Table of Classification of Human culture Sheke
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Parent type: Human culture Sheke

  Philosophy is the study of all existing inter-relationship between the abstract subject.
  Philosophical sense
  What is all there is? Rely on our feelings, do not rely on our feelings; subjective, objective; real, imaginary; and all our imaginable, and unimaginable. Above all there is at least the existence of all these forms.
  Is a fundamental characteristic of abstract philosophy. Why Philosophy is abstract? Because there is between all have the same abstract, this abstract is the same abstract internal structure and external relations of the abstract the same the same. It is the same based on this abstraction, so that we could feel the presence of all existence. Philosophy have to do is _set_ the same contents of this abstract.
  Philosophy is the science of Wan. The existence and development of all the concrete must follow the abstract rules; all the specific subjects should comply with the application of abstract philosophical principles, but it must be premised on the correctness of Philosophy.
  Philosophy (Philosophy), including the traditional metaphysics, epistemology, ethics of research. The subjects attempted to answer the origin of the world, knowledge of how to obtain, and the concept of good and evil and other problems. Basically, the philosophy of the basic method is to use rational arguments to these issues. However, the actual scope and definition of philosophy up to now there is no definitive answer, "what is philosophy?" In the tradition of philosophy is full of differences and the much-debated.
  Abstract organism. Must be able to grasp abstract thinking. If Ma Zhe, on the concept of substance is defined by consciousness, but consciousness is defined through the material.
  Source Philosophy
  In addition, the philosophy may use less formal means, or belief in a particular way.
  History of Philosophy
  "Philosophy" in early origins in China, has a long history. Such as "Confucian philosophy 10", "Gu Sheng Sages" and other words, "philosophy" or "philosopher", specifically refers to those who are good at speculative, knowledge intensive, that is, Modern West, "philosopher", "thinkers" of that.
  Generally believed that the origin of Chinese philosophy during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, Confucianism Confucius, Lao Tzu's Taoism, and the late Mo Legalist Mohist represented. In fact, in previous "Book of Changes" which has already started to discuss philosophical questions.
  19th century 70s, Japan's first to use the Western Zhou Dynasty in ancient Chinese philosophy Evangelist translated as "philosophy", before and after 1896, such as the Japanese translation of Kang said the introduction to China, with the gradual passage. In the West, the term usually used to describe a philosophy of life of a person views (such as someone's "Philosophy of Life") and the basic principles (such as values, ideas, behavior). In academic philosophy, it is these basic principles of rational basis for doubt, reflection, and trying on these basic principles of rational reconstruction.
  The first covers the philosophy of all knowledge levels. It has been the most abstract knowledge of mankind. Introduction to the Philosophy of the term originally comes from the Greek thinker Pythagoras.
  Basic disciplines of philosophy
  Ancient Greek philosophers through the practice of asking philosophical questions, questions about them can be classified into three categories, respectively, these three issues formed the basis for discipline of philosophy, metaphysics (metaphysics), knowledge of (Epistemology), and ethics (Ethics).
  The first three issues are:
  * The essence of the world and the truth.
  * How do we know or understand about the question of truth
  * The meaning of life issues and moral practice
  The relationship between philosophy and science
  Academic History from the West, science is the philosophy of the derivatives. Later, scientific independence, parallel with the discipline of philosophy. Interaction between science and philosophy. Science produces knowledge, philosophy and generate ideas. Marxism holds that philosophy is a social ideology. Modern Western philosophy in the philosophy of science, is designed to study the scientific theory. This theory of a scientific history, science summarized 许多 theoretical model, but only explained the science, science is not the right guidance. Philosophy is a special way to understand the world, is to make high up in a science.
  Physics objects, phenomena, structure and operation of the laws of the objective to find a best way to explain the phenomenon; the metaphysical law of the validity of the request why the best method of Cheng Li are described.
  Experience and knowledge are considered methods of integration; and knowledge of concern is the availability of knowledge itself, and whether it can be meaningful demarcation.
