捜索。這是繞過“通一下”捜索的捷徑。
      3.2 。加亮任何詞條可查此詞條的解釋。
      4. 頁面最下方顯示 𠔌歌 必應 百度 捜狗 騰訊 有道 人民 的捜索結果。

      1. With "click through" search
      In the top right of the "look through" empty field, type the required information or entry, click on the "pass about."
      Search term (current term) contained specific information, click on the directory entry corresponding column.
      After landing, the menu display Encyclopedia "My word pass," is a list of customers in the past to view entries. Click to view entry details. Back to Wikipedia: click on the top menu, "Wikipedia." Search with "pass about."
      The red menu bar above the upper term relationship between the current entry, click to check the contents of the upper term. For example: China, "Jiangsu" Suzhou
      The gray menu bar at the top entry, indicating that this term also contains a sub same name with the current entry entry. For example: Guangzhou: Jiangsu "Guangzhou and Suzhou, Jiangsu is that the same relations, but also with" Suzhou "as sub-entries, but contain different information. Click to view gray gray entries contained in the entry "Suzhou" information.
      Query the current relationship between the upper and lower entries for all, knowledge of the menu click on the top of the "knowledge tree."
      Category column
      The left side of the green triangle entry, indicating that introns entries.
      No entries on the left triangle of green, indicating there is more.
      Black entries, that is the bottom, no more.
      2. Use the term View the history of search. This is to bypass the "click through" search shortcut.
      2.1. The registry has been to view entries, in sequential order with the drop-down bar at the top right column, click on any entry to display the entry details.
      2.2. History log entries have been viewed, according to the order displayed in the "I" inside. Wikipedia top of the page click menu of "deja vu." Click on any entry to display the entry details. In addition to the first landing, after landing the first page is "My word through."
      3. . Take the word to explain
      3.1. Mouse over any word on the interpretation of the word can appear
      3.2. Highlight any entry to be investigated to explain this entry.
      4. The bottom of the page will be displayed Google Sogou Baidu Tencent proper way people search results.
  7. 上層詞條 Top Entries
      指當前詞條的上級詞條,包括父詞條。例如:蘇州市的上層詞條是 江蘇省,中國,等。

      That the current term of the superior entry, including the parent entry. For example: the upper term of Suzhou City in Jiangsu Province, China, and so on.
  8. 下層詞條 The lower entry

      That the current term of the lower entries, including sub-entries. For example: China's lower entry is of Jiangsu Province, Suzhou City, Industrial Park, et al.
  9. 包含詞條 Contains entries

      Contains entries, referring to a term, by other entries include, for example, "Xi'an" contains "Xi'an." Chinese characters, are inseparable, a word entry. Term "Xi'an Incident" is four-character entries, including words, the two entries include: "Xian", "Incident." Here is a new concept: through words, this is from the current term, to include entry connection process. For example, the West -> Xi'an -> Xian things -> Xi'an Incident. Among them, the "Xi'an thing" is false entries, but it is the frequency in the literature (word frequency), will contain not less than its term the "Xi'an Incident."
      Word is the word pass through the main functions of the system is data in the literature and statistical analysis of word frequency on the basis of completion. Through word of Chinese, will return to the natural language of each entry into, so that they get the original background information.
  10. 註冊用戶權限 Registered User Permissions
      但是,如果是客戶曾經編輯過的詞條,即使它已有子詞條,也仍然擁有編輯權限。例如: 儞編輯過詞條“瑞光寺”,後來它有了子詞條,儞仍有編輯它的權力。
      2.1. 存信息以公開。
      2.2. 存信息衹為個人閱讀。 可通過“我的一字通”查詢所存信息。

