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  語言是人類的創造,衹有人類有真正的語言。許多動物也能夠發出聲音來表示自己的感情或者在群體中傳遞信息但是這都衹是一些固定的程式, 不能隨機變化。衹有人類纔會把無意義的語音按照各種方式組合起來,成為有意義的語素,再把為數衆多的語素按照各種方式組合成話語,用無窮變化的形式來表示變化無窮的意義。
  Fortran 第一個高級程序設計語言,50年代由IBM發明,主要用於科學計算,現在仍有人使用。
  COBOL 主要數據處理,現在仍在大型數據庫等應用中廣泛使用。
  BASIC 主要用於初級計算機教育,在微機發明後,得到大發展。微軟公司靠他起步。
  ALGOL 建立在堅實理論基礎上的程序設計語言,60年代被認為最有前途的,現在已經很少有人使用了。
  PASCAL 專為計算機教育而發明的程序設計語言,對於促進結構化程序設計方法的普及有很大作用,現在仍有多人在學。
  C/C++ C與Unix操作係統結伴而生,BELL實驗室發明,目標代碼效率高,可以用來編係統軟件。C也是BELL實驗室發明,是在C上增加了面嚮對象特性,是現在使用最廣泛的程序設計語言。
  Java 最新的面嚮對象程序設計語言,面嚮internet,Sun公司發明,可以一次編程,到處運行。
  3 語言為什麽采用聲音作為手段?
  社會生活的進化一般都是由簡到繁的,語言也就隨着越來越繁,這自然是文化發展帶來的變化。女孩子長到十六歲,就是年方“二八”。男人長到三十歲,說是到“而立”之年,到六十歲就稱“花甲”了。這都是因為念過書,書上是這樣寫的。形容美女寫的是:“ 沉魚落雁之容,閉月羞花之貌”。方便說是:“近水樓臺”(先得月)。考試失敗說是:“名落孫山”。冒充的,說是:“濫竽充數”。見慣了,說是:“司空見慣 ”。自高自大稱“妄自尊大”,“夜郎自大”。婦女生孩子,生出男孩說是“弄璋”,生出女孩說是“弄瓦”(古時原始的紡錘叫瓦),這樣說法纔顯得有文化、文雅。一般老百姓說話也同樣是越來越復雜。因為舊社會當兵的常欺壓老百姓,老百姓對“兵”字,多無好感。於是,人們就把兵字拆開,叫“丘八”。有時叫“丘八爺”,帶有輕衊、譏諷之意。驕傲自大說是:“翹尾巴”。這些都是常聽到的。
  老百姓生活中還有很多概括性的成語,也是從生活中總結出來的十分簡潔的說法,由淺入深、由簡到繁。趕工作會說:“起早貪黑”,“手忙腳亂”。瑣碎小事說:“雞毛蒜皮”。安排工作時說:有人“挑肥揀瘦”。駡什麽人且說:“狗仗人勢”。有些話不便直說,如可能有難料的危險,就說有個“三長兩短”。看過戲,聽過說書,看過小說的,也會藉用其中的詞語,如“後會有期”,“臨陣磨槍”,回傢說:“打道回府 ”,“安步當車”。再說得深,說得俏皮,就是:“有錢能使鬼推磨”,“殺雞給猴看”,“你走你的陽關道,我走我的獨木橋”。“是騾子是馬拉出來遛遛”,“ 當一天和尚撞一天鐘”,“哪傢都有本難念的經”。再進一步地說就帶有幽默了:“打腫臉充胖子”,“尿泡尿也得看皇歷”。耕地說是:“修理地球”,舞臺上的白麵小生稱:“奶油小生”。別人提出自己不願提的事,說:“哪壺不開提哪壺”。說人糊塗是:“被人賣了,還跟着去數錢”。某人的兩個孩子的名字是“三千一郎”和“千五百惠”,聽着很像日本人名。其實,那是因為父母違反了計劃生育規定,多生了這一男一女,被罰款。一個罰了三千元,一個罰了一千五百,纔取這兩個名字的——當然,這想必是開玩笑時說的。
  漢語 使用人口達12億多,占全球人口20%以上。
  英語 使用人口達5億多,但學習英語者至少在10億人以上。
  印地語 使用人口5億以上,主要是印度。
  西班牙語 使用人口4億以上。
  俄語 使用人口3億以上。
  阿拉伯語 使用人口3億以上。
  孟加拉語 使用人口2億以上。
  葡萄牙語 使用人口近2億。
  法語 使用人口約1.9億
  馬來語及印尼語 使用人口超過1.5億。
  日語 使用人口近1.5億。
  朝鮮語(韓語) 使用人口超過8000萬
  What is language?
