诗人 人物列表
倪瓒 Ni Zan周德清 Zhou Deqing王冕 Wang Mian
高启 Gao Qi萨都剌 Sa Doula高明 Gao Ming
贾仲明 Gu Zhongming黄公望 Huang Gongwang陈克明 Chen Keming
钟嗣成 Zhong Sicheng吴镇 Wu Zhen李齐贤 Li Jixian
杨维桢 Yang Weizhen梁寅 Liang Yin舒頔 Shu Di
谢应芳 Xie Yingfang吴讷 Wu Ne王景 Wang Jing
黄公望 Huang Gongwang
诗人  (1269年9月12日1354年11月10日)
字: 子久
网笔号: 大痴; 一峰; 大痴道人; 一峰道人
出生地: 平江常熟


阅读黄公望 Huang Gongwang在诗海的作品!!!
  字子久,号大痴,又号一峰。世居平江常熟(今属江苏省), 本陆氏子,名坚,自幼过继永嘉黄氏,遂徙富春(今浙江富阳县)。天姿孤高,应神童科。至元中浙西廉访使徐琰辟为书吏,以事罢。延祐中游京师,为御史台察院掾,忤权豪下狱,得出,遂不复仕。寓居松江,往来钱塘、吴中,晚居西湖筲箕泉。己而归富春,卒。工诗,有《大痴道人集》。尤善画,宗董源、巨然,运思落笔,出人意表,自成一家,为元四大画家之一。著有《写山水诀》。又通音律,长词、短曲, 落笔即成。

Huang Gongwang (1269–1354), birth name Lu Jian (Chinese陸堅pinyinLù Jiān), was Chinese painter, poet, and writer during the late Song dynasty in ChangshuJiangsu. He was the oldest of the "Four Masters of the Yuan dynasty".

At the age of 10, the Song fell to the Mongol founders of the Yuan Dynasty and he, like many other Chinese scholars of the time, found his path to officialdom and a good career severely limited. "He was first an unranked ling-shih at a Surveillance Office in the Chiang-che Branch Secretariat (Province), probably engaged in some sort of land tax supervision. Later he served as a secretary in the metropolitan Censorate where he was unfortunately involved in the slander case of a minister, Chang Lu. He seems to have spent quite some time in jail before retreating into Taoism [as did many others of the age--another was the famous painter Ni Zan], completely disillusioned." He spent his last years in the Fu-ch'un mountains near Hangzhou devoting himself to Taoism, where around 1350 he completed one of his most famous, and arguably greatest, works, Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains.

In art he rejected the landscape conventions of his era's Academy, but is now regarded as one of the great literati painters. Art historian James Cahill identified Huang Gongwang as the artist who "most decisively altered the course of landscape painting, creating models that would have a profound effect on landscapists of later centuries." One of Huang Gongwang's strongest influences was his technique of using very dry brush strokes together with light ink washes (when colour is applied to a specific area using a soft-haired brush with wide strokes that blend them together into a unified wash) to build up his landscape paintings. He also wrote a treatise on landscape painting, Secrets of Landscape Painting (寫山水訣Xiě Shānshuǐ Jué).

As was typical for Chinese scholar-officials of his era, he also wrote poetry and had some talent for music.


  1. ^ Sherman E. Lee and Wai-Kam Ho. Chinese Art Under the Mongols: The Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1968, p. 80.
  2. ^ James Cahill, "The Yuan Dynasty" in Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, ed. by Yang Xin, Richard M. Barnhart, et. al. Yale University Press, 1997, p. 167.
  • Masterpieces of Chinese Art (pages 87–90), by Rhonda and Jeffrey Cooper, Todtri Productions, 1997. ISBN 1-57717-060-1
  • James Cahill, "The Yuan Dynasty" in Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, ed. by Yang Xin, Richard M. Barnhart, et al. Yale University Press, 1997.
  • Sherman E. Lee and Wai-Kam Ho. Chinese Art Under the Mongols: The Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368). The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1968.

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