诗人 人物列表
薛暄 Xue Xuan祝枝山 Zhu Zhishan
祝枝山 Zhu Zhishan
诗人  (1460年1526年)
名: 允明
字: 希哲
网笔号: 枝指生
今属: 江苏苏州市
出生地: 长洲






祝允明 嵇康酒会诗



祝允明的著作有,《怀星堂集》30卷、《苏材小纂》6卷、《祝子罪知》7卷、 《浮物》1卷、《野记》4卷、《前闻记》 1卷、《志怪录》5卷、《读书笔记》1卷。



  1. ^ 《家藏集》卷五十一《跋祝生文稿》:“允明年七八岁时,其大父参政公一日适为文成请客书之,予时亦在坐,见生侍案旁,嘿然竟日,窃异之。因指文中难字以问,无弗识者,益奇之,且料其他日必能事此也。”
  2. ^ 陆粲《祝先生墓志铭》称:“先生少颕敏,五岁作径尺字。……九岁能诗,有竒语。”
  3. ^ 《明史·卷二百八十六》:祝允明,字希哲,长洲人。祖显,正统四年进士。内侍传旨试能文者四人,显与焉,入掖门,知欲令教小内竖也,不试而出。由给事中历山西参政。并有声。允明以弘治五年举于乡,久之不第,授广东兴宁知县。捕戮盗魁三十余,邑以无警。稍迁应天通判,谢病归。嘉靖五年卒。


  • 王宠《祝公行状》
  • (清)张廷玉等,《明史》
  • 中国大百科全书·祝允明》条目(作者:尹恭弘;邱振中;肖燕翼,共三篇)
  • 葛鸿祯编《祝允明年表》
  • 藤原有仁《祝允明年谱》

Zhu Yunming (Chinese祝允明; 1461–1527) was a Chinese calligrapher, poet, writer, and scholar-official of the Ming dynasty, known as one of the "Four Talents of Wu" (Suzhou). Most admired for his accomplishment in calligraphy, he is also a popular cultural figure for his uninhibited lifestyle and iconoclastic thinking. He criticized the orthodox Neo-Confucianism of Zhu Xi and admired the philosophy of mind advocated by Wang Yangming. He wrote a large number of essays that criticize traditional values, and was an influence on the iconoclastic philosopher Li Zhi.


Zhu's calligraphy: Banquet Poem of Ji Kang

Zhu was born in 1461 in Changzhou County, modern SuzhouJiangsu Province. His courtesy name was Xizhe (希哲), and art name Zhishan (枝山). Born with a supernumerary thumb on one hand, Zhu gave himself the sobriquet "Zhizhi Scholar" (枝指生; zhizhi refers to preaxial polydactyly in Chinese). He was said to have been able to write calligraphy with large characters at the tender age of four and compose poetry by the age of eight. He became a certified student at 16, and succeeded in the provincial examination of 1492, but never passed metropolitan examinations.

Zhu was appointed as the county magistrate of Xingning, Guangdong, in 1514. He served as the principal editor of the Gazetteer of Xingning County (in the reign of Zhengde), during his five-year term. In 1521, he was promoted to Controller-General of Yingtian Prefecture (modern Nanjing). He resigned in less than a year on a plea of illness. He dedicated the rest of his life to writing and died in 1527.

Together with Tang YinWen Zhengming and Xu Zhenqing, Zhu was one of the "Four Talents of Wu (Suzhou)" (吴中四才子), his calligraphy is the most noted in the quartet. He excelled at small standard script (xiaokai), but was of wild-cursive (kuangcao) fame. His friends attributed his affinity for this highly expressive calligraphy to his impetuous personality.

Zhu was also known as an unorthodox thinker against Neo-Confucianism. In his later life, he described himself as a "wild man". He finished various collections of miscellaneous notes. Some scholars believe that his work of judgements on historical personalities influenced Li Zhi's Cang Shu.

Zhu's calligraphy Miscellaneous Poems, original poem by Cao Zhi (scroll to left for full image)

In popular culture

Zhu's wild-cursive calligraphy: first part of Tao Yuan Tu, original poem by Han Yu

Zhu's nonconformist thinking and lifestyle have made him a subject of popular legends. Stories about him have been written into a novel, The Romance of Zhu Yunming.

Selected works

  • 懷星堂集 [Collection of Huaixing Hall]
  • 蘇材小纂 [Collected Biographies of Eminent People from Suzhou]
  • 前闻記 [Memoir of By-gone Events]
  • 猥谈 [Trivial Talks]


  1. Jump up to:a b Denis Crispin TwitchettJohn King Fairbank (1978). The Cambridge History of China, Volume 7, Part 1. Cambridge University Press. p. 730. ISBN 978-0-521-24332-2.
  2. Jump up to:a b c d Kang-i Sun ChangStephen Owen (2010). The Cambridge History of Chinese Literature: From 1375. Cambridge University Press. pp. 36–42. ISBN 978-0-521-85559-4.
  3. Jump up to:a b c d "Introduction [of Zhu Yunming]"National Palace Museum.
  4. Jump up to:a b Tony Barnstone; Ping Chou (2005). The Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry. Anchor Books. p. 307. ISBN 978-0-385-72198-1.
  5. ^ Goodrich, Fang, Luther Carrington, Chaoying (1976). Dictionary of Ming Biography, 1368–1644. Columbia University Press. pp. 570–576. ISBN 0-231-03801-1.


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