唐代 卢纶 Lu Lun  唐代   (739~799)
春日书情赠别司空曙 Spring Book love Parting Words Sikong Shu
冬晓呈邻里 Xiao Dong was neighborhood
首冬寄河东昭德里书事贻郑损仓曹 Send the first winter Hedong clear Delhi Book thing bequeath Zheng sun Cao Cang
浑赞善东斋戏赠陈归 Hun Chancery Xi Zeng Chen Dong fast return
春日卧病示赵季黄(时陷在贼中) Spring Be on one's back Chao Huang said that stuck in the thief of time
秋幕中夜独坐迟明因陪…谒上公因书即事兼呈同院诸公 Sitting alone in the night curtain fall Chi ming Ye on the public due to accompany the book that is a matter for the same hospital and were gentlemen
寄赠库部王郎中(时充折籴使) Complimentary Copy (in ancient china) a department under the defense ministry in charge of arms and amir Physician trained in herb medicine When the full break down and buy so that
寄赠畅当山居 Complimentary Copy Chang dang to live away from civilization
偶宿山中忆畅当 Even places In the mountains recall Chang Dang
秋中野望寄舍弟绶兼令呈上西川尚书舅 Fall in Wildness Send Shedi ribbon and make Put forward Nishikawa Shang shu maternal uncle
行药前轩呈董山人 Line drugs were pre-Hsuan Tung hermit
玩春因寄冯卫二补阙戏呈李益(时君与李新除侍御史) Send Feng Wei due to play two spring Buque Play was Li yi When Jun and Li xin In addition to paternity the censor
新移北厅因贻同院诸公兼呈畅博士 North Hall for the new shift Yi Chang was with the hospital and gentlemen doctor
与张擢对酌 And Zhang Zhuo to drink, sitting face to face
喜从弟激初至 to be fond of Sons of one's paternal uncles who are younger than oneself Early shock to
寻贾尊师 Jia search respect the teacher
秋中过独孤郊居(即公主子) Autumn in the off Surname Country Home is the public master
同耿拾遗春中题第四郎新修书院 With Geng Gleaning Spring in the title Fourthly Lang newly built college
春日题杜叟山下别业 Spring Question Du Marceau Yamashita villa
过终南柳处士 Liu had zhongnanzhen Department disabilities
宿澄上人院 Su Cheng Buddhist monk courtyard
过司空曙村居 across Sikong shu Murai
题念济寺晕上人院 Tinianjisi dizzy Buddhist monk courtyard
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷278_34