  Webster's New World Dictionary offers several most frequently used senses of the word'language',namely,[1](a)human speech;(b)the ability to communicate by this means;(c)a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed,used for the expression or communication of thought and feelings;(d)the written representation of such a system;[2](a)any means of expressing or communicating,as gestures,signs,or animal sounds;
  (b)a special set of of symbols,letters,numerals,rules etc.used for the transmission of information,as in a computer;...(p.759)Suffice it to say here that though we use the word in its various senses,we focus here on its primary sense:namely[1](a),(b),(c),(d).
  To give the barest of definition,language is a means of verbal communication.It is instrumental in that communicating by speaking or writing is a purposeful act.It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues,motivation,and socio-cultural roles.Language learning and use,are determined by the intervention of biological,cognitive,psychosocial,and environmental factors.In short,language distinguishes us from animals because it is far more sophisticated than any animal communication system.(reproduction of material without witten permission is strictly prohibited,contact me via email if you want to copy this eassay:exiven@163.com This essay is taken from"Linguistics.A Course Book" Editor in chief:鬍壯麟 Subeditor:薑望琪資料來源:《語言學教程》 主編:鬍壯麟 副主編:薑望琪,北京大學出版社出版)
  韋氏的新世界字典(Webster's New World Dictionary)提供了“語言”的幾種最常見的定義,即,[1](a)人類的言語;(b)
  一個最簡單的定義就是,語言是言語交流的一種方式。因為說和寫的交流方式是一種有目的的行為,所以語言是實用性的;因為語言是社會符號,語言的交流衹能在所有參與者廣泛理解了人類的那些非語言的暗示,動機,社會文化角色等等互相關聯的因素之後才能有效進行,因此語言又是社會的,約定俗成的。語言的學習和使用取决與生物學的,認知的,心理的和環境的因素,語言比其他任何動物的交流係統都要復雜得多,語言使人類區別於動物。(以上是關於語言的相關解釋,未經允許,禁止轉載,惡意篡改本文內容視為侵犯著作權,如有問題,與我聯繫 exiven@163.com參考了《語言學教程》,英語語言學專業網站 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1503801131_0_1.html 如果需要其他方面的語言學方面內容,可以參考其他語言學網站或語言學書籍,《語言學教程》 主編:鬍壯麟 副主編:薑望琪,北京大學出版社出版)
  漢藏語係 下分漢語和藏緬、壯侗、苗瑤等語族,包括漢語、藏語、緬甸語、剋倫語、壯語、苗語、瑤語等。
  阿爾泰語係 下分西阿爾泰語族、東阿爾泰語族。前者包括突闕諸語言以及前蘇聯境內的楚瓦什語,後者包括蒙古語以及前蘇聯境內的埃文基語。
  閃含語係 又稱亞非語係。下分閃語族和含語族。前者包括希伯來語、阿拉伯語等,後者包括古埃及語、豪薩語等。
  德拉維達語係 又稱達羅毗荼語係。印度南部的語言都屬於這一語係,包括比哈爾語、泰盧固語、泰米爾語、馬拉亞蘭語等。
  高加索語係 這一語係的語言分佈在高加索一帶,主要的語言有格魯吉亞語、車臣語等。
  烏拉爾語係 下分芬蘭語族和烏戈爾語族。前者包括芬蘭語、愛沙尼亞語等,後者包括匈牙利語、曼西語等。
  此外還有一些語係,如非洲的尼日爾—剛果語係、沙裏—尼羅語係、科依散語係,美洲的愛斯基摩— 阿留申語係以及一些印第安語係,大洋洲的馬來—波利尼西亞語係和密剋羅尼西亞語係。需要指出的是,世界上有些語言,從譜係上看,不屬於任何語係,如日語、朝鮮語等,就是獨立的語言。

  Language is the symbolic system is voice-shell material to the semantic content for the meaning, pronunciation and meaning of the word combination of building materials and grammar rules of the system of organization. Language is a social phenomenon, is the most important communication tool of mankind, is to think and transmission of information tools, the results of human knowledge preserved the carrier. Language has the stability and nationality.
