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  印度共和国(The Republic of India).代码IN
    【国旗】 呈长方形,长与宽之比为3∶2。自上而下由橙、白、绿三个相等的横长方形组成,白色长方形中心绘有24根轴条的蓝色法轮。橙色象征勇敢和自我牺牲精神,也是教士法衣的颜色,舍身为国的英雄们的颜色;白色象征纯洁的真理;绿色表示信心,代表人类生命所依存的生产力。法轮是印度孔雀王朝阿育王时代佛教圣地石柱柱头的狮首图案之一,对于印度人而言,它是神圣之轮、真理之轮、向着进步转动之轮,永远轮回苍穹之轮。
    【国徽】 图案来源于孔雀王朝阿育王石柱顶端的石刻。圆形台基上站立着四只金色的狮子,象征信心、勇气和力量。台基四周有四个守卫四方的守兽:东方是象、南方是马、西方是牛,北方是狮。守兽之间雕有法轮。图案下面有句用梵文书写的、出自古代印度圣书的格言“唯有真理得胜”。
    【国歌】 《人民的意志》
    【国花】 莲花
    【国鸟】 蓝孔雀
    【国树】 菩提树 、榕树
    【面积】 约298万平方公里(不包括中印边境印占区和克什米尔印度实际控制区等)。印度政府称其领土为328.78万平方公里。印度面积居世界第七位。
    【人口】 11.3亿(2007年)。有10个大民族和许多小民族,印度斯坦族占46.3%,泰卢固族8.6%,孟加拉族7.7%,马拉地族7.6%,泰米尔族7.4%,古吉拉特族4.6%,坎拿达族3.9%,马拉雅拉姆族3.9%,奥里雅族3.8%,旁遮普族2.3%。英语和印地语同为官方语言。约有82%的居民信奉印度教,其次为伊斯兰教(12%)、基督教(2.3%)、锡克教(1.9%)、佛教(0.8%)和耆那教(0.4%)等。
    【首都】 新德里(New Delhi),连同老德里人口共1280万(2001年)。
    【国家元首】 总统现任总统是普拉蒂巴-帕蒂尔(女),2007年7月25日就任。
    印度位于印度次大陆,主要由三部分组成:在北部的喜马拉雅山区(其中就有海拔8,598米的印度最高峰康城章加峰)、中央平原(Indo-Gangetic Plain)以及南部的德干高原。
    多条河流发源于或流经印度,例如有恒河、布拉马普特拉河、亚穆纳河、戈达瓦里河以及奎师那河(Krishna River)。印度河上流的一小段也位于印度境内。印度属热带季风气候,气温变化较大。
    【宪  法】 宪法于1950年1月26日生效。规定印度为联邦制国家,是主权的、社会主义的、世俗的民主共和国。采取英国式的议会民主制。公民不分种族、性别、出身、宗教信仰和出生地点,在法律面前一律平等。总统为国家元首和武装部队的统帅,由联邦议会及邦议会组成选举团选出,每届任期五年。总统依照以总理为首的部长会议的建议行使职权。
    【议  会】 由联邦院(上院)和人民院(下院)组成。联邦院共244席,议员由各邦及中央直辖区立法院议员选举产生,任期六年,每两年改选1/3。联邦院每年召开四次会议。宪法规定副总统为法定的联邦院议长。现任联邦院议长帕伊隆·辛格·谢卡瓦特(Bhairon Singh Shekhawat),2002年8月19日就任。人民院为国家主要立法机构,其主要职能为:制定法律和修改宪法;控制和调整联邦政府的收入和支出;对联邦政府提出不信任案,并有权弹劾总统。人民院共543席,由选民直接选举产生,每五年举行一次大选。第13届人民院于1999年10月产生,印度人民党及其盟党获301席,组建政府。2002年,人民院组成为:印度人民党及其盟党306席,印度人民党181席,为第一大党;国大党(英)及其盟党123席,国大党112席;左翼政党及盟党63席,其余政党50席。人民院议长马诺哈尔·乔希(Manohar Joshi),2002年5月10日就任。
    【政  府】 本届政府于1999年10月13日组成,是以印度人民党为首的24党全国民主联盟政府。现主要内阁成员有:总理阿·比·瓦杰帕伊(Atal Bihari Vajpayee)、副总理兼内政部长阿德瓦尼(L..K.Advani)、外交部长亚施旺特·辛哈(Yashwant Sinha)、财政部长贾斯旺特·辛格(Jaswant Singh)、国防部长乔治·费尔南德斯(George Fernandes)。
    【司法机构】 最高法院是最高司法权力机关,有权解释宪法、审理中央政府与各邦之间的争议问题等。各邦设有高等法院,县设有县法院。最高法院法官由总统委任。现任第34届首席法官V·N·卡尔(V N Khare),于2002年12月就任。总检察长由总统任命,其主要职责是就执法事项向政府提供咨询和建议,完成宪法和法律规定的检察权,对宪法和法律的执行情况进行监督等。现任总检察长S·J·索拉伯吉(Soli J.Sorabjee)。
    【政  党】 (1)印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party):1980年4月成立,其前身是1951年成立的印度人民同盟。自称有350万党员。代表北部印度教教徒势力和城镇中小商人利益,具有强烈民族主义和教派主义色彩。1996年5月大选至今一直保持议会第一大党地位。现任党主席为奈杜(Naidu)。
    (2)印度国民大会党(英迪拉·甘地派)(The Indian National Congress〔Indira Gandhi〕):简称国大党(英)。据称有初级党员3000万,积极党员150万。1885年12月成立,领导了反对英国殖民统治和争取印度独立的斗争。印独立后长期执政,1969年和1978年两次分裂。1978年英·甘地组建新党,改用现名。该党现为最大在野党,现任主席索尼亚·甘地(Sonia Gandhi)。
    (3)印度共产党(马克思主义)(Communist Party of India〔Marxist〕):简称印共(马)。1964年以孙达拉雅和南布迪里巴德为代表的一派从印度共产党分出后组成。近年来发展较快,党员增至70万,是印度最大的左翼政党。在西孟加拉邦长期执政。现任总书记哈·辛·苏吉特(H.S.Surjeet)。
    (4)印度共产党(Communist Party of India):成立于1920年。有党员54万。1964年分裂,以党主席什·阿·丹吉为首的一派仍沿用印共名称。1981年4月,丹吉因支持英·甘地与党内发生分歧而被开除出党,该党再次分裂。现任总书记A·B·巴尔丹(A·B·Bardan)。
    (5)泰卢固之乡党(Telugu Desam Party),安得拉邦地方政党。近年来是印度政坛的一支重要力量,1999年大选成为全国最大的地方政党。在安得拉邦执政,党主席、邦首席部长钱·奈杜(Narra Chandrababu Naidu)以重视信息技术著称。
    【工  业】 2001/2002年度,工矿业比上年度增长2.7%,产值33680亿卢比,占国内生产总值的26.4%,是过去10年以来增长最慢的一年。其中制造业2.4%,电力工业2.7%,矿业1.1%,初级、中间产品和消费品的增长都较上年有大幅减少。近年来,印度纺织、食品、精密仪器、汽车、软件制造、航空和空间等新兴工业发展迅速。
              1999/2000   2000/2001   2001/2002
    煤          30000     30963     32779
    铁矿砂        7270      7770     n.a.
