作者 人物列表
崔瑞德 Denis Twitchett阿诺德·汤因比 Arnold Joseph Toynbee
多丽丝·莱辛 Doris Lessing戴斯蒙德·莫里斯 Desmond Morris
乔治·奥威尔 George Orwell辛西娅.列侬 Cynthia Lennon
约翰·列侬 John Winston Lennon玛格丽特·希尔达·撒切尔 Margaret Hilda Thatcher
阿加莎·克里斯蒂 Agatha Christie安东尼·伯吉斯 Anthony Burgess
达夫妮·杜穆里埃 Daphne du Maurier伏尼契 Ethel Lilian Voynich
爱德华·摩根·福斯特 Edward Morgan Forster赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 Herbert George Wells
阿道斯·赫胥黎 Aldous Huxley约翰·福尔斯 John Fowles
毛姆 William Somerset Maugham彼得·梅尔 Peter Mayle
约翰·罗纳德·瑞尔·托尔金 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien理查德·道金斯 Richard Dawkins
希区柯克 Alfred Hitchcock格雷厄姆·格林 Graham Greene
伊恩·弗莱明 Ian Fleming约翰·加德纳 John Edmund Gardner
彼得·赖特 Peter Wright巴巴拉·卡特兰 Barbara Cartland
杰克·希金斯 Jack Higgins苏珊·希尔 Susan Hill
戴维·洛奇 David Lodge维多莉亚·荷特 Eleanor Hibbert
罗·达尔 Roald Dahl芭芭拉·卡德兰 Barbara Cartland
维琴尼亚·荷莉 Virginia Henley若贝黛·李 Roberta Leigh
杰西卡·斯蒂尔 Jessica Steele潘妮·乔登 Penny Jordan
大卫·奥格威 David Ogilvy约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯 John Maynard Keynes
克里斯托弗·安德鲁 Christopher AndrewP·G·伍德豪斯 P. G. Wodehouse
鲁丝·连德 Ruth Rendell约翰·克雷西 John Creasey
艾伦·温宁顿 Alan WinningtonH·C·贝利 H. C. Bailey
安东尼·吉尔伯特 Anthony Gilbert道洛西·赛耶斯 Dorothy L. Sayers
罗尔德·达尔 Roald Dahl彼得·拉布西 彼得拉布西
阿瑟·刘易斯 Arthur Lewis马克·布劳格 Mark Blaug
哈罗德·品特 Harold Pinter埃德温·丁格尔 Edwin John Dingle
温斯顿·丘吉尔 Winston Churchill特里·伊格尔顿 Terry Eagleton
安吉拉·卡特 Angela Carter奈保尔 V. S. Naipaul
阿瑟·克拉克 Sir Arthur Charles Clarke卓别林 Sir Charles Chaplin
威廉·戈尔丁 William GoldingJ·F·C·富勒 John Frederick Charles Fuller
赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 Herbert George Wells
作者  (1866年9月21日1946年8月13日)

阅读赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯 Herbert George Wells在小说之家的作品!!!
  赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯(Herbert George Wells,1866年9月21日—1946年8月13日),英国著名小说家,新闻记者、家、社会学家和历史学家。他创作的科幻小说对该领域影响深远,如“时间旅行”、“外星人”、“反乌托邦”等都是20世纪科幻小说中的主流话题。
  1884年他得到助学金(每星期一个基尼),进入了英国皇家科学院的前身堪津顿科学师范学校。他在这里学习物理学、化学、地质学、天文学和生物学。其中他的生物学老师是著名的进化论科学家托马斯·赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley),他后来的科幻小说写作受赫胥黎的进化论思想影响很大。1890年他以动物学的优异成绩获得了伦敦大学帝国理工学院的理学学士学位。从1891年到1893年在伦敦大学函授学院教授生物学。
  从1891年开始,威尔斯为一些报刊撰写文章。1893年患上了肺出血,休养期间,开始写作短篇小说、散文和评论,同时也开始了科普创作,例如《百万年的人》(The Man of the Year Million)中他大胆设想在自然选择影响下未来人类的形象,巨大的眼睛,细长的手。
  随后《全国观察家》发表了威尔斯关于时间旅行的设想的连载文章,后来在1895年把这些文章改为《时间机器》(The Time Machine)的小说发行。此书的出版引起轰动,也奠定了他作为科幻小说作家的声誉。
  此后,他又陆续发表了《莫洛博士岛》(The Island of Dr. Moreau)、《隐身人》(The Invisible Man)、《世界大战》(The War of the Worlds)、《神的食物》等科幻小说,还写了大量的论文和长篇小说。
  1903年,威尔斯成为标榜改良主义的社会主义团体费边社社员。对于费边社温和的、改良主义的社会主义思想他仍然认为过于激进。而他对年轻成员的影响和个人领袖欲的膨胀,使他和费边社的领导成员肖伯纳等发生不合,最后退出了这个组织。他的长篇小说《安·维尼罗卡》(Ann Veronica)和《新马基雅弗利》(The New Machiavelli)反映的就是他在这段时期的生活经验。
  第一次世界大战后,他用了1年时间完成了100多万字的《世界史纲》(The Outline of History),这本著作展现了他作为历史学家的一面。

  Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946) was an English author, now best known for his work in the science fiction genre. He was also a prolific writer in many other genres, including contemporary novels, history, politics and social commentary. Together with Jules Verne, Wells has been referred to as "The Father of Science Fiction".
  Wells was an outspoken socialist and sympathetic to pacifist views, although he supported the First World War once it was under way, and his later works became increasingly political and didactic. His middle period novels (1900–1920) were less science-fictional; they covered lower-middle class life (The History of Mr Polly) and the 'New Woman' and the Suffragettes (Ann Veronica).
  Early life
  Herbert George Wells was born at Atlas House, 47 High Street, Bromley, in the county of Kent, on 21 September 1866. Called "Bertie" in the family, he was the fourth and last child of Joseph Wells (a former domestic gardener, and at the time a shopkeeper and amateur cricketer) and his wife Sarah Neal (a former domestic servant). The family was of the impoverished lower middle class. An inheritance had allowed the family to acquire a shop in which they sold china and sporting goods, although it failed to prosper: the stock was old and worn out, and the location was poor. They managed to earn a meagre income, but little of it came from the shop; Joseph received an unsteady amount of money from playing professional cricket for the Kent county team. Payment for skilled bowlers and batsmen came from voluntary donations afterward, or from small payments from the clubs where matches were played.
  A defining incident of young Wells's life was an accident he had in 1874, which left him bedridden with a broken leg. To pass the time he started reading books from the local library, brought to him by his father. He soon became devoted to the other worlds and lives to which books gave him access; they also stimulated his desire to write. Later that year he entered Thomas Morley's Commercial Academy, a private school founded in 1849 following the bankruptcy of Morley's earlier school. The teaching was erratic, the curriculum mostly focused, Wells later said, on producing copperplate handwriting and doing the sort of sums useful to tradesmen. Wells continued at Morley's Academy until 1880. In 1877, his father, Joseph Wells, fractured his thigh. The accident effectively put an end to Joseph's career as a cricketer, and his subsequent earnings as a shopkeeper were not enough to compensate for the loss of the primary source of family income.
  No longer able to support themselves financially, the family instead sought to place their sons as apprentices in various occupations. From 1880 to 1883, Wells had an unhappy apprenticeship as a draper at the Southsea Drapery Emporium, Hyde's. His experiences at Hyde's were later used as inspiration for some of his novel material The Wheels of Chance and Kipps, which delve into the life of a draper's apprentice as well as providing a critique of the world's distribution of wealth.