  Language is a human creation, only man has a true language. Many animals can also be a voice to express their feelings, or transmission of information in groups but this is just some Guding the program can not change randomly. Only human voice according to meaningless combinations of various ways to become a meaningful morpheme, then the large number of morphemes in a variety of ways to form words, with the endless changes that change the form of infinite significance.
  Human beings created the language to create a text later. Text is the language of visual form. Suffered the spoken word break space and time constraints, can play a greater role.
  The invention of writing
  For the text of the invention, the ancients regarded as one more big deal. "Huainanzi" he said: "Formerly, the CJ for the book and rainy weather, millet, night crying ghost." Can best represent the text of the divine power is the operator □, which is spoken in the spell with the very thing. General text also stained the color of superstition, have words on paper can not throw to put the "King Cherishing paper" label containers, build up burned. Of course, there are taboo words inside his mouth can not say the name of the paper can not write; must write have to borrow the homophone, or missing a.
  It is estimated that about 5,600 languages in the world, including more than 100 million use the language of 100 or so, more than 50 million of the 20 or so.
  Although the language can be used for text based, but the language is after all not the same text, although the scientific community and religious countries make great efforts, however, there are two quarters in the world of language is no corresponding text.
  Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and so is the world's major languages, is also a United Nations working languages.
  Machine language
  Program is a sequence of machine instructions, the Romans, using the machine instruction programming, is that people first and most natural choice. Machine is the machine language instruction set. Machine language is binary not easily be understood, difficult to master; and vary by machine, the program difficult to transplant.
  Each machine instruction in assembly language will be accompanied by a mnemonic, such as Add, Jump, etc. to form a simple assembly language. Simple assembly language statements one correspondence with machine instructions. A simple compilation of the relevant parts of the machine in separate, completed by the system, the formation of macro assembler. Assembly language is said, generally means the macro assembler. Assembly language easier than machine language, it is still difficult to grasp; it varies by machine, the program difficult to transplant.
  The first high-level Fortran programming language, IBM invented by the 50's, mainly used for scientific computing, there are still people to use.
  COBOL main data processing, large database applications are still widely used.
  BASIC computer mainly for primary education, the computer was invented by big development. He started by Microsoft.
  ALGOL built on a solid theoretical foundation of programming languages, 60 years is considered the most promising, is now rarely used.
  PASCAL education for computer programming language invented for the promotion of structured programming method is very effective in popularity, there are still people in the school.
  C / C + + C and the Unix operating system go hand in hand hygiene, BELL laboratory inventions, the object code efficiency is high, can be used to compile software. C BELL laboratory is the invention of an increase in C, object-oriented features, is now the most widely used programming language.
  The latest object-oriented Java programming language, for the internet, Sun invented, can be programmed once, run everywhere.
  Language into the first language and second language.
  A person from childhood through and the other members of the same language group (such as parents, relatives, people around) contact, natural learning and skilled communication and thought process used in the language. Own language or mother tongue are generally the first language of individuals is the primary language.
  Were born, first of all to master and use the language, called the first language. Second language specifically refers to the domestic non-native. In the multi-ethnic country, the second language and first language are often used simultaneously.
  Language Features
  Language features are: creative, structural, sense of, to refer to sexual and social and individuality.
  The structure of language: phonemes, morphemes, words, sentences.
  Types of language: dialogue, language, monologue language, written language, the internal language.
