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魏斐德 Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.
美国 现代美国  (1937年12月12日2006年9月14日)

人物传记 Biography《间谍王:戴笠与中国特工》
哲学思考 philosophy apprehend《历史与意志:毛泽东思想的哲学透视》

阅读魏斐德 Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.在历史大观的作品!!!
阅读魏斐德 Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.在小说之家的作品!!!
阅读魏斐德 Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr.在百家争鸣的作品!!!
  1937年生于美国,1965年在美国加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位,自 1965年起,魏斐德开始在该校历史系任教直至2006年6月退休。魏斐德在该校担任东亚研究所所长达11年之久。魏裴德教授于1986至1989年担任社会科学研究理事会的主席,1992年担任美国历史学会的主席,担任上海社会科学院名誉研究员。主要著作有《洪业:清朝开国史》、《中华帝国的衰落》、《中华帝国晚期的冲突与控制》、《上海警察,1927-1937》、《上海歹土:战时恐怖主义与城市犯罪,1937-1941》、《历史与意志:毛泽东思想的哲学透视》、《间谍王———戴笠与中国特工》等。其中关于17世纪中国满族历史的专著获得了美国东亚研究学会的莱文森奖,他是美国最著名的中国问题和中国历史专家。

  Frederic Evans Wakeman, Jr. (December 12, 1937–September 14, 2006) was a prominent American scholar of East Asian history. He also served as presidents of the American Historical Association and Social Science Research Council in the past.
  BiographyWakeman was born in Kansas City, Kansas. His father was the novelist Frederic E. Wakeman, Sr. (publishing as "Frederic Wakeman"), who often moved the family to live abroad in places like Bermuda, France, and Cuba. He graduated from Harvard University in 1959, where he majored in European history and literature. After Harvard, he went on to earn master's degrees from the University of Cambridge and at the Institut d'études politiques in Paris. While studying at the Institut d'études politiques, he switched to Chinese studies. In 1962 he published a novel, Seventeen Royal Palms Drive, under the name "Evans Wakeman." Wakeman received his Ph.D. in Far Eastern history at University of California, Berkeley in 1965, under the supervision of Professor Joseph Levenson. That year he began teaching at Berkeley, where he remained his entire career and retired as the Walter and Elise Haas Professor of Asian Studies. Wakeman served as the director of "Institute of East Asian Studies" at Berkeley from 1990 to 2001. Upon his retirement from Berkeley in May 2006, he received the "Berkeley Citation", the highest honor given at U.C. Berkeley.
   Academic CareerStarting in the early 1970s, Wakeman also chaired academic committees formed to expand cultural and scholastic relations with China. In 1987, he helped draft an appeal signed by 160 American scholars calling on the Chinese government to stop oppressing intellectuals. Wakeman was also the president of American Historical Association in 1992 and served as the President of the Social Science Research Council from 1986 to 1989.
  He was the author of ten books, seven published by the University of California Press. His first monograph, published in 1966 and based on his doctoral disseration, was Strangers at the Gate: Social Disorder in South China, 1839-1861. Strangers at the Gate focused on social disorder in the Pearl River Delta in the aftermath of the First Opium War and extensively utilized documents seized by the British from the Guangdong-Guangxi Governor-General's office. The most extensive and voluminous of Wakeman's works is The Great Enterprise: The Manchu Reconstruction of Imperial Order in the 17th Century. published in 1985. Another notable work is Modern East Asia: essays in interpretation, published in New York in 1970.
  In the mid 1970s Wakeman began to focus on the history of Shanghai. Best known of these works are the Spymaster: Dai Li and the Chinese Secret Service, and his Shanghai Trilogy: Policing Shanghai, 1927-1937; Shanghai Badland, 1937-1942, The Red Star Over Shanghai, 1942-1952 (posthumous). These works encompassed the city's history under the various regimes since the formation of the city, that is, from the Nationalist government, to the Wang Jingwei's puppet regime, and to the communist's takeover.
  Wakeman retired from teaching in May 2006. He died later that year in Lake Oswego, Oregon of liver cancer at the age of 68.

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