法国 人物列表
杜洛杜斯 杜洛 dos维庸 Francois Villon杜·贝莱 Joachim du Bellay
高乃依 Pierre Corneille维克多·雨果 Victor Hugo夏尔·波德莱尔 Charles Baudelaire
斯特芳·马拉美 Stephane Mallarme魏尔伦 Paul-Marie Veriaine洛特雷阿蒙 Comte de Lautréamont
兰波 Arthur Rimbaud古尔蒙 Remy de Gourmont保尔-让·图莱 Paul-Jean Toulet
弗朗西斯·雅姆 Francis Jammes法尔格 Léon-Paul Fargue克洛岱尔 Paul Claudel
保尔·瓦雷里 Paul Valery夏尔·佩吉 Charles Peguy苏佩维埃尔 Jules Supervielle
布洛东 André Breton艾吕雅 Paul Eluard阿波里奈尔 Guillaume Apollinaire
雅克·普莱维尔 Jacques Prévert阿拉贡 Louis Aragon保尔·福尔 Paul Fort
亨利·米修 Henri Michaux埃雷迪亚 José Maria de Heredia阿尔托 Antonin Artaud
勒韦迪 Pierre Reverdy拜斯 Saint-John Perse普吕多姆 Sully Prudhomme
勒内·夏尔 René Char伊凡·哥尔 Yvan Goll博斯凯 Alain Bosquet
博纳富瓦 Yves Bonnefoy勒内·格鲁塞 Rene Grousset阿兰·佩雷菲特 Alain Peyrefitte
米歇尔·大卫-威尔 Michelle David - Will白晋 Joachim Bouvet卡特琳娜·耐 Katrina resistant
若泽·弗雷什 José Frèches米歇尔-施奈德 Michelle - Schneider尼古拉·萨科齐 Nicolas Sarkozy
阿娜伊斯·宁 Anaïs Nin让·多米尼克·鲍比 Jean-Dominique Bauby米歇尔-安托瓦纳·布尼耶 Michel-Antoine Burnier
米歇尔·孔达 Michel Contat埃莱娜·格里莫 Hélène Grimaud塔丽塔·特里帕亚 Tarita Teriipaia
让·菲利普 To Philip尼玛·扎玛尔 尼玛扎玛尔克洛维一世 Clovis I
克洛泰尔一世 Clothaire Ier希尔德里克三世 Childeric III丕平 Pepin III
查理大帝 Charlemagne路易一世 Louis the Pious查理二世 Charles II (le Chauve)
路易二世 Louis II路易三世 Louis III卡洛曼二世 Carloman II
阿兰·罗伯·格利耶 Alain Robbe-Grillet
法国 法兰西第五共和国  (1922年8月18日2008年2月18日)

现实百态 Realistic Fiction《窥视者》

阅读阿兰·罗伯·格利耶 Alain Robbe-Grillet在小说之家的作品!!!
  阿兰·罗伯·格利耶年表 (1922.8-1997)
    1928——1933 就读于巴黎十四区布拉尔街的市镇小学,与父母和姐姐安娜—丽兹居住于同一区的加桑迪大街。
    1933——1939 就读于巴黎布封中学直至高二。
    1939——1940 在布雷斯特学习基础数学。6月,通过中学毕业第二场会考。
    1940——1942 在巴黎圣·路易中学就读农艺学预科。
    1942——1945 在国立农艺学院攻读农艺师学位。
    1943年7月至1944年8月 作为镟工在纽伦堡豹式坦克工厂受强制劳动,结识克洛德·奥里埃和贝尔纳·杜弗。
    1945——1948 任国立统计与经济学院特派员,参与由阿尔弗雷德·索维创办的《行情与分析》杂志的工作。