  Characterization and processing language
  Characterization】 【language is the language of information load materials exist in the minds of ways. Characterization of a hierarchy of language.
  】 【Language processing on the input of linguistic information is encoded, transformation, storage, extraction process. Language processing can be divided into automatic processing and controlled processing, series processing and parallel processing, modular machining processing and interaction.
  Physiological mechanisms of language
  1, the pronunciation of the language mechanisms: respiratory, throat and vocal cords, mouth, nose and pharynx.
  2, the activities of the central mechanism of the language: Broca area, Wernicke area, angular gyrus.
  (1), Broca's aphasia caused by lesions in commonly known as motor aphasia or expressive aphasia.
  (2) causes lesions in Wernicke receptive aphasia, a language Agnosia. Cut or damaged Wernicke area and Broca area of nerve fibers linking - arched beam, will also produce the same effect.
  (3) angular gyrus spoken and written language to achieve the conversion. Angle back injury will cause semantic aphasia.
  3, the language side of the two hemispheres in the brain advantage and language activities. (Split brain research), which confirmed that the main activity of the brain hemisphere language function, but the right hemisphere in language comprehension plays an important role.
  Speech Perception
  1, the physical nature of voice: pitch, intensity, length and tone sound.
  2, phoneme is in a language different meaning to smallest phonetic unit. Phoneme sub-consonants and vowels. The distinctive features of phonemes helps to explain people's perception of speech. Various factors affecting speech perception are: voice similar, voice intensity, noise masking, context, syntax and semantic role.
  3, to understand the factors affecting vocabulary: word position information, Orthographic, letter or stroke length, number, shape structure, word frequency, voice role, the role of context, semantic role.
  4, to understand the factors that affect the sentence: sentence type, word order, context, syntax analysis and semantic analysis.
  5, the factors affecting speech understanding: reasoning, context, the role of icons.
  Language production
  1, language production is the people through organ or sign language activities to the state or to express thoughts in writing, including speaking and writing his two forms. Language production units are: phonemes, syllables, morphemes, words, phrases, sentences.
  2, language production can be divided into different stages. Such as: construction phase: According to the aim to determine the expression of thought; conversion phase: the use of syntactic rules in the form of thought into language; the implementation phase: the linguistic forms of information to say or write.
  3 Why is using the voice as a means of language?
  Restrictions on day and night without the sound, better than the visual; language communication effective range of more than gestures; language as a means of using the voice, you can talk while while working; sign language, gestures as fast as the sound; Therefore, the language of communication as a means of sound is a natural human evolution.
  Language, from simple to complex
  The evolution of social life, generally from simple to complex, the language also as more complex, it is the cultural development of natural change. Girls grow up to 16 years old, is on side "28." Long to three-year-old man, said to "standing" in years to six years, and he said "Nail" has. This is because the studied, the book is written like this. Describe the beauty is written: "beauties of the content, Biyuexiuhua the appearance." Facilitate said: "proximity" (come on). Test failure is: "Minglasunshan." Forgery, said: "a good impression." Accustomed to seeing, and said: "common." Conceit that "arrogant", "arrogant." Women, children, birth to boy said, "Nong Zhang," give birth to girls is "Nong Wa" (the ancient original spindle called watts), this statement appears only literate, elegant. The general population is also more complex words. Because the old soldiers often oppressed people of society, the people of the "soldiers", which many no good impression. So, people took the word apart soldiers, called "Qiu Ba." Sometimes called "Hill bye," with contempt, ridicule intended. Arrogant said: "cocky." These are often heard.
