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尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·雷日科夫 Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov张广友 Zhang Guangyou
米夏埃尔·施蒂默尔 Michael Sturmer洛蔚 Luo Wei
巴巴拉·W.塔奇曼 Barbara W. Tuchman邓六金 Deng Liujin
王充闾 Wang Chonglv何炳松 He Bingsong
郑时文 Zheng Shiwen宋之的 Song Zhide
陈鲤庭 Chen Liting艾伦·金斯伯格 Allen Ginsberg
李金发 Li Jinfa穆木天 Mu Mutian
冯至 Feng Zhi曲波 Qu Bo
杨沫 Yang Mo弗雷德里克-詹姆逊 Fredric Jameson
厉以宁 Li Yining埃勒里·奎因 Ellery Queen
安娜·西格斯 Anna Seghers鲍勃•卢茨 Bob Lutz
约翰·奈斯比特 John Naisbitt玛丽安妮·韦伯 Marianne Weber
木心 Mu Xin太宰治 Tsushima Shūji
余英时 Yu Yingshi温斯顿·丘吉尔 Winston Churchill
小林清之介 Seinosuke Kobayashi费迪南德·利普斯 Ferdinand Lips
邵洵美 Sinmay Zau隆庆一郎
雅歌塔·克里斯多夫 Agota Kristof弗朗西斯科·阿尔贝隆尼 Francesco Alberoni
纳博科夫 Vladimir Nabokov理查德·耶茨 Richard Yates
鲁道夫·希法亭 Rudolf Hilferding玛格丽特·尤瑟纳尔 Marguerite Yourcenar
奈保尔 V. S. Naipaul提勃尔·西托夫斯基 Tibor Scitovsky
雅克·德里达 Jacques Derrida理查德·马特森
萨姆·沃尔顿 Sam Walton雷蒙德·钱德勒 Raymond Thornton Chandler
阿瑟·克拉克 Sir Arthur Charles Clarke安·兰德 Ayn Rand
萨特 Jean-Paul Sartre纪德 André Gide
克劳迪欧·马格里斯 Claudio Magris哈罗德·布鲁姆 Harold Bloom
汉娜·阿伦特 Hannah Arendt杜鲁门•卡波特 Truman Capote
塞林格 Jerome David Salinger理查德·巴赫 Richard David Bach
恩斯特·杨德尔 Ernst Jandl于尔克·舒比格 Jürg Schubiger
卡森·麦卡勒斯 Carson McCullers陈述 Chen Shu
程淯 Cheng Yu逯钦立 Lu Qinli
尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·雷日科夫 Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov
作者  (1929年9月28日)

世界历史 World History《大国悲剧》

阅读尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·雷日科夫 Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov在历史大观的作品!!!
  尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·雷日科夫(н.И.Рыжков, Nikolai Ivannnovich Rizhkov, 1929.9.28- ) 俄罗斯联邦委员会自然垄断委员会主席。曾于1985年9月—1990年12月任苏联部长会议主席,苏共中央政治局委员。
  尼古拉·伊万诺维奇·雷日科夫,1929年9月28日出生于乌克兰顿涅茨克州捷尔任斯基地区。1950年毕业于克拉马托尔新克机器制造学校,在乌拉尔重型机械厂任工长、车间主任、总焊接师、副厂长职。1956年加入苏共。1959年毕业于乌拉尔基洛夫工学院。1960-1970年先后任乌拉尔奥尔忠尼启则重型机器制造厂总工程师、厂长。1971年起任乌拉尔机器生产联合公司总经理。1975-1979年任苏联重型和运输机器制造部第一副部长。1979-1982年起任苏联国家计委第一副主席。1981-1991年当选为苏共中央委员。1982年11月--1985年任苏共中央书记,兼任苏共中央经济部部长。1985年4月为苏共中央政治局委员,同年9月任苏联部长会议主席。1990年12月辞去部长会议主席职务。1989年3月当选为苏联人民代表。1991年6月竞选俄罗斯联邦总统职务,获14%的选票。   雷日科夫曾是苏联最高苏维埃第九、十、十一届议员(1979-1989),俄罗斯联邦最高苏维埃议员(1986-1990),苏联人民议员(1989-1991)。   1995年初重返政坛,领导竞选集团“权力属于人民”;任《真理报》编辑部公众委员会委员;参加国家杜马竞选前任国际社会联盟“欧亚地区:消除切尔诺贝利核电站事故后果参加者”主席。为俄罗斯国家杜马第二届联邦会议委员,俄罗斯人民爱国联盟协调委员会执委会主席,军转民和高技术委员会成员。国家杜马能源、交通和通讯委员会成员。
  《背叛的历史——苏联改革秘录》,高洪山等译,吉林人民出版社,1993   《大动荡的十年》,王攀译,中央编译出版社,2006。   《大国悲剧:苏联解体的前因后果》,徐昌翰译,新华出版社,2008初版,2010修订再版
  《大动荡的十年》 本书是雷日科夫对苏联戈尔巴乔夫时期改革的回忆和反 《背叛的历史——苏联改革秘录》封面
  思,对俄罗斯现状的思考和评述。作者详细介绍了苏联戈尔巴乔夫改革的情况、改革失败的原因和苏联解体的经过,阐述了对当前俄罗斯形势的看法以及俄罗斯摆脱危机困境的出路。书中所述观点虽属一家之言,但是对于我们了解戈尔巴乔夫时期苏联改革的真实内幕、苏联发生剧变乃至解体的原因,了解当前俄罗斯的情况,提供了极其珍贵的第一手资 《大国的悲剧》修订版 封面
  《大国悲剧:苏联解体的前因后果》 本书穿越时空的迷雾,详细、生动、全面地叙述了苏联解体和苏共垮台这一震撼世界的历史性事件的全过程,以独特的视角深刻分析了事件的整体内在逻辑,揭示了与其相关联的各种事件之间的前因后果,展现了苏联各加盟共和国千百万人民由此所经历的困窘和悲惨后果。本书所披露的内容,仅就其权威性而言,已绝非其他人物撰写的回忆录所能比拟。

  Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov (Russian: Николай Иванович Рыжков, Nikolaj Ivanovič Ryžkov; born 28 September 1929) was a Soviet official who became a Russian politician following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. He served as the last Chairman of the Council of Ministers or Premier of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991. Responsible for the cultural and economic administration of the Soviet Union during the late Gorbachev Era, Ryzhkov was succeeded as premier by Valentin Pavlov in 1991. The same year, he lost his seat on the Presidential Council going on to become Boris Yeltsin's leading opponent in the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) 1991 presidential election.