    1947年8月 作为国际重建旅的志愿者,在保加利亚参加修建佩尔尼克至沃鲁伊克的铁路。
    1949 离开国立统计与经济学院,开始从事写作。隐居在塞纳—马恩地区布瓦—布德朗的一家人工授精与荷尔蒙研究中心,制 作受阉雌鼠阴道组织的涂片。工作间隙,在一幅荷兰公牛的系谱树示意图背面写作《弑君者》。手稿后来交到伽利玛出版 社,但被退回。不过稿子受到了让·波朗的注意,由多米尼克·奥利将其转到当时任午夜出版社顾问的乔治·朗布里奇手中。
    1950——1951 在“殖民地水果和柑桔类研究所”任农艺师。到过摩洛哥、几内亚、瓜特卢普和马提尼克。1950年,由于健康原因被迫从安的列斯群岛返回法国,在回国的船上开始创作《橡皮》,回国后辞去工作以完成小说创作。
    1952 将《橡皮》的手稿带给朗布里奇。极受赞赏,手稿转给了午夜出版社社长热罗姆·兰东。在以极大的热情阅读完书稿后,兰东约见了罗伯—格里耶,并向他提出了签订出版合同的建议,他们之间的友谊自此开始。第一部分注释登在《批评》杂志上。由于让·皮耶尔的帮助,进入农业会常务理事大会工作。
    1953 《橡皮》由午夜出版社出版,反应普遍平淡。新闻界表现出敌视态度或者保持沉默。然而罗兰·巴特和让·凯洛尔则表示出了兴趣。罗伯—格里耶失去他在农业会的职位。
    1955 1月1日起成为午夜出版社的审读员。出版《窥视者》,印行的一万册直到1957年才售完。由于巴塔耶、波朗和布朗肖的推荐,作品获批评家奖。这次评奖引发了一场著名的争吵:加布里埃尔·马塞尔大发雷霆;亨利·克洛阿怒冲冲辞去评委一职;埃米尔·昂里奥威胁罗伯—格里耶要查禁作品,并在《世界报》上声称该书更应该交给轻罪法庭而不是给文学奖的评委会;而罗兰·巴特和布朗肖则分别在《文学批评》和《新法兰西杂志》上撰文赞扬该书,加缪和布勒东也向获得戴尔·杜伽基金会资助的罗伯—格里耶表示了鼓励,《快报》则为他开辟专栏,以“今天的文学”为题刊登了他的九篇文章。这些发表于1955年10月至1956年2月的文章先是作为系列宣言转载于《新法兰西杂志》,后来又以《为了一种新小说》为题汇集成册。当年盛夏,罗伯—格里耶结识了布鲁斯·莫里塞特,由于后者的推介,他在60年代的一些美国大学里成了一个时髦的话题。
    1957 《嫉妒》由午夜出版社出版,第一年只卖出了746册。此前不久罗伯—格里耶成了兰东的文学顾问,与卡特琳娜·赫斯塔季昂结婚,他们相识于1951年夏天一次为大学生组织的土尔其之旅。
    1959 《在迷宫里》由午夜出版社出版。这部小说第一次得到了主要报刊略带好感的分析评论。相反,罗兰·巴特批评它使用了太多的形容词来形容白雪。
    1960 在“121人宣言”上签名。时值对签名者的迫害愈演愈烈之际(午夜出版社后来甚至被人安放了一枚炸弹),马尔罗向罗伯—格里耶表示了半官方的支持,允许他一个月之后获得了执导其第一部影片所必须的预支款。
    1961 在影片《去年在马里安巴德》的脚本和对白基础上开始撰写同名电影小说,由阿仑·雷乃执导的该片在慕尼黑外景地拍摄。在一次小范围看片时,布勒东反应强烈,认为影片在属于他的超现实主义领地犯了渎君之罪。该片被威尼斯电影节选作法国代表片,目的在于嘲弄法国当局,因为它刚刚禁演了由意大利人拍摄的对阿尔及利亚战争表示出敌意的《你决不会杀人》。经过评委会一个星期激烈的争论后,《去年在马里安巴德》获得了金狮奖,风行一时。尽管一些人在背后将其戏称作“马里安巴胡子”,影片还是立刻赢得了所有报刊的长篇评介文章,其中不仅有《世界报》,而且也包括《费加罗报》、《巴黎竞赛画报》和《女士快报》,等等。与这些报刊相反,《现代》杂志对影片进行了猛烈攻击,而萨特则在一次小范围看片时向罗伯—格里耶表示了完全的支持。同名电影小说由午夜出版社出版(1961)。
    1962 唯一的短篇小说集《快照集》由午夜出版社出版。