  There are many people living in the general idiom, but also from life summed up very simple argument, implemented progressively, from simple to complex. Catch up work will say: "from dawn to dusk," "rush." Trivial, said: "trivial." Organization of work, said: It was "cherry-picking." What people say then scolded: "Gouzhangrenshi." Some would say for the inconvenience, such as the risk may be unpredictable, said there was "something happens." Read the play, listening to storytellers, read novels, which will be borrowed words, such as "meet again", "crash course", go home and say: "go home", "walk rather than cars." To put it more deeply, to put it playful, is: "Money talks", "a warning to others", "You take your perfectly normal paths, my way or the highway." "Is a mule is a horse out of a walk," "When the day of the collision one of the three monks," "Which has the cupboard." Further to say on with humor: the "hat and no cattle," "Urine Paoniao also depends almanac." Land that is: "repair the earth", the stage of flour niche, said: "Naiyouxiaosheng." Others do not want to mention make their own things, said: "Which pot is not touching the tender spot." That people are confused: "was sold, also followed to count the money." Two children the name of a person is "3000 Ichiro" and "1000 500 Hui", which sounds like a Japanese name. In fact, it is because their parents violated the family planning regulations, have more of this man and a woman was fined. A fine of 3,000 yuan, a fine of 1500, only to take these two names - of course, presumably when he was joking.
  The world's most used languages
  Chinese use of a population of over 1.2 billion, accounting for more than 20% of the global population.
  English using a population of more than 500 million, but at least those who learn English more than 10 million people.
  Hindi using more than 500 million people, mainly in India.
  More than 400 million people using Spanish.
  Russian use of more than 300 million population.
  Arabic to use more than 300 million people.
  Bengali population of 200 million or more to use.
  Portuguese to use a population of nearly 200 million.
  Use of a population of about 190 million French
  Malay and Indonesian use of more than 150 million people.
  Population of nearly 150 million Japanese use.
  Korean (Korean) people using more than 80 million
  Language Technology: talk to scale, work to be measured
  Since ancient times, Chinese people work so hard to talk scale and measured. The ancients said: "The case of non-English people in dark, defeats lose heart; see bitterly from the good of the people, should be prevented in mouth." "Dreams of all knowledge, human sophistication that article." Visible, no matter who is speaking with people, work with others, involved the propriety of the mystery.
  Speak and act is to pay attention to scale, measured. This "scale, measured" was mainly on?
  1, the speaker is not in place No, do not act hard not work. Words are not in place, that not the point, others may not understand enlightenment, understanding, not through, wondering not your real intention, you have ideas or requests will not be valued and accepted, not only do not accomplish, and often do not think much of being. How can this appreciation and goodwill for others it? How to win people's friendship and thinks highly of it? By the same token, do not do not do things for others. "There is also reason to not go to non-." People ask you things, you do not try, you encounter a difficult time. How can we expect others to do the warm help solve the problem?
  Second, it is impossible to speak too much, too far, things Tai Mianjiang not work. Good to talk big words too harsh. After listening to unhappy people, that you ignore the general interest and do not know the rules, ungrateful, such people often turn away people, normal people also can not contact. Work Taimian Jiang, the ability ability to errand dare not take, do not do something want to embrace, the results can not pay the poor can only add unnecessary trouble for himself, to create your own ability to lower or dishonesty impression.
  Speak with scale, contact stresses measured, work stress, behavioral restraint, people can easily accept you, like you, help you lose body behavior, did not know the depth, thickness unknown, they all hate, always sad thing things can not do anything, being blocked.
  Speak and act in the sense of proportion scale similar to a BMW, you can control better the day traveling thousands of miles to help you charge forward; control is not good, can make you Shuaigen Tou, and even kicked people.
  "Linguistics" on the "language" to explain
  What is language?
  Webster's New World Dictionary offers several most frequently used senses of the word'language ', namely, [1] (a) human speech; (b) the ability to communicate by this means; (c) a system of vocal sounds and combinations of such sounds to which meaning is attributed, used for the expression or communication of thought and feelings; (d) the written representation of such a system; [2] (a) any means of expressing or communicating, as gestures, signs, or animal sounds;
  (B) a special set of of symbols, letters, numerals, rules etc.used for the transmission of information, as in a computer ;...( p.759) Suffice it to say here that though we use the word in its various senses, we focus here on its primary sense: namely [1] (a), (b), (c), (d).