    原油         3195      3243     3203
    天然气(亿立方米)  284.5     294.8     297.1
    水泥         9821      9761     10690
    钢材         2440      2927     3064
    化肥(氮、磷肥)   1430      1470     n.a.
    布(亿平方米)    236       402     n.a.
    发电量(亿度)    4807      4996     5153
    汽车(万辆)     87.5      79.7     83.4
    (资料来源:印度政府2002/2003年度经济概览, n.a.暂无统计)
    【农  业】 2001/2002年度农业及相关产业增长率5.7%,产值30205亿卢比,占国内生产总值的24.7%。由于全年降水的时间和地区分配均匀,粮食产量增长6.3%,为2.12亿吨。粮食储备目前已达5000万吨。农村人口约占全国的72%。全国耕地面积约1.6亿公顷,人均0.17公顷。印度是世界第一大产奶国,2001/2002年度牛奶产量约为8460万吨,人均每天226克。印也是世界重要的产棉国和产茶国。
              1999/2000   2000/01   2001/02
    粮食总产量      20890     19590    21200
    稻 米        8950      8490     8310
    小 麦        7560      6870     7180
    牛 奶        7810      8100     8460
    油 料        2070      1840     2050
    甘 蔗        29920     29920     30010
    茶          83.5      84.8     84.7
    皮棉(万包)*     1160      970     1010
    黄麻(万包)**    1050      1050     1160
    注 * 每包皮棉为170公斤。
      ** 每包黄麻为180公斤。
    【服 务 业】 80年代以来以高于其他产业的速度发展。1993-2000年,印服务业实现了7.1%-10.5%的高速增长。2001/02年度,服务业比上年增长6.5%,总产值为61630亿卢比,占国内生产总值的48.8%。从业人数1994年为1261.8万人,其中85.2%为政府机关和国营部门职工。印度软件制造与服务业近几年来以年均超过50%的增长率迅速发展,2001/02年度软件总产值 98.6亿美元,其中出口78亿美元。政府计划到2008/2009年度,印软件产值将达到870亿美元,出口500亿美元。
    【旅 游 业】 政府已将旅游业作为社会效益良好的创汇产业列入发展重点,该产业已成为全国第六大出口创汇部门。1999年各类旅馆1229家。近年来,外国旅游者人数逐年递增,旅游收入不断增加。受9·11事件影响,印度2001/02年度的外国游客量下降了10.2%,人数242.3万,收入下降8.1%,为29.1亿美元。主要旅游点有阿格拉、德里、斋浦尔、昌迪加尔、纳兰达、迈索尔、果阿、海德拉巴、特里凡特琅等。
    【财政金融】 中央和地方财政分立,预算有联邦和邦两级。每年4月1日至次年3月31日为一个财政年度。多年来推行赤字预算以刺激经济发展,中央和邦级地方债务累积占国内生产总值的80%,庞大的赤字已成为经济中主要的不稳定因素。2001/2002年度政府财政赤字相当于国内生产总值的10%。为解决赤字问题,印政府提交了财政责任与预算管理法案,目标是到2006年将中央政府赤字削减到占国内生产总值的2%,并在2011年前大幅降低政府债务规模。
            99/2000    2000/01    2001/02
    总收入     54261.6    59796.3    67099.1
    总支出     54581.3    59561.7    67812.9
    财政赤字    -18482.6   -19985.3    -22871.6
    【对外贸易】 近年来,由于进口增加、出口不振,贸易赤字日益严重,成为国际收支失衡的主要原因。近几年外贸情况如下(单位:百万美元):
            1999/2000   2000/01   2001/02
    进口额      55383     59264    57618
    出口额      37542     44894    44915
    差 额      -17841    -14370    -12703
    【外国资本】 印度从1991年起实行积极吸引外资的新政策。1991年至2000年,外国直接投资协议金额达639亿美元。 2001/2002年度,印吸收外国投资52.8亿美元,其中直接投资39亿美元。到2002年10月,对印投资最多的国家分别是:毛里求斯、美、日、英、德、荷兰、韩、法、意和新加坡。吸引外资多的行业是能源、通讯、电子设备、运输业、服务业、化工、旅馆和旅游、纺织业等。
    【外国援助】 印是世界上主要的受援国之一。2001/2002年度获贷款及捐赠总额为2509.5亿卢比,约为51.5亿美元,实际利用外援1755.9亿卢比,约为36亿美元。近年取得外援情况如下(单位:亿卢比):
              1999/2000   2000/01   2001/02
    国际复兴开发银行   36.78    720.85    803.70
    国际开发协会     352.69    413.53    444.00
    日  本       374.23    272.98    205.80
    亚洲开发银行     216.30    526.50    672.50
    德  国       41.00     38.60    41.20
    英  国       204.10     47.40    194.40
    美  国       7.45      8.11     12.20
    荷  兰       13.37      7.03     33.2
    【人民生活】 2001/2002年度印度人均收入为378美元。据印度官方公布资料,1999/2000年度印生活在贫困线以下的人口为2.6亿,占印总人口的26.1%,其中75%的贫困人口生活在农村,人数1.93亿。印度历届政府将消除贫困作为经济发展的首要任务之一,十·五计划中制定了减少贫困人口的目标,2007年要将贫困人口数量减少到2.2亿,占总人口的19.3%。1999/2000年度印度失业率为7.32%。2000/01年度,印消费价格指数上升5.2%。到2000年,全国有各类诊疗所和医院4.3万家,登记行医人员50.39万人,登记护士73.7万人。2000年,人口预期寿命为65岁,人口出生率25.8‰,死亡率8.5‰。
