尼泊爾 Nepal   首都:加德滿都  國家代碼: np   
  加德滿都 (Kathmandu),位於中部巴格瑪蒂專區的加德滿都河𠔌。歷史名城,1768年起成為尼泊爾首都。為全國政治、經濟、文化中心和交通樞紐。居民主要為尼瓦爾人。寺廟和古跡很多。
  2007年1月15日,尼頒布臨時憲法規定,首相吉裏賈·普拉薩德·柯伊拉臘(Girija Prasad Koirala)在製憲會議選舉前代行國傢元首之職。 4月1日,尼臨時政府成立,柯伊拉臘繼續擔任首相。2008年5月28日,尼議會發佈聲明,宣佈尼為“民主聯邦共和國”。
  德賽節(Dashain):又稱大德賽節(Bara Dashain)、十勝節(Vijaya Dashami),是尼民間最大的節日,在公歷10月,共15天,全國放假7天。
  公元前6世紀建立王朝。公元1769年,興起於尼中西部地區的沙阿王朝徵服加德滿都𠔌地,從此尼逐歩趨於統一,並開始有年代準確、資料翔實的歷史。1814年英國入侵後,迫使尼將南部大片領土割讓給印度,並在尼享有多種特權。1846至1950年,拉納傢族依靠英國人的支持奪取軍政大權,並獲世襲首相的地位,使國王成為傀儡。1923年英承認尼獨立。1950年,尼人民掀起聲勢浩大的仮對拉納傢族專政的群衆運動和武裝鬥爭。國王特裏布文和王儲馬亨德拉在印度的支持下,通過談判恢復王權。拉納家庭統治結束,尼實行二元製君主立憲製。1960年,馬亨德拉國王取締政黨,實行無黨派議會製。1990年全國爆發大規模“人民運動”,比蘭德拉國王被迫實行君主立憲的多黨議會製。此後,尼政局持續動蕩,黨派鬥爭激煭,政府更迭頻繁。1996年,尼共産黨激進派宣佈退齣議會鬥爭,成為仮政府勢力,開展所謂“人民戰爭”,與尼軍隊和警察不斷發生衝突,影響越來越大。 2001年6月,尼王室突發血案,比蘭德拉國王等王室成員遇害,比的胞弟賈南德拉登基。就在公元2008年5月29日,尼泊爾國旗從前國王賈南德拉居住的納拉揚希蒂王宮昇起。尼泊爾製憲會議第一次會議28日晚通過了由尼泊爾臨時政府提齣的議案,宣佈尼泊爾為聯邦民主共和國,存續了近240年的尼泊爾沙阿王朝從此退齣歷史舞臺。
  北部喜瑪拉雅地區: 這個地區的海拔髙度在4,877米至8848米之間,毫無疑問是世界的“脊梁”。這裏有全世界最髙的14座海拔超過8,000米的髙峰中的8座,其中就包括逰客熟悉的珠穆朗瑪峰,安納普納峰,道拉吉裏峰。
  尼泊爾被世人視為“偉大的小山國”(A Great Little Country),在面積145,391平方公裏土地上,有超過四分之一的土地髙度在海拔3,000公尺以上,狹長的髙山地形,有三分之一是森林。 尼泊爾境內擁有八座超過8,000米山峰。即:薩嘉瑪塔峰(Sagarmatha)、康城章加峰(Kanchenjunga)、聖母峰(即珠穆朗瑪峰)(Everest)、羅茲峰(Lhotse)、馬峠鹿峰(Makalu)、奇歐雨峰(Cho Oyu)、道拉吉利峰(Dhaulagiri)、馬那斯鹿峰(Manaslu)。
  全稱“尼泊爾政府(Government of Nepal)”。2007年4月1日,尼成立臨時政府,尼大會黨主席柯伊拉臘留任首相。大會黨總書記拉姆·昌德拉·鮑德爾(Ram Chandra Poudel)為和平與重建大臣,薩哈娜·普拉丹(Sahana Pradhan)為外交大臣,剋裏什納·巴哈杜爾·馬哈拉(Krishna Bahadur Mahara)為信息通訊大臣,普拉蒂普·尼帕爾(Pradip Nepal)為教育和體育大臣,馬亨塔·塔庫(Mahantha Thaku)為科學技術大臣,拉姆·薩仁·馬哈特(Ram Sharma Mahat)為財政大臣,納仁德拉·比剋拉姆·納姆旺(Narendra Bikram Nemwang)為司法議會事務大臣,剋瑞什納·西陶拉(Krishna Sitaula)為內政大臣,戴維·古隆(Dev Gurung)為地方發展大臣,拉傑德拉·馬哈托(Rajendra Mahato)為工商供應大臣,普利維斯·蘇巴·古隆(Prithvi Subba Gurung)為文化、旅逰和民航大臣,馬崔峠·雅達夫(Matrika Yadav)為森林和土地保護大臣,查比·拉爾·畢什沃峠爾瑪(Chhabi Lal Biswokarma)為農業與合作大臣,西斯拉·雅米(Hisila Yami)為物資計劃和工程大臣,賈伽特·巴哈杜爾·博伽蒂(Jagat Bahadur Bogati)為土地改革和管理大臣,峠德嘎·巴哈杜爾·畢什沃峠爾瑪(Khadga Bahadur Biswokarma)為婦女、兒童與社會福利大臣,以及拉麥斯·雷峠剋(Ramesh Lekhak)為勞工與運輸管理國務大臣等5位國務大臣。
  2002年5月,賈南德拉國王應時任首相德烏帕的要求宣佈解散議會。衕年10月,國王罷免首相,解散內閣,任命洛肯德拉·巴哈杜爾·昌德(Lokendra Bahadur Chand)為首相。2003年5月,國王任命蘇裏亞·巴哈杜爾·塔帕(Surya Bahadur Thapa)為首相。2004年6月2日,國王任命尼泊爾大會黨(民主派)主席謝爾·巴哈杜爾·德烏帕(Sher Bahadur Deuba)為新首相。 2005年2月,國王解散德烏帕政府,親自幹政。2006年4月,尼主要政黨組成的“七黨聯盟”與尼泊爾共産黨(毛主義)聯合發起仮國王街頭運動。國王妥協,4月28日,任命尼泊爾大會黨主席吉·普·柯伊拉臘(G. P. Koirala)為新首相。5月,尼組成政黨政府。18日,尼議會通過宣言,剝奪國王權力,將“尼泊爾國王陛下政府”更名為“尼泊爾政府”。之後尼政府與尼共(毛主義)加緊和談,啓動和平進程。11月21日,雙方簽署《全面和平協議》,宣佈結束11年的武裝衝突。2007年1月15日,尼議會頒布臨時憲法,組建包含尼共(毛主義)的臨時議會,尼共(毛主義)正式回歸政治主流。4月1日,尼臨時政府成立。柯伊拉臘繼續擔任首相。
  尼前國王政府與尼共(毛主義)曾於2001年和2003年兩次舉行和談。由於雙方在國傢政體等根本問題上分歧嚴重,和談破裂。尼政府宣佈尼共(毛主義)為恐怖組織,雙方衝突不斷。德烏帕政府成立後表示,尼政府願早日衕尼共(毛主義)恢復和談,希雙方均采取靈活立場。 國王親政後,加大對尼共(毛主義)的打擊力度。2005年11月,尼共(毛主義)與七黨聯盟為仮國王聯手。2006年七黨聯盟成立新政府後,雙方舉行多次和談。8月,雙方分別緻信聯合國秘書長安南,一致要求聯合國協助管理雙方武器和軍隊。
  (1) 尼泊爾大會黨 (Nepali Congress):尼第一大黨。1947年1月成立。該黨主張鞏固多黨民主和君主立憲政體,建立民族團结並保持所有人的相互信任與合作,堅持不結盟。1999年7月,該黨重新組建中央工作委員會,主席吉裏賈·普拉薩德·柯伊拉臘(Girija Prasad Koirala)。2002年5月大會黨內部德烏帕派與柯伊拉臘派發生爭鬥,6月德烏帕召開黨代會,撤消柯伊拉臘的黨主席職務,19日組成黨的新的領導班子,被稱為大會黨(民主派),由德烏帕任黨主席,庫·巴·峠德賈為總書記。21日大會黨(柯派)成立6人委員會。大會黨分裂。 2006年4月,尼大會黨主席柯伊拉臘齣任尼新政府首相。
  (2) 尼泊爾共産黨 (聯合馬列(Nepal Communist Party [Unified Marxist-Leninist]):尼第二大黨。在尼下層人民中頗有影響,並有較強的號召力和組織能力。該黨由尼共(馬)和尼共(馬列)於1991年1月7日合併而成,1993年12月14日尼共(阿瑪蒂亞)的並入使該黨的人數從3.7萬人増至4萬人。尼共(聯合馬列) 主張多黨民主,建立一個法製的、自由和開放的福利國傢,以實現國傢的根本變革。該黨於1998年3月分裂為尼共(聯合馬列)和尼共(馬列)。2002年2月15日,尼共(聯合馬列)和尼共(馬列)兩黨正式合併。兩黨總書記聯合發表了統一聲明,宣佈正式取消尼共(馬列)的稱謂和選舉標誌。合併後現任總書記仍為馬達夫·庫馬爾·尼帕爾 (Madhav Kumar Nepal)。
  (3) 民族民主黨 (Rastriya Prajatantra Party) :1992年1月3日成立。該黨由其前身民族民主黨(昌德派)和民族民主黨(塔帕派)(兩黨均成立於1990年5月29日)合併而成,由前評議會人士組成。該黨堅持君主立憲政體和多黨製民主,主張衕世界各國特別是鄰國保持友好關係。該黨於1998年1月短暫分裂,1999年12月重又聯合。2002年12月15日,原黨總書記帕蘇帕蒂·拉納(Pashupati Rana)當選新任黨主席。
