唐代 杜牧 Du Mu  唐代   (803~852)
商山富水驿(驿本名与阳谏议同姓名,因此改为富水驿) Mount Shang rich water relay Remount stations original name and yang jian yi with challenge Hence Instead Rich water relay
赤壁(一作李商隐诗) Chibi 1 for Li shangyin poem
题桃花夫人(即息夫人)庙 inscribe Tao huafuren namely News begum temple
初春雨中舟次和州横江裴使君见迎李赵二秀才…许浑先辈 The first month of spring Rain Zhou times state Across river (surname) Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china See Ying Li Zhao 2 Xiucai Xu Hun antecedent
寄扬州韩绰判官 lodge at Yangzhou Chuo Han official
酬张祜处士见寄长句四韵 fulfil Zhang hu Department disabilities See Send Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line 4 rhyme
旧游 formerly-visited place
寄题甘露寺北轩 Send a question Kanroji North Crest
江上偶见绝句 Occasionally the river Quatrains
赠别二首 Parting words 2
寄远 Send away
奉送中丞姊夫俦自大理卿出镇江西叙事书怀因成十二韵 Hand sb. sth. on a plate An official's name Husband of one's elder sister comrades Arrogance Li Qing Chu town Jiangxi Narrate Form was By Cheng Troubadour charm
中丞业深韬略,志在功名,再奉长句一篇兼有谘劝 An official's name Deep industry Military strategy Aim at Scholarly honour or official rank in feudal china Upon further Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line One-sided Be -nied with (a thing) Public advised
和裴杰秀才新樱桃 And Pei Jie Xiucai new cherry
冬至日遇京使发寄舍弟 Winter solstice Met in Beijing to send Send Shedi
奉和仆射相公春泽稍愆圣君轸虑嘉雪忽降…成四韵 Feng and Pu she Messire Chun-ze Little transgression Sage Jia Zhen consider snow suddenly drop into four rhyme
月 Diana
郡斋秋夜即事,寄斛斯处士许秀才 County, autumn night or something send Husi Department disabilities allow xiucai
秋夕 Qiu Xi
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷523_47