    1963 《为了一种新小说》由午夜出版社出版。罗伯—格里耶执导的第一部影片《不朽的女人》上映。该片在伊斯坦布尔外景地拍摄,获路易·德吕克奖,但在商业上遭到失败。同名电影小说当年由午夜出版社出版。
    1965 《幽会的房子》由午夜出版社出版。
    1966 执导《横跨欧洲的快车》。该片在巴黎和昂维尔外景地拍摄。没有获奖但取得了巨大成功。
    1968 执导《说谎的人》,该片在斯洛伐克上塔特拉斯山区拍摄,1969年获柏林电影节编剧奖,但在商业上遭到失败。
    70年代 在美国的几所著名大学任访问教授。
    1970 《纽约革命计划》由午夜出版社出版。巴特称赞它具有莱布尼茨式的完美但又变幻不定。
    1971 影片《伊甸园及其后》上映,1969年拍摄于布拉迪斯拉瓦和德耶巴。《少女之梦》由拉封出版社出版,配有大卫·汉密尔顿的摄影作品。
    1972 《汉密尔顿的贵妇们》由拉封出版社出版。
    1974 在巴黎和卡特莱外景地执导《欲念浮动》。影片由于有伤风化和淫秽的罪名在意大利遭到起诉和禁映。在巴黎,有“特殊爱好”的观众先是被广告的诱人性质所吸引,后来很快意识到那是个花招(并非有意的),于是就把电影院让给了“知识分子”。同名电影小说当年由午夜出版社出版。
    1975 执导《玩火游戏》。《瓦那德女神废墟上的寺庙建设》由洗衣船出版社出版,配有保尔·戴沃尔的蚀刻插图。《N.已经掷了骰子》作为拍摄于1972年的《伊甸园及其后》的另一剪辑版本在FR3播出。
    1976 配有马格利特所画插图的《漂亮的女俘虏》出版(艺术出版社),《一座幽灵城市的拓朴学结构》由午夜出版社出版。
    1977 《镜中的礼拜堂》由瑟盖尔斯出版社出版,配有伊利娜·尤奈斯戈的照片。
    1978 出版配有劳申伯格所作石板画的《表面的可疑痕迹》。《金三角的回忆》和《弑君者》由午夜出版社出版。《罗伯—格里耶谈自己》在正式出版前先行登载于《午夜》杂志第31期。
    1981 与美国大学女教员伊沃娜·勒纳尔合作的《约会》出版,这一教学性质的著作最终以《吉娜》为书名由午夜出版社出版。
    1982 执导《漂亮的女俘虏》。
    1984 《重现的镜子》由午夜出版社出版。
    1987 《昂热丽克或迷醉》由午夜出版社出版。
    1992 被沃尔兹堡大学授予名誉博士学位(6月)。“罗伯—格里耶在70年代”国际讨论会在华盛顿大学举行(10月)。
    1994 《科兰特的最后日子》由午夜出版社出版。
    1995 影片《一种让人发疯的声音》上演。该片在西德拉岛外景地由罗伯—格里耶与迪米特里·德·克莱尔克合作导演,成为柏林电影节正式评选影片,但在商业上遭到失败。
    1997 筹划执导影片《要塞》,按照设想,让—路易·特兰迪尼昂将在该片中扮演一个腿部受伤的龙骑兵军官的角色。
    --收录在《幽灵城市 金姑娘》中

  Alain Robbe-Grillet (French pronunciation: [alɛ̃ ʁɔb ɡʁiˈje]) (18 August 1922 – 18 February 2008), was a French writer and filmmaker. He was, along with Nathalie Sarraute, Michel Butor and Claude Simon, one of the figures most associated with the Nouveau Roman (new novel) trend. Alain Robbe-Grillet was elected a member of the Académie française on March 25, 2004, succeeding Maurice Rheims at seat No. 32. He was married to Catherine Robbe-Grillet (née Rstakian).
