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赫拉·琳德 Hera Lind威德尔·埃彭多夫 Wade Acres Peng Dorf卡尔·麦 Karl May
荷尔德林 Friedrich Hölderlin
德国 德意志邦联  (1770年3月20日1843年6月7日)
Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin
出生地: 德国 内卡河 劳芬
去世地: 德国图宾根

诗词《狄奥提玛 Diotima》   《人,诗意的栖居》   《故乡 hometown》   《归乡 gui Township》   《无题 Untitled》   《诗人的胆识》   《致青年诗人》   《还乡曲 still out-of -the-way; be far from town》   《乡间行》   《献给我敬爱的祖母》   更多诗歌...

阅读荷尔德林 Friedrich Hölderlin在诗海的作品!!!





生于斯瓦比亚的小城劳芬父亲早故,母亲是牧师之女。曾先后在登肯尔多夫和毛尔布龙隐修院学校学,1788-1793年在图宾根大学神学院获硕士学位,有资格担任神职。但他后来并担任牧师职务,因为他接受的基督教教条同他潜心研究的希腊神话并不相容。他把希腊诸神看成是真实存在的力量。对他来说,诗人 的职责就是在神和人之间起到中介作用。




Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin (pronounced [ˈjoːhan ˈkrɪsti.aːn ˈfriːdrɪç 'hœldərliːn] in German; March 20, 1770 – June 6, 1843) was a major German lyric poet. His work bridges the Classical and Romantic schools.

Hölderlin was born in Lauffen am Neckar in the Duchy of Württemberg. He studied Theology at the Tübinger Stift (seminary of the Protestant Church in Württemberg), where he was friends and roommates with the future philosophers Georg Hegel and Friedrich Schelling.

In 1807, having become largely insane, he was brought into the home of Ernst Zimmer, a Tübingen carpenter with literary leanings, who was an admirer of his Hyperion. For the next 36 years, Hölderlin would live in Zimmer's house, in a tower room overlooking the beautiful Neckar valley, being cared for by the Zimmer family until his death in 1843.


The poetry of Hölderlin, widely recognized today as one of the highest points of German literature, slipped into obscurity shortly after his death; his illness and reclusion made him fade from his contemporaries' consciousness – and, even though selections of his work were being published by his friends already during his lifetime.

In fact, Hölderlin was a man of his time, an early supporter of the French Revolution – in his youth at the Seminary of Tübingen, he and some colleagues from a "republican club" planted a "Tree of Freedom" in the market square, prompting the Grand-Duke himself to admonish the students at the seminary. He was at first carried away by Napoleon, whom he honors in one of his couplets (it should be noted that his exact contemporary Beethoven also initially dedicated his Eroica to the Corsican general).

Like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Schiller, his older contemporaries, Hölderlin was a fervent admirer of ancient Greek culture, but had a very personal understanding of it. In the great poems of his maturity, Hölderlin would generally adopt a large-scale, expansive and unrhymed style. Together with these long hymns and elegies – which included Der Archipelagus ("The Archipelago"), Brot und Wein ("Bread and Wine") and Patmos – he also cultivated a crisper, more concise manner in epigrams and couplets, and in short poems like the famous Hälfte des Lebens ("The Middle of Life"). In his years of madness, he would occasionally pen ingenuous rhymed quatrains, sometimes of a childlike beauty, which he would sign with fantastic names (such as "Scardanelli").


Hölderlin was a poet-thinker who wrote, fragmentarily, on poetic theory and philosophical matters. His theoretical works, such as the essays Das Werden im Vergehen ("Becoming in Dissolution") and Urteil und Sein ("Judgement and Being") are insightful and important if somewhat tortuous and difficult to parse. They raise many of the key problems also addressed by his Tübingen roommates Hegel and Schelling.


Hölderlin's poetry has inspired many composers, perhaps the most famous example being the Schicksalslied by Brahms, a setting of Hyperions Schicksalslied. Other composers to have made settings of his poems include Peter Cornelius, Hans Pfitzner, Richard Strauss (Drei Hymnen), Max Reger (An die Hoffnung), Richard Wetz (Hyperion), Josef Matthias Hauer, Stefan Wolpe, Paul Hindemith (whose First Piano Sonata is inspired by Hölderlin's poem 'Der Main'), Benjamin Britten, Hans Werner Henze (whose Seventh Symphony is also partly inspired by Hölderlin), Bruno Maderna (Hyperion, Stele an Diotima), Heinz Holliger (the Scardanelli-Zyklus), Hans Zender (Hölderlin lesen I-IV), György Kurtág (who planned an opera on Hölderlin), György Ligeti (Hölderlin-Phantasien), Hanns Eisler (Hollywood Liederbuch), Viktor Ullmann (who wrote settings in Terezin concentration camp), Hans Zender, Wolfgang von Schweinitz, Walter Zimmermann (Hyperion, an epistolary opera) and Wolfgang Rihm. Robert Schumann's late piano suite Gesänge der Fruhe was inspired by Hölderlin, as was Luigi Nono's string quartet Stille, an Diotima and in Prometeo


A 2004 film, The Ister, is based on Martin Heidegger's 1942 lecture course (published as Hölderlin's Hymn "The Ister"). The film features Jean-Luc Nancy, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Bernard Stiegler, and Hans-Jürgen Syberberg.

A 1981-82 television drama, "Untertänigst Scardanelli" (The Loyal Scardanelli), directed by Jonatan Briel in Berlin.

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