郑国 人物列表
姬友 Ji You姬掘突 Ji Juetu姫寤生 Zhen Wusheng姬忽 Ji Hu
姬突 Ji Tu姬踕 Ji Jie姬子兰 Ji Zilan姬子夷 Ji Ziyi
姬子坚 Ji Zijian姬沸 Ji Fei姬睔 Ji Gun姬恽 Ji Yun
姬嘉 Ji Jia姬宁 Ji Ning姬趸 Ji Dun姬胜 Ji Sheng
姬易 Ji Yi姬丑 Ji Chou姬已 Ji Yi姬骀 Ji Dai
姬乙 Ji Yi姬忽 Ji Hu郑子亹 Zheng Zimen
姫寤生 Zhen Wusheng
郑国  (前757年前701年)
网笔号: 庄公

  郑庄公 姫寤生 (前757年 ─ 前701年),为中国春秋时代郑国君主,《史记十二诸侯年表》记载,生年在郑武公十四年(前757年)。
  郑庄公对几名儿子均相当宠爱,加上宋国和齐国进行干预,郑国在庄公死后发生长达二十年的内乱。郑庄公有四个儿子先后出任国君,分别为世子忽 (郑昭公)、突 (郑厉公)、子亹及婴 (子仪),最后以子仪被杀、郑厉公复国结束,并由郑厉公的子孙继承郑国君位。
  姬寤生是郑武公和夫人武姜的长子 (原繁可能是姬寤生的同父异母兄长)。姬段是姬寤生的同母弟。由于姬寤生出生时脚先出来造成难产,故取名寤生(寤通“牾”)。武姜因此不喜欢寤生,曾要求郑武公废寤生而立段为世子,未获郑武公接纳。
  前720年,周平王去世,周朝廷准备委任虢公执政,取代郑庄公。郑国在这年先后收割了温地的麦和成周的禾,周郑关系进一步恶化。到了前717年,郑庄公入朝,周桓王因为郑国擅自领军取用王畿的麦,不以礼接待郑庄公。郑庄公不满周王的做法,两年后 (前716年) 未有禀告周王便和鲁国交换领土 (该协议于前711年落实),但同年又与齐国一同入朝。
  郑庄公于前701年去世,世子忽即位,是为郑昭公。同年,宋庄公威胁祭足立公子突,结果郑昭公流亡,公子突即位,是为郑厉公。到了前697年,祭足又赶走郑厉公而迎接郑昭公回国。昭公复位两年后被暗杀,子亹继位,不足一年即被齐襄公擒杀。祭足再立子仪为郑伯,在位 14 年。祭足死后两年,郑厉公回国复位,子仪被臣下所杀。郑厉公死后由其子继承君位,是为郑文公。

  Duke Zhuang of Zheng Zheng Wugong out Renzhou Ping succeeded his father King Qing Shi, and later King Ping of Zhou Chongxin Guo public, Duke Zhuang of Zheng and Zhou Dynasty relations began to deteriorate. During the reign of the Duke Zhuang of Zheng, Zheng Guoguo strong potential, and has occurred in the war, including the duke's younger brother, Ji rebellion launched by paragraph, and the defeated King Huan of Zhou led by Chen, Tsai, Ge Xu Guo and other coalition forces battle . Especially the latter, established Zheng's "little tyrant," the situation, confirmed the decline of the Eastern Zhou authority.
  Health is Zhengwu Gong Ji Wu and his wife, the eldest son of Wu Jiang (the original fan may be born half-brother, Ji Wu). Ji Wu Ji paragraph is born with half brother. Ji Wu was born because when students come out feet first cause dystocia, so named Wu Health (Wu Tong "agriculture topic"). Wu Jiang, therefore students do not like the Wu, has asked the Zhengwu Gong Wu waste section for the students of Prince standing, not Zhengwu Gong accepted.
  Duke Zhuang of Zheng ascended the throne immediately after the Beijing section of the manor as Ji, Ji segment for the capital, said the uncle. Dr. Ji Zu dissuade the duke, the duke did not listen. Later, Tai Shu strengthen itself, son of Lu the doctor also discourage the duke. The duke said to them, even if the Tai Shu Duan rebellion strength, but unjust, unpopular, then do not worry. 722 years ago, Tai Shu Wu Jiang collusion paragraph rebellion, the duke was defeated. The situation was critical, "Chu Language Mandarin to" records, tert-infested village section of the public to the capital, Zheng Ji Hu and can not be founding.
  External Relations
  720 years ago, King Ping of Zhou's death, the public power Guo Zhou Zhaoting intends to appoint to replace the Duke Zhuang of Zheng. Zheng harvest this year, he began a temperature in the wheat and into the week Wo, Zhou Zheng relations deteriorate further. To the previous 717 years, Duke Zhuang of Zheng for Korea, because King Huan of Zhou Ji Zheng unauthorized access to the leading wheat, not to ceremony reception Duke Zhuang of Zheng. Duke Zhuang of Zheng Zhou dissatisfied with the practice of the king, after two years (before 716 years) without consulting his week, and Lu Wang will exchange territories (711 years before the agreement was implemented), but the same year, together with Korea to Qi.
  Duke Zhuang of Zheng in 701 years before the death of Prince suddenly came to the throne, is Zhengzhao Gong. In the same year, public threats Jizu Songzhuang son suddenly established, the results Zheng Zhaogong exile, son suddenly came to the throne, is Cheng Li company. To the previous 697 years, Jizu it off the public and meet Zhengzhao Gong Cheng Li returned. Zhao Gong reset the assassination two years later, sub-Wei throne, less than a year Ji Bei Qi Xianggong Qinsha. Jizu again the sub-meter to Zheng Bo, reigned for 14 years. Jizu death two years, Cheng Li company returned reset, Ziyi was killed by his courtiers. Cheng Li company inherited the throne after the death of his son, is Zhengwen Gong.
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