  Herbert's parent's marriage was a turbulent relationship: due primarily to his mother being a Protestant and his father a self-confessed, freethinker. When his mother returned to work as a lady's maid (at Uppark, an country house in Sussex), one of the conditions of work was that she would not be permitted to have living space for her husband and children. Thereafter, she and Joseph lived separate lives: though they never divorced and neither ever developed extramarital liaisons. As a consequence, Herbert's personal troubles increased as he subsequently failed as a draper and also, later, as a chemist's assistant. After each failure, he would arrive at Uppark – "the bad shilling back again!" as he said – and stay there until a fresh start could be arranged for him. Fortunately for Herbert, Uppark had a magnificent library in which he immersed himself, reading many classic works, including Plato's Republic, and More's Utopia. This would be the beginning of Herbert George Wells's venture into literature.
  In October 1879 Wells's mother arranged through a distant relative, Arthur Williams, for him to join the National School at Wookey in Somerset as a pupil-teacher, a senior pupil who acted as a teacher of younger children. In December that year, however, Williams was dismissed for irregularities in his qualifications and Wells was returned to Uppark. After a short apprenticeship at a chemist in nearby Midhurst, and an even shorter stay as a boarder at Midhurst Grammar School, he signed his apprenticeship papers at Hyde's. In 1883 Wells persuaded his parents to release him from the apprenticeship, taking an opportunity offered by Midhurst Grammar School again to become a pupil-teacher; his proficiency in Latin and Science during his previous, short stay had been remembered.
  The years he spent in Southsea had been the most miserable of his life to that point, but his good fortune at securing a position at Midhurst Grammar School meant that Wells could continue his self-education in earnest. The following year, Wells won a scholarship to the Normal School of Science (later the Royal College of Science in South Kensington, now part of Imperial College London) in London, studying biology under Thomas Henry Huxley. As an alumnus, he later helped to set up the Royal College of Science Association, of which he became the first president in 1909. Wells studied in his new school until 1887 with a weekly allowance of twenty-one shillings (a guinea) thanks to his scholarship. This ought to have been a comfortable sum of money (at the time many working class families had "round about a pound a week" as their entire household income) yet in his Experiment in Autobiography, Wells speaks of constantly being hungry, and indeed, photographs of him at the time show a youth so thin and malnourished.
  He soon entered the Debating Society of the school. These years mark the beginning of his interest in a possible reformation of society. At first approaching the subject through The Republic by Plato, he soon turned to contemporary ideas of socialism as expressed by the recently formed Fabian Society and free lectures delivered at Kelmscott House, the home of William Morris. He was also among the founders of The Science School Journal, a school magazine which allowed him to express his views on literature and society, as well as trying his hand at fiction: the first version of his novel The Time Machine was published in the journal under the title, The Chronic Argonauts. The school year 1886–1887 was the last year of his studies. In spite of having previously successfully passed his exams in both Biology and Physics, his lack of interest in Geology resulted in his failure to pass and the subsequent loss of his scholarship.
  It was not until 1890 that Wells earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology from the University of London External Programme. In 1889–90 he managed to find a post as a teacher at Henley House School where he taught and admired A. A. Milne.
  Upon leaving the Normal School of Science, Wells was left without a source of income. His aunt Mary - a cousin to his father - invited him to stay with her for a while, which solved his immediate problem of accommodation. During his stay at his aunt's residence, he grew increasingly interested in her daughter, Isabel. He would later, go on to court her.
  Personal Life
  H. G. Wells's home, Maybury Hill
  In 1891 Wells married his cousin Isabel Mary Wells, but left her in 1894 for one of his students, Amy Catherine Robbins (known as Jane), whom he married in 1895. He had two sons with Amy Catherine: George Philip (known as 'Gip') in 1901{d.1985} and Frank Richard in 1903.
