作者 人物列表
科里纳 Corina罗伯特·巴乔 Roberto Baggio卡尔维诺 Italo Calvino
路易吉·马莱巴 Luigi Malerba奥莉娅娜·法拉奇 Oriana Fallaci弗朗西斯科·萨伊塔 Francesco Saita
皮耶罗·费鲁奇 Piero Ferrucci莱昂纳尔多·毛杰 Leonardo Maugeri尼克洛·阿曼尼提 Niccolò Ammaniti
卡尔维诺 Italo Calvino
作者  (1924年10月15日1985年9月19日)

阅读卡尔维诺 Italo Calvino在小说之家的作品!!!
  卡尔维诺,Italo Calvino,1924 --1985,是意大利当代最有世界影响的作家。
  卡尔维诺童年时就离开古巴回意大利。第二次世界大战时他参加了意大利抵抗组织,战后定居于都灵,并得到了文学学士学位,同时为的周刊工作。从1959年至1966年他和 Elio Vittorini 一起编辑左翼杂志。
  50年代卡尔维诺果断地转向幻想和寓言作品的创作,其中的三篇小说为他带来了国际知名度。第一部《分成两半的子爵》(1952出版)是一个人被炮火劈成两半的寓言故事—— 一半身子行善一半身子做恶——通过与一个农家女子的爱情又合二为一。第二部《树上的男爵》的声誉最高(1957年出版),这是十九世纪一位贵族的传奇故事,一天他决心爬到树上,从此双脚不再沾地面半步。但是他确实在树上完整分享了他的同胞在地上的生活。这篇故事机智地探讨了现实和想象之间的联系和对立。第三部《不存在的骑士》(1959年出版),是对中世纪骑士小说的模仿。

  Calvino, Italo Calvino, 1924 - 1985, is Italy's most contemporary writers of the world affected.
  Calvino, October 15, 1924 Born in Cuba, September 19, 1985 died in Italy.
  Calvino is the Italian journalist, short story writer, author, his strange and imaginative allegory made him the most important twentieth century Italian novelists.
  Childhood Calvino left Cuba back to Italy. World War II, he joined the Italian resistance, after the war settled in Turin and received Bachelor of Arts degree, while the weekly work. From 1959 to 1966 he and Elio Vittorini left-wing magazine with the editors.
  Calvino and his earliest works are to participate in the experience of the resistance: the new realism of the novel "The path leading to the spider nest," (published 1947), through a minor experience of examining the resistance movement, the young adults around the face and a series of events, feeling helpless.
  Calvino's fantasy works of late: "the universe comic" (published 1965), creation and evolution of the universe, stream of consciousness narrative; later "invisible knight" (published 1972), "Cross the fate of the castle" (published 1973) and "If the winter night, a traveler" (published 1979), Calvino uses the game as an innovative structure and changing point of view, the purpose is to investigate the opportunities and changes in the nature of coincidence.

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