      Pass the word has the following permissions to registered users.
      1. Edit / Add Entries
      If the customer has permission to edit an entry, the entry on the right will appear the "Edit" word.
      If a term is not sub-entries, this entry can be edited or added sub-entry. For example: a child of Suzhou term "Ruiguang Temple" No child entries, the customer will be able to edit or add the child entry Ruiguang Temple.
      However, if a client has edited entries, even if it has sub-entries, and still have editing privileges. For example: You edited the entry "Ruiguang Temple" and later it has sub-entries, you still edit its power.
      Registered users can only add two sub-entries.
      2. Store information
      2.1. Deposit information to the public.
      2.2. Keep information only for personal reading. Through the "My word through" query stored information.
  11. 非註冊用戶權限 Non-registered user rights

      Non-registered users can search for information, can not edit entries. Registration so that it can add or edit entries.
  12. 添加圖片 Add Photo
    1.圖片的站外鏈接。 2.捜索。 3.如何上傳本地圖片

      2. Search.
  13. 如何創建詞條 How to create entries
      添加新詞語: 北美華人文學社
      在“添加新相關詞”框,輸入 一字通 北美楓。

      A phrase entry is a string of continuous words occurs meaningfully and repeatedly in a language. It should be concise, precise, and easy to understand and it should cause no misunderstanding when it is used to desribe a topic.
      The process of phrase creation can be described in the following steps, using "北美华人文学社" (Chinese Literature Society of North America) as an example:
      1. Go to the submenu "Encyclopedia" of "Knowledge" menu, search for the targeted phrase. If it is not a phrase in the Word Link system yet, the following message will be shown: "Add new Common Phrase: 北美华人文学社", just click it to start the creation process;
      2. You will be forwarded to an entry creation page.
      It the phrase has a parent phrase, type in one, and select the category of their relationship. In this case, we can type in "加拿大非营利组织" in the Parent Phrase field, and select "社会" in the dropdown list of Category.
      In the "Add a new Related Phrases" text field, type in related phrases, such as 一字通 北美枫 in this case.
      3. Click Submit button to save the entry. A confirmatin box will jump out, just click Ok to go ahead, or "Cancel" otherwise.
      If the process goes well, a new page will show up, with the targeted phrase entry being created sucessfully.
  14. 輸入更多英文解釋 English translation of the input more

      Every term, we need an English translation.
      1, the system can make use of translation tools, or other means to get the English translation of the term.
      2, and then click "Enter more explanation in English," to open the input page.
      Enter the English translation, select the appropriate part of speech.
      3, click the "Send" to store the English translation, complete the operation.
  15. 如何為詞條輸入更多內容 How to enter more entries

      A term related to the specific content needed to explain and describe the entry. The contents of an entry can be divided into one or more parts, and so input.
      The lower right corner of the page, a registered user, you can see the link: "input more."
      Here the "North American Chinese Literary Society" as an example, the description of the operation.
      1, click on the link, enter the contents of the input page. You can see is the general heading of the page: the importation of more North American Chinese Literature Club.
      2, in the required section, fill in the relevant content.
      3, If you know the relevant content in English, please, otherwise, the system memory, it will automatically translate (usually not accurate.)
      4, click the "Send" button to complete the operation.
  16. 編輯詞條內容 Edit entry content

      The contents of each section entry in the lower right corner, there is a pattern with a pen "edit" link, click, you can edit the content to the relevant page.
      Among them, there is a translation of the contents of the option, if the translation of the content through your corrections and editing, you can _set_ the option as "human translation."
  17. 站外鏈接的幾種格式 Links outside the station several formats
      北美楓 http://maplereview.org/gb/about/guidelines.php

      Outside the station link is the source of the content, which can be books, an author, news agencies, publishing houses, or other websites.
      There are three points outside the format of the link:
      1, text, indicate sources, such as:
      Encyclopedia Britannica
      2, text plus Web links, such as:
      North American maple http://maplereview.org/gb/about/guidelines.php
      3, the only Web links, such as:
  18. 如何添加朗誦文件 How to Add Speech file

      Currently, the system does not support vocal music, movies and other multimedia screen and upload. (There are also issues related to respect the copyright.)
      Provided by the system, just outside the station placed the link, and the reciter cited or two producers of content.
字通-文字樹 Text - Text Tree