  During his marriage to Amy Catherine, Wells had affairs with a number of women, including the American birth-control activist Margaret Sanger and novelist Elizabeth von Arnim. In 1909 he had a daughter, Anna-Jane, with the writer Amber Reeves, whose parents, William and Maud Pember Reeves, he had met through the Fabian Society; and in 1914, a son, Anthony West (1914–1987), by the novelist and feminist Rebecca West, twenty-six years his junior. In spite of Amy Catherine's knowledge of some of these affairs, she remained married to Wells until her death in 1927. Wells also had affairs with Odette Keun and Moura Budberg.
  "I was never a great amorist", Wells wrote in Experiment in Autobiography (1934), "though I have loved several people very deeply."
  As one method of self-expression, Wells tended to sketch a lot. One common location for these sketches was the endpapers and title pages of his own diaries, and they covered a wide variety of topics, from political commentary to his feelings toward his literary contemporaries and his current romantic interests. During his marriage to Amy Catherine, whom he nicknamed Jane, he sketched a considerable number of pictures, many of them being overt comments on their marriage. It was during this period, and this period only, that he called his sketches "picshuas." These picshuas have been the topic of study by Wells scholars for many years, and recently a book was published on the subject.
  Seeking a more structured way to play war games, Wells also wrote Floor Games (1911) followed by Little Wars (1913). Little Wars is recognised today as the first recreational wargame and Wells is regarded by gamers and hobbyists as "the Father of Miniature War Gaming".
  Wells's first non-fiction bestseller was Anticipations (1901). When originally serialised in a magazine it was subtitled, "An Experiment in Prophecy", and is considered his most explicitly futuristic work. Anticipating what the world would be like in the year 2000, the book is interesting both for its hits (trains and cars resulting in the dispersion of population from cities to suburbs; moral restrictions declining as men and women seek greater sexual freedom; the defeat of German militarism, and the existence of a European Union) and its misses (he did not expect successful aircraft before 1950, and averred that "my imagination refuses to see any sort of submarine doing anything but suffocate its crew and founder at sea").
  Statue of a The War of the Worlds tripod, erected as a tribute to H. G. Wells in Woking town centre, England
  His early novels, called "scientific romances", invented a number of themes now classic in science fiction in such works as The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, When the Sleeper Wakes, and The First Men in the Moon. He also wrote other, non-fantastic novels that have received critical acclaim including Kipps and the satire on Edwardian advertising, Tono-Bungay.
  Wells wrote several dozen short stories and novellas, the best known of which is "The Country of the Blind" (1904). His short story "The New Accelerator" was the inspiration for the Star Trek episode Wink of an Eye.
  Though Tono-Bungay was not a science-fiction novel, radioactive decay plays a small but consequential role in it. Radioactive decay plays a much larger role in The World Set Free (1914). This book contains what is surely his biggest prophetic "hit." Scientists of the day were well aware that the natural decay of radium releases energy at a slow rate over thousands of years. The rate of release is too slow to have practical utility, but the total amount released is huge. Wells's novel revolves around an (unspecified) invention that accelerates the process of radioactive decay, producing bombs that explode with no more than the force of ordinary high explosive— but which "continue to explode" for days on end. "Nothing could have been more obvious to the people of the earlier twentieth century," he wrote, "than the rapidity with which war was becoming impossible... [but] they did not see it until the atomic bombs burst in their fumbling hands." Leó Szilárd acknowledged that the book inspired him to theorise the nuclear chain reaction.
  Wells also wrote nonfiction. His bestselling three-volume work, The Outline of History (1920), began a new era of popularised world history. It received a mixed critical response from professional historians. Many other authors followed with 'Outlines' of their own in other subjects. Wells reprised his Outline in 1922 with a much shorter popular work, A Short History of the World, and two long efforts, The Science of Life (1930) and The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (1931). The 'Outlines' became sufficiently common for James Thurber to parody the trend in his humorous essay, "An Outline of Scientists" — indeed, Wells's Outline of History remains in print with a new 2005 edition, while A Short History of the World has been recently reedited (2006).