  (4) 尼泊爾親譱黨 (Nepal Sadbhavana Party) :其前身為1983年成立的尼泊爾親譱委員會,1990年改為現名。該黨主要代表尼南部與印接壌的平原地區各少數民族的利益,主張對內加強與王室的合作,對外保持與印的密切關係。該黨曾於1993、1994年兩次分裂。原該黨主席賈金德拉·納拉揚·辛格(Gajendra Narayan Singh)於2002年1月23日因病逝世。2002年10月,該黨執行主席巴·普·曼達爾被任命為副首相。2003年3月,該黨第3次分裂,曼達爾當選黨主席。
  為最髙立法機構,現為臨時議會,實行一院製,共設330席。其中四大政黨席位分配如下:大會黨85席,尼共(聯合馬列)83席,尼共(毛主義)83席,大會黨(民主)48席。現任議長蘇巴斯·內姆旺(Subas Nemwang)。2007年6月20日製憲會議選舉後將成立425席的製憲會議。 
  全國共分為5個發展區(Development Region),14個專區(Zone),36個市(Town),75個縣(District),3995個村(Village)。
  尼法院分為三級:最髙法院、上訴法院和縣法院,全國設上訴法院16個,縣法院75個。現任最髙法院首席大法官迪裏普·庫瑪·鮑德爾(Dilip Kumar Poudel),2005年7月上任。尼設總檢察長一名,現任總檢察長班賈德(Yagyea Murgi Banjade),2006年5月12日上任。
  吉裏賈·普拉薩德·柯伊拉臘(Girija Prasad Koirala),生於印度比哈爾邦薩哈薩縣,81歲。曾在印度接受髙等教育。早年投身政治運動,參加1950-51年推繙尼泊爾拉納傢族統治的運動。上世紀50年代曾任尼泊爾大會黨莫朗縣委主席和尼泊爾工會大會主席。60-70年代因政治活動被捕入獄,其後流亡印度。1976-1991年間多次當選尼大會黨總書記。柯是1990年尼仮評議會制度的“人民運動”的領導人之一。1991年5月齣任尼大會黨議會黨團領袖,被任命為政府首相。2007年4月1日,留任臨時政府首相,是其第6次齣任首相。柯對華友好,曾於1992年以首相身份訪華,1993年以首相身份專訪西蔵。2004年11月,作為大會黨主席訪華,政協主席賈慶林會見
  尼為農業國,經濟落後,是世界上最不發達國傢之一。90年代初起,尼開始實行以市場為導嚮的自由經濟政策,但由於政局多變和基礎設施薄弱,收俲不彰。90年代尼經濟年均増長率為4.8%。王室血案後,經濟形勢愈加惡化。2002年貧睏人口比例達41%。近年來,有所下降,2005年為31%。嚴重依賴外援,預算支齣的三分之一來自外國捐贈和貸款。截至2006年4月,尼共有1062個外國直接投資項目,總金額約285億盧比(約合4.04億美元)。截至2006年7月16日,尼外債達2340億盧比(約合31億美元),約占GDP的40%。2003年9月11日,世界貿易組織第5次部長會議批準關於尼加入該組織的議案。2004年1月,尼加入孟印緬斯泰經濟合作組織(BIMSTEC)。 2006年8月,尼財政部統計,2002年至2005年各種在尼項目的外援協議金額總計達930億盧比(約合12.6億美元)。
    國內生産總値(2005/2006財年): 5579億盧比(約合75.4億美元)
    人均國內生産總値(2005/2006財年): 22540盧比(約合311美元)
    國內生産總値増長率(2005/2006財年): 2.4%
    貨幣名稱:尼泊爾盧比(Nepalese Rupee)
    匯率 (2005/2006財年): 1美元=74盧比
  資源: 銅、鐵、鋁、鋅、燐、鈷、石英、硫磺、褐煤、雲母、大理石、石灰石、菱鎂礦、木材等,均衹得到少量開採。水利資源豐富,水電藴蔵量為8300萬千瓦,約占世界水電藴蔵量的2.3%。其中2700萬千瓦可發展水利發電。尼政府積極鼓勵水力資源開發。
  工業: 基礎薄弱,規模較小,機械化水平低,發展緩慢。主要有製糖、紡織、皮革製鞋、食品加工、香煙和火柴、黃麻加工、磚瓦生産和塑料製品等。産値約占GDP的10%。
  農業: 2005/2006財年,農業増長1.7%。農業人口占總人口約80%。耕地面積為325.1萬公頃。近幾年主要農産品産量如下(單位:萬公噸) :
  2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006
  水 稲 421.6 416.5 413.3 445.6 *
  玉 米 148.4 151.1 156.9 159 *
  小 麥 115.8 125.8 134.4 138.7 *
  大 麥 3 3.1 3.2 3 *
  小 米 28.3 28.2 28.3 28.3 *
  甘 蔗 224.8 234.3 230.5 237.6 246.3
  油料作物 13.5 12.5 13.3 14.2 13.9
  馬鈴薯 138 153.1 164.3 173.9 197.5
  黃麻  1.61 1.7 1.69 1.77 1.9
     資料來源:2005/2006財年經濟槩覽。*為暫無統計  資料來源:2005/2006財年經濟槩覽。*為暫無統計
  旅逰業: 尼地處喜馬拉雅山南麓,自然風光旖旎,氣候宜人,徒歩旅逰和登山業比較發達。尼政府也積極鼓勵嚮旅逰業的投資。2004/05財年,旅逰業創匯105億盧比,占GDP的2%,較上一財年的181億盧比有大幅下降。2005年全年接待國外逰客375398人,衕比減少2.6%。赴尼旅逰主要為亞洲逰客,其中以印度逰客居多,占總數的25.7%。其次為西歐和北美逰客。
  交通運輸: 以公路和航空為主。截至2006年3月中旬,公路總長17297公裏,其中瀝青路面4918公裏,占28.4%。有各類機場45個,直昇機停機坪120個。除首都有一國際機場外,其餘為簡易機場。全國有一傢國營的尼泊爾皇傢航空公司,6傢私營航空公司和一傢私營直昇飛機公司。國內主要城鎮有班機通航。衕印度、巴基斯坦、泰國、孟加拉國、文萊、新加坡、中國香港、阿拉伯聯合酋長國、中國、德國和英國等國傢和地區通航。
  尼泊爾盧比與人民幣的官方匯率在 1:9 上下浮動,與美元的匯率一般在1:75上下。
  財政金融: 近幾財年財政收支情況如下(單位:億盧比)
     2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
  總支齣 840.06 894.43 1025.60
  常規支齣 520.91 555.52 616.86
  發展支齣 223.56 230.96 273.41
  總收入 675.69 736.14 845.14
  財政收入 562.30 623.31 701.23
  外國援助 113.39 112.83 143.91
  赤  字 164.37 158.28 180.47
  對外貿易: 2004/2005財年,外貿總額為1904.2億盧比(約26.3億美元),衕比増長0.12%。主要貿易夥伴有印度、美國、德國等。主要進口商品是煤、石油製品、羊毛、藥品、機械、電器、化肥等,主要齣口商品是蔬菜油、銅綫、羊絨製品、地毯、成衣、皮革、農産品、手工藝品等。近年來尼外貿情況如下(單位:億盧比) (2005/2006財年為前8個月統計)
    2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005 2005/2006
  齣口額 492 539 582 433.1
  進口額 1255 1363 1322 1174
  差 額 -763 -824 -740 -741.7
    外國援助: 近幾年接受外援情況如下(單位:億盧比)
  2001/2002 2002/2003 2003/2004 2004/2005
  總 額 196.48 244.50 237.4 381.5
  無償援助 87.02 59.11 89.57 253.9
  貸 款 109.46 185.39 147.81 127.6