  Logical form of mathematics used to study the quantity, structure, and model; and logic reasoning is concerned with the effective power to ensure what is logical reliability and completeness.
  Sociology attempts to summarize in some universal law, and predict human action groups or among individuals; and ethics are more concerned about these acts of freedom and moral responsibility for the relevance of its intrinsic motivation, meaning and how to make people behavior trend towards an optimum.
  Concerned about the transfer of power politics; the political philosophy of power and how to appear more concerned with the establishment.
  The United States to show people the art of charm, but not once explain the origin of this charm; and aesthetics are questioning the essence of beauty and significance.
  The value of philosophy
  Philosophy should learn is that it is not for the issues raised by any definitive answers, but rather the issues themselves; reason is that these problems can expand our concept for all the possible things, a rich spiritual aspects of our imagination, and reduce the dogmatic self-confidence, they may imprison the role of the mind thinking. In addition, in particular, is the philosophy of meditation in the universe through the large, heart would be great together, so that we can and for the perfection of the universe into its combined.
  Philosophy can also be said for the belief of a rational, as well as a rational conclusion on the people and the laws of nature.
  Philosophy is the ultimate meaning of the world on the interpretation, which we understand the world in the interpretation of manipulation to make the world in our consciousness of the country to provide us spiritual consolation.
  Philosophy is a kind of human self-positioning tool.
  A branch of philosophy
  Altruism - anti-realism - Buddhist philosophy - Confucianism - Hedonism - Materialism - Idealism - Idealism - non-realism - the logic correct doctrine - pessimism - Taoism - - ego - pessimism - rationalism - realism - Aestheticism - Metaphysical materialism - dialectical materialism - objective idealism - subjective idealism - irrationalism - Stoic doctrine - Existentialism - Metaphysics - utilitarianism - ... ...
  Branch of philosophy
  Because of the area, there are many branches of philosophy.
  * History of Philosophy
  o Eastern Philosophy
  + Indian philosophy
  + History of Chinese Philosophy
  + Islamic philosophy
  + Japanese philosophy
  o History of Western Philosophy
  + Ancient Greek Philosophy
  + Medieval Philosophy
  + Renaissance Philosophy
  + German classical philosophy
  + Russian Philosophy
  * Marxist Philosophy
  o dialectical materialism
  o Historical Materialism
  o History of Marxist Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Science
  * Modern Philosophy
  o Philosophy of Existence
  o Analytical Philosophy
  o Humanities and Philosophy
  o Hermeneutics
  o Semiotics
  o philosophy of pragmatism
  * Ethics
  o Medical Ethics
  o Education and Ethics
  o Political Ethics
  o Family Ethics
  o Bioethics
  o Ecological Ethics
  * Aesthetics
  o Aesthetic History
  o Art Aesthetics
  o Technological Aesthetics
  * Metaphysics
  * Phenomenology
  * Process Philosophy
  * Knowledge of
  * Philosophy of Death
  * Philosophy of Life
  * Philosophy of Law
  * Philosophy of Mind
  * Mohist Philosophy
  * Contemporary American Philosophy
  * Comparative Philosophy
  * Contemporary French Philosophy
  * Philosophy Philosophy
  And the related disciplines of philosophy