  From quite early in his career, he sought a better way to organise society, and wrote a number of Utopian novels. The first of these was A Modern Utopia (1905), which shows a worldwide utopia with "no imports but meteorites, and no exports at all"; two travellers from our world fall into its alternate history. The others usually begin with the world rushing to catastrophe, until people realise a better way of living: whether by mysterious gases from a comet causing people to behave rationally and abandoning a European war (In the Days of the Comet (1906)), or a world council of scientists taking over, as in The Shape of Things to Come (1933, which he later adapted for the 1936 Alexander Korda film, Things to Come). This depicted, all too accurately, the impending World War, with cities being destroyed by aerial bombs. He also portrayed the rise of fascist dictators in The Autocracy of Mr Parham (1930) and The Holy Terror (1939), though in the former novel, the tale is revealed at the end to have been Mr Parham's dream vision.
  Wells contemplates the ideas of nature versus nurture and questions humanity in books such as The Island of Doctor Moreau. Not all his scientific romances ended in a happy Utopia, and in fact, Wells also wrote the first dystopia novel, When the Sleeper Wakes (1899, rewritten as The Sleeper Awakes, 1910), which pictures a future society where the classes have become more and more separated, leading to a revolt of the masses against the rulers. The Island of Doctor Moreau is even darker. The narrator, having been trapped on an island of animals vivisected (unsuccessfully) into human beings, eventually returns to England; like Gulliver on his return from the Houyhnhnms, he finds himself unable to shake off the perceptions of his fellow humans as barely civilised beasts, slowly reverting back to their animal natures.
  Wells also wrote the preface for the first edition of W. N. P. Barbellion's diaries, The Journal of a Disappointed Man, published in 1919. Since "Barbellion" was the real author's pen name, many reviewers believed Wells to have been the true author of the Journal; Wells always denied this, despite being full of praise for the diaries, but the rumours persisted until Barbellion's death later that year.
  In 1927, Florence Deeks sued Wells for plagiarism, claiming that he had stolen much of the content of The Outline of History from a work, The Web, she had submitted to the Canadian Macmillan Company, but who held onto the manuscript for eight months before rejecting it. Despite numerous similarities in phrasing and factual errors, the court found Wells not guilty.
  In 1934, Wells predicted that the world war he had described in The Shape of Things to Come would begin in 1940, a prediction which ultimately came true one year early.
  In 1936, before the Royal Institution, Wells called for the compilation of a constantly growing and changing World Encyclopedia, to be reviewed by outstanding authorities and made accessible to every human being. In 1938, he published a collection of essays on the future organisation of knowledge and education, World Brain, including the essay, "The Idea of a Permanent World Encyclopaedia."
  Near the end of the Second World War, Allied forces discovered that the SS had compiled lists of intellectuals and politicians slated for immediate arrest upon the invasion of England in the abandoned Operation Sea Lion. The name "H. G. Wells" appeared high on the list for the crime of being a socialist in The Black Book. Wells, as president of the International PEN (Poets, Essayists, Novelists), had already angered the Nazis by overseeing the expulsion of the German PEN club from the international body in 1934 following the German PEN's refusal to admit non-Aryan writers to its membership.
  Wells called his political views socialist. He was for a time a member of the socialist Fabian Society, but broke with them as he intended them to be an organisation far more radical than they wanted. He later grew staunchly critical of them as having a poor understanding of economics and educational reform. He ran as a Labour Party candidate for London University in the 1922 and 1923 general elections after the death of his friend W. H. R. Rivers, but at that point his faith in the party was weak or uncertain.
  Social class was a theme in Wells's The Time Machine in which the Time Traveller speaks of the future world, with its two races, as having evolved from
   the gradual widening of the present (19th century) merely temporary and social difference between the Capitalist and the Labourer ... Even now, does not an East-end worker live in such artificial conditions as practically to be cut off from the natural surface of the earth? Again, the exclusive tendency of richer people..is already leading to the closing, in their interest, of considerable portions of the surface of the land. About London, for instance, perhaps half the prettier country is shut in against intrusion.
