唐代 刘长卿 Liu Changqing  唐代   (?~791)
晚泊湘江怀故人 Night park xiangjiang river bosom decedent
过邬三湖上书斋 Lake had three WU sanctum
从军六首 Attest 6
龙门八咏。阙口 The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. 8 wing Que mouth
龙门八咏。水东渡 The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. 8 wing water Going
龙门八咏。福公塔 The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. 8 wing Kung Fu Tower
龙门八咏。远公龛 The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. 8 wing Yuan Gong shrine
龙门八咏。下山 the east city gate of the capital of Chu State in Warring States Period of 475-221 B.C. 8 Wing go down the hill
龙门八咏。渡水 The east city gate of the capital of chu state in warring states period of 475-221 b.c. 8 wing Ferry
送丘为赴上都(一作送皇甫曾) accompany Qiu wei Both went to get a Huangfu Ceng
题大理黄主簿湖上高斋 Huang main book title Dali Lake Kosai
平蕃曲三首 Ping Fan Qu 3
送郑说之歙州谒薛侍郎 Delivery of Xi Zhou Ye Xue Zheng said assistant minister
题独孤使君湖上林亭 inscribe Surname Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Ting-Lake
酬滁州李十六使君见赠 fulfil Chuzhou (a surname) Caroche Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china See gifts
送严维赴河南充严中丞幕府 accompany Yan wei attend Henan province Full Yan An official's name office of the commanding officer
酬包谏议佶见寄之什 Remuneration package Jian Yi Ji see even send the
栖霞寺东峰寻南齐明征君故居 Qixia temple Dongfeng Search The southern qi dynasty (479-501 a.d.), druing the south and north dynasties Ming Zheng Jun Former Residence
奉和赵给事使君,留赠李婺州舍人兼谢舍人别驾之什 Feng and Zhao to do Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Remain to present Li and Xie Wuzhou Scheeren Scheeren Biejia of even
行营酬吕侍御时尚书问罪襄阳军次汉东境上…诗以见谕 Line operators pay Lvshi Yu Fashion book Denounce Han Dong Xiangyang military times throughout the poem to see the oracle
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷148_94