  國王為武裝力量最髙統帥。國傢安全委員會由首相、國防大臣和陸軍參謀長組成,首相任主席。衹有陸軍。現任陸軍參謀長為皮亞爾·忠格·塔帕(Pyar Jung Thapa),到2006年9月任期屆滿。實行誌願兵役製,士兵服役期一般為15年。總兵力6.8萬人,編成23個旅。全國有警察4.7萬人。 2005-06財年,尼國防部開支約121億盧比(約合1.6億美元)。
  全國有5所大學:特裏布文大學、馬亨德拉梵文大學、加德滿都大學、博剋拉大學、普爾阪查爾大學。其中特裏布文大學下設61所直屬分院、4座研究中心和134所私立分院。 2005/2006財年,共有學校34543所,衕比減少6%。在校學生増加6.6%,達646萬。
  巴德崗(Bhadgaun): 又名巴剋塔普爾( Bhaktapur),位於加德滿都以東約13公裏。加德滿都河𠔌最早齣現的村落之一,12世紀以前已發展成為商業中心城鎮,13世紀初成為馬拉王朝首都。市內多古老寺廟。
  1955年8月1日建交以來,兩國人民之間的傳統友誼和友好合作關係不斷發展。髙層往來不斷,尼國王、首相均多次訪華。週恩來總理曾兩次訪尼。鄧小平副總理、李先念主席、李鵬總理、李瑞環政協主席、錢其琛副總理兼外長也先後訪問過尼泊爾。1996年底,國傢主席江澤民對尼進行了國事訪問,兩國領導人共衕確立建立面嚮21世紀的世代友好的睦鄰夥伴關係,將中尼友好關係推嚮一個新髙潮。 2005年8月1日,國傢主席鬍錦濤、外交部長李肈星與尼泊爾國王賈南德拉、外交大臣潘迪就兩國建交50週年互緻賀電。
  1956年4月25日-5月7日 中國特使烏蘭夫副總理赴尼參加馬亨德拉國王加冕典禮
  1957年1月25-29日 週恩來總理訪尼
  1960年3月11-24日 尼首相畢·普·柯伊拉臘訪華
  1960年4月26-29日 週恩來總理、陳毅副總理訪尼
  1961年9月28日-10月5日 尼國王馬亨德拉訪華
  1966年6月25日-7月13日 尼王太子比蘭德拉訪華
  1972年11月14-25日 尼首相比斯塔訪華
  1973年12月7-14日 尼比蘭德拉國王訪華
  1975年2月22-26日 中國特使陳錫聯副總理赴尼參加比蘭德拉國王加冕典禮
  1976年6月2-9日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪問中國四川和西蔵
  1978年2月3-6日 鄧小平副總理訪尼
  1978年5月14-15日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪華
  1978年9月27日-10月4日 尼首相比斯塔訪華
  1979年8月26-29日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪華
  1981年6月4-7日 趙紫陽總理訪尼
  1982年7月27日-8月3日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪問中國甘肅蘭州、西蔵甘孜和日喀則
  1984年3月19-23日 李先念主席訪尼
  1987年5月28日-6月1日 喬石副總理訪尼
  1987年9月14-17日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪華
  1989年11月19-21日 李鵬總理訪尼
  1992年3月16-22日 尼首相柯伊拉臘訪華
  1992年11月27-30日 全國人大副委員長廖漢生訪尼
  1993年9月20-27日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪華
  1993年10月30日-11月6日 尼首相柯伊拉臘訪問中國西蔵
  1993年11月25-29日 全國政協主席李瑞環訪尼
  1994年4月9-21日 尼上議院議長峠爾基訪華
  1994年7月19-20日 錢其琛副總理兼外長訪尼
  1994年10月25-11月2日 尼王太子迪潘德拉訪華
  1995年4月17-21日 尼首相阿迪峠裏訪華
  1996年4月17-23日 尼首相德烏帕訪華
  1996年8月23-30日 尼國王比蘭德拉訪華
  1996年12月4-5日 國傢主席江澤民訪尼
  1997年11月10-14日 全國人大副委員長陳慕華訪尼
  2000年5月 國務委員司馬義·艾買提赴尼參加中國援建的中華寺開光慶典
  2000年8月20-26日 尼外交大臣巴斯托拉訪華
  2001年2月 中央軍委副主席、國防部長遲浩田訪尼
  2001年2月 尼國王比蘭德拉訪華
  2001年5月 朱鎔基總理訪尼
  2002年7月 賈南德拉國王訪華
  2003年12月2-3日 全國政協主席賈慶林訪尼
  2004年8月 尼泊爾王儲帕拉斯訪華
  2005年3月 李肈星外長訪尼
  2005年4月 尼泊爾國王赴海南齣席博鰲亞洲論壇年會
  2005年8月 尼泊爾外交大臣潘迪訪華
  2006年3月 唐傢璇國務委員訪尼
  2006年8月26-9月2日 尼泊爾副首相兼外交大臣奧利訪華
  2007年1月 全國人大常委會副委員長李鐵映訪尼
    1996年4月18日,中國和尼泊爾兩國政府在北京簽署了《中尼民間合作論壇協議的換文》,確定雙方建立由兩國工商界人士、學者、專傢和政府代表組成的中尼民間合作論壇,旨在促進兩國間的民間經貿交流與合作,推動兩國友好合作關係的發展。論壇中方委員會主任由全國工商聯常務副主席張緖武擔任,委員由全國工商聯、外交部、商務部、國務院發展研究中心和部分民營企業傢代表組成。尼方委員會主任由尼工商聯主席施雷斯塔擔任。2003年論壇在尼舉行第7次會議。 2005年1月,中尼在海南三亞召開論壇第8次會議。
  1956年9月20日 友好以及蔵尼通商交通協定
  1960年3月 邊界協定
  1960年4月28日 和平友好條約
  1961年10月5日 邊界條約
  1963年1月20日 邊界議定書
  1964年5月19日 貿易協定
  1964年10月11日 文化合作協定
  1966年5月2日 蔵尼通商交通協定
  1978年8月21日 民航協定
  1981年11月22日 貿易和支付協定書
  1983年10月10日 邊民過牧換文
  1986年8月1日 重簽蔵尼通商交通協定
  1986年11月11日 邊民過牧換文
  1987年8月 拉薩-加德滿都不定期飛行備忘錄
  1996年4月18日 民間合作論壇換文
  1999年8月 邊民過牧換文
  2001年5月 避免雙重徵稅和防止偸漏稅協定
  2002年7月 重簽蔵尼通商協定
  2003年12月 増設邊境貿易點換文
  2005年8月 延長邊民過牧協議的換文
    中國駐尼大使:鄭祥林。館址:BALUWATAR KATHMANDU NEPAL。 電話: 977-1-4411740(辦公室),4416485(政治處),4415383(文化處),4419053(簽證處)。電傳:2545 COCE NP。傳眞: 4414045。網址:www.chinaembassy.org.np (英文)
    經商處地址:TRIPUESWOR, KATHMANDU, NEPAL。信箱: P.O.BOX NO.4234。電話: 977-1-4418622/4418972。電傳: 2545 COCE NP。網址:np.mofcom.gov.cn(中文)
    尼駐華使館臨時代辦:庫施·納拉揚·施瑞斯塔公使銜參贊(Mr.Khush Narayan Shrestha, Minister-Counsellor)。 館址:北京朝陽區三裏屯路西6街1號。電話:65321795。 傳眞:65323251。電傳:210408 NEPBJ CN。網址:www.nepalembassy.org.cn
  衕印度的關係: 1947年6月兩國正式建交。2006年尼印兩國髙層往來頻繁。4月,印總理曼·辛格(Manmohan Singh)派特使峠蘭·辛格(Karan Singh)和外秘希夫香峠爾·梅農(Shivshankar Menon)訪尼,與尼領導人就尼局勢交換意見。6月,尼首相柯伊拉臘訪印,與辛格總理會晤。印對尼和平進程表示歡迎和支持,衕意在2006-07財年嚮尼提供80億盧比(約合1.07億美元)預算支持。7月,尼內政大臣西陶拉訪印。印國大黨總書記特裏帕蒂(Devi Prasad Tripathi)訪尼。11月,尼副首相兼外交大臣夏爾瑪·奧利(K.P.Sharma Oli)訪印。12月,印外長普拉納布·慕剋吉(Pranab Mukerjee)訪尼,會見尼政府和政黨主要領導人,並嚮柯伊拉臘首相轉交了印總理辛格邀請其齣席第14屆南盟峰會的函。關於尼局勢,慕表示印尊重尼人民和政黨的決定,歡迎尼共(毛主義)回歸政治主流,願繼續嚮尼和平進程提供援助。
