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玛丽·杰克斯 Mary Jaksch亚当·杰克逊 Adam J. Jackson罗斯玛丽·戴维森 Rosemary Davidson
萨拉·瓦因 Sarah VineE·凯·崔姆博格 E.Kay Trimberger维多利亚·贝克汉姆 Victoria Beckham
海伦•菲尔丁 Helen Fielding
英国  (1958年2月19日)
阅读海伦•菲尔丁 Helen Fielding在小说之家的作品!!!
Helen Fielding
  海伦菲尔丁(Helen Fielding),英国当今最受欢迎的都市女作家。1958年生于约克郡,后在伦敦生活,曾为BBC工作多年。2003年被《英国观察者报》评为最有趣的英国作家之一。

Helen Fielding (19 February 1958) is an English novelist and screenwriter, best known as the creator of the fictional character Bridget Jones, and a sequence of novels and films beginning with the life of a thirty something singleton in London trying to make sense of life and love. Bridget Jones's Diary (1996) and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason (1999) were published in 40 countries and sold more than 15 million copies. The two films of the same name achieved international success. In a survey conducted by The Guardian newspaper, Bridget Jones’s Diary was named as one of the ten novels that best defined the 20th century.

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy was published in autumn 2013 with record-breaking first-day sales in the UK exceeding 46,000 copies. It occupied the number one spot on The Sunday Times bestseller list for six months. In her review for The New York Times review, Sarah Lyall called the novel "sharp and humorous" and said that Fielding had "allowed her heroine to grow up into someone funnier and more interesting than she was before". Late 2016 saw the release of the third movie: Bridget Jones's Baby. On 11 October 2016, and the publication of Fielding's sixth novel, Bridget Jones' Baby: the Diaries based on Fielding's original columns in The Independent newspaper on which the movie — which broke UK box office records — was based.

In a 2004 poll for the BBC, Fielding was named the 29th most influential person in British culture. In December 2016, the BBC's Woman's Hour included Bridget Jones as one of the seven women who had most influenced British female culture over the last seven decades.


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