  Ryzhkov was born in the city of Dzerzhynsk, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1929. After graduating in the 1950s he started work in the 1970s and began his political career in local industry, working his way up through the hierarchy of Soviet industrial ministries. In 1979 Ryzhkov was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee. Following Nikolai Tikhonov's resignation as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, Ryzhkov was voted into office in his place. During his tenure, he supported Mikhail Gorbachev's much-needed 1980s reform of the Soviet economy.
  Elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in December 1995 as an independent, Ryzhkov subsequently led the Power to the People block, later becoming the formal leader of the People's Patriotic Union of Russia alongside Gennady Ziuganov, who was an unofficial leader. On 17 September 2003, he resigned his seat in the Duma and became a member of the Federation Council.
  Early life and careerRyzhkov was born on 28 September 1929 in Dzerzhynsk, Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Soviet Union. He graduated from the Kirov Ural Polytechnic Institute in 1959. A technocrat, he started work as a welder then rose through the ranks at the Sverdlovsk Uralmash Plant to become chief engineer, then between 1970–1975, Factory Director of the Uralmash Production Amalgamation. Ryzhkov joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in 1956. He was transferred to Moscow in 1975 and appointed to the post of First Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Heavy and Transport Machine Building. Ryzhkov became First Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee in 1979 and was elected to the CPSU Central Committee in 1981. He was one of several members of the Soviet leadership affiliated to the "Andrei Kirilenko faction".
  Yuri Andropov appointed Ryzhkov head of the Economic Department of the Central Committee where he was responsible for overseeing major planning and financial organs, excluding industry. As head of the department he reported directly to Mikhail Gorbachev and as head of the Central Committee's Economic Department he met with Andropov once a week. Ryzhkov became convinced that had Andropov lived at least another five years, the Soviet Union would have seen a reform package similar to that implemented in the People's Republic of China. During Konstantin Chernenko's short rule, both Ryzhkov and Gorbachev elaborated several reform measures, sometimes in the face of opposition from Chernenko.
  When Gorbachev came to power, Nikolai Tikhonov, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers, was elected Chairman of the newly established Commission on Improvements to the Management System. His title of chairman was largely honorary, with Ryzhkov the de facto head through his position as deputy chairman. Along with Yegor Ligachev, Ryzhkov became a full rather than a candidate member of the Politburo on 23 April 1985 during Gorbachev's tenure as General Secretary. Ryzhkov succeeded Tikhonov on 27 September 1985.