  Alain Robbe-Grillet was born in Brest, (Finistère, France) to a family of engineers and scientists. He was trained as an agricultural engineer. During the years 1943 and 1944, Robbe-Grillet participated in compulsory labor in Nuremberg, where he worked as a machinist. The initial few months were seen by Robbe-Grillet as something of a holiday, since, in-between the very rudimentary training he was given to operate the machinery, he had free time to go to the theatre and the opera. In 1945, Robbe-Grillet completed his diploma at the National Institute of Agronomy. Later, his work as an agronomist took him to Martinique, French Guinea, Guadeloupe, and Morocco. He died in Caen after succumbing to heart problems.
  Robbe-Grillet's first novel, The Erasers (Les Gommes), was published in 1953, after which he dedicated himself full-time to his new occupation. His early work was praised by eminent critics, such as Roland Barthes and Maurice Blanchot. Around the time of his second novel, he became a literary advisor for Les Editions de Minuit and occupied this position from 1955 until 1985. After publishing four novels, in 1961, he worked with Alain Resnais, writing the script for Last Year at Marienbad (L'Année dernière à Marienbad), and he subsequently wrote and directed his own films.
  In 1963, Robbe-Grillet published For a New Novel (Pour un Nouveau Roman), a collection of previously-published theoretical writings concerning the novel. From 1966 to 1968, he was a member of the High Committee for the Defense and Expansion of French (Haut comité pour la défense et l´expansion de la langue française). In addition, Robbe-Grillet also led the Centre for Sociology of Literature (Centre de sociologie de la littérature) at the Université Libre de Bruxelles from 1980 to 1988. From 1971 to 1995, Robbe-Grillet was a professor at New York University, lecturing on his own novels.
  Although Robbe-Grillet was elected to the Académie française in 2004, in his eighties, he never was formally received by the Académie because of disputes regarding the Académie's reception procedures. Robbe-Grillet both refused to prepare and submit a welcome speech in advance, preferring to improvise his speech, as well as refusing to purchase and wear the Académie's famous green tails (habit vert) and sabre, which he considered outdated.
  His writing style has been described as "realist" or "phenomenological" (in the Heideggerian sense) or "a theory of pure surface." Methodical, geometric, and often repetitive descriptions of objects replace (though often reveal) the psychology and interiority of the character. The reader must slowly piece together the story and the emotional experience of jealousy, for example, in the repetition of descriptions, the attention to odd details, and the breaks in repetitions, a method that resembles the experience of psychoanalysis in which the deeper unconscious meanings are contained in the flow and disruptions of free associations. Timelines and plots are fractured, and the resulting novel resembles the literary equivalent of a cubist painting. Yet his work is ultimately characterized by its ability to mean many things to many different people.
  Robbe-Grillet wrote his first novel A Regicide (Un Régicide) in 1949, but it was rejected by Gallimard, a major French publishing house, and only later published with minor corrections by his lifelong publisher Les Editions de Minuit in 1978. His first published novel was The Erasers (Les Gommes), in 1953. The novel superficially resembles a detective novel, but it contains within it a deeper structure based on the tale of Oedipus. The detective is seeking the assassin in a murder that has not yet occurred, only to discover that it is his destiny to become that assassin.
  His next and most acclaimed novel is The Voyeur (Le Voyeur), first published in French in 1955 and translated into English in 1958 by Richard Howard. The Voyeur relates the story of Mathias, a traveling watch salesman who returns to the island of his youth with a desperate objective. As with many of his novels, The Voyeur revolves around an apparent murder: throughout the novel, Mathias unfolds a newspaper clipping about the details of a young girl's murder and the discovery of her body among the seaside rocks. Mathias' relationship with a dead girl, possibly that hinted at in the story, is obliquely revealed in the course of the novel so that we are never actually sure if Mathias is a killer or simply a person who fantasizes about killing. Importantly, the "actual murder," if such a thing exists, is absent from the text. The narration contains little dialogue, and an ambiguous timeline of events. Indeed, the novel's opening line is indicative of the novel's tone: "It was as if no one had heard." The Voyeur was awarded the Prix des Critiques.
