法国 List of Authors
Louis-Philippe of France
法国 七月王朝  (October 6, 1773 ADAugust 26, 1850 AD)
Reign1830 AD1848 AD

  Louis Philippe (Louis-Philippe of France, 1773 年 10 月 6 日 -1,850 on August 26), King of France (1830 ~ 1848).
  During the French Revolution
  April 1793 Northern Army Commander, he kai, Du Maurier (Dumouriez) go over the Austrians, and to the Swiss asylum. November the same year his father was executed by the Government when the Jacobins, he became the Duke of Orleans. He lived in the U.S. more than two years, then decided to return to Europe. He arrived in England in early 1800, long-term residence in England. 1809 to Sicily, and Naples, the King's daughter 玛丽阿玛丽 (Marie Amalie of Bourbon-Sicilies) marriage, birth to ten children:
  3. Mary, (b. 1813 年 4 月 12 日-d.1839) married Duke Alexander of Württemberg (b.1804-d.1881).
  6. Clement Ting, (b. 1817 年 6 月 3 日-d.1907) married Saxe - Coburg - Gotha of Augustus (b.1818-d.1881).
  9. Henry, Omar Duke (b. 1822 年 6 月 16 日-d.1897) married Bourbon - Two Sicilies in Mallika Carolina (b.1822-d.1869)
  In 1814 the first restoration of Louis XVIII returned to France when Louis Philip. 1830, Charles X tried to implement repressive laws, triggered in 1830 the French July Revolution (July 27 ~ 30). July 31, the Legislative Assembly elected him as Wang Guoshe government. Two days after Charles's abdication, August 9, crowned King of France, Louis Philippe. Monarch sent his right-wing extremist, and between the Socialists and other Republicans to take the middle path, in order to consolidate his power. 1846 industrial and agricultural depression, widespread discontent led to the revolution in France in February. He was on Feb. 24, 1848 abdication, seclusion in Surrey, England and died in 1850.
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七月王朝Louis-Philippe of France
(1830 AD1848 AD)

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