    印军前身为英国殖民主义者的雇佣军。1947年印巴分治后始建分立的三军。1978年创建独立的海岸警卫队。总统是名义上的武装力量统帅,内阁为最高军事决策机构。国防部负责部队的指挥、管理和协调。各军种司令部负责拟定、实施作战计划,指挥作战行动。现陆军参谋长上将S. 潘德马那巴汗(S.Padmanabhan),空军参谋长上将S.克里希纳斯瓦米(S.Krishnaswamy),海军参谋长上将M.辛格(M. Singh)。实行募兵制。陆、海、空三军总兵力为127万,居世界第四位。其中陆军103.5万,分东、南、西、北和中央五大军区,拥有中程导弹,已具备核能力。海军7万,分为西、东二支舰队和南部科钦训练基地;孟买和维沙卡帕特南为最大的海军基地,分别是西、东舰队司令部所在地。1999年新成立远东军区,司令部设在布莱尔港。空军17万,分成西、西南、东、南和中央五个军区,拥有米格29、幻影2000等先进作战飞机。海岸警卫队分西岸、东岸、安达曼和尼科巴三个大队,指挥部分设于孟买、马德拉斯和布莱尔港。另有50多万预备役军人和100多万准军事部队。
    1998年5月,以印度人民党为首的联合政府进行核试验,坚持建立最低有效核威慑。 1999年8月17日,印国家安全顾问委员会提出核构想草案,提出印要建立陆基、空基、海基三位一体的战略核力量,强调印将奉行拥有可信的最低限度的核威慑力的理论,称印拥有核武器的根本目的是为了阻止任何国家或实体对印及其部队使用和威胁使用核武器,承诺不首先使用核武器以及不对无核国家动用核武器。 2003年1月,印正式全面出台核政策框架,成立核指挥机构及其直属战略部队司令部,核指挥机构由总理、国防、内政、外交和财政部长、各军种参谋长等组成的政治委员会控制。
    印度已知的历史可以追溯到公元前2000年,以雅利安人第一次在印度北部定居的移民浪潮为开始。很可能在移民和当地居民之间发生了激烈冲突。但显然是伟大的印度的同化精神和忍耐精神取胜,这种精神一直持续到现在。在以后的一千年间雅利安人遍布整个印度,创造了大部分早期的古典梵语文献,如《梵经》、《吠陀经》、《奥义书》和两大史诗《罗摩衍那》和 《摩诃婆罗多》。
    印度到处是无数历史纪念碑。 一些保存佛祖骨灰的古老佛塔、刻有法令的阿育王柱、铜匾和石碑散布在整个次大陆。玛哈拉施特拉邦等地有雕刻精美的阿旃塔石窟、爱罗拉石窟、艾勒凡塔石窟,东南西北有保存完好的不同建筑风格的雄伟的庙宇,拉加斯坦的城堡和庄园、德里的壮丽的红堡、历史纪念碑、壮观的法特普尔西克里王宫、宏伟美丽的泰姬陵……数说不完的名胜古迹。游客一旦被吸引到神化般的印度来,会让他千眼万眼看不够。
    现代印度是一个充满活力的国家, 就透明的民主性而言,她又是世界上最大的国家,应该为此感到自豪。二战以后独立的第三世界国家中,有很少的国家能象印度那样这么忠实地保护其民主制度。不可讳言,印度城镇还有穷人,还有贫民窟。但随着印度的科学和工业技术的发展,人民的生活水平会随之提高,到了21世纪,一定会达到中等生活水平。印度的新兴的信息技术工程人员和信息企业赢得了世界的尊敬。其国民生产总值增长率仅次于中国。印度人民决心在现代世界崛起,印度脉搏随着人民的青春般的活力跃动。
              学校(万所)   在校人数(万人)
    高等院校        1.04       606*
    高级中学        12.6       2880
    初级中学        20.6       4280
    小  学        63.87      11380
    * 为1996年数字。
    【新闻出版】 印报刊大多属私人和财团所有。到1993年底,全国共有96种文字的报刊33612种,总发行量为6761.1万份。印地文和英文报刊分别占总数的37%和16%。报刊中,最大的三家日报依次为《印度时报》、《马拉雅拉娱乐报》和《古吉拉特新闻》。主要印地文报纸有《旁遮普之狮报》、《今天日报》、《印度斯坦报》等;主要英文报纸有《印度斯坦时报》、《政治家报》、《印度教徒报》、《印度快报》等。
    1998年5月,以印度人民党为首的联合政府进行核试验,坚持建立“最低有效核威慑”。 1999年8月17日,印国家安全顾问委员会提出“核构想草案”,强调印将奉行拥有可信的最低限度的核威慑力的理论,称印拥有核武器的根本目的是为了阻止任何国家或实体对印及其部队使用和威胁使用核武器,承诺不首先使用核武器以及不对无核国家动用核武器。
    【同我国的关系】 1950年4月1日中印建交。1959年西藏叛乱后,中印关系恶化。1962年10月,中印边境发生大规模武装冲突。1976年双方恢复互派大使后,两国关系逐步改善。1988年、1992年、1993年、1994年印度总理拉吉夫·甘地、总统文卡塔拉曼、总理拉奥、副总统纳拉亚南先后访华。1991年、1993年、1994年、1995年、1996年李鹏总理、全国政协主席李瑞环、钱其琛副总理兼外长、乔石委员长、江泽民主席分别访问了印度。1998年,印度以“中国威胁”为借口进行核试验,使中印关系严重受挫。经我反复做工作后,印政府领导人多次表示愿意寻求发展对华关系。1999年,印度外长贾斯旺特·辛格访华, 双方确认,中印关系发展的前提是互不视对方为威胁,基础是两国共同倡导的和平共处五项原则。中印关系由此步入改善和发展的进程。两国在政治、经贸、科技、议会、军事和文化等领域的交流与合作得到加强。
    2000年,时逢中印建交五十周年,两国关系得到进一步改善和发展。5月28日- 6月3日,应国家主席江泽民邀请,印度总统纳拉亚南对中国进行国事访问。其他重要交往有: 3月6-7日,中印首轮司级安全对话在京举行。 3月29日,应印度人民党(BJP)邀请,中共中央对外联络部部长戴秉国访印。4月28-29日,杨文昌副外长赴印度参加中印边界问题联合工作小组第12轮会谈。 7月7-12日,印联邦院副议长、各国议会联盟理事会主席赫卜杜拉女士应邀对中国进行友好访问。 8月29、31日,李鹏委员长在纽约出席千年议长大会期间,分别会见了议联理事会主席、印联邦院副议长赫卜杜拉女士和印人民院议长巴拉约吉。11月13日,中印边界问题外交和军事专家小组第8次会议在北京举行,双方交换了描述边境中段实控线走向的样图,并就双边关系等问题交换了意见。
    2002年,中国同印度的关系进一步改善和发展。1月13-18日 应印总理瓦杰帕伊邀请,国务院总理朱镕基对印度进行正式访问,先后访问了阿格拉、德里、孟买和班加罗尔。访问期间,朱总理与瓦杰帕伊总理举行了会谈,并分别会见了印总统纳拉亚南、副总统兼联邦院议长坎特、人民院议长巴拉约吉、人民院副议长赫卜杜拉、反对党领袖、国大党主席索尼娅·甘地等。两国领导人就双边关系及共同关心的地区、国际问题等广泛交换了意见。双方再次确认中印互不构成威胁,并就共同加强经贸等各领域的合作达成广泛共识。双方签署了包括旅游、空间、水文、科技、植物检疫等领域的6个合作文件。6月4日,江泽民主席在阿拉木图出席亚洲相互协作与信任措施会议峰会期间,会见了与会的印总理瓦杰帕伊。江主席对近年来中印关系取得的进展表示肯定,并欢迎瓦杰帕伊总理访华。江主席还就当前印巴局势阐述了中方的立场,希望印巴双方通过对话缓解紧张局势。