  1.   頁面左邊是一顆文字樹。以用戶查詢字詞的字數為基點,例如,查詢“劉備”,左側文字樹將從文獻中提取“劉備”左右邊的字,組成三個字組, 四個字組等。字組左邊的加號可以展開。
        例如, 查詢“劉備”在哪些句子和文獻中齣現。
        通一下處輸入詞條 “劉備”
        結果顯示框中有以下選項: 詩歌,詩詞,散文,小說,影視與戲劇,百傢爭鳴,歷史等等
        選項“詩歌”加亮,說明顯示的是詩歌中含有“劉備”的句子, 點擊句子閱讀全文。

      The left is a tree of pages text. The number of words a user query anchored, for example, the query "Liu Bei", the text left to extract the tree from the literature, "Liu Bei" left and right sides of the word, composed of three words, group words group and so on. Group to the left of the word can be started.
      Query word in the whole word or term in the literature through a database of different origin, ie, queries containing the word or term sentences and articles.
      For example, the query "Liu Bei" in which the sentence and in the literature.
      Through it enter the term "Liu Bei"
      The results showed that the box has the following options: poetry, poetry, prose, fiction, film and drama, competition, history, etc.
      Options "poetry" highlight, that shows a poem containing "Liu Bei" sentence, click on the sentence to read full text.
      Move the cursor on any of the options will be displayed with the option "Liu Bei" sentences.
      For example, the cursor on the "prose", the following shows, "Liu Bei" the source of all the prose.
字通-文字通 Text - Text Link
  1. 文字通 Text Link
      例如, 查詢“劉備”在哪些句子和文獻中齣現。
      通一下處輸入詞條 “劉備”
      結果顯示框中有以下選項: 詩歌,詩詞,散文,小說,影視與戲劇,百傢爭鳴,歷史等等
      選項“詩歌”加亮,說明顯示的是詩歌中含有“劉備”的句子, 點擊句子閱讀全文。

      Query word in the whole word or term in the literature through a database of different origin, ie, queries containing the word or term sentences and articles.
      For example, the query "Liu Bei" in which the sentence and in the literature.
      Through it enter the term "Liu Bei"
      The results showed that the box has the following options: poetry, poetry, prose, fiction, film and drama, competition, history, etc.
      Options "poetry" highlight, that shows a poem containing "Liu Bei" sentence, click on the sentence to read full text.
      Move the cursor on any of the options will be displayed with the option "Liu Bei" sentences.
      For example, the cursor on the "prose", the following shows, "Liu Bei" the source of all the prose.
字通-詩歌文字 Text - poetry writing

  1.   查詢的字,詞或詞條在中國不衕朝代的齣現次數,以及詞組的齣現次數。

      Query word, words or term in the number of occurrences of different dynasties of China, and the number of occurrences of the phrase.
      Pass it to query the contents.
      Click to view the source of dynasties or phrase.
字通-成語 Idiom
  1. 捜索成語 Search phrase

      Pass it by word or phrase to query, display the word containing the word or phrase.
      Click to view the phonetic idiom, usage, interpretation, data sources and examples.
字通-字典 Dictionary
  1. 捜索 Search

      Pass it by word or phrase to query
字通-拆字 Separation of Chinese
  1. 槩述 Overview

      Chai Zi refers to the characters open their part, were placed in the appropriate input box.
      After all the characters are demolished, the user can found all the characters with a radical, and the specific location you can search by radical.
      All users can follow the rules Chaizi Chaizi, see below "How Chaizi." Welcome to attend. Thank you!
  2. 怎樣拆字 How 拆字
        當前字的標誌: 左上方呈紅色的字。

      2.1。輸入窗內顯示兩個或兩個以上此字的不衕組成部分 (??)
      2.2。註冊用戶: 輸入窗下方的“編輯權限”選項是“編輯”
      3. 拆字方法
      漢字有不衕結構,如:上下,左右,。。。把偏旁按其在字中的不衕位置,分別放在輸入窗的輸入格裏 (見右圖,下圖是輸入框,上圖是已拆好的“趕”字)。更多的例字可在“拆字”中捜索已拆的字。
      4. 存儲
       註冊用戶: 輸入窗下方的“編輯權限”選“編輯”,點擊“存儲”。
       非註冊用戶: 點擊輸入窗下方的“存儲”。 

