现代中国 人物列表
柳亚子 Liu Yazi(现代中国)沈尹默 Shen Yinmo(现代中国)海子 Hai Zi(现代中国)
洛夫 Lo Fu(现代中国)舒婷 Shu Ting(现代中国)徐志摩 Xu Zhimo(现代中国)
席慕容 Ximurong(现代中国)余光中 Yu Guangzhong(现代中国)食指 Si Zhi(现代中国)
刘半农 Liu Bannong(现代中国)北岛 Bei Dao(现代中国)顾城 Gu Cheng(现代中国)
卞之琳 Bian Zhilin(现代中国)戴望舒 Dai Wangshu(现代中国)多多 Duo Duo(现代中国)
昌耀 Chang Yao(现代中国)向明 Xiang Ming(现代中国)孤夜赏雨 Gu Yeshangyu(现代中国)
离离 Chi Chi(现代中国)陈忠坤 Chen Zhongkun(现代中国)熊焱 Xiong Yan(现代中国)
绝壁孤侠 Jue Biguxia(现代中国)迪拜 DiBai(现代中国)祁鸿升 Qi Hongsheng(现代中国)
杯中冲浪 Wang XuSheng(现代中国)鲁绪刚 Lu XuGang(现代中国)余刃 Yu Ren(现代中国)
白琳 Bai Lin(现代中国)太阳岛 Tai Yangdao(现代中国)秋叶 Qiu She(现代中国)
佚名 Yi Ming(现代中国)周梦蝶 Zhou Mengdie(现代中国)郑愁予 Zheng Chouyu(现代中国)
兰语凝嫣 Lan Yuningyan(现代中国)刘华明 Liu Huaming(现代中国)陆华军 Liu Huajun(现代中国)
离开 Chi Kai(现代中国)郭沫若 Guo MoRuo(现代中国)林泠 Lin Ling(现代中国)
商禽 Shang Qin(现代中国)罗门 Luo Men(现代中国)西川 Xi Chuan(现代中国)
欧阳江河 Ouyang Jianghe(现代中国)翟永明 Di Yongming(现代中国)杨炼 Yang Lian(现代中国)
张错 Zhang Cuo(现代中国)田间 Tian Jian(现代中国)阿垅 A Long(现代中国)
纪弦 Ji Xian(现代中国)灰娃 Hui Wa(现代中国)马骅 Ma Hua(现代中国)
覃子豪 Qin Zihao(现代中国)林亨泰 Lin Hengtai(现代中国)蓉子 Rong Zi(现代中国)
痖弦 Ya Xian(现代中国)杨唤 Yang Huan(现代中国)羊令野 Yang Lingye(现代中国)
林徽因 Lin Huiyin(现代中国)白萩 Bai Qiu(现代中国)管管 Guan Guan(现代中国)
钱钟书 Qian Zhongshu
现代中国  (1910年11月21日1998年12月19日)

杂文 scribble《上帝的梦》
散文集 leisurely corpus《写在人生边上》
随笔 essay《灵感》
都市生活 urbanism《猫 Cat》
现实百态 Realistic Fiction《围城》

阅读钱钟书 Qian Zhongshu在小说之家的作品!!!
阅读钱钟书 Qian Zhongshu在散文天地的作品!!!
  钱钟书 (1910.11.21 -- 1998.12.19 ),现代著名学者、作家。字默存,号槐聚。江苏无锡人。
  1933 年于清华大学外国语文系毕业后,在上海光华大学任教。
  1935 年与杨绛结婚,同赴英国留学。
  1937 年毕业于英国牛津大学,获副博士学位。又赴法国巴黎大学进修法国文学。
  1938 年秋归国,先后任昆明西南联大外文系教授、湖南蓝田国立师范学院英文系主任。
  1941年,珍珠港事件爆发,钱钟书回家探亲时,因沦陷而羁居上海,任教于震旦女子文理学 校,其间完成了《谈艺录》、《写在人生边上》的写作 。
  抗战结束后,钱钟书任上海暨南大学外文系教授兼南京中央图书馆英文馆刊《书林季刊》编辑。在其后的三 年中,其作品集《人兽鬼》、小说《围城》、诗论《谈 艺录》得以相继出版,在学术界引起巨大反响。
  1949年,钱钟书回到清华任教;1953年调到 文学研究所,其间完成《宋诗选注》,并参加了《唐诗 选》、《中国文学史》(唐宋部分)的编写工作。
  1966年,爆发,钱钟书受到冲击,并于1969年11月与杨绛一道被派往河南“五七干 校”。1972年3月回京,当年8月《管锥编》定稿 。
  1998年12月19日,先生在北京逝世,享年 88岁。

  Qian (1910.11.21 - 1998.12.19), modern well-known scholar and writer. Word Mocun, No. Huai together. Wuxi, Jiangsu Province.
  Qian had studied in the church-run schools in Suzhou and Wuxi Ren Tao Wu School.
  1933 Department of Foreign Languages at Tsinghua University graduate, taught at the Shanghai Guanghua University.
  Married in 1935 and Yang Jiang, Tong Fu UK.
  1937, graduated from Oxford University with a degree of candidate. Also went to France to study French literature, University of Paris.
  Returned autumn 1938, Southwest has Ren Kunming professor of foreign languages, Hunan Normal University English Lan Tian Guoli Head.
  In 1941, the outbreak on Pearl Harbor, Qian home visit, because of the fall of the custodial home in Shanghai, teaching at the Aurora Women's Liberal Arts School, during which completed "Tan Yi Lu," "written on the Edge of Life" in writing.
  After the war, Qian Ren Shanghai, Nanjing, Jinan University professor of foreign languages and English Central Library, Museum Journal "Shulin Quarterly" editor. In the subsequent three years, his works of "human animal spirits," novel "Fortress Besieged" Poetry "Tan Yi Lu," to have published in the academic tremendous response.
  In 1949, Qian returned to Tsinghua University to teach; literature in 1953 transferred to the Institute, during the completion of "Song Poems Notes", and participated in the "Anthology," "History of Chinese Literature" (Song part) of the preparation.
  In 1966, the outbreak, Qian is under attack, and in November 1969, together with Yang Jiang was sent to Henan "May 7 cadre schools." Returned to Beijing in March 1972, the year in August, "tube cone made" final.
  1979, "compiled Guan", "Old Man 4" was published.
  China Social Science 1982 as vice president and special adviser to hospital.
  1984, "Tan Yi Lu" (set this up) published; next year, "seven augmented set" was published.
  December 19, 1998, in Beijing, Mr., died aged 88.

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