    中印之间存在历史遗留下来的边界问题。中印边界全长约2000公里,分东、中、西三段。双方争议区共约12.5万平方公里,其中东段约9万平方公里,中段约2000平方公里,西段约3.3万平方公里。最大的争议在东段,印度占领着大约9万平方公里的中国土地。1989年6月至2000年4月,中印边界问题联合工作小组共举行十二轮会谈。1993年9月,双方签署了“关于在中印边境实际控制线地区保持和平与安宁的协定”。1995年,双方互撤了驻扎在中印边界东段旺东地区的两对哨所,基本解决了两国军队过于接近问题。1996年江泽民主席访印期间,两国签署了“关于在中印边境实控线地区军事领域建立信任措施的协定”。 为落实两国达成的协定,双方于1994年成立了中印外交和军事专家小组。2000年11月,该小组举行了第八次会议,双方交换了边境中段实控线走向的样图。2001年6月和12月,该小组举行了第九和第十次会议。2002年3月、6月和10月,该小组举行了第十一、十二和十三次会议。
    【同俄罗斯等国家的关系】 印与前苏联于1947年建交。1955年后,苏联开始向印提供巨额经济、军事援助。1971年,两国签订“和平友好合作条约”,建立极为密切的双边关系。1991年底苏联解体后,印大力开展与俄罗斯和其他各独立国家的接触交往。1993年,俄罗斯总统叶利钦访印,两国签订了“印俄友好合作条约”、“印俄防务合作协定”和“印俄贸易合作议定书”等九项协定。1994年,俄罗斯副总理尤里·亚罗夫、国家杜马主席里普金、总理切尔诺梅尔金先后访印,印度总理拉奥实现访俄,促使两国在政治、经济、军事、文化、科技等各个领域的关系迅速恢复和发展。1995-1997年,印俄关系继续回升。1997年3月,印度总理高达访问俄罗斯。俄明确提出两国建立“战略伙伴”关系,重申支持印在克什米尔问题上的立场和成为联合国安理会常任理事国的要求。10月,印国防部长亚达夫访问俄罗斯。俄重申不向巴基斯坦出售武器,双方同意将两国长期军事技术合作协议有效期延长至2010年。1998-1999年,印俄关系全面提升。1998年5月,印核试后,俄反对对印进行经济制裁;12月,俄总理普里马科夫对印进行正式访问。 1999年5月,俄总统特使普里科德克和印外长辛格互访,双方主要讨论了科索沃问题和双边关系,呼吁北约停止对南联盟的军事行动,重申将建立战略伙伴关系,俄方承诺将两国军事合作提高到最高水平,将向印提供印要求的所有武器。
    【同美国的关系】 50年代~60年代,两国关系密切。1971年印与前苏联签订“和平友好合作条约”并发动肢解巴基斯坦的第三次印巴战争后,印美关系严重受挫。80年代后期关系有所恢复,近年来得到进一步发展。目前,美是印最大的贸易伙伴和投资国。1998年,印美关系因印进行核试而受到严重影响。尔后印外长辛格与美副国务卿塔尔博特举行了多轮会谈,两国关系有了很大的缓和和发展。
    【同欧盟国家的关系】 2000年,印与欧盟建立首脑会晤机制,成为继中国之后第二个与欧盟建立类似机制的发展中国家。欧盟是印最大的贸易伙伴,双方贸易额占印外贸的近30%。
    【同东盟国家的关系】 印度同东南亚国家地理位置相近,有悠久的历史关系,但因印1970-1990年间外交上推行亲苏政策及双方在柬埔寨问题上存在分歧,印与东南亚国家政治关系一般。九十年代,印积极推行东向政策,重视加强同东盟各成员国的交流与合作。1996年印成为东盟全面对话伙伴国,加入东盟地区论坛。1997年参加孟印缅斯泰经济合作组织;2000年11月与泰、缅、越、老、柬共同成立湄公河-恒河合作计划。
    【同巴基斯坦的关系】 1947年8月印巴分治后始终不睦,并于1948年、1965年和1971年三次爆发全面战争。1971年12月断交,1976年7月复交。80年代关系有所缓和,近年来因克什米尔争端又不时出现紧张局面,边境交火事件不断。双方领导人和官员为改善关系进行过多次对话和谈判。1992年底,印度发生阿约迪亚毁寺事件后,在巴引起强烈反响,导致印巴关系下降。1993年,两国关系因孟买爆炸案和哈兹拉特巴尔清真寺等事件继续恶化。1994年,印巴关系因相互指责并驱逐对方外交人员而持续紧张。1995年,印巴就印控克什米尔地区沙拉尔谢立夫城的圣陵和清真寺被毁事件相互指责,双边关系更趋紧张。1996年,印巴关系稍有缓和,但未取得实质性进展。1997年,印巴恢复政治对话和总理会晤,两国关系出现缓和势头。1998年,印巴相继进行核试验,展开核军备竞赛,两国关系急剧紧张。1999年2月,印总理瓦杰帕伊与巴总理谢里夫签署了《拉合尔宣言》,双边一度缓和。但4月印巴试射导弹,5月两国在印控克什米尔地区卡吉尔发生激烈冲突,印巴关系再次由缓和趋向恶化。12月,一架印民航班被劫持,印外长指责巴与此事有牵连。
    2000年,印巴关系处于僵持状态,年底气氛有所缓和。2001年,印巴关系以“9·11”事件为界线呈前缓后紧之势。  2002年,印巴关系仍处于紧张对峙状态。
    【同其他邻国的关系】 与南亚邻国各方面联系较多,但也存在许多矛盾。1997年,印对邻国政策做出重大调整,推行“多予少取”的“古杰拉尔主义”政策,与各国关系普遍得到明显改善。1998年,印度核试引发南亚地区核军备竞赛,导致南亚局势急剧紧张,南亚其他国家对此仅作谨慎表态。1999年,印巴在克什米尔地区爆发卡吉尔冲突,南亚局势恶化,南亚其他国家均对此表示关注,呼吁印巴两国保持克制和冷静。2002年,印与南亚其他邻国关系继续有所发展。
    1. 首先拉住纱丽布左边一端,塞进右侧的衬裙裙头。
    2. 将纱丽布由右至左环绕下围,约三、四圈。
    3. 接着用纱丽布在右前方折成四折,并且塞入裙头。
    4. 然后将剩余布块,由左后方绕过右边腋下,披向左边肩膀上。
    5. 最后直接将纱丽布披在肩上、或披覆在头上。

  India (Hindi: भारत Bhārat; see also other Indian languages), officially the Republic of India (Hindi: भारत गणराज्य Bhārat Gaṇarājya), is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country, the most populous liberal democracy in the world.[disputed] Bounded by the Indian Ocean on the south, the Arabian Sea on the west, and the Bay of Bengal on the east, India has a coastline of 7,517 kilometers (4,671 mi). It borders Pakistan to the west; China, Nepal, and Bhutan to the north-east; and Bangladesh and Burma to the east. India is in the vicinity of Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Indonesia in the Indian Ocean.
