成语 > 名士风流
名士风流 Mandarins
拼音: míng shì fēng liú

用法: 偏正式;作宾语;含褒义,指名士的风度和气韵

解释: 名士的风度和习气。指有才学而不拘礼法。

资料来源: 南朝·宋·范晔《后汉书·方术传论》:“汉世之所谓名士者,其风流可知矣。”

例子: 好好!咱们~,下该洒脱些才是。(清·李宝嘉《文明小史》第三十一回)

名士风流 The Mandarins
作者: 西蒙·波娃 Simone de Beauvoir

  The Mandarins (French: Les Mandarins) is a 1954 roman-à-clef by Simone de Beauvoir. Beauvoir was awarded the Prix Goncourt prize in 1954 for The Mandarins. It was first published in English in 1957.
  The book follows the personal lives of a close-knit group of French intellectuals from the end of WWII to the mid fifties. The title refers to the scholar-bureaucrats of imperial China. The characters at times see themselves as ineffectual "mandarins" as they attempt to discern what role, if any, intellectuals will have in influencing the political landscape of the world after WWII. As in Beauvoir's other works, themes of Feminism, Existentialism, and personal morality are explored as the characters navigate not only the intellectual and political landscape but also their shifting relationships with each other.
  The British novelist and philosopher Iris Murdoch described the book as "endearing because of its persistent seriousness"
  Henri Perron (considered to be Albert Camus) is the editor of the leftist newspaper L'Espoir. He is unhappily married to Paula. Henri primarily sees himself as a writer and struggles with his increasing involvement in the political arena.
  Robert Dubreuilh (considered to be Jean-Paul Sartre) is the founder and leader of the SRL, a liberal, non-Communist political group. He is partly responsible for Henri's literary success, and the two are close personal friends.
  Anne Dubreuilh (considered to be Beauvoir herself) is the wife of Robert. She is a practicing psychoanalyst. She has an affair with the American writer Lewis Brogan. Her reflections on the lives of the other characters comprises a large portion of the text.
  Paula Perron is Henri's wife. She is unrelentingly committed to her relationship with Henri, despite his indifference. She develops severe delusions and paranoia regarding this relationship and is forced to seek medical treatment.
  Nadine Dubreuilh is Robert and Anne's daughter. Nadine is haunted by the death of her boyfriend Diego during the French Resistance. She has an affair with Henri early in the course of the novel and later marries Henri and has a child by him.
  Lewis Brogan (considered to be Nelson Algren, to whom the book is dedicated) is an American writer with whom Anne has an extended affair.
  Scriassine David Cesarani in his biography Arthur Koestler, The Homeless Mind, suggests that Scriassine's character is drawn on Arthur Koestler.
指名士的风度﹑气韵 That celebrities grace ﹑ Qiyun
  指名士的风度、气韵。《后汉书·方术传论》:“ 汉 世之所谓名士者,其风流可知矣。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·品藻》:“有人问 袁侍中 曰:‘ 殷仲堪 何如 韩康伯 ?’答曰:‘……门庭萧寂,居然有名士风流, 殷 不及 康 。’”
魏晋文士尚玄学鄙礼法,故后世多以"名士风流"指文人放达潇洒的风貌 Metaphysics in Wei Shi still despise rites, so later generations as "Mandarins" means the writers put up chic style
  魏 晋 文士尚玄学鄙礼法,故后世多以“名士风流”指文人放达潇洒的风貌。 清 沉初 《西清笔记·记名迹》:“ 文敏 图其景絶妙,树木森秀,气象开远,堂中宾主坐对,妓奉觴侍,人仅寸许,而尽态极研,具见名士风流之致。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“ 愫方 有三十岁上下的模样,生在 江 南的世家,父亲也是个名士。名士风流,身后非常萧条。”
No. 5
No. 6
  成语 名士风流
  发音 míng shì fēng liú
  解释 1.名士:指恃才放达不拘小节的人。名士的风度和习气。指有才学而不拘礼法。
  出处 《后汉书·方术传论》:“汉世这所谓名士者,其风流可知矣。”
  示例 好好!咱们~,下该洒脱些才是。 ★清·李宝嘉《文明小史》第三十一回
  1. :  The Mandarins