菲律宾 Philippines   首都:马尼拉  国家代码: ph   
  菲律宾共和国 Republic of the Philippines.代码PH
  【别称】 椰子之国
  【名胜】 罗哈斯滨海大道、巴纳韦高山梯田、塔尔湖
  【面积】 29.97万平方公里(根据菲内务与地方政府部资料)。
  【人口】 8400万(2004年统计)。马来族占全国人口的85%以上,包括他加禄人、伊洛戈人、邦班牙人维萨亚人和比科尔人等;少数民族及外来后裔有华人、阿拉伯人、印度人、西班牙人和美国人;还有为数不多的原住民。有70多种语言。国语是以他加禄语为基础的菲律宾语,英语为官方语言。国民约84%信奉天主教,4.9%信奉伊斯兰教,少数人信奉独立教和基督教新教,华人多信奉佛教,原住民多信奉原始宗教。
  【首都】 大马尼拉市(Metro Manila),人口1090万(2004年统计)。年均气温28℃。
  同北京时差 比格林尼治时间早8小时;与北京时间相同
  国际电话码 63
  【国家元首】 总统格洛丽亚·马卡帕加尔·阿罗约(Gloria Macapagal ARROYO),2001年1月20日就任,2004年6月竞选成功,再次就任菲总统。
  货币: 菲律宾比索
  辅币名称: 分
  菲律宾男子的国服叫“巴隆他加禄” 衬衣。这是一种丝质紧身衬衣,长可及臀,领口如同一般可以扎领带的衬衫,长袖,袖口如同西服上装。前领口直到下襟两侧,都有抽丝镂空图案,花纹各异,颇为大方。据说,在西班牙人统治时期,为了便于从远处区别西班牙人和菲律宾人,殖民者下令所有菲律宾人必须把衬衣穿在外面,不许把衬衣下摆扎在裤内。后来,菲律宾人开始在衬衣上刺绣各种图案,以此表示菲律宾人的自豪。50年代初,这种服装被正式推为菲律宾男子的国服,成为外交场合,庆祝活动和宴会的正式礼服。
  称国会。最高立法机构,由参、众两院组成。参议院由24名议员组成,由全国直接选举产生,任期6年,每三年改选1/2,可连任两届。众议院由250名议员组成,其中200名由各省、市按人口比例分配,从全国各选区选出;25名由参选获胜政党委派,另外25名由总统任命。众议员任期3年,可连任三届。本届国会于2004年7月选举产生。德里隆(Franklin M. DRILON)和德贝内西亚(Jose de VENECIA Jr.)继上届后再次当选参、众议长。
  实行总统制。总统是国家元首、政府首脑兼武装部队总司令。本届内阁于2004年8月组成,此后略有调整。目前,内阁成员24名:副总统诺利·德卡斯特罗(Noli de CASTRO),文官长埃杜阿多·埃米尔塔(Eduardo ERMITA),外交部长阿尔韦托·罗慕洛(Alberto ROMULO),财政部长凯撒·普里斯马(Cesar V. PURISIMA),司法部长劳尔·冈萨雷斯(Raul GONZALES),农业部长黄严辉(Arthur C. YAP),国防部长阿维利诺·克鲁兹(Avelino CRUZ),贸易与工业部长胡安·圣托斯(Juan V. SANTOS),公共工程与公路部长弗洛伦特·索里奎兹(Florante SORIQUEZ),教育文化与体育部长佛罗伦西奥·阿巴德(Florencio ABAD),劳工与就业部长帕特里莎·桑托·托马斯(Patricia Santo THOMAS),社会经济计划部长罗慕洛·奈利(Romulo NERI),卫生部长曼努埃尔·戴里特(Manuel M. DAYRIT),土地改革部长莱纳·维拉(Rene VILLA),内务与地方政务部长安吉洛·雷耶斯(Angelo REYES),环境与自然资源部长米歇尔·迪范瑟(Michael DEFENSOR),交通与通讯部长雷恩德洛·门多萨(Leandro R. MENDOZA),社会福利部长科拉松·索利曼(Corazon Juliano N. SOLIMAN),预算与管理部长艾米利亚·本科丁(Emilia BONCODIN),科技部长埃斯特莱拉·阿拉巴斯特罗(Estrella ALABASTRO),旅游部长约瑟夫·杜兰诺(Joseph Ace DURANO),能源部长拉斐尔·洛提拉(Raphael P. M. LOTILLA),新闻部长伊格纳西奥·布涅(Ignacia "Toting" BUNYE)。
  司法权属最高法院和各级法院。最高法院由1名首席法官和14名陪审法官组成,均由总统任命,拥有最高司法权;下设上诉法院、地方法院和市镇法院。最高法院首席法官希拉里奥·戴维德(Hilario G. DAVIDE Jr.)。检察工作由司法部检察长办公室负责,总检察长里卡多·加维斯(Ricardo GALVEZ)。
  (2)民族主义人民联盟(NPC-Nationalist People's Coalition),是前总统埃斯特拉达的执政党联盟-民众奋斗党(LAMP)成员之一。2000年10月,埃被弹劾后,该党成为独立党派。现为众议院第二大党。该党支持修改宪法。为防止总统权力过大,主张实行议会制政体及实行两党制,支持加快国有企业私有化。该党总裁是前众议员圣胡安(Frisco F. SAN JUAN)。