  Home to the Indus Valley Civilization and a region of historic trade routes and vast empires, the Indian subcontinent was identified with its commercial and cultural wealth for much of its long history. Four major world religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism originated here, while Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam arrived in the first millennium CE and shaped the region's diverse culture. Gradually annexed by the British East India Company from the early eighteenth century and colonised by the United Kingdom from the mid-nineteenth century, India became a modern nation state in 1947 after a struggle for independence that was marked by widespread nonviolent resistance.
  India is the world's twelfth largest economy at market exchange rates and the fourth largest in purchasing power. Economic reforms have transformed it into the second fastest growing large economy; however, it still suffers from high levels of poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition. A pluralistic, multilingual, and multiethnic society, India is also home to a diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats.
  The name India (pronounced /ˈɪndiə/) is derived from Indus, which is derived from the Old Persian word Hindu, from Sanskrit Sindhu, the historic local appellation for the Indus River. The ancient Greeks referred to the Indians as Indoi (Ινδοί), the people of the Indus. The Constitution of India and common usage in various Indian languages also recognise Bharat (pronunciation (help·info), /bʰɑːrət̪/) as an official name of equal status. Hindustan (/hin̪d̪ust̪ɑːn/ (info)), which is the Persian word for “Land of the Hindus” and historically referred to northern India, is also occasionally used as a synonym for all of India.
  Stone Age rock shelters with paintings at the Bhimbetka rock shelters in Madhya Pradesh are the earliest known traces of human life in India. The first known permanent settlements appeared over 9,000 years ago and gradually developed into the Indus Valley Civilization, dating back to 3300 BCE in western India. It was followed by the Vedic period, which laid the foundations of Hinduism and other cultural aspects of early Indian society, and ended in the 500s BC. From around 550 BCE, many independent kingdoms and republics known as the Mahajanapadas were established across the country.
  Paintings at the Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, 6th century.In the third century BCE, most of South Asia was united into the Maurya Empire by Chandragupta Maurya and flourished under Ashoka the Great. From the third century CE, the Gupta dynasty oversaw the period referred to as ancient "India's Golden Age." Among the notable South Indian empires were the Chalukyas, Rashtrakutas, Hoysalas, Pallavas, Pandyas, and Cholas. Science, engineering, art, literature, astronomy, and philosophy flourished under the patronage of these kings.
  Following invasions from Central Asia between the tenth and twelfth centuries, much of north India came under the rule of the Delhi Sultanate, and later the Mughal Empire. Mughal emperors gradually expanded their Kingdoms to cover large parts of the subcontinent. Nevertheless, several indigenous kingdoms, such as the Vijayanagara Empire, flourished, especially in the south. In the seventeenth and eighteenth century, the Mughal supremacy declined and the Maratha Empire became the dominant power. From the sixteenth century, several European countries, including Portugal, the Netherlands, France, and the United Kingdom, started arriving as traders and later took advantage of the fractious nature of relations between the kingdoms to establish colonies in the country. By 1856, most of India was under the control of the British East India Company. A year later, a nationwide insurrection of rebelling military units and kingdoms, variously referred to as the India's First War of Independence or Sepoy Mutiny, seriously challenged the British Company's control but eventually failed. As a consequence, India came under the direct rule of the British Crown as a colony of the British Empire.
  Mahatma Gandhi (right) with Jawaharlal Nehru, 1937. Nehru would go on to become India's first prime minister in 1947.During the first half of the twentieth century, a nationwide struggle for independence was launched by the Indian National Congress and other political organizations. In the 1920s and 1930, a movement led by Mahatma Gandhi, and displaying commitment to ahimsa, or non-violence, millions of protesters engaged in mass campaigns of civil disobedience. Finally, on 15 August 1947, India gained independence from British rule, but was partitioned with independent governments for the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan in accordance to wishes of the Muslim League, along the lines of religion to create the Islamic nation state of Pakistan. Three years later, on 26 January 1950, India became a republic and a new constitution came into effect.
  Since independence, India has suffered from religious violence, casteism and insurgencies in various parts, but has been able to control them through tolerance and constitutional reforms. Terrorism in India is also a major security problem, especially in Jammu and Kashmir, North-east India and recently in major cities like Delhi and Mumbai, 2001 Indian Parliament attack being the most prominent one. India has unresolved territorial disputes with China, which in 1962 escalated into the Sino-Indian War; and with Pakistan, which resulted in wars in 1947, 1965, 1971, and 1999. India is a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement and the United Nations (as part of British India). In 1974, India conducted an underground nuclear test. This was followed by five more tests in 1998, making India a nuclear state. Beginning in 1991, significant economic reforms have transformed India into one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, adding to its global and regional clout.
   National Symbols of India
  Flag Tricolour
  Emblem Sarnath Lion Capital
  Anthem Jana Gana Mana
  Song Vandē Mātaram
  Animal Royal Bengal Tiger
  Bird Indian Peafowl
  Flower Lotus
  Tree Banyan
  Fruit Mango
  Sport Field hockey
  Calendar Saka
  The Constitution of India, the longest and the most exhaustive constitution of any independent nation in the world, came into force on January 26, 1950. The preamble of the constitution defines India as a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. India has a quasi-federal form of government and a bicameral parliament operating under a Westminster-style parliamentary system. It has three branches of governance: the Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary.
  The President of India is the official head of state elected indirectly by an electoral college for a five-year term. The Prime Minister is, however, the de facto head of government and exercises most executive powers. The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and, by convention, is the candidate supported by the party or political alliance holding the majority of seats in the lower house of Parliament.
