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博茨瓦纳 Republic of Botswana   首都:哈博罗内  国家代码: bw   
  博兹瓦纳,又译为波札那,正式全名为博茨瓦纳共和国(英语:Republic of Botswana,博茨瓦纳语:Lefatshe la Botswana)是位于非洲南部的内陆国,全国国境皆为干燥的台地地形,南邻南非,西边为纳米比亚,东北与津巴布韦接壤,其国土北端只有在维多利亚瀑布附近与赞比亚接触到些许。全国约36%(2008年10月)的成年人感染HIV—是全世界感染艾滋病病毒最高的国家。平均每3个小时就有一人死于艾滋病。目前疾病严重威胁着国家的社会经济安全。
  在1885年时,为了避免被南边邻国南非境内荷兰裔的布尔人(Boers)并吞,英国应该地区的民众要求建立了贝川纳兰保护国(Bechuanaland Protectorate),而成为联合王国的一部份。1966年9月30日脱离英国独立后正式改名为博茨瓦纳,实施民主化政治,积极的社会政策与丰富的矿藏(尤其是钻石矿,占该国输出利润的八成)带来的财富让波札纳拥有非洲大部分地区难得一见的开发水平。除此之外,由于该国积极地与国际社会合作,在国内建立为了保护野生动物而设的大面积国家公园,而使得观光业有机会逐渐在该国成长兴盛。
  相对于其他非洲国家,博茨瓦纳拥有良好的金融管理纪录,并在2004年被国际透明组织列为全非洲最不腐败的国家,评价甚至高过许多欧洲及亚洲国家。世界经济论坛评估博茨瓦纳为非洲两个最有竞争力的国家之一。2004年博茨瓦纳再一次被慕迪投资服务公司(Moody's Investors Service)与史丹普公司(Standard & Poor's)评估信用为“A”级,而让博茨瓦纳成为非洲信用风险最低的国家,与中欧、东亚及拉丁美洲的国家旗鼓相当。
  喀拉哈里沙漠覆盖了博茨瓦纳接近七成土地。位于西北方的奥卡万戈沼泽(Okavango Swamp)是世上最大的内陆三角洲。马卡迪卡迪盐沼(Makgadikgadi Pan) 面积广大,盘据博茨瓦纳北方。
   * 中央区(Central District)
   * 杭济区(Ghanzi District)
   * 卡拉哈迪区(Kgalagadi District)
   * 卡特伦区(Kgatleng District)
   * 奎嫩区(Kweneng District)
   * 东北区(North-East District)
   * 西北区(North-West District)
   * 东南区(South-East District)
   * 南部区(Southern District)
   * 马翁(Maun)
   * 察乌(Tsau)
   * 拉科普斯(Rakops)
   * 杭齐(Ghanzi)
   * 弗朗西斯敦(Francistown)
   * 塞罗韦(Serowe)
   * 莫莱波洛莱(Molepolole)
   * 哈博罗内(Gaborone)国都

  The Republic of Botswana (Tswana: Lefatshe la Botswana) is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. Citizens of Botswana are called "Batswana" (singular: Motswana), regardless of ethnicity. Formerly the British protectorate of Bechuanaland, Botswana adopted its new name after becoming independent within the Commonwealth on 30 September 1966. It is bordered by South Africa to the south and southeast, Namibia to the west and north, and Zimbabwe to the northeast. It meets Zambia at a single point.
  Geographically the country is flat and up to 70% of Botswana is covered by the Kalahari Desert. Botswana was one of the most impoverished countries in Africa when it became independent in 1966. Today, it is home to a relatively stable political system and a rapidly developing market economy. Being closely tied with the economy of South Africa, the country's economy is one of the most successful in Africa and is dominated by the fast-growing service sector, world-renowned diamond industry, tourism, and manufacturing.
  About 60% of the population live above the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day. Botswana's economic growth rate has outpaced the economic growth of even the Asian Tigers, and the World Bank cites Botswana as one of the world's great development success stories.

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