埃塞俄比亚 Ethiopia   埃及 Egypt   突尼斯 Tunisia   阿尔及利亚 Algeria   尼日利亚 Nigeria   塞内加尔 Senegal   南非 South Africa   安哥拉 Angola   贝宁 Benin   布基纳法索 Burkina Faso   布隆迪 Republic of Burundi   博茨瓦纳 Republic of Botswana   赤道几内亚 Equatorial Guinea   多哥 Togo   厄立特里亚 Eritrea   佛得角 Republic of Cape Verde   冈比亚 Gambia   刚果 Republic of the Congo   刚果民主共和国 Democratic Republic of Congo   吉布提 Djibouti   几内亚 Guinea   几内亚比绍 Guinea-Bissau   加纳 Republic of Ghana   加蓬 Gabon   津巴布韦 Zimbabwe   喀麦隆 Republic of Cameroon   科摩罗 Comoros   科特迪瓦 Ivory Coast   肯尼亚 Republic of Kenya   莱索托 Kingdom of Lesotho   利比亚 Libya   利比里亚 Republic of Liberia   卢旺达 Republic of Rwanda   马达加斯加 Madagascar   马拉维 Malawi   马里 Republic of Mali   毛里塔尼亚 Mauritania   毛里求斯 Republic of Mauritius   摩洛哥 Kingdom of Morocco   莫桑比克 the Republic of Mozambique   纳米比亚 The Republic of Namibia   尼日尔 Niger   塞拉利昂 the Republic of Sierra Leone   塞舌尔 Seychelles   斯威士兰 Swaziland   苏丹 Sudan   索马里 Somalia   圣多美和普林西比 Sao Tome and Principe   坦桑尼亚 Tanzania   乌干达 The Republic of Uganda   赞比亚 The Republic of Zambia   乍得 the Republic of Chad   中非共和国 The Central African Republic   
Republic of Burundi   Capital:Bujumbura  Country Code: bi   
  布隆迪,正式名称布隆迪共和国(基隆迪语:Republika y'u Burundi,法语:République du Burundi‎),是一个位于东部非洲的小型内陆国家,其北、东、西面分别为卢旺达、坦桑尼亚与刚果民主共和国所包围,其中与刚果民主共和国的边界有超过一半是座落在著名的坦噶尼喀湖(Lake Tanganyika)湖面上。 布隆迪的首都为布琼布拉(Bujumbura),是个位于坦干依喀湖湖畔的港口都市,最早是德属东非的军队驻扎地,人口约有30万(1994年时估计),是该国第一大城。
  布隆迪境内有两大主要民族,为数约只有一成半的图西人(Tutsi)自16世纪以来就一直拥有该国的统治权,控制着主要是由胡图人(Hutu)组成的平民百姓,再加上非常稀少的原住民特瓦人(Twa)。这种少数民族占高位的不正常社会结构埋下国家不稳定的恶种,并且在1993年10月时到达最高峰。那时刚上任才四个月、布隆迪有史以来第一位胡图人身份的元首,也是首任民选总统的梅契尔·恩达达雅(Melchior Ndadaye),遭到主要是图西人控制的军方暗杀。恩达达雅的死,导致全面性的种族冲突,在这场种族冲突中至少有二十万的双方人口遭到屠杀,而当中原来有人口6.5万的图西人被屠杀至剩下5000人不到。这场屠杀一直持续到2002年时主政的图西政府终于在国际的斡旋下与四支不同的胡图叛军签下停战协议,而与最后一支反政府武装组织解放党—民族解放力量(法语:Conseil National Pour la Défense de la Démocratie–Forces pour la Défense de la Démocratie,NCDD–FDD)的停火协议,则是在2006年9月7日时于坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆签署。
  布隆迪为一个内陆国家,位于东非裂谷之上,境内地形复杂,坦干依喀湖东岸突然高耸起来的陡峭山脊是非洲两大河流尼罗河水系与刚果河水系的分水岭,有“非洲之心”(The heart of Africa)之称。

  Burundi (pronounced [buˈɾundi]), officially the Republic of Burundi, is a country in the Great Lakes region of Eastern Africa bordered by Rwanda to the north, Tanzania to the east and south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west. Its size is just under 28,000 km² with an estimated population of almost 8,700,000. Its capital is Bujumbura. Although the country is landlocked, much of the southwestern border is adjacent to Lake Tanganyika.
  The Twa, Tutsi, and Hutu peoples have occupied Burundi since the country's formation five centuries ago. Burundi was ruled as a kingdom by the Tutsi for over two hundred years. However, at the beginning of the twentieth century, Germany and Belgium occupied the region, and Burundi and Rwanda became a European colony known as Ruanda-Urundi. Political unrest occurred throughout the region because of social differences between the Tutsi and Hutu, provoking civil war in Burundi throughout the middle twentieth century. Presently, Burundi is governed as a presidential representative democratic republic. Sixty-two percent of Burundians are Roman Catholic, eight to ten percent are Muslims and the rest follow indigenous beliefs and other Christian denominations.
  Burundi is one of the ten poorest countries in the world. It has the lowest per capita GDP of any nation in the world. Burundi has this low gross domestic product largely due to civil wars, corruption, poor access to education, and the effects of HIV/AIDS. Burundi is densely populated, with substantial emigration. Cobalt and copper are among Burundi's natural resources. Some of Burundi's main exports include coffee and sugar.

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