  The legislature of India is the bicameral Parliament, which consists of the upper house called the Rajya Sabha (Council of States) and the lower house called the Lok Sabha (House of People). The Rajya Sabha, a permanent body, has 245 members serving staggered six year terms. Most are elected indirectly by the state and territorial legislatures in proportion to the state's population. The 543 of the Lok Sabha's 545 members are directly elected by popular vote to represent individual constituencies for five year terms. The other two members are nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian community if, in his opinion, the community is not adequately represented.
  The executive branch consists of the President, Vice-President, and the Council of Ministers (the Cabinet being its executive committee) headed by the Prime Minister. Any minister holding a portfolio must be a member of either house of parliament. In the Indian parliamentary system, the executive is subordinate to the legislature, with the Prime Minister and his Council being directly responsible to the lower house of the parliament.
  India has a unitary three-tier judiciary, consisting of the Supreme Court, headed by the Chief Justice of India, twenty-one High Courts, and a large number of trial courts. The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over cases involving fundamental rights and over disputes between states and the Centre, and appellate jurisdiction over the High Courts. It is judicially independent, and has the power to declare the law and to strike down union or state laws which contravene the Constitution. The role as the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution is one of the most important functions of the Supreme Court.
  The North Block, in New Delhi, houses key government offices.India, at the federal level, is the most populous democracy in the world. For most of its democratic history, the federal government has been led by the Indian National Congress (INC). State politics have been dominated by several national parties including the INC, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI(M)), and various regional parties. From 1950 to 1990, barring two brief periods, the INC enjoyed a parliamentary majority. The INC was out of power between 1977 and 1980, when the Janata Party won the election owing to public discontent with the "Emergency" declared by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. In 1989, a Janata Dal-led National Front coalition in alliance with the Left Front coalition won the elections but managed to stay in power for only two years.
  The years 1996–1998 were a period of turmoil in the federal government with several short-lived alliances holding sway. The BJP formed a government briefly in 1996, followed by the United Front coalition. In 1998, the BJP formed the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) with several regional parties and became the first non-Congress government to complete a full five-year term. In the 2004 Indian elections, the INC won the largest number of Lok Sabha seats and formed a government with a coalition called the United Progressive Alliance (UPA), supported by various left-leaning parties and members opposed to the BJP.
  Foreign relations and military
  The Sukhoi-30 MKI is part of the Indian Air Force.Since its independence in 1947, India has maintained cordial relationships with most nations. It took a leading role in the 1950s by advocating the independence of European colonies in Africa and Asia. India is a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement. After the Sino-Indian War and the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965, India's relationship with the Soviet Union warmed at the expense of ties with the United States and continued to remain so until the end of the Cold War. India has fought four wars with Pakistan, primarily over Kashmir. India also fought and won an additional war with Pakistan for the liberation of Bangladesh in 1971.
  In recent years, relations between the United States and India, have improved. Shown here are PM Manmohan Singh and President George W. Bush exchanging handshakes in March, 2006.In recent years, India has played an influential role in the ASEAN, SAARC, and the WTO. India is a founding member and long time supporter of the United Nations, with over 55,000 Indian military and police personnel having served in thirty-five UN peace keeping operations deployed across four continents. Despite criticism and military sanctions, India has consistently refused to sign the CTBT and the NPT, preferring instead to maintain sovereignty over its nuclear program. Recent overtures by the Indian government have strengthened relations with the United States, China, and Pakistan. In the economic sphere, India has close relationships with other developing nations in South America, Asia, and Africa.
  India maintains the third largest military force in the world, which consists of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force. Auxiliary forces such as the Paramilitary Forces, the Coast Guard, and the Strategic Forces Command also come under the military's purview. The President of India is the supreme commander of the Indian armed forces. India became a nuclear power in 1974 after conducting an initial nuclear test, Operation Smiling Buddha. Further underground testing in 1998 led to international military sanctions against India, which were gradually withdrawn after September 2001. India maintains a "no first use" nuclear policy and has a "strong nuclear non-proliferation record" according to the White House, despite not being a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
  India is a federal republic of twenty-eight states and seven Union Territories. All states, the union territory of Puducherry, and the National Capital Territory of Delhi have elected governments. The other five union territories have centrally appointed administrators and hence are under direct rule of the President. In 1956, under the States Reorganisation Act, states were formed on a linguistic basis. Since then, this structure has remained largely unchanged. Each state or union territory is divided into basic units of government and administration called districts. There are nearly 600 districts in India. The districts in turn are further divided into tehsils and eventually into villages.
  Administrative divisions of India, including 28 states and 7 union territories.States:
  Andhra Pradesh
  Arunachal Pradesh
  Himachal Pradesh
  Jammu and Kashmir
  Madhya Pradesh
  Tamil Nadu
  Uttar Pradesh
  West Bengal
   Union Territories:
  Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  Dadra and Nagar Haveli
  Daman and Diu
  National Capital Territory of Delhi
  Major Cities: Mumbai • Delhi • Bangalore • Kolkata • Chennai • Ahmedabad • Hyderabad • (others)
  Topographic map of India.India, the major portion of the Indian subcontinent, sits atop the Indian tectonic plate, a minor plate within the Indo-Australian Plate.
  India's defining geological processes commenced seventy-five million years ago, when the Indian subcontinent, then part of the southern supercontinent Gondwana, began a northeastwards drift—lasting fifty million years—across the then unformed Indian Ocean. The subcontinent's subsequent collision with the Eurasian Plate and subduction under it, gave rise to the Himalayas, the planet's highest mountains, which now abut India in the north and the north-east. In the former seabed immediately south of the emerging Himalayas, plate movement created a vast through, which, having gradually been filled with river-borne sediment, now forms the Indo-Gangetic Plain. To the west of this plain, and cut off from it by the Aravalli Range, lies the Thar Desert. The original Indian plate now survives as peninsular India, the oldest and geologically most stable part of India, and extending as far north as the Satpura and Vindhya ranges in central India. These parallel ranges run from the Arabian Sea coast in Gujarat in the west to the coal-rich Chota Nagpur Plateau in Jharkhand in the east. To their south, the remaining peninsular landmass, the Deccan Plateau, is flanked on the left and right by the coastal ranges, Western Ghats and Eastern Ghats respectively; the plateau contains the oldest rock formations in India, some over one billion years old. Constituted in such fashion, India lies to the north of the equator between 6°44' and 35°30' north latitude and 68°7' and 97°25' east longitude.
  India's coast is 7,517 kilometers (4,671 mi) long; of this distance, 5,423 kilometers (3,370 mi) belong to peninsular India, and 2,094 kilometers (1,301 mi) to the Andaman, Nicobar, and Lakshadweep Islands. According to the Indian naval hydrographic charts, the mainland coast consists of the following: 43% sandy beaches, 11% rocky coast including cliffs, and 46% mudflats or marshy coast.