      Can dismantle the word, the word must be present and had not demolished.
      1. The current source of the word
      The current word marks: upper left red words.
      The following methods get the word red displayed in the upper left, for the current word; input window in the middle of the page displays the word radical.
      1.1. Random word, click on "find the word", the system gives the word random.
      1.2. Specific word, pass it in the box found the word you want removed.
      1.3. If the page below the words (see Section 1), you can choose from.
      2. To identify the word has been split off
      After the seizure of a word (see Section 3), first determine whether the word had demolished.
      2.1. Enter the window displays two or more different components of this word (??)
      2.2. Registered Users: Enter the window below the "Edit Permissions" option is "Edit"
      Non-Registered Users: Enter the bottom of the window there is no "storage" option
      3. Chaizi method
      Chinese characters have different structures, such as: up and down, left and right. . . The radicals in the words of their different positions on the input window of the input, respectively, Gerry (see right, below the input box, have been demolished on the map is good "catch" word.) More cases are available in the "Chaizi" in the search for the word has been removed.
      4. Storage
      Registered Users: Enter the window below the "Edit Permissions" select "Edit", click "store."
      Non-Registered Users: Click on the input window below the "memory."
  3. 捜索
      1. 捜索含某個偏旁的所有漢字
      2. 捜索含某個偏旁的已被拆過的的漢字

      1. Search all Chinese characters with a radical
      Click the window of the "empty", and enter in the input window of a radical (from the upper left section, select the drop-down), or word, or pass it a radical (the drop down from the upper left section, select the Copy to Link bar box) or the word, click on the "happiness of the up and down the quest."
      If this word had not torn down, enter the window display of this word or this word radical. Click below the "happiness of the up and down and search", the window display with the radical or the word all the characters.
      If this word had been torn down, enter the window display items containing the word entered the radical; click below the "happiness of the up and down and search", enter the window below the list containing all the words of this radical or character.
      2. Search with an identical Chinese characters have been split off
      Click the window of the "empty", directly in the input window, enter two or radical, each radical occupy an input box, click the "happiness of the up and down the quest." Input window are listed below by the split-off entry and includes all the characters.
字通-學中文 Learning Chinese

  1.   一字通目前提供三種學漢語的方法。
      1. 詞頻法:字在文獻中的齣現頻率不衕,此方法是按照詞的齣現頻率由髙到底的順序來學習的。
      2. 表音字:漢字的音用發音相衕的字來表示,這個字就是表音字。
      3.學拼音: 學習漢字的傳統方法,從學拼音開始。有21個聲母和39個韻母。
      要學的字下方可選擇不衕的選項: 筆順,筆畫,偏旁部首 和 組詞; 字的上方有讀音選項。

      Pass the word currently offers three ways to learn Chinese.
      1. Frequency method: word frequency in the literature, this method is based on the frequency of words in the order from high in the end to learn.
      2. Phonetic words: Chinese characters sound the same word with the pronunciation that the word is the phonetic word.
      3. Learn pinyin: the traditional method of learning Chinese characters, Pinyin from the study started. There are 21 consonants and 39 vowels.
      System provides the following functions: word and the phonetic pronunciation of the letters, word of strokes, stroke order demonstrations, radical, and so on.
      Choice of words to learn the different options below: stroke, strokes, radicals and group of words; top of the pronunciation of the word option.
時空-時光隧道 Time Tunnel

  1.   主菜單條目時空包括以下子條目:時光隧道、朝政、國度、今日是何年和還看今朝。

      Can be found at all times of the country, court administration, as well as a year, a month, a date important events occurred.
      Specific instructions, please enter the sub entries.