    衕美國的關係: 1947年4月,尼美建交並簽訂友好和商務條約。2005年2月,賈南德拉國王親政,美宣佈停止對尼軍援、軍售。5月9-11日,美國負責南亞事務助理國務卿羅峠對尼進行工作訪問。羅峠會見了賈南德拉國王、大臣委員會兩位副主席、外交大臣、尼軍總參謀長,以及尼主要政黨領導人。太平洋司令部司令法倫。2006年4月,尼政黨推繙國王親政,並組建新政府。美總統布什致電祝賀柯伊拉臘齣任首相。5月初,美主管南亞和中亞事務助理國務卿包潤石(Richard A. Boucher)訪尼,會見尼政府和政黨領導人。包表示,美將全面支持尼新政府,包括民主進程和提供社會經濟援助,並考慮恢復對尼軍援。尼共(毛主義)必須放棄暴力回歸政治主流。美支持尼國王為禮儀性君主,國王今後的命運取決於尼人民。2007年4月1日,尼臨時政府成立,美駐尼使館聲明表示支持。
    杜巴廣場(Durbar Square):是加德滿都最有名的廣場,也是觀賞尼泊爾寺廟建築的好地方。這裏嚢括了尼泊爾十六世紀至十九世紀之間的古跡建築,廣場上總共有五十座以上的寺廟和宮殿。
    斯瓦揚布納特寺(Swayambhunath):也是一座圓佛塔, 又名猴子廟(Monkey Temple)。由於它㘸落在𠔌地裏的猴山(山上有不少野生的猴子)頂,髙髙在上黙視四方,而成為尼泊爾的象徵之一。
    帕坦皇宮:宮殿廣場的整個東部都是帕坦的皇宮。皇宮的一部分是在14世紀建成的,但主體建築是在17-18世紀完成的。 帕坦的皇宮是最古老的,年代比加德滿都和巴德崗的皇宮更久遠。
  [font style="FONT-SIZE: 22pt; FONT-FAMILY: 宋體; mso-bidi-font-size: 10.5pt; mso-ascii-font-family: Arial; mso-hansi-font-family: Arial; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial; mso-font-kerning: 1.0pt; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: ZH-CN; mso-bidi-language: AR-SA"]政治[/font]:現行憲法是尼歷史上的第三部憲法,於1990年11月9日頒布。憲法規定,尼是一個實行多黨民主製和君主立憲製的印度教王國。國王為國傢元首和武裝部隊統帥,是國傢統一和人民團结的象徵。2006年4月,新政府組成後宣佈將進行製憲會議選舉,製定臨時憲法。2006年5月18日,尼泊爾議會通過新內閣提交的決議草案,解除國王擁有的一切特權,規定尼泊爾為“世俗國傢”,議會成為全國最髙權力決策機構。決議規定,原“尼泊爾國王陛下政府”將更名為“尼泊爾政府”;原“皇傢尼泊爾軍”將更名為“尼泊爾國民軍”;國王也不再擁有軍隊總司令頭銜,軍隊的調遣及最髙統帥的任命由大臣會議(內閣)決定,並經議會相關委員會批準。決議還規定,原皇傢事務顧問機構“皇傢委員會”將被解散,有關事務由議會接管;國王將為其財産及收入繳納稅款,王宮預算開支由議會決定;國王也不再擁有指定王位繼承人的權力,這項權力由議會擁有;國王將不再擁有召開議會全體會議的權力,首相可提齣召開議會全會的要求,但最終決定由議長作齣。決議還強調,任何與該決議內容不一致的憲法和法律條款都將被視為無俲。6月10日,尼議會全體會議通過一項新規章,規定國王完全脫離議會事務。根據新規章,國傢機器的一切職能工作將由議會指揮,國傢一切重大決定將由議會作齣或授權作齣,憲法內容的修改將由議會討論進行,政府部門的重要決定將直接提交議會批準執行,而不需事先經國王認可。此外,政府內閣大臣、軍隊治安部隊領導人、駐外使節等的宣誓就職儀式也由國王在王宮主持改由議會相關委員會在議會主持舉行。
  7月31日,尼內閣會議決定,大幅削減享受王室津貼的王室傢族成員。根據新規定,今後,衹有國王、王後、王儲、王儲妃和王後的母親可以享受王室津貼。9月22日,尼議會通過修改後的新軍隊法規定,尼泊爾武裝力量的最髙統帥不再由國王擔任,軍隊指揮權將由政府和議會掌控。政府軍的控製和調遣將根據首相領導的國傢安全理事會的建議,由政府最終決定。新軍隊法還規定,設立特別軍事法庭,負責處理軍內刑事犯罪案件。2007年1月15日,尼議會頒布臨時憲法,組建包括尼共(毛主義)參加的臨時議會。和平協議及尼泊爾臨時憲法規定,將通過選舉産生製憲會議,負責製定新憲法以及決定尼泊爾未來政體。衕年3月,臨時議會通過臨時憲法第一修正案,決定通過製憲會議選舉在尼實行民主聯邦製。4月,尼臨時政府組建。6月,尼泊爾臨時議會通過臨時憲法第二修正案。根據臨時憲法第二修正案,如果臨時議會獲得能夠證明國王阻撓或試圖阻撓製憲會議選舉的證據,臨時議會可通過表決,並在得到三分之二多數議員支持的情況下廢除君主製。修正案規定,相關證據必須由尼泊爾內閣提交。衕年12月23日,尼泊爾執政的七黨聯盟領導人簽署協議,決定廢除君主製,在臨時憲法中規定“民主共和”的內容,但上述決定最終需經製憲會議選舉後的第一次全體會議批準後方能生俲。在此之前,由首相代理國傢元首,處理國傢事務。12月28日,尼泊爾臨時議會通過臨時憲法修正案,宣佈尼泊爾將成為“聯邦民主共和國”。2008年4月,尼泊爾舉行製憲會議選舉,尼共(毛主義)取得220個製憲會議席位,成為最大政黨。衕年5月27日,尼泊爾製憲會議成員宣誓就職,尼泊爾製憲會議由此成立。5月28日,尼泊爾製憲會議第一次會議在加德滿都國際會議中心通過由尼泊爾臨時政府提齣的議案,以560名衕意,4名仮對的巨大優勢宣佈廢除君主製,將國體改為聯邦民主共和國。自此,擁有239年歷史的尼泊爾沙阿王朝宣告終結,國王賈南德拉成為平民.5月29日在擺脫了長達239年的君主統治之後,尼泊爾人今日開始慶祝自己走嚮共和的第一天,尼泊爾皇室懸挂的皇傢旗幟也緩緩降下。其原首相柯伊拉臘成為尼泊爾第一任總統。 尼泊爾前國王賈南德拉當地時間11日20時30分左右從位於加德滿都市中心的納拉揚希蒂王宮離開,前往位於加德滿都郊區的訥格爾朱納宮。

  Nepal (Nepali: नेपाल [neˈpaːl]), is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is bordered by China to the north and by India to the south, east and west. The Himalaya mountain range runs across Nepal's northern and western parts, and eight of the world's ten highest mountains, including the highest, Mount Everest, are within its territory.
  The modern state was formed with the Unification of Nepal by Prithvi Narayan Shah on December 21, 1768. Prior to 2006, Nepal was a kingdom and the only nation with Hinduism as its official religion. At present, Nepal is officially and constitutionally a secular country. Its recent history has involved struggles for democratic government with periods of direct monarchic rule. From 1995 until 2006, Nepal suffered from a Civil War between government forces and Maoist guerrillas of the Communist Party of Nepal.
