诗人 人物列表
玛格丽特·阿特伍德 Margaret Atwood迈克尔·布洛克 Michael Bullock迈克尔·翁达杰 Michael Ondaatje
沈家庄洛尔娜·克罗齐 Lorna Crozier
洛尔娜·克罗齐 Lorna Crozier
诗人  (1948年)
出生地: 沙省激流市

洛尔娜·克罗齐(Lorna Crozier) 1948年生于沙省激流市。她先后就读于沙省大学、女王大学和阿尔伯塔大学,并于1980年获得艺术硕士学位。毕业后曾担任高中英语教师和督学数年,并在班弗艺术学校、沙省夏令艺术讲习班、红鹿学院作家班、UBC腾涌写作讲习班、圣贤山采风及赛切尔特夏令创作节等处主讲文学创作。她还担任CBC电台编审及艺术栏目主播。1980年任激流市杉树山社区学院、1983年在女王公立图书馆及1989年在多伦多大学担任驻校/驻馆作家。她还在多伦多及莱斯布里奇的多间高校及道格拉斯学院担任短期驻校作家,其间曾获加拿大艺术理事会的基金资助。她1986-1991年间在沙省大学任教,目前以杰出教授身份执教于维多利亚大学写作系。2003年出任系主任。2004年女王大学授予她荣誉博士学位,以表彰她对加拿大文学的贡献。2002年5月,她在沙省省长为伊利莎白女王一世举办的联欢会上作了御前演出。





《内心即是天空》(Inside Is the Sky, Thistledown Press, 1976); 

《乌鸦的黑色欢乐》(Crow's Black Joy, NeWest Press, 1979); 

《人类及其他兽类》(Humans and Other Beasts, Turnstone Press, 1981);

《再也不是两个人》 (No Longer Two People, 与帕特里克.莱恩( Patrick Lane)合著, Turnstone Press, 1981); 

《天气》(The Weather, Coteau Books, 1983); 

《花园依旧》(The Garden Going On Without Us, McClelland & Stewart, 1985, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993年重印); 

《肉身天使,沉默天使》(Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence, McClelland and Stewart, 1988,  1989, 1993年重印);

《鹰的发明》(Inventing the Hawk, McClelland and Stewart, 1992, 重印于1993年);

《在光中相聚》(Everything Arrives at the Light, McClelland and Stewart, 1995);

《救恩》(A Saving Grace, McClelland and Stewart,1997);

《终身难舍》(What the Living Won't Let Go, McCelland and Stewart, 1999);

《光的次经》(The Apocrypha of Light, McClelland and Stewart, 2002);

《翼骨》(Bones in Their Wings, Hagios, 2003);

《石磨》(Whetstone, McClelland and Stewart, 2005)。

2005年春出版《第一个词语之前》 (Before the First Word)。这是一部精选诗集,由Wilfred-Laurier Press出版社出版,附有批评论文和作者后记。除了诗歌之外,她还著有非虚构类文集,并编辑了两部合集:《欲念七音》(Desire in Seven Voices, Douglas & McIntyre, 2002)和《沉迷:兽腹书笺》(Addiction: Notes from the Belly of the Beast,与帕特里克.莱恩合编, Greystone Books, 2001)。她与帕特里克.莱恩还编辑了两部加拿大青年诗人诗选《吐火者》 (Breathing Fire, Harbour, 1999)及《吐火者续辑》(Breathing Fire 2, Nightwood, 2004)。





2000年,《终身难舍》获Dorothy Livesay卑诗省最佳诗歌奖。1996年《在光中相聚》获Pat Lowther加拿大女作家最佳诗歌奖。

《鹰的发明》获1992年度总督奖之诗歌奖、Pat Lowther加拿大女作家最佳诗歌奖及加拿大著作人奖之诗歌奖。《天气》、《乌鸦的黑色欢乐》和《肉身天使,沉默天使》都曾获沙省诗歌奖。《花园依旧》和《肉身天使,沉默天使》曾或总督奖提名。她曾获1987年度CBC全国创作大奖赛第一名。她与帕特里克.莱恩合著的广播剧《智利》获得了1987年度全国广播奖之加拿大最佳公共广播节目奖,并获得了国际加百列奖(Gabriel Awards)的荣誉提名。