  Nevertheless, without irony, Wells has this very same Time Traveller speak in terms antithetical to much of socialist thought, referring approvingly and as "perfect" and with no social problem unsolved, to an imagined world of stark class division between the rich assured of their wealth and comfort, and the rest of humanity assigned to lifelong toil:
   Once, life and property must have reached almost absolute safety. The rich had been assured of his wealth and comfort, the toiler assured of his life and work. No doubt in that perfect world there had been no unemployed problem, no social question left unsolved.
  His most consistent political ideal was the World State. He stated in his autobiography that from 1900 onward he considered a World State inevitable. He envisioned the state to be a planned society that would advance science, end nationalism, and allow people to progress by merit rather than birth. In his book In the Fourth Year published in 1918 he suggested how each nation of the world would elect, "upon democratic lines" by proportional representation, an electoral college in the manner of the United States of America, in turn to select its delegate to the proposed League of Nations. This international body he contrasted with imperialism, not only the imperialism of Germany, against which the war was being fought, but also the more benign imperialism of Britain and France.
  His values and political thinking came under increasing criticism from the 1920s and afterwards.
  Lenin's attempts at reconstructing the shattered Russian economy, as his account of a visit (Russia in the Shadows; 1920) shows, also related towards that.[clarification needed] This is because at first he believed Lenin might lead to the kind of planned world he envisioned. Despite being a strongly anti-Marxist socialist who would later state that it would have been better if Karl Marx had never been born.
  The leadership of Joseph Stalin led to a change in his view of the Soviet Union even though his initial impression of Stalin himself was mixed. He disliked what he saw as a narrow orthodoxy and obdurance to the facts in Stalin. However, he did give him some praise saying in an article in the left-leaning New Statesman magazine, "I have never met a man more fair, candid, and honest" and making it clear that he felt the "sinister" image of Stalin was unfair or simply false. Nevertheless he judged Stalin's rule to be far too rigid, restrictive of independent thought, and blinkered to lead toward the Cosmopolis he hoped for.
  Wells believed in the theory of eugenics. In 1904 he discussed a survey paper by Francis Galton, co-founder of eugenics, saying "I believe ... It is in the sterilisation of failure, and not in the selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of the human stock lies." Some contemporary supporters even suggested connections between the "degenerate" man-creatures portrayed in The Time Machine and Wells's eugenic beliefs. For example, the economist Irving Fisher said in a 1912 address to the Eugenics Research Association: "The Nordic race will ... vanish or lose its dominance if, in fact, the whole human race does not sink so low as to become the prey, as H. G. Wells images, of some less degenerate animal!"
  Wells had given some moderate unenthusiastic support for Territorialism before the First World War, but later became a bitter opponent of the Zionist movement in general. He saw Zionism as an exclusive and separatist movement which challenged the collective solidarity he advocated in his vision of a world state. No supporter of Jewish identity in general, Wells had in his utopian writings predicted the ultimate assimilation of Jewry.
  Wells brought his interest in Art & Design and politics together when he and other notables signed a memorandum to the Permanent Secretaries of the Board of Trade, amongst others. The November 1914 memorandum expressed the signatories concerns about British industrial design in the face of foreign competition. The suggestions were accepted, leading to the foundation of the Design and Industries Association.
  In the end his contemporary political impact was limited. His efforts regarding the League of Nations became a disappointment as the organisation turned out to be a weak one unable to prevent World War II. The war itself increased the pessimistic side of his nature. In his last book Mind at the End of its Tether (1945) he considered the idea that humanity being replaced by another species might not be a bad idea. He also came to call the era "The age of frustration."
  Wells wrote in his book God The Invisible King that his idea of God did not draw upon the traditional religions of the world: "This book sets out as forcibly and exactly as possible the religious belief of the writer. [Which] is a profound belief in a personal and intimate God." Later in the work he aligns himself with a "renascent or modern religion ... neither atheist nor Buddhist nor Mohammedan nor Christian ... [that] he has found growing up in himself".