  On December 28, 2007, the Interim Parliament passed a bill and declared Nepal to be a Federal Democratic Republic. The first meeting of the Constituent Assembly officially implemented that declaration on May 28, 2008.
  Nepal is a multi-cultural, multi-linguistic and multi religious country. For a relatively small country, Nepal has a diverse landscape, ranging from the humid Terai plains in the south to the mountainous Himalayas in the north, which makes it a major tourist destination. Hinduism is practised by a huge majority of the people, but the country also has a strong Buddhist tradition; Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama is located in the Terai, one of the three regions of Nepal.
  The capital Kathmandu is the largest city in the country. The official language is Nepali and the state currency is the Nepalese Rupee (NPR). Nepal's Flag is the only national flag in the world that is non-quadrilateral in shape. It is believed that lord Vishnu had organized the Nepali people and given them this flag, with the sun and moon as emblems on it.
  The word Nepal is derived from Nepal (नेपा:); the old name of Kathmandu valley was Nepal in Nepal Bhasa, the language of Newars, who were the early inhabitants of the valley, long before the unification of Nepal. The fact that Nepal Sambat, one of the three main calendars of Nepal, existed long before the unification of Nepal proves this historical fact.The Nepal Sambat calendar, named after this Newar kingdom was devised 1200 years ago, is still one of the major calendars used in Nepal.
  Historians and local traditions say that a Hindu sage named "Ne" established himself in the valley of Kathmandu during prehistoric times, and that the word "Nepal" means the place protected ("pala" in Sanskrit) by the sage "Ne". He performed religious ceremonies at Teku, the confluence of the Bagmati and Bishnumati rivers. According to legend he selected a pious cowherd to be the first of the many kings of the Gopala Dynasty. These rulers are said to have ruled Nepal for over 500 years. He selected Bhuktaman to be the first king in the line of the Gopal (Cowherd) Dynasty. The Gopal dynasty ruled for 621 years. Yakshya Gupta was the last king of this dynasty.However,this mythology can be challenged as no such name as Ne exists in Nepali or other sanskrit derived languages.
  According to Skanda Purana, a rishi called "Ne" or "Nemuni" used to live in Himalaya. In the Pashupati Purana, he is mentioned as a saint and a protector. He is said to have practiced penance at the Bagmati and Kesavati rivers and to have taught his doctrines there too.
  Another legend ties the name to agriculture; "Ne" means wool in the Tibetan language and "pal" means house or godown.
  All the languages spoken in Nepal are the national languages. Nepali is the official language of Nepal. It was originally called Khaskura, but became known as Nepali during the 20th century. However, all languages spoken in Nepal can be used for official purposes and documentation irrespective of what the official language is .
  In the capital Kathmandu, Nepali and Nepal Bhasa/Newari are the most widely used languages.
  Neolithic tools found in the Kathmandu Valley indicate that people have been living in the Himalayan region for at least 9,000 years. It appears that people who were probably of Kirant ethnicity lived in Nepal 2,500 years ago.
  Nepal is mentioned in Hindu scriptures such as the Narayana Puja and the Atharva Siras (800-600 BC).Around 1000 BC, small kingdoms and confederations of clans arose in the region. From one of these, the Shakya confederation, arose a prince named Siddharta Gautama (563–483 BC), who later renounced his royalty to lead an ascetic life and came to be known as the Buddha ("the enlightened one").7th Kirata king Jitedasti was on throne in Nepal valley at the time. By 250 BC, the region came under the influence of the Mauryan empire of northern India, and later became a vassal state under the Gupta Dynasty in the fourth century AD. From the late fifth century, rulers called the Licchavis governed the area. There is a good and quite detailed description of the kingdom of Nepal in the account of the renowned Chinese Buddhist pilgrim monk, Xuanzang, dating from c. 645 AD.
  The Licchavi dynasty went into decline in the late eighth century and was followed by a Newari era, from 879, although the extent of their control over the entire country is uncertain. By the late 11th century, southern Nepal came under the influence of the Chalukaya Empire of southern India. Under the Chalukayas, Nepal's religious establishment changed as the kings patronised Hinduism instead of the prevailing Buddhism.
  By the early 12th century, leaders were emerging whose names ended with the Sanskrit suffix malla ("wrestler"). Initially their reign was marked by upheaval, but the kings consolidated their power and ruled over the next 200 years; by the late 14th century, much of the country began to come under a unified rule. This unity was short-lived; in 1482 the region was carved into three kingdoms: Kathmandu, Patan, and Bhaktapur.
  Hindu temples in Patan, capital of one of the three medieval Newar kingdomsAfter centuries of petty rivalry between the three kingdoms, in the mid-18th century Prithvi Narayan Shah, a Gorkha King set out to unify the kingdoms. Seeking arms and aid from India, and buying the neutrality of bordering Indian kingdoms, he embarked on his mission in 1765. After several bloody battles and sieges, he managed to unify Kathmandu Valley three years later in 1768. However, an actual battle never took place to conquer the Kathmandu valley; it was taken over by Prithvi Narayan and his troops without any effort, during Indra Jatra, a festival of Newars, when all the valley's citizens were celebrating the festival. This event marked the birth of the modern nation of Nepal.
  There is historical evidence that, at one time, the boundary of Greater Nepal extended from Tista River on the East to Kangara, across Sutlej River, in the west. A dispute and subsequently war with Tibet over the control of mountain passes forced the Nepalese to retreat and pay heavy reparations. Rivalry between Nepal and the British East India Company over the annexation of minor states bordering Nepal eventually led to the Anglo-Nepalese War (1815–16). The valor displayed by the Nepalese during the war astounded their enemies and earned them their image of fierce and ruthless "Gurkhas". The war ended the Treaty of Sugauli. This treaty ceded Sikkim and lands in Terai to the Company.
  Factionalism inside the royal family had led to a period of instability. In 1846 a plot was discovered, revealing that the reigning queen had planned to overthrow Jung Bahadur Rana, a fast-rising military leader. This led to the Kot Massacre; armed clashes between military personnel and administrators loyal to the queen led to the execution of several hundred princes and chieftains around the country. Jung Bahadur Rana emerged victorious and founded the Rana lineage. The king was made a titular figure, and the post of Prime Minister was made powerful and hereditary. The Ranas were staunchly pro-British, and assisted them during the Indian Sepoy Rebellion in 1857 (and later in both World Wars). The decision to help British East India Company was taken by the Rana Regime, then led by Jang Bahadur Rana. Some parts of Terai Region were given back to Nepal by the British as a friendly gesture, because of her military help to sustain British control in India during the Sepoy Rebellion. In 1923, the United Kingdom and Nepal formally signed an agreement of friendship, in which Nepal's independence was recognized by the UK.
  Nepalese royalty in the 1920sSlavery was abolished in Nepal in 1924.
  In the late 1940s, newly emerging pro-democracy movements and political parties in Nepal were critical of the Rana autocracy. Meanwhile, with the assertion of Chinese control in Tibet in the 1950s, India sought to counterbalance the perceived military threat from its northern neighbour by taking pre-emptive steps to assert more influence in Nepal. India sponsored both King Tribhuvan as Nepal's new ruler in 1951, and a new government, mostly comprising the Nepali Congress Party, thus terminating Rana hegemony in the kingdom. After years of power wrangling between the king and the government, the monarch scrapped the democratic experiment in 1959, and a "partyless" panchayat system was made to govern Nepal until 1989, when the "Jan Andolan" (People's Movement) forced the monarchy to accept constitutional reforms and to establish a multiparty parliament that took seat in May 1991.
  In 1996, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) started a bid to replace the royal parliamentary system with a people's socialist republic. This led to the long Nepal Civil War and more than 12,000 deaths. On June 1, 2001, there was a massacre in the royal palace; it left the King, the Queen and the Heir Apparent Crown Prince Dipendra among the dead. Prince Dipendra was accused of patricide and of committing suicide thereafter, alleged to be a violent response to his parents' refusal to accept his choice of wife. However, there are lots of speculations and doubts among Nepalese citizens about the person(s) responsible for the Royal Massacre. Following the carnage, the throne was inherited by King Birendra's brother Gyanendra. On February 1, 2005, Gyanendra dismissed the entire government and assumed full executive powers to quash the violent Maoist movement. In September 2005, the Maoists declared a three-month unilateral ceasefire to negotiate their demands.
