唐代 柳宗元 Liu Zongyuan  唐代   (773~819)
酬娄秀才将之淮南见赠之什(娄秀才,图南也) Lou pay Xiucai To the The middle part of anhui province See donated even Lou Xiucai Figure Nam
酬娄秀才寓居开元寺,早秋月夜病中见寄 Lou pay Xiucai live Kai yuan temple Early autumn A moonlight night See Send disease
初秋夜坐赠吴武陵 The first month of autumn Night sitting present Wu Wuling
赠江华长老(江华,道州县名) Gift Jianghua Father Jiang Hua State road County Name
巽上人以竹闲自采新茶见赠,酬之以诗 a sign in the trigram Buddhist monk Since the adoption of bamboo leisure New tea See the grant paid to poetry
零陵赠李卿元侍御简吴武陵 Lingling Li Qing Yuan Shi Yu Chien gifts Wu Wuling
界围岩水帘(元和十年春月,自永州召还,经岩下) kingdom Adjoining rock Nappe The title of emperor li chun's reign in tang dynasty Decade Since the spring months Yong township Zhao Yan has also been under
寄韦珩 Send Wei Heng
奉和杨尚书郴州追和故李中书夏日登北楼…依本诗韵次用 Feng and Yang shangshu Chenzhou Recovery and therefore Li zhong book Summertime Ascend north tower Accordance Rhyme (in poetry) Times with
杨尚书寄郴笔知是小生本样令更商榷使尽其功辄献长句 Yang shangshu Send Chen document known to be Young male character type in beijing opera Make more of this kind Discuss To fulfill its function to frequently offer Tang poetry of having seven characters to each line
南省转牒欲具江国图令尽通风俗故事 Southern Province To change dispatch orders to do with River Country Map Aeration common narrative
与浩初上人同看山寄京华亲故 AND Hao early Buddhist monk Send with the mountains Capital relatives and old acquaintances
再至界围岩水帘遂宿岩下(是年出刺柳州五月复经此) And then to the community Adjoining rock Nappe Then places the next rock is in the thorn Liu zhou May again wherethrough
诏追赴都回寄零陵亲故 Chao went to go back to the Send Lingling recovery relatives and old acquaintances
过衡山见新花开却寄弟 Guo Hengshan Renovate Bloom Younger brother was sent
朗州窦常员外寄刘二十八诗,见促行骑走笔酬赠 Mentality Dou chang Ministry councillor Send Liu Twain the number 18 Poetry Jiancuhangji Write rapidly Reward grant
离觞不醉,至驿却寄相送诸公 Origin from the relay but not drunk to send both hands to pinch
北还登汉阳北原题临川驿 North has also registered the original title of Hanyang North Linchuan remount stations
善谑驿和刘梦得酹淳于先生 Shanxueyihu LIU Meng may sprinkle Surname baas
诏追赴都二月至灞亭上 Zhaozhuifudu February extremely Ba river pavilion ascending
李西川荐琴石 Qin Shi Jian Li Xichuan
同刘二十八哭吕衡州,兼寄江陵李元二侍御 With liu twain the number 18 cried lu hampshire Jianji Gangneung tomb Li two Shi Yu
古诗 ancient style poetry



【资料来源】 卷351_4