  * Theory of Relativity
  * Quantum Mechanics
  * Chaos
  * String Theory
  * Thinking science
  * Artificial Intelligence
  * Psychology
  * Information Theory
  * Semantics
  * Sociology of Science
  * Logic
  * Science
  * Control Theory
  * Mechanistic
  Other related disciplines and philosophy
  * Philosophy of Religion
  * Political Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Law
  * Philosophy of Physics
  * Astronomy Philosophy
  * Chemical Philosophy
  * Language of Philosophy
  * Buddhist philosophy
  * Godfather Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Education
  * Philosophy of Language
  o ordinary language philosophy
  * Natural Philosophy
  * Economic Philosophy
  * The same philosophy
  * Speculative Philosophy
  * Philosophy of Biology
  * Historical Materials of Chinese Philosophy
  * Philosophy of History
  * Yi
  * Classics
  * Metaphysics
  * Pan-Ling source philosophy
  * Qin scholars
  Philosophical proposition
  * Free will
  * Determinism
  * Causality
  * Random
  * White Horse
  * People that Tao Daily
  * Paradox
  * Change Nisshin
  * Debate the issue were 20
  * Jen is the source of all things
  * Body with a source
  * The same day will never change
  * Heaven Nature
  * All things are to me
  * Extremes meet
  * Mind and Temperament
  * With no body
  * New so divided
  * God-shaped mass with
  * Nature is reason
  * Birthday percent of Japan
  * Divided into two
  * One thing the two bodies
  * EPR paradox
  * Preclusion Ying Jian
  Philosophy books
  King Wen of Zhou "Book of Changes"
  I "the moral"
  Nietzsche's "Thus Spake Zarathustra"
  Schopenhauer "The World as Will and Representation"
  Kant's "Critique of Pure Reason"
  Russell "Road to Happiness"
  Rousseau's "Social Contract"
  Hegel's "Phenomenology of Mind"
  Plato's "Utopia"
  "Philosophy", "Tractatus," "Being and Time," "Justice"
  Also recently published "Sophie's World" (Jostein • Judd)
  • Bertrand Russell
  "On the basis of geometry"
  "Leibniz's philosophy"
  "Mathematical principles"
  "Principia Mathematica" (3 volumes, and Whitehead co)
  "Philosophical questions"
  "Our knowledge of the outside world"
  "Logical Atomism"
  "Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy"
  "Heart of the analysis"
  "Material analysis"
  "The meaning and truth of the inquiry"
  "History of Western Philosophy"
  "Human knowledge - its scope and limits"
  "My philosophy of development"
  Major philosophers
  1, Western
  (1) Greek philosopher
  Heraclitus (primitive fire-founder)
  Thales (water primitive founder)
  Anaximander (no fixed that founder)
  Ana Kersee United States and Nigeria (gas primitive founder)
  Remain fundamental (atomism founder)
  (2) Christian Philosophy
  Charles 士丁
  拉克坦 repair
  • Thomas Aquinas
  Lin Luo Color
  • Roger Bacon
  (3) After the Renaissance
  • Francis Bacon

Comments (1)

hepingdao wrote (2008-11-16 08:40:46):

  世界范围内,并非所有的科学工作者以及哲学研究人员都认同辩证唯物论这一哲学流派。爱因斯坦对恩格斯的《自然辩证法》手稿阅读完毕后曾做出这样的评价:“ 爱德华·伯恩斯坦先生把恩格斯的一部关于自然科学内容的手稿交给我,托付我发表意见,看这部手稿是否应该付印。我的意见如下:要是这部手稿出自一位并非作为一个历史人物而引人注意的作者,那么我就不会建议把它付印,因为不论从当代物理学的观点来看,还是从物理学史方面来说,这部手稿的内容完全就是胡说八道、疯人之作。可是,我可以这样设想:如果考虑到这部著作对于阐明恩格斯的思想的意义是一个有趣的文献,那是可以勉强出版的。”(《爱因斯坦文集》第一卷,商务印书馆,1977年,第202页)
  ①古代朴素唯物主义:把物质归结为物质的具体形态中国古代“五行” 学说:金、木、水、火、土是世界的本原。古希腊赫拉克利特(前540-前480):“火”是万物的本原,世界过去、现在和将来都是按规律燃烧着、按规律熄灭着的永恒的活火。“这个世界不是任何神创造的也不是任何人创造的。它过去、现在和未来永远是一团永恒的活火。在一定分寸上燃烧,在一定分寸上熄灭。”
  马克思和恩格斯认为一切存在的事物都是由相互对立的部分组合而成的。 例如, 电现象中包含有正电荷和负电荷;原子是一个整体但也是由相反电荷的氢核和电子所组成。马克思和恩格斯的对立统一思想来自黑格尔。