  In response to the 2006 democracy movement, the king agreed to relinquish the sovereign power back to the people and reinstated the dissolved House of Representatives on April 24, 2006. Using its newly acquired sovereign authority, on May 18, 2006, the newly resumed House of Representatives unanimously passed a motion to curtail the power of the king and declared Nepal a secular state, abolishing its time honoured official status as a Hindu Kingdom. On December 28, 2007, a bill was passed in parliament, to amend Article 159 of the constitution - replacing "Provisions regarding the King" by "Provisions of the Head of the State" - declaring Nepal a federal republic, and thereby abolishing the monarchy. The bill came into force on May 28, 2008 as a constituent assembly meeting in the capital, Kathmandu, overwhelmingly voted to abolish royal rule.
  End of monarchy
  The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) won the largest number of seats in the Constituent Assembly election held on 10 April 2008, and are trying to form a coalition government with some smaller parties. The Maoists had insisted on the abolition of the monarchy and the removal of Gyanendra Bir Bikram Shah Dev as King with Nepal becoming a federal democratic state with an elected head of state. The newly-elected Assembly met in Kathmandu on May 28, 2008 and abolished the monarchy that had reigned for 240 years. There was a polling of constituent Assembly members and out of a total of 564 Assembly members, 560 voted to end Nepal's monarchical rule. The proposal declared that Nepal had become an independent, indivisible, sovereign, secular and an inclusive democratic republic.
  Nepal's government has announced a public holiday for three days, from May 28 to May 30, to celebrate the country becoming a republic.
  The Narayanhity palace removed the royal flag that was flying on its premises and replaced it with Nepal's national flag on 29 May 2008.
  Geography of Nepal is uncommonly diverse. Nepal is of roughly trapezoidal shape, 800 kilometres (500 mi) long and 200 kilometres (125 mi) wide, with an area of 147,181 square kilometres (56,827 sq mi). See List of territories by size for the comparative size of Nepal.
  Nepal is commonly divided into three physiographic areas: the Mountain, Hill, Siwalik region and Terai Regions. These ecological belts run east-west and are vertically intersected by Nepal's major, north to south flowing river systems.
  The southern lowland Plains bordering India are part of the northern rim of the Indo-Gangetic plains. They were formed and are fed by three major rivers: the Kosi, the Narayani, and the Karnali. This region has a hot, humid climate.
  The Hill Region (Pahad) abuts the mountains and varies from 1,000 to 4,000 metres (3,300–13,125 ft) in altitude. Two low mountain ranges, the Mahabharat Lekh and Shiwalik Range (also called the Churia Range) dominate the region. The hilly belt includes the Kathmandu Valley, the country's most fertile and urbanised area. Unlike the valleys called Inner Tarai (Bhitri Tarai Uptyaka), elevations above 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) are sparsely populated.
  The Mountain Region, situated in the Great Himalayan Range, makes the northern part of Nepal. It contains the regions of highest altitude in the world; the world's highest mountain, 8,850 metres (29,035 ft) height Mount Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepali) is located here on the border with Tibet. Seven other of the world's ten highest mountains are located in Nepal: Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Kanchenjunga, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu.
  The arid and barren Himalayan landscape.Nepal has five climatic zones, broadly corresponding to the altitudes. The tropical and subtropical zones lie below 1,200 metres (3,940 ft), the temperate zone 1,200 to 2,400 metres (3,900–7,875 ft), the cold zone 2,400 to 3,600 metres (7,875–11,800 ft), the subarctic zone 3,600 to 4,400 metres (11,800–14,400 ft), and the Arctic zone above 4,400 metres (14,400 ft).
  Nepal experiences five seasons: summer, monsoon, autumn, winter and spring. The Himalaya blocks cold winds from Central Asia in winter, and forms the northern limit of the monsoon wind patterns. Once thickly forested, deforestation is a major problem in all regions, with resulting erosion and degradation of ecosystems.
  Nepal is a hotspot of mountaineering, containing some of the highest and most challenging mountains in the world, including Mount Everest. Technically, the south-east ridge on the Nepali side of the mountain is easier to climb; so, most climbers prefer to trek to Everest through Nepal.
  Until the Sugauli Sandhi (treaty) was signed, the territory of Nepal also included Darjeeling, and Tista to the east, Nainital to the south-west and Kalapani, Susta, Garhwal to the west. However, today these areas are a part of India. As a result, Nepal shares no boundary with Bangladesh now and the two countries are separated by a narrow strip of land about 21 kilometre (13 mi) wide, called the Siliguri Corridor‎ or Chicken's Neck. Efforts are underway to make this area a free-trade zone.The border dispute between India and Nepal has often been a cause of tension between the two countries.
  Subdivisions of Nepal
  Nepal is divided into 14 zones and 75 districts, grouped into 5 development regions. Each district is headed by a permanent chief district officer responsible for maintaining law and order and coordinating the work of field agencies of the various government ministries. The 14 zones are:
  Neotectonics of Nepal
  The collision between the Indian subcontinent and the Eurasian continent, which started in Paleogene time and continues today, produced the Himalaya and the Tibetan Plateau, a spectacular modern example of the effects of plate tectonics. Nepal lies completely within this collision zone, occupying the central sector of the Himalayan arc, nearly one third of the 2400km-long Himalayas.
  The Indian plate continues to move northward relative to Asia at the rate of ~50mm/yr. Given the great magnitudes of the blocks of the Earth’s crust involved, this is remarkably fast, about twice the speed at which human fingernails grow. As the strong Indian continental crust subducts beneath the relatively weak Tibetan crust, it pushes up the Himalaya mountains. This collision zone has accommodated huge amounts of crustal shortening as the rock sequences slide one over another. Erosion of the Himalayas is a very important source of sediment, which flows via great rivers (Indus, Ganges, Brahmaputra) to the Indian Ocean.
  Structural and Neotectonic pattern of Nepal
  The main structures of Nepal consist of several north-dipping thrust faults; the more important ones are the main frontal thrust (MFT), the main boundary thrust (MBT) and the main central thrust (MCT) (F. Jouanne et al.,2004). These thrust faults lie to the south of the South Tibetan Detachment System( STDS) which is a system of low angle normal faults and is also an important aspect of Nepal Himalayan tectonics.
  Geological Map of Nepal Showing Major Tectonic Thrusts.The thrust faults trend generally 120°N in western Nepal, curving to 90°N in the eastern part of the country (Upreti & Le Fort 1999). These thrust faults, with generally southerly transport directions (Brunel 1986; Pecher 1991; Mugnier et al.,1999), are inferred to branch off the major basal detachment of the Himalayan thrust belt called the main Himalayan thrust (MHT) that localizes the underthrusting of the Indian lithospere beneath the Himalayas and Tibet (Zhao et al., 1993). All the cross-sections made through the Himalayan belt advocate a mid-crustal ramp, below a large-scale antiformal structure of the Lesser Himalayas and to be north of a synformal structure(Schelling & Arita 1991; Srivastava & Mitra 1994; Pandey et al. 1990; DeCelles et al. 1998; Mugnier et al. 2003). Geological, geophysical and structural data indicate that there are lateral variations in the geometry of the MHT (Zhao et al.,1993; Pandey et al.1995,1999), but direct knowledge of the geometry of the MHT is sparse and therefore the validity of the profiles is still in debate. The thrusts are generally younger from north to south (24-21 Ma for the MCT, less than 2 Ma for the MFT) (Hodges et al. 1996; Harrison et al. 1997). On the basis of these faults, the structure of Nepal is generally subdivided into five tectonic zones:
  Gangetic Plain (Terai) (area on the south of MFT)
  Sub-Himalayas (Siwaliks)( area between MFT and MBT)
  Lesser Himalayas (area between MBT and MCT)
  Higher Himalayas (area between MCT and STDS)
  Tibetan-Tethys ( area north of STDS)
  Present-day deformation of Nepal
  The modern deformation of the Himalayas is characterized by big earthquakes. Almost half of the continuing convergence between India and Eurasia is absorbed by underthrusting of the Indian lithosphere, beneath the Himalayas and Tibet along the MHT, as proposed by seismic investigations (Zhao et al.1993). Three of the big Nepalese earthquakes (1905,1934 and 1950, with magnitudes around 8) were caused by the mid-crustal ramp along MHT (Pandey & Molnar 1989). The territory of Nepal is characterized by very intense microseismic activity, most of which follows approximately the topographic front of the Higher Himalaya (Pandey et al.,1999). Most of the earthquakes cluster between the MCT and MBT (Fig: Seismicity in the Himalayas of Nepal).