  Next, he wrote La Jalousie in 1957, one of his only novels to be set in a non-urban location, in this instance a banana plantation. In the first year of publication only 746 copies were sold, despite the popularity of The Voyeur. Over time, it became a great literary success and was translated into English by Richard Howard. Robbe-Grillet himself argued that the novel was constructed along the lines of an absent third-person narrator. In Robbe-Grillet's account of the novel the absent narrator, a jealous husband, silently observes the interactions of his wife (referred to only as "A...") and a neighbour, Franck. The silent narrator who never names himself (his presence is merely inferred, e.g. by the number of place settings at the dinner table or deck chairs on the verandah) is extremely suspicious that A... is having an affair with Franck. Throughout the novel, the absent narrator continually replays his observations and suspicions (that is, created scenarios about A... and Franck) so much so that it becomes impossible to distinguish between 'observed' moments or 'suspicious' moments.
  In 1984, he published an experimental and quite personal summary of his childhood, life, and aesthetic theories in Ghosts in the Mirror, translated into English in 1988 by Jo Levy.
  Robbe-Grillet also wrote screenplays, notably for Alain Resnais' 1961 film Last Year at Marienbad, a critical success that is considered to be one of the finest French films of the 1960s. It was followed by a number of films written and directed by Robbe-Grillet himself: Trans-Europ-Express (1966), his two French-Slovak films L'homme qui ment/Muž, ktorý luže (The Man Who Lies) (1968), L'Eden et après/Eden a potom (Eden and After) (1970), Glissements progressifs du plaisir (The Slow Slidings of Pleasure) (1974), Le jeu avec le feu (Playing with Fire) (1975), La belle captive (The Beautiful Captive) (1983) and many others.
  [edit]Cultural references
  The Australian composer Lindsay Vickery has written an opera based on the novel Djinn.
  Frédéric Beigbeder refers to Robbe-Grillet in his novel Windows On the World.
  In the movie Sideways, Miles (Paul Giamatti) explains to Maya (Virginia Madsen) that his unpublished novel "evolves - or devolves - into a kind of a Robbe-Grillet mystery - but (with) no real resolution."
  In the commentary section of the Sideways DVD, Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church discuss the Robbe-Grillet reference during the scene when Miles is explaining his novel to Maya in (what Church dubs) the "lair of the white grape." When the line is mentioned Church says: "I love that--Robbe-Grillet. That gets a very good laugh." Paul Giamatti chimes in with: "What the hell?!" Church adds, "it's the height of ostentation." To which Giamatti agrees: "Nothing could be more pretentious." Then he disparages his own character stating: "What a jackass!"
  Un Régicide (1949)
  Les Gommes (1953) Fénéon Prize
  Le Voyeur (1955)
  La Jalousie (1957)
  Dans le labyrinthe (1959)
  La Maison de rendez-vous (1965)
  Projet pour une révolution à New-York (1970)
  La Belle Captive (1975)
  Topologie d'une cité fantôme (1976)
  Souvenirs du Triangle d'Or (1978)
  Djinn (1981)
  La Reprise (2001)
  Un Roman sentimental (2007)
  [edit]A Short story collection
  Instantanés (1962)
  Le Miroir qui revient (1985)
  Angélique ou l'enchantement (1988)
  Les derniers jours de Corinthe (1994)
  Pour un Nouveau Roman (1963)
  Le voyageur, essais et entretiens (2001)
  Préface à Une Vie d'Ecrivain (2005)
  1961: L'Année dernière à Marienbad
  1963: L'Immortelle
  1974: Glissements progressifs du plaisir Paris: Les Éditions de Minuit ISBN 2-7073-0002-0
  2002 C'est Gradiva qui vous appelle
  L'immortelle (1963)
  Trans-Europ-Express (1966)
  L'homme qui ment / Muž, ktorý luže (1968)
  L'Eden et après / Eden a potom (1970)
  Glissements progressifs du plaisir (1974), starring Anicée Alvina, Olga Georges-Picot, Michel Lonsdale, Jean Martin; editor Bob Wade; producer Roger Boublil
  La belle captive (1983), starring: Daniel Mesguich, Gabrielle Lazure, Cyrielle Claire, Daniel Emilfork, Roland Dubillard, François Chaumette
  The Blue Villa (1995), starring: Fred Ward, Arielle Dombasle
  C'est Gradiva qui vous appelle (2006), starring: James Wilby, Arielle Dombasle, Dany Verissimo

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