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郑仁旻 Zheng Renmin郑隆亶 Zheng Longdan杨干贞 Yang Ganzhen
蒙寻阁劝 Meng Xungequan
南诏  (778年809年)
名: 蒙新觉劝
网笔号: 孝惠王


  Court seeking to persuade (778 -809), the different Mu find the son of King of Nan Zhao fourth generation, 808 years to 809 years in office. 808 years, look for different Mou death Court, seeking to persuade the throne. Puma Court seeking to persuade the letter claimed, the following year, only to find 31-year-old died Court advised, posthumous title of Xiao Hui Wang, Sheng Long advised his eldest son ascended the throne.
<< 前一君主: 孝恒王 蒙异牟寻南诏蒙寻阁劝 Meng Xungequan
后一君主 >>: 幽王 蒙劝龙晟

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