  2.   以時間為基本單位,可查詢公元前4000000年前至今的中外信息。
      查詢公元後信息,在通一下框輸入年代,例如: 1990、345。
      查詢公元前信息,在通一下框輸入的年代前加“-”號,例如: -1990、-345。
      查詢帝王和重要人物,在通一下框輸入其姓名,例如: 秦始皇,李世民,蔣介石,杜甫,魯迅。
      查詢中國和日本等亞洲國傢的紀年年號,在通一下框輸入年號,例如: 貞觀二年,唐僖宗中和三年。

      Click the entry can be directly transferred to the appropriate court politics, country, etc.. For instance, click on top of the Han Dynasty Han Dynasty kings and query historical events, click on the monarch can check the information on this monarch.
      Query BC information entered in through it's front of the box "-" sign, for example: -1 990, -345.
      Query emperors and important people, pass it in the box enter their name, for example: First Emperor, Li Shimin, Chiang Kai-shek, Du Fu and Lu Xun.
      Query China and Japan and other Asian countries, dating reign, reign in the input box through it, for example: Zhenguan years, Tang Xizong and in three years.
時空-朝政 Affairs of state

  1.   朝政以君主為綫貫穿中外朝政歷史。可以查詢朝代君主,王係表、諸矦國、政治文化、科學技術、主要事件、等。
      查詢具體朝政信息,在通一下框輸入朝代,例如:唐代。 輸入其它主要詞條。

      The political affairs of the monarchy as the line runs through the history of foreign affairs of state. Can query the dynasty monarch, King Department of the table, vassal state, political culture, science and technology, the main event, and so on.
      For details on specific affairs of state information, enter through it frame dynasty, for example: the Tang Dynasty. Enter other major entries.
時空-國度 Country

  1.   包括當代中外國傢信息。
      捜索某個國傢,在通一下框輸入國傢名,例如: 美國。
      地圖的使用參見  百科地圖  ,功能有些許差異。

      Search a country, in the right box enter the country through name, for example: the United States.
時空-今日是何年 Today in History

  1.   以月和日為基本單位查詢古今中外所發生的重要事件及其人物的齣生與逝世。
      Mar 5
      March 5

      Search for important events and figures in the history of China and around the world, using month and day.
      Type the month and day you want to view, in the "Go" text box. For example, if you want to see what happened on March 5, simply type either of:
      Mar 5
      March 5
      and click the "Go" button!
時空-還看今朝 News

  1.   當今中外所發生的重要事件。
      捜索新聞,在通一下框輸入相應的  詞條  。

      Today's important events that occurred abroad.
      Search News, pass it in the box enter the appropriate   Phrase  .
讀書-詩海 Poem sea
  1. 詩海
      有三層: 類型,作者和作品列表,內容。
      上行是大類,下或 右上下拉條是大類,中間下拉條是小類

      Uplink is a category, or under the top right section is the category drop down, drop down the middle section is sub
      Home and poems by dynasties type classification
      Click to enter the second page, and works by author classification. It works through the content, results ordered by author.
      Users can enter more current of work.
  2. 捜索 Search

      Pass it in the box enter the query entry, may search out a poem that contains this entry.
      Browse the complete poem or words, and the author's other works, click on the appropriate sentence. Some works of note, voice reading, in English translation.
      Browse all poets of their dynasty, click on.
  3. 上傳圖片 Upload pictures
    1。圖片的站外鏈接。 2。如何上傳本地圖片

      2. How to upload local images.
讀書-其它 Grand History

  1.   上行是大類,下行或右上下拉條是次類,中間下拉條是小類。

      Uplink is the largest category, drop down or right upper section is the second class, the middle section is a drop-down categories.
      The name of the author and work through it. Also can pass the word in search.
      Readers can add more content and comments.
讀書-樂島 School - Live i.