  To give the barest of definition, language is a means of verbal communication.It is instrumental in that communicating by speaking or writing is a purposeful act.It is social and conventional in that language is a social semiotic and communication can only take place effectively if all the users share a broad understanding of human interaction including such associated factors as nonverbal cues, motivation, and socio-cultural roles.Language learning and use, are determined by the intervention of biological, cognitive, psychosocial, and environmental factors.In short, language distinguishes us from animals because it is far more sophisticated than any animal communication system. (reproduction of material without witten permission is strictly prohibited, contact me via email if you want to copy this eassay: exiven@163.com This essay is taken from "Linguistics.A Course Book" Editor in chief: HU Zhuang-lin Subeditor: Jiang Wang Qi Source: "Linguistics" Editor: Hu Lin Chuang Associate Editor: Jiang Wang Qi, Beijing University Publishing House)
  Webster's New World Dictionary (Webster's New World Dictionary) provides a "language" of some of the most common definition, that is, [1] (a) human speech; (b)
  Ability to communicate through speech; (c) used to express or exchange ideas and feelings of a voice and the voice of integrating these systems; (d) the system of expression; [2] (a) express or communicate in any way , such as gesture, mark, or the animal's voice; (b) symbols, letters, numbers and rules of Teshujige, Yong Lai 传达 information, such as used in computing medium; short, Although that term has a variety of significance, but Our focus here is the basic meaning of the language, that is, [1] (a) (b) (c) (d).
  One of the most simple definition is that language is a form of verbal communication. As speaking and writing means of communication is a purposeful act, so language is practical; because the language of social symbols, language, communication can only be understood in all human participants in a wide range of those non-verbal cues, motivation, the role of social and cultural factors associated with each other and so can be effectively carried out after, so the language is social, conventional. Language learning and use depends on biological, cognitive, psychological and environmental factors, language than any other animal communication system to be much more complex, the language human beings apart from animals. (The above explanations on the relevant language, without permission is prohibited reproduced, malicious tampering with the contents of this article as a violation of copyright, any questions, contact me exiven@163.com reference to the "Linguistics," English Linguistics website http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/articlelist_1503801131_0_1.html If you need other linguistic content, you can refer to other linguistic sites or books, linguistics, "Linguistics" Editor: Hu Lin Chuang Associate Editor: Jiang Wang Qi , Peking University Press)
  According to separate the genetic classification system is the best language. By a common history with the composition of the source language. Such as the Sino-Tibetan language family, Indo-European. The same language, the language according to the relationship between the distance, can be divided into a number of language family, the same language group can then be divided into a number of languages supported distance relationship. Such as the Indo-European sub-Indian, Germanic, Roman, Slavic and other language group. Slavic languages is divided into East Slavic, West Slavic, Yugoslavia supported the three languages. As the complexity of the world's languages, linguists in the language of division are not the same in the name are not the same.
  The world's seven major languages
  The 19th century, Europe's comparative study of the school that nearly 100 kinds of languages in the world and found that some languages of Mouxie pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar rules You Duiyingguanji between, some similarities, they Pianbazhexie languages into one group, as related language; because some ethnic and racial Also some correspondence, they go together, as with the Department of Language, which is the evolutionary relationship between the so-called language. Now, the world's major language has seven major categories:
  Indo-European is the largest language, is divided India, Iran, German, Latin, Slavic, Baltic language group. Indian language family, including Sanskrit, Hindi, Pali, etc.. Iranian languages, including Persian, Afghan and so on. Germanic languages, including English, German, Dutch, Scandinavian Peninsula, the main language. Latin family, including French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian. Slavic languages are Russian, Bulgarian, Polish. Baltic language family includes Latvian and Lithuanian.
  Under the sub-Chinese and Sino-Tibetan Tibeto-Burman, and Dong, Miao and Yao ethnic languages, including Chinese, Tibetan, Burmese, Karen language, dialect, Hmong, Yao and other languages.
  Altaic language family is divided West Harter, Eastern Altai language family. The former includes the Linguistic Que conflict within the former Soviet Union and the Chuvash language, the latter including the Mongolian and the former Soviet Union in the Avon-based language.