  (3)摩洛民族解放阵线(Moro National Liberation Front,简称摩解):南部穆斯林武装组织。1968年创立,旨在棉兰老地区建立独立的伊斯兰国家。1987年南部各省举行公投,建立由棉兰老岛四省组成的"棉兰老穆斯林自治区"(ARMM),密苏阿里任主席。1996年,政府与摩解达成和平协议。2001年,密苏阿里与阿罗约政府发生利益冲突,其支持者于11月在霍洛岛发动武装叛乱。政府迅速平叛,宣布密犯有叛乱罪。摩解另一派系的领导人胡安任该党主席。密潜逃至马来西亚沙巴,被马政府逮捕并于2002年1月引渡回菲。
  (4)摩洛伊斯兰解放阵线(Moro Islamic Liberation Front,简称摩伊解):菲最大的穆斯林反政府组织。现有武装力量12500人,主要活跃在棉兰老岛。1978年,以哈希姆·萨拉马(Hashim SALAMAT)为首的强硬派从摩解脱离后建立。2003年萨马拉特去世后,穆拉特(Al Haj Ebrahim MURAD)任主席。主张建立独立的伊斯兰国家,坚持武装斗争。摩伊解与政府虽多次签署停火协议,但均未能得到有效执行。2000年4月摩伊解与政府冲突升级为"全面战争",摩伊解的营地被政府军全部攻占,其武装力量溃散后,继续以小股武装袭击政府军和民用设施。自2001年开始,阿罗约政府与摩伊解重开和谈,并曾签署停火协议与和平协议,但双方武装冲突仍时有发生。2003年,南部地区发生多起恐怖爆炸案件,政府认为是摩伊解所为,宣布通缉其主要领导人,威胁要将摩伊解列为恐怖组织。此后,在马来西亚协调下,双方进行多次非正式会谈,迄无明显进展。
  (5)菲律宾共产党(Communist Party of the Philippines):成立于1930年,1967年发生分裂。1968年,在何塞·西逊(Jose SISON)主持下进行改组重建,此后发展迅速,20世纪80年代中期党员达到3万多人。主张通过武装斗争和建立统一战线,夺取国家政权。1969年,菲共在中吕宋建立新人民军,开展武装斗争。新人民军现有1.1万人。菲政府自1993年起与菲共举行和谈,使菲共成为合法政党。双方时谈时战,迄未达成实质性和平协议。"9·11事件"后,菲政府对新人民军采取了强硬措施,包括军事打击。2002年,菲政府将新人民军宣布为恐怖组织,并促使美国和欧盟也将新人民军列为国际恐怖组织,冻结其海外资产。菲共与政府关系破裂,双方和谈停顿。2003年底,菲政府与菲共领导的全国民主阵线在挪威奥斯陆进行两次非正式接触,并于2004年2月重启和谈。菲共提出希望菲政府敦促美政府将其从恐怖组织中除名。美方明确拒绝,并要求菲共先承诺停止一切恐怖活动。
  其它政党有自由党(Liberal Party)、民主行动党(Aksyon Demokratiko)、地方发展优先党(Promdi-Probinsiya Muna Development lnitiative)、改革党(Reporma)、民主战斗党(LDP-Lanban ng Demokratikong Pilipino)、民族党(Nationalista Party)等。
  格罗丽亚·马卡帕加尔·阿罗约:总统。1947年4月5日生于邦加锡南省,系已故总统马卡帕加尔之女。先后就读于美国华盛顿乔治城大学、菲律宾圣母神学院、马尼拉阿特尼奥大学和菲律宾大学,获金融学学士、经济学硕士和博士学位。毕业后在大学任教,先后任助理教授、高级讲师。1986年从政,在阿基诺政府任贸工部部长助理、服装与纺织品出口局执行董事和贸工部副部长。1992年当选参议员,1995年连任。多次被评为"杰出参议员",曾被《亚洲周刊》评为亚洲最有影响力的女性之一。1998年5月,以绝对优势当选副总统,兼任社会福利与发展部长。2001年1月,埃斯特拉达总统因受贿丑闻下台,阿罗约就任菲律宾第14任总统,并于2004年6月竞选成功,再次就任菲总统。曾于1972年、1975年、1992年和2000年访华,2001年10月29至31日和2004年9月1至3日分别对华进行国事访问。丈夫何塞·米格尔·阿罗约,是律师兼商人。有3个子女。 诺利·德卡斯特罗:副总统。1949年7月6日出生于东民都洛省。就读于菲律宾东方大学,获银行与金融专业学士学位。曾任菲律宾ABS-CBN广播公司DZMM电台的副总裁,有27年媒体业经验,曾是著名的广播评论员、电视新闻广播员和公共事务节目主持人,多次获奖。2001年5月高票当选参议员。曾任参议院社会公正、福利和农村发展委员会、旅游委员会和文化团体委员会主席。2004年6月当选副总统。夫人阿琳娜·德卡斯特罗。有3个子女。
  1998 1999 2000
  铜(万吨) 177.9 151.2 129.8
  黄金(千公斤) 34.0 31.1 36.5
  银(千公斤) 18.2 18.2 23.6
  镍(万吨) 814.3 959.9 1023.4
  2000 2001 2002 2003
  稻谷 1238.9 1295.4 1327.1 1350.0
  玉米 451.1 452.5 431.9 461.6
  甘蔗 2351.9 2854.1 2720.3 2938.1
  椰子 1249.9 1320.8 1368.3 1412.2
  香蕉 493.0 506.0 526.5 536.9
  木薯 176.6 165.2 162.6 162.2
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  收入 5057 5637 5660 6266 6983
  支出 6418 7107 7787 8265 8844