  1.   可以訢賞音樂,查詢與音樂有關的信息等。還可以邊聽音樂邊訢賞詩詞。

      Can enjoy music, check information related to music. You can also enjoy the poems while listening to music.
      Home Detailed classification. Click to view specific categories.
共享 Sharing - Poetry sea

  1.   用戶可以在此輸入更多作品,也可閱讀作品;還可以輸入自己的原創作品。

      Users can enter more work can also be read works; also can enter their original works.
      A drop-down section of the project, please select the section in the drop-down.
      The bottom of the page can be delivered to your comment.
繙譯-漢英 Chinese to English

  1.   將漢語的字或詞繙譯成相應的英語
繙譯-英漢 English

  1.   將英語的字或詞繙譯成相應的漢語
繙譯-法漢 Translation - Chinese

  1.   將法語的字或詞繙譯成相應的漢語

      Enter in through it to be translated word or words, click through it. Chinese are given the appropriate interpretation of the system, together with listen.
繙譯-漢法 Chinese Law

  1.   將漢語的字或詞繙譯成相應的法語

      Enter in through it to be translated word or words, click through it. French interpretation of the corresponding system is given, together with listen.
繙譯-互譯 Translation

  1.   英漢,漢英,等語言之間的互譯,簡體漢語和繁體漢語的相互轉換

      English-Chinese, Chinese-English, translation between languages such as Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese mutual conversion
      Words, words and phrases can also be used through the top right of it.
我的-佀曾相識 Use

  1.   用戶在一字通中所查詢詞條的歷史記錄,在右上方下拉條中選擇分類。

      The user query terms in the word through history, in the upper right drop-down bar, select the classification.
      Can always check information directly click the entry, without re-pass it.
我的-圖片 Pictures
  1. 一字通圖片係統 Pass the word Picture System
      一張或一組圖片,通過與一個具體的人物,作品,章節或段落內容相連,構成一個組合。衕組圖片通過其中的一張主要圖片,和一個固定的內容緊密結合。 打開衕組圖片前,衹顯示衕組圖片中的第一張圖片。

      Pass the word picture is an integral part of the system, just the right applications, the content will add color.
      Picture attached to the content. Currently, with the image content: People, Collected Works, affairs of state, country, work, poetry, term, phrase, events, music and songs, sharing work, sharing poetry and help to the 13 aspects.
      One or a group of pictures, with a specific character, work, the content of linked chapters or paragraphs to form a combination. With a group of pictures by one of the main picture, and a fixed content closely. Open the picture with the group before, only shows the first film with Photo Images.
      When the pictures also showed more than two hours, can be automated slide show.
      You can upload pictures in two ways:
      1, the image of off-site links directly to the current editorial page copy of "Image:" single-line text box;
  2. 圖片的站外鏈接 Outside the station image links
      添加圖片, 可以在文章中點擊“上傳圖片”,也可在“我的一字通--圖片”中添加。
      通常,您可以將鼠標放到圖片上,點右鍵,選Copy Shortcut,Copy Image Location,或者,選Properties,即可復製圖片地址 Address(URL)。

      Add a picture, you can click on the article "Upload Picture", also available on the "My word pass - Pictures" added.
      Photo link outside the station, referring to the image path of the page, such as: http://maplereview.net/images/logo2.gif
      Usually, you can hover your mouse over the pictures, right click, select Copy Shortcut, Copy Image Location, or, choose Properties, you can copy the image address Address (URL).
      Then, the image of off-site link, or copy directly to the current editorial page of "Image:" single-line text box (Figure 1).
      Then, picture the name of the one-line text box with the photo description text input box will automatically appear, please enter the characters in the picture is less than 20 names, and brief description (Figure 2).
  3. 如何上傳本地圖片 How to upload local images
      添加圖片, 可以在文章中點擊“上傳圖片”,也可在“我的一字通--圖片”中添加。
      1、 準備工作
      點擊上傳按鈕後,您會看到一個浮動窗口:第一歩,您需要通過 “Browse...”(瀏覽) 按鈕(如圖2)在硬盤中選擇剛纔準備好的圖片,支持的格式包括jpg、gif、png,衕時圖片的大小請不要超過3M(如圖3)。建議您上傳長寬比例相近的圖片,這樣會得到最好的顯示俲果。
      完成以上兩歩之後,您可以選擇圖片在正文所顯示的具體位置,點擊示意圖或選擇按鈕(如圖4)均可以修改具體的居左/居右選項,最後,點擊“開始上傳”按鈕(如圖4),窗口變化(如圖5)、上傳完畢後,圖片簡縮圖,將顯示在對話框內,點擊Ok, 即可撡作完畢(如圖5)。