Lorna Crozier was born in 1948 in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. She attended the Universities of Saskatchewan, Regina and Alberta, where she received an M.A. in 1980. For several years she taught high school English and worked as a guidance counsellor. She has taught creative writing at the Banff School of Fine Arts, the Saskatchewan Summer School of the Arts, the Red Deer College Writers on Campus Program, U.B.C.'s Booming Ground, the Sage Hill Experience, and the Sechelt Summer Writing Festival. She has also worked as a reviewer for CBC radio and as an arts show host. In 1980 she was the writer-in-residence at the Cypress Hills Community College in Swift Current; in 1983, at the Regina Public Library; and in 1989 at the University of Toronto. She has held short-term residencies at the Universities of Toronto and Lethbridge and at Douglas College, and has been the recipient of Canada Council Arts grants. She taught at the University of Saskatchewan from 1986-1991 and presently teaches as a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Writing at the University of Victoria. In 2003 she was appointed Chair of that Department. The University of Regina awarded her an Honourary Doctorate in 2004 for her contribution to Canadian literature, in May, 2005 she gave a command performance at the Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor's Gala ConcertforQueenElizabethI.


Her books include: Inside Is the Sky, (Thistledown Press, 1976); Crow's Black Joy, (NeWest Press, 1979); Humans and Other Beasts,(Turnstone Press, 1981); No Longer Two People, (co-written with Patrick Lane, Turnstone Press, 1981); The Weather, (Coteau Books, 1983); The Garden Going On Without Us, (McClelland & Stewart, 1985, reprinted 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993); Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence (McClelland and Stewart, 1988, rpt. 1989, 1993), Inventing the Hawk (McClelland and Stewart, 1992, rpt. 1993), and Everything Arrives at the Light, (McClelland and Stewart, 1995, A Saving Grace (McClelland and Stewart,1997. What the Living Won't Let Go, (McCelland and Stewart, 1999), The Apocrypha of Light, (McClelland and Stewart, 2002), Bones in Their Wings (Hagios, 2003), and Whetstone (McClelland and Stewart, 2005). In the spring of 2005, Before the First Word, a special selection of her poems with a critic's essay and an afterword by the poet was published by Wilfred-Laurier Press. In addition to poetry she has written nonfiction essays and has edited two collections: Desire in Seven Voices (Douglas & McIntyre, 2002) and Addiction: Notes from the Belly of the Beast (ed. with Patrick Lane, Greystone Books, 2001). She and Patrick Lane also edited two anthologies of young Canadian poets, Breathing Fire and Breathing Fire 2 (Harbour, 1999; Nightwood, 2004).


In June, 2004, Crozier was awarded an honourary Doctor of Laws from the University of Regina for her contributions to Canadian literature. In November of the same year she received a Distinguished Professor Award from the University of Victoria.

In 2000, What the Living Won't Let Go received the Dorothy Livesay Award for the best book of poetry by a British Columbia writer, and in 1996 Everything Arrives at the Light received the Pat Lowther Award for the best book of poetry by a Canadian woman.

Inventing the Hawk received the Governor-General's Award for the best book of Canadian poetry for 1992, the Pat Lowther Award for the Best Book of Poety by a Canadian Woman, and the Canadian Authors' Award for the best book of Canadian poetry. The Weather, Crow's Black Joy and Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence were winners of Saskatchewan poetry awards, and The Garden Going On Without Us and Angels of Flesh, Angels of Silence were both nominated for the Governor General's Award. She received first prize in poetry in the 1987 CBC National Writing Competition. With Patrick Lane she was the writer of the radio script Chile which won the National Radio Award's Best Canadian Public Radio Program for 1987 and which received an honourable mention in the international Gabriel Awards.

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