唐代 元稹 Yuan Zhen  唐代   (779~831)
使东川。江花落 So dongchuan Jiang Whispering
使东川。西县驿 So dongchuan West County Relay
使东川。望驿台(三月尽) So dongchuan Wang relay station Mar all
赠咸阳少府萧郎 present Xianyang Shaofu,officer's title in tang dynasty Xiao Lang
赠吕三校书 Lu three schools donated books
封书 Closed book
仁风李著作园醉后寄李十 Benevolence (as prevailing effect) (a surname) Classic Garden To drink Send Lee 10
灯影 lamp shadow
贬江陵途中寄乐天、杓直杓直…铁乐天以拾遗在翰林 Derogatory Gangneung En route lodge at Happy-go-lucky Shaozhishaozhi iron Happy-go-lucky have Gleaning be member of the Imperial Academy
渡汉江(去年春,奉使东川,经嶓冢山下) Du han river Yesteryear Chun Bong So dongchuan trans- Name of a mountain in shan3xi Yamashita
送岭南崔侍御 accompany South of the five ridges(the area covering guangdong and guangxi)provinces Cui Shiyu
酬乐天八月十五夜禁中独直玩月见寄 Fulfil happy-go-lucky Aug Fifteen No passing during the night of curfew Sent in alone see straight Wan Yue
予病瘴,乐天寄通中散、碧腴垂云膏…因有酬答 To the disease malaria Happy-go-lucky Send a pass in the fertile San Pitt Vertical cloud Paste due to thank sb. with a gift
陪诸公游故江西韦大夫通德湖旧居有感…韦大夫旧僚也 Therefore, the gentlemen accompanied tour Jiangxi (surname) Doctor Through the former residence of German Lake Thoughts (surname) Doctor Old Liao also
送友封二首(黔府窦巩字友封) You get inside front first Guizhou Government Dou gong You seal the word
放言五首 Boasted 5
刘二十八以文石枕见赠仍题绝句以将厚意…兼广为四韵 surname Twain the number 18 have Aragonite Zhenxianzengreng title Quatrains To be Kind thought And four rhyme widely
奉和严司空重阳日同崔常侍崔郎中…登龙山落帽台佳宴 Feng and severe Minister of public works in ancient china The double ninth festival Day with Cui changshi (surname) Physician trained in herb medicine Tang Shan Jia Yan drop cap _set_s
送王十一郎游剡中 Send Wang Eleven Langyoushanzhong
古诗 ancient style poetry




【资料来源】 卷412_21