  差额 -1361 -1470 -2127 -1999 -1861
  2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  总 额 688.19 617.00 685.37 731.98 838
  出口额 380.77 321.50 350.66 357.50 387
  进口额 307.42 295.50 334.71 374.48 451
  差 额 +73.35 +26.00 +15.95 -16.97 -64
  军事 1901年建立保安队。1936年以保安队为基础建立陆军。1946年以陆军为基础建立国防军,分海、陆、空和保安军四个军种。1950年4月19日正式改称菲律宾武装部队,并将3月22日(1897年菲反抗西班牙殖民统治成立革命政府的日期)定为建军节。总统是最高统帅。武装部队司令部为三军最高指挥机构,总参谋长是最高军事指挥官。国防部是三军行政管理机构。国防部长阿维利诺·克鲁兹(Avelino CRUZ),武装部队总参谋长埃弗伦·阿布(Efren ABU)。实行志愿兵役制,服役期三年以上。
  两国农业合作发展迅速。1999年两国农业部签署《关于加强农业及有关领域合作协定》。2000年双方有关部门签署中方向菲方提供1亿美元信贷协议书。由中方援建的“中菲农业技术中心” 于2003年3月在菲竣工。中国优良杂交稻种和玉米在菲试种成功,现正逐步推广。2004年两国签署《渔业合作谅解备忘录》。2007年1月,两国农业部签署《关于扩大深化农渔业合作的协议备忘录》。
  中国驻菲律宾共和国大使:吴红波。馆址:4896 PASAY ROAD,DASMARINAS VILLAGE,MAKATI,METRO MANILA PHILIPPINES。电话:(00632) 8443148。传真:(00632)8439970。电子信箱:EMB-DHN@PACIFIC.NET.PH。经商处电话:(00632)8195991。传真:(00632)8184553。签证处电话:(00632)8482385。传真:(00632)8482386。
  菲律宾驻华大使:盖威利(Willy C.Gaa)。馆址:北京朝阳区建国门外秀水北街23号。电话:65322794,65321872,65322518,65322451。
  菲曾是美殖民地,两国长期保持密切的盟国关系。两国签有共同防御条约和共同防御援助协议。1991年菲参议院废除了菲美军事基地协定,结束了美在菲长达93年的驻军。1998年,两国签署《访问部队协定》。该协定使得美军重返菲律宾,两国恢复大规模联合军事演习。 "9·11"事件使菲美军事合作得到明显加强。菲政府全力支持美反恐行动及对阿富汗和伊拉克战争,向美开放军事设施,提供后勤服务。美国则承诺向菲提供新的军事装备,加大对菲军事经济援助,向菲派遣专家协助反恐训练。
  2004年1月,美国能源部长斯宾瑟·阿伯拉汗(Spencer Abraham)访菲。双方签署能源发展合作备忘录。美将向菲提供350万美元技术援助。2月,菲美军队举行"肩并肩2004"联合军演,共派出4900余人(其中美军2600余人)参演。3月,菲律宾外长阿尔韦特访美。7月,菲因伊拉克人质事件而从伊撤军,引起美国不满。11月,菲外交部宣布,美国国会已确定将对菲财政和技术援助由2004年的3700万美元增至6900万美元。
  文全称: 菲律宾比索
  币值: 1、2、5、10、25、50分及1、2、5比索

  The Philippines (Filipino: Pilipinas; Spanish: Filipinas), officially known as the Republic of the Philippines (Republika ng Pilipinas; RP), is an archipelagic nation located in Southeast Asia with Manila as its capital city. The Philippine archipelago comprises 7,107 islands in the western Pacific Ocean, bordering countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Palau, the Republic of China (Taiwan), and Vietnam. The Philippines is the world's 12th most populous country with a population approaching 90 million people. Its national economy is the 37th largest in the world with a 2006 gross domestic product (GDP) of over US$117.562 billion. There are more than 11 million overseas Filipinos worldwide, the largest diaspora network in the world, about 11% of the total population of the Philippines.