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   Political eventsFollowing the Chernobyl disaster, along with Yegor Ligachev, Ryzhkov visited the crippled plant between 2–3 May 1986. On Ryzhkov's orders the government evacuated everyone within a 30 kilometres (19 mi) radius of the plant. The 30 km radius was a purely random guess and it was later shown that several areas contaminated with radioactive material were left untouched by government evacuation agencies.
  In the aftermath of the 1988 Spitak earthquake in the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR), Ryzhkov promised to rebuild the city of Spitak within two years. A Politburo commission was established to provide guidance for the local ASSR Government with Ryzhkov elected its chairman. The commission then travelled to the ASSR to assess damage caused by the earthquake. During Gorbachev's subsequent visit to the ASSR, and aware of local feelings following the disaster, Ryzhkov persuaded the less sensitive Gorbachev to forgo use of his limousine in favor of public transport. When Gorbachev left the ASSR, Ryzhkov remained to coordinate the rescue operation and made several television appearances which increased his standing amongst the Soviet leadership and the people in general. With his standing thus boosted, on 19 July 1988, at the Central Committee Plenum, Ryzhkov criticised nearly every one of Gorbachev's policies, further complaining that as Party Secretary he should devote more time to the Party. In the end, Ryzhkov failed in his promise to rebuild Spitak, partly due to the Soviet Union's mounting economic problems, and partly because many of the city's Soviet era buildings had not been designed with adequate earthquake protection, making their reconstruction more difficult.
   Economic policyHistorian Jerry F. Hough notes that Gorbachev treated Ryzhkov and his reform attempts just as badly as Leonid Brezhnev treated Alexei Kosygin, one-time Chairman of the Council of Ministers, during the Brezhnev Era. Brezhnev's most notable snub was over the 1965 Soviet economic reform.
  Ryzhkov was an early supporter of the Gorbachev policy calling for an increase in the quantity and quality of goods planned for production during the period of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986–1990). To achieve these goals, the government pumped money into the machine-building sector but as time went by, Gorbachev increasingly diverged from his original stance. He now wanted to increase overall investment in nearly all industrial sectors; a move which Ryzhkov knew was a budgetary impossibility. However, Ryzhkov's economic policies were not much better as he continued to advocate an unreasonable increase in the production of consumer goods. Gorbachev and Ligachev's anti-alcohol campaign was opposed by Ryzhkov, who agreed with the State Planning Committee and the Ministry of Trade that such a drive would lose the state billions of rubles in income. Nevertheless, the campaign went ahead, losing the Soviet Government millions in revenues. Ryzhkov's opposition to the campaign was strengthened by his belief that both Gorbachev and Ligachev placed ideology before practical considerations, and he instead advocated an alternative long-term program rather than one designed to have immediate effect.
  Ryzhkov and Gorbachev continued their work on economic reform and in 1987 began drafting the Law on the State Enterprise, which restricted the authority of central planners. This would later come into effect and give workers an unrealistically high level of power. Nikolai Talyzin, Chairman of the State Planning Committee, became the scapegoat for the failure of this reform and on the orders of Ryzhkov he was replaced by Yuri Maslyukov.
  While supporting the transition away from a planned economy, Ryzhkov understood that privatisation would weaken the government's power. As changes occurred, skepticism over perestroika and privatisation was not limited to high-level government officialdom. Several middle and low-ranking officials, who owed their rise in the hierarchy to government-owned enterprises, wanted to retain the existing system. Gorbachev also blamed Ryzhkov and the Council of Ministers for the economic difficulties which arose during perestroika, a move which fostered resentment for both Gorbachev and perestroika. Nevertheless in 1986, Ryzhkov stated that he, along with the rest of the Soviet leadership, were already discussing the possibility of creating a market economy in the Soviet Union. Ryzhkov supported the creation of a "regulated market economy" where the government sector occupied the "commanding heights" of the economy as well as the creation of semi private-public companies. His second cabinet, several high-standing members of the KGB and the military establishment all supported Ryzhkov's opposition to the 500 Days Programme, which espoused a quick transition to a market economy. Matters did not improve when at the second session of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Soviet Union, Ryzhkov proposed postponing the transition to a market economy until 1992, further suggesting that in the period between 1990–1992, recentralisation of government activities would ensure a period of stabilisation.
  Ryzhkov's economic reform plan was a hybrid of Leonid Abalkin's and one created by himself in conjunction with the Maslyukov chaired State Planning Committee along with several other government institutions. On 5 July 1989 the State Commission of the Council of Ministers on Economic Reforms was established, which replaced Maslyukov's reform commission. The new commission was chaired by Abalkin, who had also been appointed Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers.
