唐代 戴叔伦 Dai Shulun  唐代   (732~789)
清明日送邓芮二子还乡(一作方干诗) Qingmingrisongdengrui'erzihai township 1 for Fang gan poem
送谢夷甫宰馀姚县(馀姚,一作鄮县) Xie Yi-fu send the remaining slaughter the remaining Yao Yao County, for Mao County
送柳道时余北还(一作送观察李判官巡郴州) North Willow Road when I send one to get also View (a surname) Official ambassador-at-large Chenzhou
送万户曹之任扬州便归旧隐 Sent 10 000 Households cao Of any Yangzhou Otherwise go to the old hidden
送李长史纵之任常州 aide Any of vertical Changzhou
南宾送蔡侍御游蜀 Nanbin send Caishi Yu Yu Shu
送崔拾遗峒江淮访图书 Send Cui Gleaning name of a mountain The yangtze river and the huai river inquire address
九日送洛阳李丞之任 The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar accompany Luoyang Any of Li Cheng
送车参军江陵(一作送韦参军,一作释清江诗) Delivery vehicle Enroll Wei Jiangling one to send Enroll 1 for Shi qing Jiang Shi
游清溪兰若(兼隐者旧居) You Cheonggyecheon Temple concurrently Anchorite Old home
登楼望月寄凤翔李少尹 Ascend building Full moon lodge at Fung cheung Shao Yin
和汴州李相公勉人日喜春 And Bian Zhou Xiang Gong Li Mian person-days Hei Chun
奉酬卢端公饮后赠诸公见示之作 Feng pay (surname) End public After drinking the gentlemen see the show of gifts for
赠司空拾遗 present Minister of public works in ancient china gleaning
越溪村居 Yuexi village assert
赠韩道士(一作张佖诗) Gifts Korea Taoist 1 for Zhang bi poem
寄万德躬故居 Send a million German bow Former Residence
过故人陈羽山居 across Decedent Chen Yu to live away from civilization
吊畅当 condole Chang Dang
寄刘禹锡 lodge at Liu Yuxi
寄孟郊 lodge at Meng Jiao
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷273_117