  The Philippines was settled mostly by Malayo-Polynesian-speaking peoples. The Philippines became a Spanish colony in the 16th century, and an American territory at the beginning of the 20th century. The Katipunan led the Philippine Revolution of 1896 that won independence from Spain. The U.S. occupation of the Philippines during the Spanish-American War led to the outbreak of the Philippine-American War. The Philippines gained its independence from the United States on July 4, 1946 after the Pacific War (the Second World War) via the Treaty of Manila. Martial law was declared in 1972 by Ferdinand Marcos. The assassination of Benigno Aquino, Jr. led to the People Power Revolution of 1986 that overthrew authoritarian rule. Political upheavals and corruption scandals alternated with the peaceful transition of power during the period that followed the restoration of democracy.
  Modern Philippines has many affinities with the Western world, derived mainly from the cultures of Spain, Latin America, and the United States. Roman Catholicism is the country's predominant religion, although pre-Hispanic indigenous religious practices still exist; there are also followers of Islam. Spanish was an official language of the Philippines until 1973. Since then, the two official national languages are Filipino and English.
  The name Philippines and its Spanish counterpart, Filipinas, are derived from the name of Phillip II, the King of Spain in the late 16th century. Spanish explorer Ruy López de Villalobos used the name Las Islas Filipinas in honor of the then-Crown Prince during his expedition to the Philippines, originally referring to the islands of Leyte and Samar. Despite the presence of other names, the name Filipinas was eventually adopted as the name of the entire archipelago.
  Archeological and paleontological discoveries show that Homo sapiens existed in Palawan circa 50,000 BC. The aboriginal people of the Philippines, the Negritos, are an Australo-Melanesian people, which arrived in the Philippines at least 30,000 years ago. The Austronesians, who originated from populations of Taiwanese aboriginals that migrated from mainland Asia approximately 6000 years ago, colonized the Philippine islands and eventually migrated to Indonesia, Malaysia and, soon after, to the Polynesian islands and Madagascar.[citation needed]
  The Philippines had cultural ties with Malaysia, Indonesia, India in ancient times, and trade relations with China and Japan as early as the 9th century.
  Islam was brought to the Philippines by traders and proselytizers from Malaysia and Indonesia. The Islamization of the Philippines is due to the strength of then-Muslim India. By the 13th century, Islam was established in the Sulu Archipelago and spread from there to Mindanao; it had reached the Manila area by 1565. Muslim converts established Islamic communities and states ruled by rajas or sultans. However, no Islamic state exercised sovereignty over much of the archipelago, and the indigenous maritime and agricultural societies ruled by datus or apos remained autonomous. When the Spanish arrived in the 16th century, the majority of the estimated 500,000 people in the islands lived in independent settlements called 'barangay' or networks of settlements.
  The Banaue Rice Terraces, they are part of the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, ancient sprawling man-made structures from 2,000 to 6,000 years old, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site.In the service of Spain, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan and his crew started their voyage on September 20, 1519. Magellan sighted Samar on March 17, 1521, on the next day, they reached Homonhon. They reached the island of Limasawa on March 28, 1521 where the first Mass in the Philippines was celebrated on March 31, 1521. Magellan arrived at Cebu on April 7, 1521, befriending Rajah Humabon and converting his family and 700 other Cebuanos to Christianity. However, Magellan would later be killed in the Battle of Mactan by indigenous warriors led by Lapu-Lapu, a fierce rival of Humabon.
  The beginnings of colonization started to take form when Philip II of Spain ordered successive expeditions. Miguel López de Legazpi arrived from Mexico in 1565 and formed the first Spanish settlements in Cebu. In 1571 he established Manila as the capital of the new Spanish colony.
  Model of a Philippine-built ship used for trading around the archipelago before the arrival of the Spanish.Spanish rule brought political unification to an archipelago of previously independent islands and communities that later became the Philippines, and introduced elements of western civilization such as the code of law, printing and the calendar. The Philippines was ruled as a territory of New Spain from 1565 to 1821, but after Mexican independence it was administered directly from Madrid. During that time numerous towns were founded, infrastructures built, new crops and livestock introduced, and trade flourished. The Manila Galleon which linked Manila to Acapulco once or twice a year beginning in the late 16th century, carried silk, spices, ivory and porcelain to America and silver on the return trip to the Philippines. The Spanish military fought off various indigenous revolts and several external threats, especially from the British, Chinese pirates, Dutch, and Portuguese. Roman Catholic missionaries converted most of the inhabitants to Christianity, and founded numerous schools, universities and hospitals. In 1863 a Spanish decree introduced public education, creating free public schooling in Spanish .