  Seismicity in the Himalayas of Nepal.Earthquake focal mechanisms indicate that the intermediate magnitude earthquakes are shallow depth (10-20km) beneath the Lesser Himalayas, demonstrating the activation of thrust planes gently dipping to the north (Ni and Barazangi, 1984). Detailed analysis of the Uttarkashi earthquake (Cotton et al. 1996) in the west of Nepal indicates that this event was initiated to the south of the Higher Himalayas front at 12±3 km depth corresponding to the southward propagation of a rupture along this segment of the MHT. A detailed study of the microseismic clusters suggests segmentation of the Himalayan arc (Pandey et al. 1999) and two major discontinuities segment the microseismicity belt at 82.5°E and 86.5°E. The projection along cross sections of the microseismic event (Fig:Cross-section and Projection of Microseimic Activity) reveals a noticeable change in shape of the clusters between central Nepal (rounded clusters are located in the vicinity of the flat-ramp transition of the MHT) and western Nepal (clusters are elongated and nearly horizontal) (F. Jouanne et al.,2004). Similarly, vertical displacement rates, expressed with reference to the Gangetic plain, indicate current uplift of the high Himalayas at 6mm/yr, but also suggest active displacement along frontal thrusts inducing localized uplift (B. Antoine et al., 2004). There is change in maximum elevation between central (8500m) and western (7500m) Nepal and also a big difference in incision between eastern-central Nepal (6000m) and western Nepal (4500m)(B. Antoine et al., 2004). This is reflected in gentler relief in western Nepal and confirms the segmentation of geology and deformation observed with microseismicity and GPS measurements (Fig:Cross-section and Projection of Microseimic Activity).
  Cross-section and Projection of Microseimic Activity.Conclusion: To summarise, the neotectonic deformation of Nepal is characterised by three major thrust faults (MCT, MBT and MFT) which are inferred to be the splay thrust of MHT that marks the underthrusting of Indian lithosphere beneath the Himalayas. Likewise, there is a sudden change in geometry of the MHT between central and western Nepal, which is also marked in the Himalayan relief. The MHT is the main structure responsible for recent uplift and continuing deformation in Nepal. This hypothesis is reinforced by the observation that Quaternary displacement along the Main Frontal Thrust, southern emergence of the MHT and the convergence rate estimated across the Himalayas by GPS are both estimated at 18-20 mm/yr, which suggests that nearly all the displacement between India and Tibet is today transferred along the MHT (B. Antoine et al., 2004).
  Government and politics
  Nepal has seen rapid political changes during the last two decades. Until 1990, Nepal was an absolute monarchy running under the executive control of the king. Faced with a people's movement against the absolute monarchy, King Birendra, in 1990, agreed to large-scale political reforms by creating a parliamentary monarchy with the king as the head of state and a prime minister as the head of the government.
  Nepal's legislature was bicameral, consisting of a House of Representatives called the Pratinidhi Sabha and a National Council called the Rastriya Sabha. The House of Representatives consisted of 205 members directly elected by the people. The National Council had sixty members: ten nominated by the king, thirty-five elected by the House of Representatives and the remaining fifteen elected by an electoral college made up of chairs of villages and towns. The legislature had a five-year term, but was dissolvable by the king before its term could end. All Nepali citizens 18 years and older became eligible to vote.
  The executive comprised the King and the Council of Ministers (the Cabinet). The leader of the coalition or party securing the maximum seats in an election was appointed as the Prime Minister. The Cabinet was appointed by the king on the recommendation of the Prime Minister. Governments in Nepal tended to be highly unstable, falling either through internal collapse or parliamentary dissolution by the monarch, on the recommendation of prime minister, according to the constitution; no government has survived for more than two years since 1991.
  The movement in April, 2006, brought about a change in the nation's governance: an interim constitution was promulgated, with the King giving up power, and an interim House of Representatives was formed with Maoist members after the new government held peace talks with the Maoist rebels. The number of parliamentary seats was also increased to 330. In April, 2007, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) joined the interim government of Nepal.
  On December 28, 2007, the interim parliament passed a bill that would make Nepal a federal republic, with the Prime Minister becoming head of state. The bill was passed by the Constituent Assembly on May 28, 2008.
  On April 10, 2008, there was the first election in Nepal for the constitution assembly. The Maoist party led the poll results, but failed to gain a simple majority in the parliament.
  On May 28, 2008, lawmakers in Nepal legally abolished the monarchy and declared the country a republic, ending 239 years of royal rule in the Himalayan nation. The newly elected assembly, led by the former communist rebels, adopted the resolution at its first meeting by an overwhelming majority. King Gyanendra was given 15 days to leave former Royal Palace in central Kathmandu by the Nepalese Constituent Assembly. He left former Royal Palace on June 11.
  On June 26, 2008, Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala tendered his resignation to the Nepalese Constituent Assembly, which is also functioning as Nepalese Parliament, however a new Prime Minister is yet to be elected by the Nepalese Constituent Assembly.
  Military and foreign affairs
  The famous outpost of Naamche Bazaar in the Khumbu region close to Mount Everest. The town is built on terraces in what resembles a giant Greek theatre.Nepal's military consists of the Nepalese Army which includes the Nepalese Army Air Service, (the air force unit under it). Nepalese Police Force is the civilian police and the Armed Police Force Nepal is the paramilitary force. Service is voluntary and the minimum age for enlistment is 18 years. Nepal spends $99.2 million (2004) on its military—1.5% of its GDP. Many of the equipment and arms are imported from India.
  Nepal has close ties with both of its neighbours, India and China. In accordance with a long standing treaty, Indian and Nepalese citizens may travel to each others' countries without a passport or visa. Nepalese citizens may work in India without legal restriction. Although Nepal and India typically have close ties, from time to time Nepal becomes caught up in the problematic Sino-Indian relationship. Recently China has been asking Nepal to curb protests in Nepal against China'sPolicy on Tibet, and on April 17th, 2008, police arrested over 500 Tibetan protestors citing a need to maintain positive relations with China.
  Terraced farming on the foothills of the Himalayas.Nepal's gross domestic product (GDP) for the year 2005 was estimated at just over US$39 billion (adjusted to Purchasing Power Parity), making it the 83rd-largest economy in the world. Agriculture accounts for about 40% of Nepal's GDP, services comprise 41% and industry 22%. Agriculture employs 76% of the workforce, services 18% and manufacturing/craft-based industry 6%. Agricultural produce——mostly grown in the Terai region bordering India——includes tea, rice, corn, wheat, sugarcane, root crops, milk, and water buffalo meat. Industry mainly involves the processing of agricultural produce, including jute, sugarcane, tobacco, and grain. Its workforce of about 10 million suffers from a severe shortage of skilled labour. The spectacular landscape and diverse, exotic cultures of Nepal represent considerable potential for tourism, but growth in this hospitality industry has been stifled by recent political events. The rate of unemployment and underemployment approaches half of the working-age population. Thus many Nepali citizens move to India in search of work; the Gulf countries and Malaysia being new sources of work. Nepal receives US$50 million a year through the Gurkha soldiers who serve in the Indian and British armies and are highly esteemed for their skill and bravery. The total remittance value is worth around 1 billion USD, including money sent from Persian Gulf and Malaysia, who combined employ around 700,000 Nepali citizens. A long-standing economic agreement underpins a close relationship with India. The country receives foreign aid from India, Japan, the United Kingdom, the United States, the European Union, China, Switzerland, and Scandinavian countries. Poverty is acute; per-capita income is less than US$ 470. The distribution of wealth among the Nepalis is consistent with that in many developed and developing countries: the highest 10% of households control 39.1% of the national wealth and the lowest 10% control only 2.6%.
  The government's budget is about US$1.153 billion, with expenditures of $1.789bn (FY05/06). The Nepalese rupee has been tied to the Indian Rupee at an exchange rate of 1.6 for many years. Since the loosening of exchange rate controls in the early 1990s, the black market for foreign exchange has all but disappeared. The inflation rate has dropped to 2.9% after a period of higher inflation during the 1990s.
  Nepal's exports of mainly carpets, clothing, leather goods, jute goods and grain total $822 million. Import commodities of mainly gold, machinery and equipment, petroleum products and fertilizer total US$2 bn. India (53.7%), the US (17.4%), and Germany (7.1%) are its main export partners. Nepal's import partners include India (47.5%), the United Arab Emirates (11.2%), China (10.7%), Saudi Arabia (4.9%), and Singapore (4%).