  With language, also known as Afro-Asiatic Semitic. Under sub-Semitic, and with a family. The former includes Hebrew, Arabic, etc., the latter including the ancient Egyptian language, Hausa and so on.
  Dravidian languages Dravidian languages known. The language of southern India belong to the language, including Bihar language, Telugu, Tamil, English, etc. Malayalan.
  Caucasian languages the language of the language found in the Caucasus area, the main language in Georgian, Chechen language, etc..
  Under the sub-family of Uralic languages Finnish and Ugric language group. The former includes Finnish, Estonian, etc., which includes Hungarian, Mansi, etc..
  There are also other languages, such as Africa, Niger - Congo languages, the sand - Nile languages, Khoisan language, American Eskimo - Aleut language and some Indian languages, Oceania, the Malay - Polynesian and Micronesian languages language. Be noted that some of the world's languages, from the pedigree view, does not belong to any language, such as Japanese, Korean, etc., is independent of language.
  In the past two centuries, scholars from various countries to various languages around the world into various languages such as Indo-European, Uralic, A non-Roy Asiatic languages, Altaic, Sino-Tibetan, Austro-Asiatic, Austronesian languages, etc. However, some departments are still unknown languages, such as is found in northern Spain and southwestern France near the Spanish border in the Basque region of ancient Mesopotamia, etc. used in Sumerian. So, these different origins of language and how language is it? Residents speak the same language language community is what then? Between different languages and whether the ancient inhabitants had contact with each other then? Billions of people around the world talking about tens of thousands of languages have a common origin it? These issues can not be accurately answered in the past, and has been regarded as scientific "restricted." But in the last 20 years, with molecular biology, human population genetics and archeology, linguistics progress, we finally see about opening the "mystery of the century" and a ray of hope. This is the mutual penetration of all science, new research methods and means of continuous improvement results.
  Language family of India (Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, Romany, etc.).
  Iranian languages (Persian, Kurdish, Afghan, etc.).
  Slavic languages (Russian, Serbian, Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, etc.)
  Armenian family (mainly in Armenian)
  Baltic language group (Lithuanian, Latvian, etc.)
  Germanic languages (German, Danish, Swedish, Dutch, English, etc.)
  Latin (Romance) language family (Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian, etc.)
  Greek Family (in Greek-based)
  Celtic language family (in Irish-based)
  Albanian family (mainly Albanian)
  Has the largest population of the Sino-Tibetan speech. The language of China as the center, slightly southwest of radiation, remarks a quarter of the world's population, but is more concentrated geographical distribution. Under the four language families, namely, ethnic Chinese, Tibeto-Burman family, and Dong language group, Miao-Yao language family.
  Altaic. To now, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia Altai border the center, is widely distributed in Asia, desert and grassland areas abdomen. Under the three language families, namely, Turkic, Mongolian family, Tungus Manchu family. Some linguists believe that Korean and Japanese major component, belong to this language.
  Flash with language. Distributed in the West Asia North Africa region, divided into two linguistic groups, namely, the Semitic West Asia, North Africa, with a family.
  Bantu languages. Distributed throughout sub-Saharan black Africa, with thousands of languages, mostly tribal language. Representation language is Swahili.
  Austronesian (Malayo - Polynesian) language. Widely distributed in Southeast Asia, the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia Islands, Oceania. China Taiwan Island Gaoshan language, which is Austronesian.
  Other languages also Darrow adjoining map language (the southern peninsula of India), South Asian languages (Indo-South), Finland - Ugric languages (mainly in Finland and Hungary), the Ibero - Caucasian language (Caucasus area), relatively small distribution areas, the impact on the world exchanges is limited.
  In addition there are nine languages to say:
  World nine languages
  At present it is generally the language of the world is divided into nine languages:
  1) Sino-Tibetan,
  2) Indo-European,
  3), Altaic,
  4) Flash - with language,
  5), Uralic,
  6) Iberian - Caucasian languages,
  7) Malay - Polynesian languages,
  8) South Asian Languages,
  9) The Dravidian languages.
  In addition, there are a number of languages in Africa and the Americas, and some lines are unknown language.

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