  Major Himalayan-origin rivers that substantially flow through India include the Ganges and the Brahmaputra, both of which drain into the Bay of Bengal. Important tributaries of the Ganges include the Yamuna and the Kosi, whose extremely low gradient causes disastrous floods every year. Major peninsular rivers whose steeper gradients prevent their waters from flooding include the Godavari, the Mahanadi, the Kaveri, and the Krishna, which also drain into the Bay of Bengal; and the Narmada and the Tapti, which drain into the Arabian Sea. Among notable coastal features of India are the marshy Rann of Kutch in western India, and the alluvial Sundarbans delta, which India shares with Bangladesh. India has two archipelagos: the Lakshadweep, coral atolls off India's south-western coast; and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, a volcanic chain in the Andaman Sea.
  India's climate is strongly influenced by the Himalayas and the Thar Desert, both of which drive the monsoons. The Himalayas prevent cold Central Asian katabatic winds from blowing in, keeping the bulk of the Indian subcontinent warmer than most locations at similar latitudes. The Thar Desert plays a crucial role in attracting the moisture-laden southwest summer monsoon winds that, between June and October, provide the majority of India's rainfall. Four major climatic groupings predominate in India: tropical wet, tropical dry, subtropical humid, and montane.
  Flora and fauna
  The Indian peacock is India's national bird.India, which lies within the Indomalaya ecozone, displays significant biodiversity. One of eighteen megadiverse countries, it is home to 7.6% of all mammalian, 12.6% of all avian, 6.2% of all reptilian, 4.4% of all amphibian, 11.7% of all fish, and 6.0% of all flowering plant species. Many ecoregions, such as the shola forests, exhibit extremely high rates of endemism; overall, 33% of Indian plant species are endemic. India's forest cover ranges from the tropical rainforest of the Andaman Islands, Western Ghats, and North-East India to the coniferous forest of the Himalaya. Between these extremes lie the sal-dominated moist deciduous forest of eastern India; the teak-dominated dry deciduous forest of central and southern India; and the babul-dominated thorn forest of the central Deccan and western Gangetic plain. Important Indian trees include the medicinal neem, widely used in rural Indian herbal remedies. The pipal fig tree, shown on the seals of Mohenjo-daro, shaded Gautama Buddha as he sought enlightenment.
  Many Indian species are descendants of taxa originating in Gondwana, to which India originally belonged. Peninsular India's subsequent movement towards, and collision with, the Laurasian landmass set off a mass exchange of species. However, volcanism and climatic changes 20 million years ago caused the extinction of many endemic Indian forms. Soon thereafter, mammals entered India from Asia through two zoogeographical passes on either side of the emerging Himalaya. Consequently, among Indian species, only 12.6% of mammals and 4.5% of birds are endemic, contrasting with 45.8% of reptiles and 55.8% of amphibians. Notable endemics are the Nilgiri leaf monkey and the brown and carmine Beddome's toad of the Western Ghats. India contains 172, or 2.9%, of IUCN-designated threatened species. These include the Asiatic Lion, the Bengal Tiger, and the Indian white-rumped vulture, which suffered a near-extinction from ingesting the carrion of diclofenac-treated cattle.
  In recent decades, human encroachment has posed a threat to India's wildlife; in response, the system of national parks and protected areas, first established in 1935, was substantially expanded. In 1972, India enacted the Wildlife Protection Act and Project Tiger to safeguard crucial habitat; in addition, the Forest Conservation Act was enacted in 1980. Along with more than five hundred wildlife sanctuaries, India hosts thirteen biosphere reserves, four of which are part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves; twenty-five wetlands are registered under the Ramsar Convention.
  The Bombay Stock Exchange, in Mumbai, is Asia's oldest and India's largest stock exchange.For most of its post-independence history, India adhered to a quasi-socialist approach with strict government control over private sector participation, foreign trade, and foreign direct investment. However, since 1991, India has gradually opened up its markets through economic reforms and reduced government controls on foreign trade and investment. Foreign exchange reserves have risen from US$5.8 billion in March 1991 to US$300 billion in March, 2008, while federal and state budget deficits have decreased. Privatization of publicly-owned companies and the opening of certain sectors to private and foreign participation has continued amid political debate. With a GDP growth rate of 9.4% in 2006-07, the economy is among the fastest growing in the world. India's GDP in terms of USD exchange-rate is US$1.089 trillion. When measured in terms of purchasing power parity (PPP), India has the world's fourth largest GDP at US$4.726 trillion. India's per capita income (nominal) is US$977, while its per capita (PPP) is US$2700.
  India has the world's second largest labour force, with 516.3 million people, 60% of whom are employed in agriculture and related industries; 28% in services and related industries; and 12% in industry. Major agricultural crops include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, jute, tea, sugarcane, and potatoes. The agricultural sector accounts for 28% of GDP; the service and industrial sectors make up 54% and 18% respectively. Major industries include automobiles, cement, chemicals, consumer electronics, food processing, machinery, mining, petroleum, pharmaceuticals, steel, transportation equipment, and textiles. Along with India’s fast economic growth comes its growing demand for energy. According to the Energy Information Administration, India is the sixth largest consumer of oil and third largest consumer of coal.
  Although the Indian economy has grown steadily over the last two decades; its growth has been uneven when comparing different social groups, economic groups, geographic regions, and rural and urban areas. Income inequality in India is relatively small (Gini coefficient: 36.8 in year 2004), though it has been increasing of late. Wealth distribution in India is fairly uneven, with the top 10% of income groups earning 33% of the income. Despite significant economic progress, a quarter of the nation's population earns less than the government-specified poverty threshold of $0.40 per day. In 2004–2005, 27.5% of the population was living below the poverty line.
  More recently, India has capitalised on its large pool of educated, English-speaking people, and trained professionals to become an important outsourcing destination for multinational corporations and a popular destination for medical tourism. India has also become a major exporter of software as well as financial, research, and technological services. Its natural resources include arable land, bauxite, chromite, coal, diamonds, iron ore, limestone, manganese, mica, natural gas, petroleum, and titanium ore.
  In 2007, estimated exports stood at US$140 billion and imports were around US$224.9 billion. Textiles, jewellery, engineering goods and software are major export commodities. While crude oil, machineries, fertilizers, and chemicals are major imports. India's most important trading partners are the United States, the European Union, and China.
  Population density map of India.With an estimated population of 1.13 billion, India is the world's second most populous country. Almost 70% of Indians reside in rural areas, although in recent decades migration to larger cities has led to a dramatic increase in the country's urban population. India's largest cities are Mumbai (formerly Bombay), Delhi, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), Chennai (formerly Madras), Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), Hyderabad and Ahmedabad.
