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蒙隆舜 Meng Longshun蒙舜化贞 Meng Shunhuazhen郑买嗣 Zheng Maisi
郑仁旻 Zheng Renmin郑隆亶 Zheng Longdan杨干贞 Yang Ganzhen
蒙隆舜 Meng Longshun
南诏  (?877年897年)
名: 蒙世舜
网笔号: 圣明文武帝


  Lung Shun (? -897 Years), a practice, shih lung, son of Emperor Nanzhao second generation, 877 years to 897 years in office. 877, shih lung passed away, Lung Shun ascended the throne. 878 years, the Lung Shun Feng change the country for large people. And the Tang Dynasty had reached and the pro-agreement soon caught in civil strife since the Tang Dynasty, is doing. Lung Shun wallow in hunting, 897, buy Si Zheng Qingping officials ordered the Elegance Nanzhao Montessori Yang Teng, illustrates the city in good killed Nanzhao Emperor Shun Long, Long Chen Shun Zishun of the throne.
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