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威廉·恩道尔 Frederick William Engdahl马克·佩恩 Mark - Payne拉吉-帕特尔 Raj - Patel
温斯顿·格卢姆 Winston Groom
美国 现代美国  (1944年3月23日)

现实百态 Realistic Fiction《阿甘正传 Forrest Gump》

阅读温斯顿·格卢姆 Winston Groom在小说之家的作品!!!
  温斯顿.格卢姆 (Winston Groom),美国作家。温斯顿.格卢姆生于华盛顿特区,在阿拉巴马州的莫比尔长大。曾就读于美事学校和阿拉巴马大学。1965 年毕业于阿拉巴马大学。1965 至1969 年他在军队服役,曾去过越南。
  温斯顿.格卢姆 (Winston Groom) 最著名的小说是《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump),发表于 1986 年。1994 年被改编成同名电影,获多项奥斯卡大奖。

  Winston F. Groom, Jr. (born March 23, 1944) is an American novelist and non-fiction writer, best known for his book Forrest Gump, which was adapted into a film in 1994.
  Winston Groom was born in Washington, D.C., and was raised in Mobile, Alabama where he attended University Military School (now known as UMS-Wright Preparatory School). Groom's earliest ambition was to become a lawyer like his father, but instead, while a literary editor in college, he chose to become a writer. Groom attended the University of Alabama, was a member of Delta Tau Delta Fraternity and the Army ROTC, graduating in 1965. He served in the Army from 1965 to 1969, including a tour of duty in the Vietnam War.
  Upon his return from Vietnam, he worked as a reporter for the Washington Star, a Washington D.C. newspaper covering police and courtroom activities. Groom retired as a journalist at age 32, and began writing his first novel Better Times Than These which was published in 1978. Better Times Than These was about a group of patriotic soldiers in the Vietnam War whose lives and patriotism both are shattered. His next novel As Summers Die (1980) received better recognition. His novel Conversations with the Enemy (1982) follows an American Vietnam War soldier who escapes from a POW camp and takes a plane back to the United States only to be arrested fourteen years later for desertion. Conversations with the Enemy was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in 1983.
  In 1985, Groom moved back to Mobile, Alabama where he began to work on the novel Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump was published in 1986, however it did not make Groom a best selling author until it was adapted into a film with the same name in 1994 starring Tom Hanks in the title role of Forrest Gump. The film propelled the novel to bestseller status and it sold 1.7 million copies worldwide.
  Groom devotes his time to writing history books about American wars. He has lived most recently in Point Clear, Alabama. and Long Island, New York with his wife, Anne Clinton and daughter, Carolina. Groom was an old friend of writer Willie Morris, dating to their days together in Bridgehampton, Long Island, New York.
   * Better Times Than These (1978)
   * As Summers Die (1980)
   * Conversations with the Enemy (1982, with Duncan Spencer)
   * Only (1984, novel)
   * Forrest Gump (1986)
   * Gone the Sun (1988)
   * Gump and Co. (1995)
   * Such a Pretty, Pretty Girl (1998)
   * Shrouds of Glory: From Atlanta to Nashville: The Last Great Campaign of the Civil War (1995)
   * A Crimson Tide: An Illustrated History of Football at the University of Alabama (2002)
   * A Storm in Flanders: The Triumph and Tragedy on the Western Front (2002)
   * 1942: The Year that Tried Men's Souls (2004)
   * Patriotic Fire: Andrew Jackson and Jean Laffite at the Battle of New Orleans (2006)
   * Vicksburg, 1863 (2009)

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