  Flag Pambansang Watawat
  Anthem "Lupang Hinirang"
  Patriotic Song "Pilipinas Kong Mahal", "Bayan Ko"
  Gem Pearl of the Orient
  Dance Cariñosa
  Mammal Carabao
  Bird Philippine Eagle
  Fish Milkfish (Bangus)
  Flower Arabian Jasmine (Sampaguita)
  Tree Angsana (Narra)
  Leaf Fan palm (Anahaw)
  Fruit Mango (Mangga)
  Sport Sipa
  House Nipa hut (Bahay kubo)
  Costume Barong Tagalog and Baro't saya
  Hero José Rizal
  The Propaganda Movement, which included Philippine nationalist José Rizal, then a student studying in Spain, soon developed on the Spanish mainland. This was done in order to inform the government of the injustices of the administration in the Philippines as well as the abuses of the friars. In the 1880s and the 1890s, the propagandists clamored for political and social reforms, which included demands for greater representation in Spain. Unable to gain the reforms, Rizal returned to the country, and pushed for the reforms locally. Rizal was subsequently arrested, tried, and executed for treason on December 30, 1896. Earlier that year, the Katipunan, led by Andrés Bonifacio, had already started a revolution, which was eventually continued by Emilio Aguinaldo, who established a revolutionary government, although the Spanish governor general Fernando Primo de Rivera proclaimed the revolution over in May 17, 1897.
  The Spanish-American War began in Cuba in 1898 and soon reached the Philippines when Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish squadron at Manila Bay. Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines on June 12, 1898, and was proclaimed head of state. As a result of its defeat, Spain was forced to officially cede the Philippines, together with Cuba (made an independent country, the US in charge of foreign affairs), Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States. In 1899 the First Philippine Republic was proclaimed in Malolos, Bulacan but was later dissolved by the US forces, leading to the Philippine-American War between the United States and the Philippine revolutionaries, which continued the violence of the previous years. The US proclaimed the war ended when Aguinaldo was captured by American troops on March 23, 1901, but the struggle continued until 1913 claiming the lives of over a million Filipinos . The country's status as a territory changed when it became the Commonwealth of the Philippines in 1935, which provided for more self-governance. Plans for increasing independence over the next decade were interrupted during World War II when Japan invaded and occupied the islands. After the Japanese were defeated in 1945, returned to the Filipino and American forces in the Liberation of the Philippines from 1944 to 1945, the Philippines was granted independence from the United States on July 4, 1946.
  A late 19th century photograph of leaders of the Propaganda Movement: José Rizal, Marcelo del Pilar and Mariano Ponce.Since 1946, the newly independent Philippine state has faced political instability with various rebel groups. The late 1960s and early 1970s saw economic development that was second in Asia, next to Japan. Ferdinand Marcos was, then, the elected president. Barred from seeking a third term, Marcos declared martial law on September 21, 1972, under the guise of increased political instability and resurgent Communist and Muslim insurgencies, and ruled the country by decree.
  Upon returning from exile, opposition leader Benigno Aquino, Jr. was assassinated on August 21, 1983. In January 1986, Marcos allowed for a snap election, after large protests. The election was believed to be fraudulent, and resulted in a standoff between military mutineers and the military loyalists. Protesters supported the mutineers, and were accompanied by resignations of prominent cabinet officials. Corazon Aquino, the widow of Benigno Aquino, Jr., was the recognized winner of the snap election. She took over the government, and called for a constitutional convention to draft a new constitution, after the People Power Revolution. Marcos, his family and some of his allies fled to Hawaii.
  The return of democracy and government reforms after the events of 1986 were hampered by massive national debt, government corruption, coup attempts, a communist insurgency, and a Muslim separatist movement. The economy improved during the administration of Fidel V. Ramos, who was elected in 1992. However, the economic improvements were negated at the onset of the East Asian financial crisis in 1997. The 2001 EDSA Revolution led to the downfall of the following president, Joseph Estrada. The current administration of president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has been hounded by allegations of corruption and election rigging.
  Politics and government
  Philippine President Gloria Macapagal ArroyoThe Philippines has a presidential, unitary form of government (with some modification; there is one autonomous region largely free from the national government), where the President functions as both head of state and head of government, and is commander-in-chief of the armed forces. The president is elected by popular vote to a single six-year term, during which time she or he appoints and presides over the cabinet.
  The bicameral Congress is composed of a Senate, serving as the upper house whose members are elected nationally to a six-year term, and a House of Representatives serving as the lower house whose members are elected to a three-year term and are elected from both legislative districts and through sectoral representation.
  The judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court, composed of a Chief Justice as its presiding officer and fourteen associate justices, all appointed by the President from nominations submitted by the Judicial and Bar Council.
  Attempts to amend the constitution to either a federal, unicameral or parliamentary form of government have repeatedly failed since the Ramos administration.
  The Philippines is a founding and active member of the United Nations since its inception on October 24, 1945 and is a founding member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The Philippines is also a member of the East Asia Summit (EAS), an active player in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Latin Union, and a member of the Group of 24. The country is a major non-NATO ally of the U.S. but also a member of the Non-Aligned Movement.
  Administrative divisions
  Provinces and regions of the Philippines.The Philippines is divided into three island groups: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. These are divided into 17 regions, 81 provinces, 136 cities, 1,494 municipalities and 41,995 barangays.