  Of Christianity he has this to say: "... it is not now true for me ... Every believing Christian is, I am sure, my spiritual brother ... but if systemically I called myself a Christian I feel that to most men I should imply too much and so tell a lie." Of other world religions he writes: "All these religions are true for me as Canterbury Cathedral is a true thing and as a Swiss chalet is a true thing. There they are, and they have served a purpose, they have worked. Only they are not true for me to live in them ... They do not work for me".
  Final years
  He spent his final years venting his frustration at various targets which included a neighbour who erected a large sign to a servicemen's club. As he devoted his final decades toward causes which were largely rejected by contemporaries, his literary reputation declined. One critic said, "Mr. Wells is a born storyteller who has sold his birthright for a pot of message."
  Wells was a diabetic, and a co-founder in 1934 of what is now Diabetes UK, the leading charity for people living with diabetes in the UK.
  On 28 October 1940 Wells was interviewed by Orson Welles, who two years previous had performed an infamous radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds, on KTSA radio in San Antonio, Texas. In the interview, Wells admitted his surprise at the widespread panic that resulted from the broadcast, but acknowledged his debt to Welles for increasing sales of one of his "more obscure" titles.
  He died of unspecified causes on 13 August 1946 at his home at 13 Hanover Terrace, Regent's Park, London. Some reports indicate the cause of death was diabetes or liver cancer. In his preface to the 1941 edition of The War in the Air, Wells had stated that his epitaph should be: "I told you so. You damned fools.". He was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium on 16 August 1946 and his ashes were scattered at sea. A commemorative blue plaque in his honour was installed at his home in Regent's Park.
  The rocket scientist Robert H. Goddard was inspired by H. G. Wells's fiction from an early age to work on rocketry, and this research led German scientists to later develop the V2, which in turn led to the American Apollo program that landed man on the Moon.
  In popular fiction
  H. G. Wells has been portrayed in a number of novels, films, and games, including:
   * The novel The Time Ships, by British author Stephen Baxter, was designated by the Wells estate as an authorised sequel to The Time Machine, marking the centenary of its publication, and features characters, situations and technobabble from several of Wells's stories, as well as a representation of Wells (unnamed, and referred to as 'my friend, the Author').
   * Christopher Priest's novel The Space Machine thematically references both The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds.
   * The second volume of the graphic series The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill features Wells's character Doctor Moreau.
   * In C. S. Lewis' novel That Hideous Strength, the character Jules is a caricature of Wells, and much of Lewis's science fiction was written both under the influence of Wells and as an antithesis to his work. The devoutly Christian Lewis was especially incensed at Wells's The Shape of Things to Come where a future world government systematically persecutes and completely obliterates Christianity (and all other religions), which the book presents as a positive and vitally necessary act.
   * Wells's photo appears on a stairway wall of time traveller Alex Hartdegen's New York brownstone, in a 2002 version of The Time Machine, directed by Wells's great-grandson Simon Wells. The 1960 movie version has a plate on the Time Machine telling that it had been manufactured by "H. George Wells" (a.k.a. George, the protagonist of the film).
   * Arthur Sammler, the main character of Saul Bellow's Mr. Sammler's Planet, knew Wells, and is urged by other characters to use that fact as the basis for writing a biography of Wells, a project about which Holocaust survivor and self-made philosopher Sammler has decidedly mixed feelings.
   * Wells appears as the protagonist in the 1979 film Time After Time, and in the novel The Martian War by Kevin J. Anderson (as "Gabriel Mesta"). Both works use the conceit that Wells's works were based upon actual adventures he had. In the film, he meets and falls in love with a woman named Amy Robbins (the name of his real-life second wife).