  With strong support from Ryzhkov, Gorbachev abolished the Central Committee economic department, thereby strengthening the authority of central government over economic matters. From then on, the government could not be blamed for economic policies initiated by the Party leadership. The establishment of the post of President of the Soviet Union by Gorbachev in 1990 weakened the power of the government apparatus; a move Ryzhkov and his second cabinet opposed.
   Price reformAccording to Swedish economist Anders Åslund, Ryzhkov differed little from Gorbachev when it came to price reform. There were, however, subtle differences between the two men's views, with Ryzhkov supporting an administratively controlled price increase while Gorbachev, as a radical economist who supported market reform, opposed such measures. As Hough noted, Ryzhkov supported "the need for greater fiscal responsibility", while Gorbachev advocated the need for more rational prices which, according to Hough, would have brought inflation under control. Ryzhkov proposed price reform measures to Gorbachev several times but was turned down on each occasions, even though Gorbachev had argued strongly on the need for price reform in his speeches. Gorbachev strengthened his public image by accusing the Soviet leadership's conservative faction together with Ryzhkov, of delaying implementation of the necessary price reform. Ryzhkov had the backing of several high-standing institutions, such as the Ministry of Finance and the State Committee on Prices, chaired by the future Soviet Premier Valentin Pavlov. In contrast to Gorbachev, Ryzhkov actually had, according to Hough, a plan for a transition to a market economy. Gorbachev on the other hand was never able to turn words into deeds.
  By 1988 Ryzhkov increasingly sided with Leonid Abalkin, one of the few economists who advocated fiscal responsibility. At the 19th Conference of the Central Committee, Abalkin was severely criticised by Gorbachev, and accused of "economic determinism". Several conference delegates agreed with Gorbachev, but Ryzhkov's support remained solid. Abalkin was ordered to deliver a report to the Presidium of the Council of Ministers by December, which as things turned out, put financial stability at the top of its agenda. Gorbachev disliked Abalkin's report and rejected Ryzhkov's requests that he support it. Ryzhkov was then forced to create an even more conservative reform plan for 1989 in which price reform was to be postponed until 1991. When the Abalkin report was proposed at the Central Committee plenum, the majority of delegates indirectly attacked Gorbachev for his indecisiveness when it came to the implementation of price reform. In April 1990, after submitting a draft to the Presidential Council and the Federation Council, Ryzhkov's price reform was initiated. However, a short while later it was once more put on hold following severe criticism from Boris Yeltsin and several pro-Gorbachev intellectuals. The economic turmoil which hit the Soviet Union in 1990 was blamed on Ryzhkov, even though it was Gorbachev who had delayed Ryzhkov's proposed reform.
  In his memoirs, Gorbachev vaguely asserts that a single price increase would be better than several. Things did not improve for Ryzhkov when, at the 28th Party Congress, Gorbachev claimed it would be "absurd" to begin serious economic reform with price increases.
   Fall from powerIn August 1990 several leading officials tried to persuade Gorbachev to force Ryzhkov to resign from his post. Gorbachev did not bow to this pressure, fearing that Ryzhkov's removal would lead to increased activity by many of his pro-republican first secretaries and Politburo members. Ryzhkov's numerous supporters were not concerned about policy issues; they backed him simply because he opposed some of Gorbachev's economic and political reforms. In July 1990, as the Politburo underwent restructuring at the 28th Party Congress, all government officials except Gorbachev and Vladimir Ivashko, the Deputy General Secretary, were excluded with Ryzhkov losing his Politburo seat by default. Nevertheless, Ryzhkov, along with many others, was elected a member of the Presidential Council. On 19 October 1990 the Russian Supreme Soviet, by a vote of 164 to 1 with 16 abstentions, forced the resignation of Ryzhkov and his cabinet and the implementation of the 500 Days Programme. In stark contrast, Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union support for Ryzhkov's economic reform plan increased. Ryzhkov's economic reform plan was passed by an overwhelming majority, with 1,532 deputies in favour, 419 against and 44 deputies abstaining. The parliamentary Interregional Group's vote of no confidence in Ryzhkov's government also failed, with 199 members in favour of Ryzhkov and his cabinet's resignation, 1,685 against and 99 abstaining. As the result of a propaganda war launched against Ryzhkov by Gorbachev supporters, several leading members of the Council of Ministers and its Presidium urged Ryzhkov to resign so that the Soviet Government could reach a compromise with the Russian Government. To make matters worse, the Russian Government which was headed by Ivan Silayev, stopped following Ryzhkov's orders, and Silayev refused to visit the Moscow Kremlin.