  Region Designation Government center
  Ilocos Region Region I San Fernando City, La Union
  Cagayan Valley Region Region II Tuguegarao City, Cagayan
  Central Luzon Region Region III City of San Fernando, Pampanga
  CALABARZON Region¹ ² Region IV-A Calamba City, Laguna
  MIMAROPA Region¹ ² ³ Region IV-B Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro
  Bicol Region Region V Legazpi City, Albay
  Western Visayas Region³ Region VI Iloilo City
  Central Visayas Region Region VII Cebu City
  Eastern Visayas Region Region VIII Tacloban City, Leyte
  Zamboanga Peninsula Region Region IX Pagadian City
  Northern Mindanao Region Region X Cagayan de Oro City
  Davao Region Region XI Davao City
  SOCCSKSARGEN Region¹ Region XII Koronadal City, South Cotabato
  Caraga Region Region XIII Butuan City
  Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao ARMM Cotabato City
  Cordillera Administrative Region CAR Baguio City
  National Capital Region NCR Manila
  ¹ Names are capitalized because they are acronyms, containing the names of the constituent provinces or cities (see Acronyms in the Philippines).
  ² These regions formed the former Southern Tagalog region, or Region IV.
  ³ Palawan was moved from Region IV-B as known as MIMAROPA to Region VI. From November 2005, Region IV-B would be called MIMARO, decreased from five to four provinces and Region VI increased from six to seven provinces.
  Mayon Volcano, the most active volcano in the Philippines.The Philippines constitutes an archipelago of 7,107 islands with a total land area of approximately 300,000 square kilometers (116,000 sq mi). It generally lies between 116° 40' and 126° 34' E. longitude, and 4° 40' and 21° 10' N. latitude, and borders the Philippine Sea on the east, the South China Sea on the west, and the Celebes Sea on the south. The island of Borneo lies a few hundred kilometers southwest and Taiwan directly north. The Moluccas and Sulawesi are to the south/southwest, and Palau is to the east beyond the Philippine Sea.
  The islands are commonly divided into three island groups: Luzon (Regions I to V, NCR and CAR), Visayas (VI to VIII), and Mindanao (IX to XIII and ARMM). The busy port of Manila, on Luzon, is the national capital and second largest city after its suburb Quezon City.
  Mount Apo, the Philippines' tallest mountain.The local climate is hot, humid, and tropical. The average yearly temperature is around 26.5 °C (79.7 °F). There are three recognized seasons: Tag-init or Tag-araw (the hot season or summer from March to May), Tag-ulan (the rainy season from June to November), and Taglamig (the cold season from December to February). The southwest monsoon (May-October) is known as the "habagat" and the dry winds of the northeast monsoon (November-April) as the "amihan".
  Most of the mountainous islands used to be covered in tropical rainforest and are volcanic in origin. The highest point is Mount Apo on Mindanao at 2,954 metres (9,692 ft). There are many active volcanos such as Mayon Volcano, Mount Pinatubo, and Taal Volcano. The country also lies within the typhoon belt of the Western Pacific and about 19 typhoons strike per year.
  Lying on the northwestern fringes of the Pacific Ring of Fire, the Philippines experiences frequent seismic and volcanic activities. Some 20 earthquakes are registered daily in the Philippines, though most are too weak to be felt. The last great earthquake was the 1990 Luzon earthquake.
  The longest river is the Cagayan River in northern Luzon. Manila Bay is connected to Laguna de Bay by means of the Pasig River. Subic Bay, the Davao Gulf and the Moro Gulf are some of the important bays. Transversing the San Juanico Strait is the San Juanico Bridge (considered a point of vital national infrastructure and capacity), that connects the islands of Samar and Leyte.
  Metro Manila Skyline.The Philippines is a newly industrialized country with an economy anchored on agriculture but with substantial contributions from manufacturing, mining, remittances from overseas Filipinos and service industries such as tourism and, increasingly, business process outsourcing. The Philippines is listed in the roster of "Next Eleven" economies.
  Historically, the Philippine economy has largely been anchored on the Manila galleon during the Spanish era, and bilateral trade with the United States during the American era. Pro-Filipino economic policies were first implemented during the tenure of Carlos P. Garcia with the "Filipino First" policy. By the 1960s, the Philippine economy was regarded as the second-largest in Asia, next only to Japan. However, the presidency of Ferdinand Marcos would prove disastrous to the Philippine economy, sliding the country into severe economic recession, only to recover starting in the 1990s with a program of economic liberalization and the breaking of Marcos-era monopolies and the system of cronyism under Fidel V. Ramos.
  The Asian Financial Crisis affected the Philippine economy to an extent, resulting in a lingering decline of the value of the Philippine peso and falls in the stock market, although the extent to which it was affected is not as severe as that of its Asian neighbors. This is largely due to the fiscal conservatism of the Philippine government partly as a result of decades of monitoring and fiscal supervision from the International Monetary Fund, in comparison to the massive spending of its neighbors on the rapid acceleration of economic growth. By 2004, the Philippine economy experienced six-percent growth in gross domestic product and 7.3% in 2007, in line with the "7, 8, 9" project of the government to accelerate GDP growth by 2009.