   * In an episode of Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, titled Tempus Fugitive, a time-travelling H. G. Wells (Terry Kiser) seeks out Superman's help to stop a criminal from the future whom Wells had accidentally unleashed on the present. The concept of Wells's time machine being stolen and used for evil closely resembles the plot of Time After Time. Both H. G. Wells and the criminal Tempus (Lane Davies) returned for three later episodes.
   * In an adventure in the BBC's Doctor Who, the two-part, 90-minute "Timelash", the time-travelling Doctor (Colin Baker) encounters an excitable young man, Herbert, in the Scottish Highlands, taking him on an adventure that is revealed to have been inspirational when it is finally realised this is the pre-published Wells.
   * In Ben Bova's short story "Inspiration", the narrator gets Wells to meet a young Albert Einstein and Lord Kelvin. In the end of the story he (Wells) gave a tip to a 6-year-old Adolf Hitler.
   * The movie Librarian:Quest for The Spear, ends with the main character, Flynn Carsen, getting a mission to retrieve H. G. Wells's Time Machine.
   * Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the United States House of Representatives and staunch Republican, praised Wells in his book To Renew America, writing "Our generation is still seeking its Jules Verne or H. G. Wells to dazzle our imaginations with hope and optimism".
   * In the movie The Maltese Falcon Kasper Gutman recounts the history of the bird emphasising that "Those are facts, historical facts, not school book history, not Mr. Wells' history, but facts nevertheless."
   * In the science/historical fiction novel And Having Writ..., Wells is a major character.
   * Wells is a major character in John Kessel's award-winning short story "Buffalo", first printed in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February, 1991.
   * Wells makes an appearance in the Stargate SG-1 book Roswell.
   * H. G. Wells makes an appearance in Chapter 10 of The Hollow Lands by Michael Moorcock. This being the second book in The Dancers at the End of Time series. The hero has gone back in time and needs help returning to the future.
   * Woody Allen's comedy film Sleeper (1973) is loosely based on Wells's novel, When the Sleeper Awakes.
   * The Infinite Worlds of H. G. Wells is a 4hr dramatisation of the origin of several of Wells's stories. Originally made for TV, the series has been released on DVD.
   * In Libba Bray's novel The Sweet Far Thing, H. G. Wells makes an appearance in chapter twenty-four.
   * Ronald Wright's 1998 novel A Scientific Romance imagines that a Wells contemporary built a working time machine, which the protagonist uses to travel 500 years into the future, where he explores England which has become overgrown with jungle, and the few remaining people live in stone age conditions with peculiar remnants of civilisation.
   * In the popular webcomic Irregular Webcomic! H. G. Wells is described as being a time traveller.
   * In the TV series Lost Sawyer refers to Daniel as H. G. Wells.
   * In Animaniacs Pinky & the Brain segment episode, When Mice Ruled the Earth, H. G. Wells invents the time machine but does not believe it works. Pinky and the Brain use it to change the past to make mice the ruling species, hoping they'd accept Brain as their leader. However, when the mice of the new timeline turn out to be Pinky-like, Brain decides to turn everything back to normal as, when Pinky comments how easy would it be to rule that world, he wonders who'd want it.
   * 2009 game Prototype pays homage to Wells by naming many of its missions after his works, including The Wheels of Chance, Open Conspiracy, Under the Knife, The Stolen Body, The Door in the Wall, First and Last Things, Men Like Gods, A Dream of Armageddon, The World Set Free, Things to Come.
   * A teenaged H. G. Wells is one of the heroes with a similarly youthful G. K. Chesterton in The Young Chesterton Chronicles, Volume I: The Tripods Attack!, a science fiction/alternative history adventure series, written by John McNichol.
   * An elderly H. G. Wells appears as a character in the online serial Solar Pons's War of the Worlds, in which he aids Solar Pons in a Martian invasion in 1938.
   * In the Second Volume of the Bookworm Adventures, H.G. Wells is one of the companions that helps Lex in battles.

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