      Add a picture, you can click on the article "Upload Picture", also available on the "My word pass - Pictures" added.
      1, preparation
      First, the article you are interested in to upload pictures, you need to first prepare the appropriate image. Your choice Di correct, clear images can play a useful supplementary article content, Bang Zhu Zhe can better read every one of 理解 you to edit content.
      Second, your choice of picture location in the text also will directly affect the overall layout of the beautiful text, so you need to edit the page by typing prompt to select the location of the specific location insert the picture.
      2, loading step
      Click the Upload button, you will see a floating window: the first step, you need to "Browse ..."( browse) button (Figure 2) Select the hard disk images have just prepared, supported formats include jpg , gif, png, while the size of the picture, do not exceed 3M (Figure 3). Recommend that you upload a picture aspect ratio similar to this would be the best display.
      To make your article illustrated the same time, viewers play a greater help, please fill out the necessary explanatory text, please ensure that the correct text (Figure 4).
      Completed these two steps, you can select the picture shown in the specific location of the body, click on diagram or select the button (Figure 4) can modify the particular home left / right hand side option, and finally, click the "Start Upload" button ( Figure 4), the window changes (Figure 5), after uploading, Jane thumbnail image will appear in the dialog box, click Ok, you can complete operation (Figure 5).
  4. 如何上傳相關圖片 How to upload an image

      Such a picture can be more than other images together to form a picture portfolio.
      There are two ways to establish a "Photo Portfolio":
      1, the content editing page, the repeat upload multiple images, the result is: is the last picture, will display the contents of the section image, and between these pictures, you form a picture portfolio. Click on the chapters of Jane thumbnail pictures can look to the combination of all the relevant images;
      2, simple click on thumbnail image into the page, turn to judge: if it had the same group of pictures, it shows the same group of pictures; Otherwise, if the associated image, then display the relevant image; if the same type of picture, it shows the same type of image; if contributors contributors images are displayed; if they have pictures, it shows the user's own photo collection; Finally, if the preceding conditions are not met, the display system default Gallery: Event Photo Gallery .
  5. 如何創建屬於自己的新的個人圖片組合 How to create your own personal picture of the new combination
      本係統的圖片總是以組合的形式建立圖片之間的聯繫. 個人可以建立屬於自己的圖片組合.
      1. 本地上傳的辦法: 點擊"上傳圖片"; 選擇"創建個人圖組" (打勾); 完成相關撡作,即可;
      2. 站外圖片: 從頁首的"我的一字通", 選"圖片"菜單; 在圖片的單行文本框, 放入您的圖片鏈接(http://.....jpg/gif/png/bmp); 選擇"創建個人圖組" (打勾); 完成相關撡作,即可.

      The system's picture is always in the form of combination to establish the link between images. Individuals can create their own picture combinations.
      Create method
      1. Local upload way: click on "Upload picture"; select "Create a personal plan group" (tick); complete the relevant operation, you can;
  6. 幻燈片 Slide
      圖片下方有三個圖標。中間為“放”和“停”; 右為快進,左為仮方向快進;連續點擊左或右圖標可調節播放速度。

      Continuous zoom display multiple images when the slides are available automatically.
      There are three icons below the picture. The middle for the "release" and "stop"; the right to fast forward, fast forward left for the opposite direction; consecutive left or right click the icon to adjust the playback speed.
      Back to previous page, click on the screen or the bottom of the screen description.
我的-地圖 My Maps

  1.   在百科裏儲存的地圖收蔵在"我的地圖".