  Cebu City Business Park.In a bid to further strengthen the Philippine economy, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo pledged to make the Philippines a developed country by 2020. As part of this goal, she instituted five economic "super regions" to concentrate on the economic strengths of various regions of the Philippines, as well as the implementation of tax reforms, continued privatization of state assets, and the building-up of infrastructure in various areas of the Philippines.
  Despite the growing economy, the Philippines will have to address several chronic problems in the future. Strategies for streamlining the economy include improvements of infrastructure, more efficient tax systems to bolster government revenues, furthering deregulation and privatization of the economy, and increasing trade integration within the region and across the world. The Philippine economy is also heavily reliant on remittances as a source of foreign currency, surpassing even foreign direct investment. China and India have emerged as major economic competitors, siphoning away investors who would otherwise have invested in the Philippines, particularly telecommunications companies. Regional development is also somewhat uneven, with Luzon and Metro Manila in particular gaining most of the new economic growth at the expense of the other regions, although the government has taken steps to distribute economic growth by promoting investment in other areas of the Philippines.
  The Philippines is a founding member of the Asian Development Bank, playing home to its headquarters. It is also a member of the World Bank, the IMF, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Colombo Plan, and the G-77, among others.
  The Philippines is the world's 12th most populous country, with a population of over 90 million as of 2008.As of 2007, 8% of Filipinos are living abroad as migrant laborers. Roughly half reside on the island of Luzon. Manila, the capital, is the eleventh most populous metropolitan area in the world. The literacy rate was 92.6% in 2003, and about equal for males and females. Life expectancy is 71.23 years, with 73.6 years for females and 69.8 years for males. Population growth rate in 1995-2000 is 3.21% but then dramatically fell to 1.59% for 2005-2010.
  Ethnic groups
  Majority of Filipinos are descended from the various Austronesian-speaking migrants who arrived in successive waves over a thousand years ago from Taiwan, genetically most closely related to the Ami tribe. The Malayo-Polynesian-speaking peoples, a branch of Austronesian, migrated to the Philippines and brought their knowledge of rice agriculture and ocean-sailing technology. Filipinos to this day are composed of various Malayo-Polynesian-speaking ethnic groups, including but not limited to the Visayans, the Tagalog, the Ilocano, the Moro, the Kapampangan, the Bicolano, the Pangasinense, the Igorot, the Lumad, the Mangyan, the Ibanag, the Badjao, the Ivatan, and the Palawan tribes. The Negritos, including the Aetas and the Ati, are considered as the aboriginal inhabitants of the Philippines though they are estimated to be fewer than 30,000 people (0.03%).
  Filipinos of Chinese descent currently forms the largest non-Austronesian ethnic group, claiming about 1.5% of the population followed by Filipinos of Spanish descent. Other significant minorities include British, Americans, Japanese, Asian Indians, Koreans, Arabs and Indonesians. Chinese mestizos are those in the Philippines of mixed Chinese and either indigenous Filipino or Spanish (or both) ancestry. They make up between 10-20% of the country's total population.
  Throughout the country's history, various ethnic groups as well as immigrants and colonizers have intermarried, producing Filipino mestizos. These mestizos, apart from being of mixed indigenous Austronesian and European ancestry, can be descended from any ethnic foreign forebears. The percentage of Filipinos with foreign ancestry is unknown since there are no credible sources for the percentage of Philippine mestizos residing in the Philippines. The number of Filipino mestizos that reside outside the Philippines is also unknown. However, due to major historical factors, such as the Spanish colonization, the American occupation, and Chinese immigration after World War II; many Filipino mestizos that reside in the Philippines are now of Spanish, American and Chinese descent.
  Map of the dominant ethnolinguistic groups of the Philippines.Filipino and English are the official languages of the Philippines, but more than 180 languages and dialects are spoken in the archipelago, almost all of them belonging to the Borneo-Philippines group of the Malayo-Polynesian language branch of the Austronesian language family.
  According to the 1987 Constitution, Filipino and English are both the official languages. Many Filipinos understand, write and speak English, Filipino and their respective regional languages.
  Filipino is the de facto standardized version of Tagalog spoken in Metro Manila and urban centers and one of the official languages in the country. English, the other official language, is widely used as a lingua franca throughout the country.
  Twelve major regional languages are the auxiliary official languages of their respective regions, each with over one million speakers: Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Hiligaynon, Waray-Waray, Kapampangan, Bikol, Pangasinan. Kinaray-a, Maranao, Maguindanao and Tausug.
  English was imposed by Americans during the U.S. intervention and colonization of the archipelago. English is used in education, churches, religious affairs, print and broadcast media, and business, though the number of people who use it as a second language far outnumber those who speak it as a first language. Still, English is the preferred medium for textbooks and instruction for secondary and tertiary levels. Movies and TV programs in English are not subtitled but many films and TV programs are produced in Filipino. English is the sole language of the law courts.
