南明 人物列表
朱由嵩 Zhu Youshong朱常洵 Zhu Changxun朱聿键 Zhu Yujian
朱聿镆 Zhu Yumo朱聿???? Zhu Yu朱常清 Zhu Changqing
朱由榔 Zhu Youlang定武帝 Ding Wudi朱以海 Zhu Yihai
朱常淓 Zhu Changfang朱慈烺 Zhu Cilang朱宇温 Zhu Yuwen
朱宙栐 Zhu Zhouyong朱硕熿 Zhu Shuohuang朱器墭 Zhu Qisheng
朱常瀛 Zhu Changying朱亨嘉 Zhu Hengjia
朱聿???? Zhu Yu
南明  (1605年1647年)
网笔号: 贞天应道昭崇德毅宁文宏武达仁闵孝节皇帝
庙号: 文宗
陵墓: 广州越秀公园


  Ming Shao Wudi, name of Zhu Yu ???? (1605 -1 646), the 1646 -1,647 years in office, less than one year, is the Ming emperors (? -1 646), the first Ming emperor 23 sub-set of Wang Zhu Jing Tang 7 generation descendant, Nan Mingshao cases (Lung Emperor) brother. Long Emperor died, his fifth day in November in the year the Qing Shunzhi was lieutenant-governor of Guangdong Scholar Suguan Sheng and Gu Yuan microscope backers in Guangzhou, reign Shaowu, was later historians called Shaowu dynasty, and Zhaoqing The Emperor Yongli court against each other. Shaowu dynasty short life, the same year on December 15, Cheng-Dong Li guided by the Guangdong and Fujian scored mixing bowls city, seizing Guangzhou, Zhu Yu ???? died by hanging (some say killed), ending his one- Emperor month career, the history, "Shao Wudi," Emperor Wu of Zheng Chenggong and supervise the country, the East Nanao Island in 1647 on the posthumous Temple of Chen Wen-tsung days should Road Zhaochong Ning Wang Wu Daren into the text section of Emperor Xuan Xiao Min. Shaowu Jun Chen tomb in Guangzhou Yuexiu Park.

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