  India is the second most culturally, linguistically and genetically diverse geographical entity after the African continent. India is home to two major linguistic families: Indo-Aryan (spoken by about 74% of the population) and Dravidian (spoken by about 24%). Other languages spoken in India come from the Austro-Asiatic and Tibeto-Burman linguistic families. Hindi, with the largest number of speakers, is the official language of the union. English, which is extensively used in business and administration, has the status of a 'subsidiary official language.' The constitution also recognises in particular 21 other languages that are either abundantly spoken or have classical status. The number of dialects in India is as high as 1,652.
  Over 800 million Indians (80.5%) are Hindu. Other religious groups include Muslims (13.4%), Christians (2.3%), Sikhs (1.9%), Buddhists (0.8%), Jains (0.4%), Jews, Zoroastrians, Bahá'ís and others. Tribals constitute 8.1% of the population.
  India's literacy rate is 64.8% (53.7% for females and 75.3% for males). The state of Kerala has the highest literacy rate (91%); Bihar has the lowest (47%). The national human sex ratio is 944 females per 1,000 males. India's median age is 24.9, and the population growth rate of 1.38% per annum; there are 22.01 births per 1,000 people per year.
  Cities by population Rank Core City State Pop. Rank Core City State Pop.
  1 Mumbai Maharashtra 13,662,885 11 Jaipur Rajasthan 2,997,114
  2 Delhi Delhi 11,954,217 12 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh 2,621,063
  3 Bangalore Karnataka 5,180,533 13 Nagpur Maharashtra 2,359,331
  4 Kolkata West Bengal 5,021,458 14 Indore Madhya Pradesh 1,768,303
  5 Chennai Tamil Nadu 4,562,843 15 Patna Bihar 1,753,543
  6 Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh 3,980,938 16 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh 1,712,355
  7 Ahmedabad Gujarat 3,867,336 17 Thane Maharashtra 1,673,465
  8 Pune Maharashtra 3,230,322 18 Ludhiana Punjab 1,662,325
  9 Surat Gujarat 3,124,249 19 Agra Uttar Pradesh 1,590,073
  10 Kanpur Uttar Pradesh 3,067,663 20 Vadodara Gujarat 1,487,956
  2008 estimation
  The Taj Mahal in Agra was built by Shah Jahan as memorial to wife Mumtaz Mahal. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site considered to be of "outstanding universal value".India's culture is marked by a high degree of syncretism and cultural pluralism. It has managed to preserve established traditions while absorbing new customs, traditions, and ideas from invaders and immigrants.
  Multicultural concerns have long informed India’s history and traditions, constitution and political arrangements.
  Indian architecture is one area that represents the diversity of Indian culture. Much of it, including notable monuments such as the Taj Mahal and other examples of Mughal architecture and South Indian architecture, comprises a blend of ancient and varied local traditions from several parts of the country and abroad. Vernacular architecture also displays notable regional variation.
  Indian music covers a wide range of traditions and regional styles. Classical music largely encompasses the two genres - North Indian Hindustani, South Indian Carnatic traditions and their various offshoots in the form of regional folk music. Highly regionalised forms of popular music include filmi and folk music; the syncretic tradition of the bauls is a well-known form of the latter.
  Indian dance too has diverse folk and classical forms. Among the well-known folk dances are the bhangra of the Punjab, the bihu of Assam, the chhau of Bihar and Orissa and the ghoomar of Rajasthan. Eight dance forms, many with narrative forms and mythological elements, have been accorded classical dance status by India's National Academy of Music, Dance, and Drama. These are: bharatanatyam of the state of Tamil Nadu, kathak of Uttar Pradesh, kathakali and mohiniyattam of Kerala, kuchipudi of Andhra Pradesh, manipuri of Manipur, odissi of the state of Orissa and the sattriya of Assam.
  Theatre in India often incorporates music, dance, and improvised or written dialogue. Often based on Hindu mythology, but also borrowing from medieval romances, and news of social and political events, Indian theatre includes the bhavai of state of Gujarat, the jatra of West Bengal, the nautanki and ramlila of North India, the tamasha of Maharashtra, the terukkuttu of Tamil Nadu, and the yakshagana of Karnataka.
  Scene from Kalidasa's The Recognition of Śakuntalā as painted by Raja Ravi Varma.The Indian film industry is the largest in the world. Bollywood, based in Mumbai, makes commercial Hindi films and is the most prolific film industry in the world. Established traditions also exist in Bengali, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, and Telugu language cinemas.
  The earliest works of Indian literature were transmitted orally and only later written down. These included works of Sanskrit literature – such as the early Vedas, the epics Mahābhārata and Ramayana, the drama Abhijñānaśākuntalam (The Recognition of Śakuntalā), and poetry such as the Mahākāvya – and the Tamil language Sangam literature. Among Indian writers of the modern era active in Indian languages or English, Rabindranath Tagore won the Nobel Prize in 1913.
  Indian cuisine is characterized by a wide variety of regional styles and sophisticated use of herbs and spices. The staple foods in the region are rice (especially in the south and the east) and wheat (predominantly in the north). Spices originally native to the Indian subcontinent that are now consumed world wide include black pepper; in contrast, hot chili peppers, popular across India, were introduced by the Portuguese.
  Traditional Indian dress varies across the regions in its colours and styles and depends on various factors, including climate. Popular styles of dress include draped garments such as sari for women and dhoti or lungi for men; in addition, stitched clothes such as salwar kameez for women and kurta-pyjama and European-style trousers and shirts for men, are also popular.
  Many Indian festivals are religious in origin, although several are celebrated irrespective of caste and creed. Some popular festivals are Diwali, Thai Pongal, Holi, Onam, Vijayadashami, Durga Puja, Eid ul-Fitr, Bakr-Id, Christmas, Buddha Jayanti and Vaisakhi. India has three national holidays. Other sets of holidays, varying between nine and twelve, are officially observed in individual states. Religious practices are an integral part of everyday life and are a very public affair.
  Traditional Indian family values are highly respected, although urban families now prefer the nuclear family structure due to the socio-economic constraints imposed by traditional joint family system.
  India's national sport is field hockey although cricket is the most popular sport in India. In some states, particularly those in the northeast and the states of West Bengal, Goa, and Kerala, football (soccer) is also a popular sport. In recent times, tennis has also gained popularity. Chess, commonly held to have originated in India, is also gaining popularity with the rise in the number of Indian grandmasters. Traditional sports include kabaddi, kho kho, and gilli-danda, which are played nationwide. India is also home to the ancient martial arts, Kalarippayattu and Varma Kalai.

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