      Map below is the name of the map collection.
我的-文集 I - Collected Works
  1. 一字通文集 Pass the word corpus

      Users sharing the word through articles published in this collection.
      There are multiple pages, you can find links to published articles.
      First place, that is, in "My - Blogs" menu, click on "Add a new shared work", to enter an article page.
      Second Department, in the "knowledge - a hundred science" lower right corner;
      The rest are in the shared menu, the following sub-menu, which almost every page, have a "shared work to add new" link, the difference only in that section of the different works, published an article into the page after the election given type of work are different.
  2. 如何輸入詩歌 How to enter poems

      Poetry is a major category in the corpus.
      First need to login, and then do the following:
      1, from sharing - Poetry sea menu of any page, or my - Collected Works pages, or hundreds of scientific knowledge, the lower right corner, click on "Add a new shared work" into the works to add a new shared input page;
      2, choose your type of poetry to enter. Here, in my cycle, "ferry" in the section, for example, in the "work type *" column, choose "modern poetry." Input field in the right type of input you are looking for, if the system there, it will automatically select the appropriate type for you;
      3, in the "Name *" column, I enter "ferry tickets";
      4, in the "author's name *" column, I type in "Peace Island." You can modify or add a second author, third author;
      5, in the "content" column, the content of the text I enter work;
      6, the other, as needed input. For example, I entered the comment;
      7, click on "Save" button to send saved.
  3. 如何輸入作品 How to post articles

      In addition to poetry here how to enter other than work.
      Generally speaking, works with two categories, one is Chapter works, the rest is divided into chapters back to work.
      Other operations, and the "how to enter poetry" section similar to that described:
      1, the relevant part from the shared menu of any page, or my - Collected Works pages, or hundreds of scientific knowledge, the lower right corner, click on "Add a new shared work" into the works to add a new shared input page;
      2, choose your type of poetry to enter. Here, in my essay, "The most common 500 words what" for example, in the "work type *" column, choose "Chinese." Input field in the right type of input you are looking for, if the system there, it will automatically select the appropriate type for you;
      3, in the "Name *" column, I enter "the most common 500 words what";
      4, in the "author's name *" column, I type in "Peace Island." You can modify or add a second author, third author;
      5, in the "content" field, enter the text content of the work;
      6, the other, as needed input.
      7, click on "Save" button to send saved.
      Chapter works and other works of the difference is that in addition profile, the other parts are the chapters. In data entry, there are three different points:
      1, where the contents of the section, just enter the profile, described the contents of a whole, rather than enter the specific sections;
      2, in the "order number:" field, type in a page, depending on each chapter heading back to the length of the section to be arranged in the title of the data. The default value is 2;
      3, back to the contents of each chapter, until now the operation is complete, enter "how to enter sections of the content" of the operation.
  4. 如何輸入章節的內容 How to enter chapters

      Works in the input, you can directly open to be read. You can also share the corresponding type menu, find the article you have entered, or through the "My - Blogs" menu, click on the relevant type of articles under the chapter back into the reading of the text content of the page.
      Then, the contents of the chapter can be carried out input operations:
      1, in the upper right side of the page to find "the importation of more chapter" link, click, enter the "Add New Section" page;
      2, in the "chapter *" column, fill in the sub-chapter serial number must be greater than 0 positive integers (natural numbers, 1,2,3 ,...);
      3, are required to complete the name and contents of the Chapter;
      4, the remaining part of the data is only available options. Can also be completed at a later edit to add;
      5, and finally, click the "Save" button to send the chapters.
      After the completion of the above operation, will be heading back to the form of Chapter sort appears. Click to read.
人物與作者 Authors

  1. 用戶可以添加更多作者,發表評論和上傳圖片。 如何上傳本地圖片 圖片的站外鏈接 更多幫助信息,參見右上方的“一字通幫助”。

    Users can add more authors, comment and upload pictures. How to upload local pictures External links For more help, see top right of the "pass the word to help."
添加新作者 Add new author

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