  A Rs.500 banknote of The Republic of Nepal. (Yet the watermark on the right contains picture of King Gyanendra, later admitted clerical error by state owned Nepal Rashtra Bank.)Nepal remains isolated from the world’s major land, air and sea transport routes although, within the country, aviation is in a better state, with 48 airports, ten of them with paved runways; flights are frequent and support a sizeable traffic. Hilly and mountainous terrain in the northern two-thirds of the country has made the building of roads and other infrastructure difficult and expensive. There were just over 8,500 km of paved roads, and one 59 km railway line in the south in 2003. There is only one reliable road route from India to the Kathmandu Valley. The only practical seaport of entry for goods bound for Kathmandu is Calcutta in India. Internally, the poor state of development of the road system (22 of 75 administrative districts lack road links) makes volume distribution unrealistic. Besides having landlocked, rugged geography, few tangible natural resources and poor infrastructure, the long-running civil war is also a factor in stunting the economic growth.
  There is less than one telephone per 19 people. Landline telephone services are not adequate nationwide but are concentrated in cities and district headquarters. Mobile telephony is in a reasonable state in most parts of the country with increased accessibility and affordability; there were around 175,000 Internet connections in 2005. After the imposition of the "state of emergency", intermittent losses of service-signals were reported, but uninterrupted Internet connections have resumed after Nepal's second major people's revolution to overthrow the King's absolute power.
  The Population Density map of Nepal.Perched on the southern slopes of the Himalayan Mountains, Nepal is as ethnically diverse as its terrain of fertile plains, broad valleys, and the highest mountain peaks in the world. The Nepalese are descendants of three major migrations from India, Tibet, and North Burma and Yunnan via Assam.
  Among the earliest inhabitants were the Kirat of east mid-region, Newar of the Kathmandu Valley and aboriginal Tharu in the southern Terai region. The ancestors of the Brahman and Chetri caste groups came from India's present Kumaon, Garhwal and Kashmir regions, while other ethnic groups trace their origins to North Burma and Yunnan and Tibet, e.g. the Gurung and Magar in the west, Rai and Limbu in the east(from Yunnan and north Burma via Assam), and Sherpa and Bhotia in the north(from Tibet).
  In the Terai, a part of the Ganges Basin with 20% of the land, much of the population is physically and culturally similar to the Indo-Aryans of northern India. Indo-Aryan and East Asian looking mixed people live in the hill region. The mountainous highlands are sparsely populated. Kathmandu Valley, in the middle hill region, constitutes a small fraction of the nation's area but is the most densely populated, with almost 5% of the population.
  Nepal is a multilingual, multireligious and multiethnic society. These data are largely derived from Nepal's 2001 census results published in the Nepal Population Report 2002.
  According to the World Refugee Survey 2008, published by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, Nepal hosted a population of refugees and asylum seekers in 2007 numbering approximately 130,000. Of this population, approximately 109,200 persons were from Bhutan and 20,500 from China. The government of Nepal resticted Bhutanese refugees to seven camps in the Jhapa and Morang districts, and refugees were not permitted to work in most professions.
  Languages Spoken in Nepal.Population Structure Data Size
  Population 28,676,547 (2005)
  Growth Rate 2.2%
  Population below 14 Years old 39%
  Population of age 15 to 64 57.3%
  Population above 65 3.7%
  The median age (Average) 20.07
  The median age (Male) 19.91
  The median age (Females) 20.24
  Ratio (Male:Female) 1, 000:1,060
  Life expectancy (Average) 59.8 Years
  Life expectancy (Male) 60.9
  Life expectancy (Female) 59.5
  Literacy Rate (Average) 53.74%
  Literacy Rate (Male) 68.51%
  Literacy Rate (Female) 42.49%
  Despite the migration of a significant section of the population to the southern plains or terai in recent years, the majority of the population still lives in the central highlands. The northern mountains are sparsely populated.
  Kathmandu, with a population of around 800,000 (metropolitan area: 1.5 million), is the largest city in the country.
  Shaiva-devotees gather at the Hindu Pashupatinath TempleNepal religiosity
  religion percent
  Hinduism   80.6%
  Buddhism   10.7%
  Islam   4.2%
  Mundhum   3.6%
  Christianity   0.5%
  Other   0.4%
  The main religion of Nepal is Hinduism. Lord Shiva is regarded as the guardian deity of the country. Nepal is home to the largest Shiva temple in the world, the famous Pashupatinath Temple, where Hindus from all over the world come for pilgrimage. According to mythology, Sita Devi of the epic Ramayana was born in the Mithila Kingdom of King Janaka Raja. Buddhism was relatively more common among the Newar. But, differences between Hindus and Buddhists have been in general very subtle and academic in nature due to the intermingling of Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. Both share common temples and worship common deities and many of Nepal's Buddhists could also be regarded as Hindus and vice versa. Gurkhas from Nepal are Hindu. Among other natives of Nepal, those most influenced by Hinduism were the Magar, Sunwar, Limbu and Rai. Hindu influence is less prominent among the Gurung, Bhutia, and Thakali groups, who employ Buddhist monks for their religious ceremonies. Most of the festivals in Nepal are Hindu. The Machendrajatra festival, dedicated to Hindu Shaiva Siddha, is celebrated even by Buddhists and it is the Buddhists' main festival. As it is believed that Ne Muni established Nepal, important priests in Nepal are called "Tirthaguru Nemuni".
  Discussing the importance of Nepal's Hinduism, Veer Savarkar wrote, "To the Independent Hindu kingdom of Nepal all Hindudom feels itself most loyally attached and would ever strive to strain every nerve in defending its honour and integrity. It is the only part of our Mother Land which continues down to this day as a Dharma Kshettra unsullied by the humiliating shadow of an alien non-Hindu Flag."
  Nepalese culture is diverse, reflecting different ethnic origins of the people. The Newar community is particularly rich in cultural diversity; they celebrate many festivals, well known for their music and dance.
  A typical Nepalese meal is dal-bhat-tarkari. Dal is a spicy lentil soup, served over bhat (boiled rice), served with tarkari (curried vegetables) together with achar (pickles) or chutni (spicy condiment made from fresh ingredients).. The Newar community, however, has its own unique cuisine. It consists of non-vegetarian as well as vegetarian items served with alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. Mustard oil is the cooking medium and a host of spices, such as cumin, coriander, black peppers, sesame seeds, turmeric, garlic, ginger, methi (fenugreek), bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon, pepper, chillies, mustard seeds etc., are used in the cooking. The cuisine served on festivals is generally the best.
  Nepalese children practicing danceThe Newari Music orchestra consists mainly of percussion instruments, though wind instruments, such as flutes and other similar instruments, are also used. String instruments are very rare. There are songs pertaining to particular seasons and festivals. Paahan chare music is probably the fastest played music whereas the Dapa the slowest. There are certain musical instruments such as Dhimay and Bhusya which are played as instrumental only and are not accompanied with songs. The dhimay music is the loudest one. In the hills, people enjoy their own kind of music, playing saarangi (a string instrument), madal and flute. They also have many popular folk songs known as lok geet and lok dohari.
  The Newar dances can be broadly classified into masked dances and non-masked dances. The most representative of Newari dances is Lakhey dance. Almost all the settlements of Newaris organise Lakhey dance at least once a year, mostly in the Goonlaa month. So, they are called Goonlaa Lakhey. However, the most famous Lakhey dance is the Majipa Lakhey dance; it is performed by the Ranjitkars of Kathmandu and the celeberation continues for one whole week that contains the full moon of Yenlaa month. The Lakhey are considered as the saviors of children.
  Folklore is an integral part of Nepalese society. Traditional stories are rooted in the reality of day-to-day life, tales of love, affection and battles as well as demons and ghosts and thus reflect local lifestyles, cultures and beliefs. Many Nepalese folktales are enacted through the medium of dance and music.
  The Nepali year begins in mid-April and is divided into 12 months. Saturday is the official weekly holiday. Main annual holidays include the National Day, celebrated on the birthday of the king (December 28), Prithvi Jayanti, (January 11), Martyr's Day (February 18) and a mix of Hindu and Buddhist festivals such as dashain in autumn, and tihar in late autumn. During tihar, the Newar community also celebrates its New Year as per their local calendar Nepal Sambat.
  Most houses in rural lowland of Nepal are made up of a tight bamboo framework and walls of a mud and cow-dung mix. These dwellings remain cool in summer and retain warmth in winter. Houses in the hills are usually made of unbaked bricks with thatch or tile roofing. At high elevations construction changes to stone masonry and slate may be used on roofs.

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