  Spanish was the original official language of the country for more than three centuries, and became the lingua franca of the Philippines in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Spanish was the language of the Philippine Revolution, and the 1899 Malolos Constitution proclaimed it as the official language. However, Spanish was spoken by a total of 60% of the population in the early 1900s as a first, second or third language. Following the American occupation of the Philippines, its use declined after 1940. Currently, only a few Mestizos of Spanish or Hispanic origin speak it as their first language, although a few others use it together with Filipino and English.
  Both Spanish and Arabic are recognized as auxiliary languages in the Filipino Constitution, to be "promoted on a voluntary and optional basis". The use of Arabic is prevalent among Filipino Muslims and taught in madrasah (Muslim) schools.
  Manila Cathedral, officially the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, is mother church of the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines.The Philippines is one of two countries in Asia with Roman Catholic majorities; the other being East Timor. The Philippines is separated into dioceses of which the Archdiocese of Manila enjoys primacy. About 90% of Filipinos identify themselves as Christians, with 81% belonging to the Roman Catholic Church. 2% are composed of Protestant denominations and 11% either to the Philippine Independent Church (Aglipayan), Iglesia ni Cristo and others. While Christianity is a major force in the culture of the Filipinos, indigenous traditions and rituals still influence religious practice.
  Philippines religiosity
  religion percent
  Christianity   90%
  Islam   5%
  Others   5%
  The Philippines is also well-known for its Baroque-style churches. They are a part of the long list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. These churches are: San Agustin Church in Intramuros, Manila; Paoay Church in Paoay, Ilocos Norte; Nuestra Señora de la Asuncion (Santa Maria) Church in Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur; and the Santo Tomas de Villanueva (Miag-ao) Church in Miag-ao, Iloilo.
  Approximately 5% of Filipinos are Muslims, and are locally known as "Moros", having been dubbed this by the Spanish due to their sharing Islam with the Moors of North Africa. They primarily settle in parts of Mindanao, Palawan and the Sulu archipelago, but are now found in most urban areas of the country. Most lowland Muslim Filipinos practice normative Islam, although the practices of some Mindanao's hill tribe Muslims reflect a fusion with animism. There are also small populations of Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, and animists, which, along with other non-Christians, non-Muslims and those with no religion, collectively comprise 2.5% of the population.
  An Ifugao sculpture.Filipino culture is a fusion of pre-Hispanic indigenous Austronesian civilizations of the Philippines mixed with Hispanic and American. It has also been influenced by Chinese, Arab, and Indianized cultures.
  The Hispanic influences in Filipino culture are largely derived from the culture of Spain and Mexico as a result of over three centuries of Spanish colonial rule through Mexico. These Hispanic influences are most evident in literature, folk music, folk dance, language, food, art and religion, such as Roman Catholic Church religious festivals. Filipinos hold major festivities known as barrio fiestas to commemorate their patron saints. One of the most visible Hispanic legacies is the prevalence of Spanish surnames among Filipinos. This peculiarity, unique among the people of Asia, came as a result of a colonial decree for the systematic distribution of family names and implementation of the Spanish naming system on the inhabitants of the Philippines. A Spanish name and surname among the majority of Filipinos does not always denote Spanish ancestry.
  The five instruments of gongs and a drum that make up the Philippine kulintang ensemble, an example of pre-Hispanic musical tradition present in southern PhilippinesNames of countless streets, towns and provinces are in Spanish. Spanish architecture also made a major imprint in the Philippines. This can be seen especially in the country's churches, government buildings and universities. Many Hispanic style houses and buildings are being preserved, like the Spanish colonial town in Vigan City, for protection and conservation. The kalesa is a horse-driven carriage introduced by the Spaniards and was a major mode of transportation during the colonial times. It is still being used today. Filipino cuisine is also heavily influenced by Mexican and Spanish cuisine.
  The use of English language in the Philippines is contemporaneous and is America's visible legacy. The most commonly played sports in the Philippines are basketball and billiards. There is also a wide influence of American Pop cultural trends, such as the love of fast-food and movies; many street corners boast fast-food outlets. Aside from the American commercial giants such as McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, KFC, and Shakey's Pizza, local fast-food chains have also sprung up, including Goldilocks, Jollibee, Greenwich Pizza (acquired by Jollibee in 1994), and Chowking (acquired by Jollibee in 2000). Modern day Filipinos also listen to contemporary American music and watch American movies. However, Original Pilipino Music (also known as OPM) and Philippine movies are also widely appreciated.
  Filipinos honor national heroes whose works and deeds contributed to the shaping of the Filipino nation. José Rizal is the most celebrated ilustrado, a Spanish-speaking reformist visionary whose writings contributed greatly in nurturing a sense of national identity and awareness. His novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo originally written in Spanish, are required readings for Filipino students, and provide vignettes of colonial life under the Spanish rule.
  As with many cultures, music (which includes traditional music) and leisure activities are an important aspect of the Filipino society. Various sports are also enjoyed, including boxing, basketball, badminton, billiards, football (soccer) and ten-pin bowling being popular games in the country.

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