  Ryzhkov's Plan and The 500 Days Programme were broadly similar, with both supporting price liberalisation, decentralisation and privatisation. The main difference between the two was Ryzhkov's desire to retain much of the social security system, free education for all and the continuance of a strong central government apparatus. The 500 Days Programme did not mention political union with the other Soviet republics, but instead weakened the authority of the central government by establishing a market economy. In other words, they left the question of continuing or dissolving the Soviet Union open. On 17 September in a meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union, Gorbachev openly supported the 500 Days Programme, claiming it would not lead to the reestablishment of capitalism, but instead to a mixed economy where private enterprise played an important role.
  In December 1990 Ryzhkov suffered a heart attack. During his recovery, the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union dissolved the Council of Ministers and replaced it with the Cabinet of Ministers headed by Valentin Pavlov, Ryzhkov's former Minister of Finance. The law enacting the change was passed on 26 December 1990, but the new structure was not implemented until 14 January 1991 when Pavlov took over as Prime Minister of the Soviet Union. Between Ryzhkov's hospitalisation and Pavlov's election as Prime Minister, Lev Voronin acted as the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. The reorganisation of the government made it subordinate to the Presidency, weakening the head of government's hold on economic policy. In contrast to Hough's view that Gorbachev had little reason to remove Ryzhkov, Gordon M. Hahn argues that there were good reasons to replace him given that with Ryzhkov's Politburo support much reduced, the reformist opposition saw him as a conservative.
   RSFSR politics and post-Soviet Russia
  Ryzhkov as depicted on 27 November 2009 in a photo by Dmitry RozhkovAfter recovering from his heart attack, in early 1991 Ryzhkov stood as the Communist candidate in the first election of the President of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). At the election on 12 June 1991, he gained 13,395,335 votes, equal to 16.9% of the electorate. Boris Yeltsin beat him decisively with 57%. Ryzhkov's vice presidential candidate was Boris Gromov, a Soviet war veteran who led the Soviet military during the final stages of the war in Afghanistan. Most of Ryzhkov's votes came from the countryside, while he had hoped to win over voters who were becoming increasingly disenfranchised as a result of perestroika and Gorbachev's leadership, even though the latter supported his candidacy.
  During the 1995 legislative campaign, Ryzhkov defended his own tenure as Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers, claiming that Russians were far worse off under capitalism than Soviet communism. Russian TV channel NTV broadcast a debate featuring only Ryzhkov and Grigory Yavlinsky, a liberal politician who strongly supported the economic reforms pursued by Yeltsin's regime. At the election, he was elected to the State Duma Federal Assembly as an independent candidate. Once elected, he headed the Power to the People bloc, a communist faction with nationalist tendencies. The Power to the People bloc came about through the merger of Ryzhkov's supporters and the All-People's Union headed by Sergey Baburin. Its policies were left-wing and included revival of the Soviet Union, the introduction of a planned economy, more state involvement in the economy and the promotion of nationalism and patriotism. During the 1996 presidential election Ryzhkov endorsed Gennady Zyuganov, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF) candidate, for the presidency.
  In 1996, Ryzhkov was one of the founders of the CPRF-led alliance of leftists and nationalists known as the People's Patriotic Union of Russia (PPUR) and was elected chairman of its Duma faction. The PPUR's formal leaders were Ryzhkov and Ziuganov, who was a unofficial leader. In September 2003, Ryzhkov entered the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation as the representative for Belgorod Oblast, subsequently resigning his seat in the State Duma. He currently serves as Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on Natural Monopolies, as a member of the Committee on Local Self-Governance and as co-chairman of the Russian–Armenian commission on inter-parliamentary cooperation.
   Awards, decorations and ordersRyzhkov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour in 1966 and 1985, the Order of the October Revolution in 1971, the Order of Lenin in 1976 and 1979 and the Order of Merit for the Fatherland Fourth degree in 2004. A monument in recognition of his contribution to the reconstruction process in Armenia following the 1988 Spitak earthquake was erected by the Armenian Government in 1998. In 2008, the Armenian Government awarded Ryzhkov their highest state decoration, the National Hero of Armenia. The Ukrainian Government bestowed the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise on him "for his outstanding contribution to the development of Russian–Ukrainian cooperation on the occasion of his 75th birthday" on 24 September 2004 while the Russian President awarded Ryzhkov the Diploma of the President on 3 October 2009.

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